Traswell was extremely disgusted, but he couldn't push the dead bear away. He could only watch him place the dirty photos in front of him again, and pointed at one of the photos of the maid girl and asked:

"Do you recognize this face?"

"This face?"

Truswell frowned. He was too excited just now and didn't pay attention. Now that the pink bear mentioned it, he actually felt that it looked familiar:

"It seems like a certain saint?"

"Yes, this is the appearance of the last saint. It seems that your memory is not too bad."

Pink Bear then asked: "Then do you think Her Majesty the Saint would wear such clothes?"


Truswell shook his head almost conditionally, joking, how could Her Royal Highness, the holy and noble saint of the Church of Life, who is admired by countless believers, wear such shameless clothes and do such shameless things?

He would rather believe that Her Majesty the Queen would do this than Her Majesty the Saint.

"Very good, no. In that case, looking at the photo above, do you understand now?"

"Understand what?" Truswell frowned, still asking in a daze.

“Photos can be faked, you idiot!!”

Pink Bear patted the half-remaining long table and said seriously:

"I can forge ten photos for you in one minute using magic rubbings, like the one just now. Do you think this kind of thing is credible?"

"It seems... too."

Truswell nodded subconsciously, feeling that there was indeed some truth in what he said. Photos could indeed be forged as long as they were clever.

Hiss... No, judging the authenticity of the evidence is already in the subsequent trial. There is no need to emphasize it now...

"Tsk, tsk, you don't even understand this."

Pink Bear clasped his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle. He walked back to Mu En with a sigh on his face, then turned back and smiled contemptuously: "How can a person like you get into the position of chief judge? Imperial Pill!"

"You bastard!"

Traswell was finally completely irritated and could no longer care about anything else. He picked up the gavel and was about to expel the pink bear in the name of interfering with the trial.

But... just before the gavel fell.

"What the emperor said makes sense."

The cold words made Truswell's movements suddenly stagnant.

"Nowadays, the development of magic is becoming more and more prosperous. Master Trobol of the Tower of Origin created image magic that can be completely fake and real twenty years ago. Although the magic that Pang Ran imitated and learned will definitely not reach this level, but if he I took it personally, so there’s no way to tell whether this photo is authentic or not.”

Celecia held her chin, picked up the photo with her fingers, and threw it away casually: "Therefore, this kind of thing is indeed inappropriate as evidence. Qualifications are indeed important, but as a judge, it is taboo to do things behind closed doors. How can we bring about a fair trial if we don’t know the information? Do you think so, Justice Truswell?”

"...Your Majesty, your Majesty is right."

After a moment of silence, Truswell took a deep breath and squeezed out these words almost from his lungs.

Although everyone here knows that it is impossible to invite Master Tropol just because Boogard gets the family, Pink Bear's messiness just now does show that this evidence is not tenable.

Justice that is not convincing is not justice.

This is the profound meaning and warning in the Queen's words just now.

"How about it?"

Pink Bear high-fived Mu En and asked proudly.

"Full marks."

Mu En made a serious comment.


"I won't miss you."

Mu En leaned close to Pink Bear's ear and said in a low voice: "I know where to buy that kind of thing!"


Pink Bear's eyes lit up and he felt that his trip was indeed not in vain.

This kid can handle it!

While drawing cakes for the pink bear, Mu En did not forget to glance at Celcia secretly.

In his eyes, Celcia's cold appearance at this moment was like an angel descending to earth.

As for the other two seniors and Liya, they didn't do anything strange from beginning to end. They just guarded him silently like invisible arms.

Sure enough, are you here to save me?

Sorry, I apologize for having such despicable thoughts before. You are all my wings, how could you really do anything to me?

Mu En was so moved that her eyes almost filled with tears, and she once again smiled like a Buddha. can rest assured.

"It is difficult to tell whether the photo is authentic, so... it cannot be used as evidence to prove that Moon Campbell colluded with the evil god!"

Truswell dropped the gavel, conclusively concluding this little farce.


Count Boogard stayed where he was. He didn't expect that what he had carefully prepared would be easily resolved by Pink Bear and His Majesty singing and singing.

According to calculations, that photo was originally a very important part of my ability to force His Majesty. If it goes down, it may not be able to force His Majesty at all, but if it goes up... it will be a complete defeat.

And now...

Count Boogard stole a glance at Celecia. She was still expressionless, watching the drama calmly, but Count Boogard seemed to read a hint of sarcasm in her eyes.

That kind of calmness, overlooking the struggle of the ants... sarcasm.

So he couldn't help but shudder.

"Count Boogard, can you provide any new evidence? If not..."

"I, of course I can!"

Truswell's voice awakened Count Boogard, and he answered hurriedly.

That’s right, it’s not over yet.

Having come this far, how could he be frightened by a yellow-haired girl?

Since you want to play, I will accompany you to the end!

"This is my new evidence."

Count Boogard took out a container wrapped in layers of magic lines and opened it in front of everyone.

And what was stored in the container... turned out to be an eyeball!

That eyeball is much larger than a human's and should come from some kind of beast. Surprisingly, there is only one eyeball left, but with the blessing of the container, everyone can clearly detect that this eyeball also has amazing powers. activity.

He even occasionally turned his eyes slightly to look at people.

"What is this?" After the pink bear's lesson, Justice Truswell was much more cautious this time.

"As you can see, this is an eyeball, but it is not an ordinary eyeball. It comes from a rare magical beast called a beholder!"


"Yes, I think with the knowledge of the great judge, I should have heard of this kind of magical beast. It can temporarily store the images it sees, the smells it collects, the aftermath of its breath, and even... the remnants of some kind of power in its eyes. ”

"It does have this ability."

Truswell nodded. Although beholders are rare, they are not a new species that has emerged in the past few decades, so it is impossible to have the same situation as above, where they have not been in contact with the outside world for decades and are completely unaware of it.

"To be honest, the photos just now are also from the scenes recorded by the beholder. However, since you don't believe in photos, I can only come up with the most convincing things..."

Count Boogard raised the container in his hand high and looked around at everyone. His eyes especially stayed on Celcia for a while before he continued:

"That's what's left in it, the remnants of the evil god's power!"

Everyone's eyesight was beyond ordinary people. After the guidance of Count Boogard, they soon saw that in the lens of this elite eyeball, there was indeed a touch of... strange pitch black color.

"Is that true?"

Mu En's eyes narrowed.

Ever since the previous photo came out, he had wondered if it was the remnants of a World of Warcraft that he accidentally let loose when he was fighting the little girl. Now that he saw it, the truth was much scarier than the remnants of a World of Warcraft.


Among the thousands of monsters that the little girl sewed, it was impossible for her to identify this monster.

Perhaps Count Boogard was originally monitoring the little girl to prevent her from losing control or having any accidents, so he added such a special thing to the limbs of the monsters. This was to be expected.

I didn't expect it to be used in this way in the end.

So in the end, I still didn't have enough control over the power at that time. When my mental power was exhausted, I didn't pay attention to the traces of Hei Ri's power and leaked it.

"Nonsense! It's just a big eyeball. You say that if there is residual power, there will be residual power? Are you contemptuous of the Tribunal?"

The pink bear reacted quickly and immediately jumped out to give Count Boogard a hat first.

But Count Boogard was not Truswell. He knew the pink bear very well, so he ignored him and turned to look at Celcia.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?"

"Why do you ask me, my dear?"

"I just want to know whether your Majesty believes it or not?"

"Does it matter whether you believe it or not?"

Celecia curled her lips and said, "Isn't the so-called trial about the truth?"

"That's it..."

Bugard also smiled, but the smile still revealed a hint of madness.

"In that case, there's nothing we can do about it."

Count Boogard suddenly raised his head and shouted:

"Since some people still don't believe the authenticity of this thing, then I apply for testing!"

"Oh? Who are you going to ask to test it?" Truswell asked.

"Hmph, does this kind of thing still require too much consideration? Isn't that why I worked so hard to facilitate this tripartite trial?"

Count Boogard seemed to have regained his confidence again, and announced in a sonorous tone:

"I request that the authority on matters related to the evil god, the Empire's special institution - the Silence Agency, be allowed to conduct a thorough test of the power in this eyeball!"


As soon as the words fell, the room fell silent for an instant.

Everyone's eyes fell on Count Boogard and the girl beside him who was playing with her hair out of boredom.

"Do you want to request a test?"

Pink Bear asked blankly.

"That's right!"

"Let the silence agency detect it?"

"Of course? Are you scared?"

Count Boogard smiled coldly.

In fact, this request was carefully considered by him.

It is definitely impossible for the empire. Judging from her actions just now, the queen is determined to keep her fiancé.

After thinking about it, the Life Church had no choice but to give up, because in the previous situation, it was obvious that Moon Campbell had a close relationship with the church, and the church was behind several actions.

Therefore, this task can only fall to the most mysterious and most ruthless mechanism of silence that acts against the remnants of the evil god.

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