Pink Bear suddenly pointed his middle finger at Truswell and cursed: "Sun thief!!"


Before Truswell, who was also confused, could get angry, Pink Bear had already put away his things quickly:

"Contempting the trial, right... I understand, I understand, I will just expel myself without you having to worry about it yourself."

He finally gave Mu En a look of pity:

"Alas... Poor boy, you are usually so indulgent and not as clean and self-contained as I am. Now the retribution has come. Don't worry, if you can't escape this disaster, your little pornographic book... No, you I will help you inherit your will!”

After saying that, before the angry Mu En punched his bear in the face, the pink bear quickly turned around and started running away.

Mu En was left alone, like a small boat in the sea, bearing the baptism of the coming storm alone...

"Wait, three years? Five years?" After hearing Anna's words, Earl Bugard's expression changed again.

"Isn't this too long?"

If it really took so long, whether Moon Campbell had colluded with the evil god or not was not detected, the Bugard family had already been raised by Her Majesty the Queen, the kind that all nine clans were raised at the same time.

Unfortunately, his rebuttal did not receive any response.

The sword holder of the Silence Agency never even laid her eyes on him from beginning to end. Even at this moment, when she said these words... she seemed to be looking at Her Majesty the Queen from a distance.

The two people's eyes were calm, but the focus of their gaze seemed to be like lightning and thunder.

"what is happening?"

Now, no matter how big the information gap was, Count Boogard began to notice that something was wrong.

Something is very wrong.

Putting aside the trial, it seems that he didn't follow his script from beginning to end... Her Majesty's opponent doesn't seem to be herself at all?

He couldn't understand the operations of these people more and more, and his political wisdom was nowhere to be used. It was as if...from beginning to end, he and these people were in different world lines.

"Your Excellency, Sword Holder, what do you mean by this?"

Celcia finally lost her laziness and straightened up majestically, her cold eyes piercing Anna like a sharp sword.

"Even if it is an inspection, it will take less than three years...or maybe five years."

"When checking, you have to be more careful, right?"

"How about giving you three days? This should be enough time."

"Oh, is Your Majesty giving me alms?"

Anna was not afraid of Celcia's pressure at all and chuckled:

"Do I have to thank you for your great kindness now?"

"If that's the case, then there won't be a day left."

Celecia's face turned cold: "It just so happens that I'm also disgusted by the bugs around him that can't be driven away."

"They say we are bugs, but your fiancé really likes bugs. There are always a lot of bugs flying around him."

Anna tapped her lips with her finger, as if she was reminiscing about something:

"Oh, it's quite interesting to say the word 'fiancé' in front of you. Well, maybe it would be more interesting to shout at certain times. You think so, that person from the Life Church A sister?"

"It makes sense...that's, that's not what I meant!"

The plot has developed to this point, and an unknown girl from the Life Church, who seems to be the most uncontested, has to come to an end.

"I just think that exclusivity is very bad! And...and...if you want to detect whether it is related to the evil god, my Life Church is also very authoritative. Mu En should be sent to my Life Church, you are right. Come on, Archbishop!"


The Archbishop glanced at Mu En, who had almost turned pale, with pity, and then he didn't mind watching the excitement... No, he enthusiastically chose to support His Royal Highness the Saint:

"That's right. Moon Campbell is also an honorary Templar of our Life Church. Logically speaking, this kind of incident should be handled by our Life Church. When will it be someone else's turn?"

"Yeah, that's what I mean. Let Mu En come to the church, and I will deal with it very fairly! Well... it will only take three, five, or ten years!"

The holy light swayed for a while, seeming to reveal the girl's determination.

However, in the eyes of the other two... this was nothing more than a declaration of war.

"Heh, I thought he was the most harmless little white rabbit, but he is very ambitious at this time."

Celecia's eyes flashed coldly and she scolded: "But this is the empire's business. When will it be the Life Church's turn to interfere in the internal affairs of my empire?"

"When did it become an internal matter of the empire?"

"He is my fiancé and the future prince of the empire!"

Celecia raised her voice and said sternly like a declaration: "Does the Church of Life want to detain the prince of a big country? Even His Majesty the Pope cannot allow such a thing that will cause disputes on the mainland."


"Not to mention His Majesty the Pope, Her Majesty the Queen is no less majestic."

Anna answered: "But since it is an internal matter, but it involves evil gods, I, the Silent Agency, are the most qualified to deal with it, right? Isn't this the purpose of establishing the Silent Agency in the first place? Your Majesty also wants to violate this policy that has been established for hundreds of years. the rule of?"

"Do you remember that the Silence Agency was founded by the Empire?"

Celecia narrowed her beautiful eyes and sneered: "Logically speaking, you should be considered my subordinate, Anna Kaberlin!"

"Well, indeed."

Anna puffed up her chest and smiled unconcernedly:

"But in this way, I feel like I am the older sister."




The atmosphere condensed to freezing point again.

One side is a silent agency that specializes in dealing with evil gods, but she is suppressed by the empire.

One party is the supreme head of the empire, but there is nothing he can do about the First Church in the mainland.

One party is the number two figure in the church, but... he has the lowest rationality in this matter...

In this way, a perfect, solid, mutually restrained, yet irrepressible triangle is formed.

In order to get the only solution to this triangle, after another moment of intense exchanges with their eyes, the three of them all unanimously turned their attention to the only person who could get the solution...

"So, Mu En, what do you think?" The three of them looked at Mu En and asked in unison.

16. Temporary pause

"So, Mu En, what do you think?"

Three different but beautiful voices intertwined together and penetrated into Mu En's ears, mind... and even soul.

The gentle words that were usually like spring rain were like thunder from the sky at this moment, making Mu En's eyes darken, as if he saw the end of the world coming and the sky falling apart.

At the same time, those three gazes also fell on him, either cold, charming, or gentle... Each of them was enough to make any man indulge in it, but when they were fused together, they became The most terrifying poison, if you touch it, you will die.

Mu En really felt that she was not far from death.

He knew that as long as he gave a wrong answer, the grass on his grave would be half a meter high on this day next year.


Can such a stable triangle really have a solution?

Think about it...

Think with your lifetime wisdom, Moon Campbell. There may be ways to make up for the evil god's mistakes, but if you make a wrong step at this time, you can only fall into the bottomless abyss!

"What, you won't answer?"

The three people continued to urge, their words were gentle, but the content was deadly sharp: "We don't allow ambiguous answers that anyone can give."

But at this time, we are so united...


Mu En took a deep breath.

After the pink bear escaped, he looked so weak, helpless and pitiful standing alone in the middle of the storm, but at this moment, he still forced himself to straighten his back.

His eyes swept over the beautiful girls one by one. Whenever he made eye contact with another person, the other two would be as cold as a thousand-year ice field. But Mu En knew that he must cross this ice field, because if he continues If he can't cross this mere ice sheet, how can he usher in his perfect ending in a future where disasters gather together?

"I would also like to give an answer to this question about the three of you, but..."

"Oh? Do you mean to get over it?"

Celecia's eyes narrowed and became colder.

The other two also became more piercing.

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant, what I meant was..."

Mu En took a deep breath again, then turned her eyes and looked towards...

"I really want to give an answer, but have the three of you forgotten the occasion? I am just a prisoner undergoing trial now. I have no right to choose! Here, a fair trial is the highest point, isn't it?"

Mu En's face was solemn and his tone was sonorous. At this moment, here, on this important occasion where all parties gathered in the trial court, he used his words and actions to profoundly express his respect for the laws of the empire and his disgust for such acts of bending the law for personal gain. .

"Sinners have no choice. All I can do is obey the judgment of Justice Truswell!!"

Mu En clenched his fist, faced everyone, and replied with great emotion: "At this moment, the person who decides my fate is the respected, great, and impartial Justice Truswell! I admit that I am guilty, so he He will judge my crime and decide my whereabouts, and I can only respect his judgment!”

Yes, a stable triangle has no solution from within, so it can only be broken by external force.

Now, the only external force that Moon has hope for is Justice Truswell.

I leave it to you, big brother with the gavel.

Mu En looked at the justice with tears in her eyes.

Just use your power of justice to teach these three arrogant beautiful girls a lesson!

By the way, drag me up from the bottomless abyss!




As a result, everyone's attention shifted again and fell on Truswell, who was supposed to be the chief judge of this trial, but had the lowest sense of presence from just now.

The atmosphere was still so stagnant, as if even the air was frozen by it.

Truswell's thin hand shook, and he didn't know whether to lift or drop the gavel he held in his hand.

Although he has been in seclusion for a long time and has no contact with the outside world for a long time, which is why he was teased by the pink bear before, but the person who can sit in this position is definitely not an ordinary person in terms of knowledge, wisdom, or character.

He finally understood what was unusual about this trial.

The empress of the empire.

The sword bearer of the silence mechanism.

The mysterious figure of the Church of Life.

Although these high-ranking people attended the trial in person, in fact, they did not care about the content of the trial at all.

What they care about... is only the belonging of that man.

That's right, these three women, who can be said to be the most noble in the mainland, are actually here to... steal men?

absurd! !

Traswell roared in his mind.

How ridiculous! !

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