Judging from the rumors that they shake eggs from evil believers' homes to loosen their yellow color, slap passing dogs, and pull out earthworms and cut them in half vertically, even if I don't care because of their excessive secrecy, I understand the temperament of the sword holder, but I think he would never do anything to protect the remnants of the evil god.

So this is the best choice!

"That's it..."

The pink bear finally understood and kept nodding his head:

"Afraid, I'm afraid, I'm scared to death..."

As he spoke, he pulled Mu En's shoulders and laughed...


"why are you laughing?"

"I'm not laughing."

"Nonsense, you were clearly laughing and never stopped!"

With that said, Earl Bugard frowned again and looked at Mu En, who was also unable to hold back:

"What are you laughing at again?"

"Pfft...I didn't laugh either."

"Do you think I'm blind? You clearly..."


Truswell banged his gavel to silence everyone.

"In this case, according to Count Bugard's idea, please ask the Silent Agency to check whether there is any residual power of the evil god in the beholder, and if so, whether it is related to Moon Campbell."

Truswell looked at Anna, his tone softened, and this time he did not forget her identity:

"Can I?"

"Of course, I'm more than happy to oblige."

Ana smiled slightly, hooked her fingers, and the container automatically flew up and landed in her hand.

She played with it for a while, then glanced at Mu En with a charming look from the corner of her eye.

Mu En's bones were numb, so she straightened her chest and raised her head even more, looking at Count Boogard who still looked confused, and sneered in her heart.

Hum, all the referees here are my people, how can you fight with me?

15. Triangle

"Then, please, Your Excellency, the sword bearer of the Silence Agency, examine this evidence and give a fair result."

Count Boogard bowed his aristocratic salute and requested respectfully.

For a moment, everyone's attention was attracted by the beautiful and charming girl, waiting for her response.

Everyone understands that her next words will affect the direction of the entire trial.

"Of course, I will check it very carefully and give a fair and just result."

Anna covered her mouth and smiled, her words gentle and a little seductive.

Especially when saying this, he glanced at Mu En seemingly inadvertently. The swaying amorous feelings hidden in his eyes instantly made Mu En's bones go numb, and he couldn't help but recall the past with his senior sister in his mind. The beauty and charm.

Come on, senior sister, check it hard, I'm waiting for your fair result!

Mu En ignored the other two cold eyes that evolved from sleet to blizzard, and smiled tenderly at Anna.

Anna also seemed to accept Mu En's encouragement, and the smile on her face grew wider.

She stretched out her hand.

The beholder's eyeballs floated up from the container, fell into her palm, and rotated lightly with the movements of her fingertips.

But suddenly, as if he noticed something, his eyes suddenly began to scurry around in fear, trying to escape, but he was helplessly trapped by those slender fingers, unable to escape from her palm.

Finally, as the eyeballs trembled violently, an ink-like mark was pulled out from the eyeballs.

Anna touched the ink mark with her fingertips, as if to confirm something, and nodded gently.

"Is there any result?"

Count Boogard immediately asked anxiously.

"The result... it's almost there."

"Really?" Count Boogard looked excited.

"But before I announce the results, may I say a few words?"

"Say a few words?"

Count Boogard was a little puzzled, but Truswell had already banged the gavel.

"Nature allows it, please say."


Anna cleared her throat and stood up from her seat.

The dark uniform of the Silence Agency could not completely cover up her devilish and enchanting curves. Standing up like this made her figure appear more slender.

She pondered for a moment, her eyes swept over Celcia, the girl shrouded in holy light, and finally she glanced at Mu En secretly, giving her a reassuring look, and then spoke slowly.

"Actually, I think Count Boogard's invitation to me to conduct this test was not a good choice."

"What?" Count Boogard was stunned, not expecting Anna to say this suddenly.

"Because you may not know that Moon Campbell and I are fellow seniors at St. Mary's College. He always likes to call me senior, no matter what time he is."

With that said, Anna once again cast a flirtatious look at Mu En, but unlike the previous concealment, this time she was well caught by Count Boogard.

"The relationship between the two of us is very good~"


Is there such a thing?

Count Boogard's eyes widened in surprise.

Moon Campbell actually has such a deep relationship with the new sword holder of the Silence Agency. I didn't find out... No, with the level of confidentiality of the Silence Agency, it is impossible for me to investigate this kind of thing.

But...is it logically possible for this to happen? What kind of virtue is that Moon Campbell? Not only can he be obsessed with His Majesty and protect him with all his strength, but he can also make such a beautiful and high-ranking sword holder also ambiguous about him?

Is he the reincarnation of a succubus?

Count Boogard's excited expression stiffened a little, but the smile on his face did not disappear.

It just transferred to Mu En's face.

Listening to Anna's words, Mu En couldn't help but recall those wonderful years in the academy, and couldn't help but smile happily.

That's right, dear senior, just like this, let's bring this farce to a complete end.

"Wait, since you have a relationship with Moon Campbell, you can't..."

Count Boogard reacted quickly and immediately wanted to remedy the situation.

But it was already too late. Anna's next words had already been carried by the breeze to every part of the judgment hall and to everyone's ears.

"My relationship with Moon Campbell is indeed a bit close..."

"I admit that this close relationship may even affect my decision-making."


Just when Count Boogard's face became more and more ugly, and Mu En became more and more happy, the gentle smile on Anna's face suddenly turned into the little devil-like evil smile that Mu En was familiar with:

"As the sword holder of the Silence Agency, I must take responsibility for matters related to the evil god, so I declare..."

"The power carried by this eyeball is definite, unquestionable, and irrefutable...it comes from an unknown evil god!!"

The air was silent for a moment.

Everyone seemed to be thinking about the meaning of this sentence.




And when everyone understood what Anna's words meant, all kinds of confused looks appeared on various faces one after another.

Who am I where am I what do I hear?

Are what Miss Anna is saying now... and what she said just now a little bit... contradictory?

"Is...is that so?"

Count Boogard was the first to react, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and then asked:

"Then is there any connection between the power above and Moon Campbell?"

"Contact, about this..."

Anna's beautiful eyes rolled as she looked at Mu En, who was stunned at this moment. A desire to eat him immediately arose in her heart, but she suppressed it well and said with a chuckle:

"The test of the evil god's power is actually a very troublesome matter. Forgive me for my limited power, and I cannot get an exact result for the time being."



Anna raised her head and said to Traswell:

"Your Honor, I propose that Moon Campbell be transferred to the Silence Agency, and I will personally examine him to determine whether he has colluded with the evil god!"

"Transferred to the Silence Agency...how long will this inspection process take?" Before Truswell could answer, Count Boogard became anxious again and asked.

"How long will it take? Let me think about it... After all, this is a very troublesome process that has no room for error. We must inspect Moon Campbell from top to bottom, and even every hair strand, in the most detailed way, so..."

Anna licked her red lips and said with a meaningful smile:

"Three years...five years...or...who knows? Anyway...it will be a very long time~"


For a moment.

It was quiet again.

Not to mention the confused Count Boogard and Judge Truswell.

Mu En, who was still in a daze, shivered, as if a bomb had exploded in his head.

Those uneasy thoughts that were deep in his mind and suppressed by him could no longer be ignored after these simple words. They grew like waterweeds and finally... came to the surface completely.

The so-called illusion of peaceful coexistence is ultimately false.

Under some kind of terrible filter, when Anna's words flowed into Mu En's ears word by word, it was like the BOSS in the game had bottomed out his health bar, but suddenly began to speak long and inexplicable words... …

The BGM suddenly changed, from a harmonious and beautiful ditty to a magnificent piece of music composed of organ, trombone and cello...

We can no longer deceive ourselves and others, and we can no longer whitewash peace.

——The second phase, the second phase, which was a hundred times more terrifying than the accusations of Count Brgard and the trial of Judge Traswell... started so suddenly...

"Boy, I'm sorry."

Pink Bear patted Mu En on the shoulder and said seriously:

"I really want to save you, but... alas, these people you are going to face next are too scary, and I can't help you."

"Wait, you can't abandon me!"

Mu En reacted and grabbed the pink bear... Just kidding, at this time, how could he be allowed to bear the terrible storm alone? At least find someone to support you, so you won't die so miserably if you fall!

"It's not what I wanted. The situation is really compelling."

At this time, the pink bear finally showed the majesty of the strong man of the older generation. With a shudder of his bloated body, he was extremely slippery and avoided Mu En's attack, and then...


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