How could such an absurd act be allowed to happen in his own court?

Traswell closed his eyes, and in a trance, he remembered what his teacher and father said when he passed the position of Grand Justice to him.

"Traswell, the laws of the empire are the backbone of the empire, and only we, the Grand Justice of the empire, can maintain this backbone. You have to understand that for us Grand Justices, in addition to preventing those untouchables from desecrating the law, the only thing we need to insist on is... justice! Justice! Justice!"

"Yes, justice!"

Traswell murmured in a low voice.

Giving this trial a fair result, isn't that the reason why he came back?

So, even if it's the Queen, even if it's the Sword Holder, even if it's the Church of Life, what?

He must definitely give this trial a fair ending...

"Judge Traswell, what do you... think?"

Perhaps she was a little impatient with this kind of waiting, and Cecilia took the initiative to ask.

Her voice was calm and indifferent, as if she was really asking humbly.

But when Traswell opened his eyes, he felt the biting cold on the left, and on the right, he could vaguely hear the whispers from the darkness.

He raised his head, and a holy light fell, but it was not gentle at all, almost burning his eyes.

"What do you think?" The three asked in unison.

"I... I think..."

Traswell suddenly stood up, took off the majestic hat on his head, and respectfully placed it on the table:

"I am old and can't bear the heavy responsibility of this trial. Your Majesty, please ask for someone else!"


On the side, Traswell's disciples were stunned, as if they saw a glorious image that collapsed in front of them.


On the other side, Mu En was also stunned, because this was completely different from what he expected. The external force he had drawn after careful consideration... didn't seem to be strong enough?

Where is the justice you promised? ! !

I have pleaded guilty, you quickly sentence me and lock me up, bastard!

Mu En gnashed his teeth. He didn't expect that the last glimmer of life would be gone just like that.

Then who can save me next?




At this moment, the person who was beyond Mu En's expectation stood up!

"What's wrong with you, Chief Justice Traswell!!"

Count Bugard's eyes were full of bloodshot. He was the accuser who had the upper hand just now, but now he was more like a miserable prisoner than Mu En. He ignored etiquette and roared at Traswell: "Mu En Campbell has already pleaded guilty, hurry up and judge him!"

"I said, I am old and weak, and I really can't bear this heavy responsibility."

"Shut up, what can't bear, you just want to escape!"

Count Bugard was so angry that he trembled all over, pointing his finger at Traswell:

" you are bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, you just let the trial end? It's obviously only the last step, the last step Mu En Campbell can..."

Huh? Wait.

Count Bugard was suddenly stunned.

Is my purpose to do something to Moon Campbell?

No, I clearly want to...

"My Lord Earl."

Suddenly, Cecilia interrupted him:

"If you want to escape, you are the one who has been escaping."


"Also, the trial is not over."

Cecilia walked towards Chief Justice Truswell and helped him put on the hat symbolizing the chief justice again, and said in a soft tone:

"Your Excellency the Chief Justice, don't belittle yourself. Besides you, who else is qualified to conduct the next trial."

"But the trial has already..."

"I said it, it's not over yet."

Cecilia glanced at Count Burgard and said coldly:

"The trial about Count Burgard's participation in the parliament, his secret intention to overthrow the royal family, killing innocent people, and conducting human experiments... has just begun!"


Count Burgard's face turned pale in an instant. This development was once again completely beyond his expectations.

But even so, he quickly regained his composure, forced himself to control his emotions, and forced a smile:

"Your Majesty, are you mistaken? The only mistake I made was raising a rebellious son. I have personally handed the rebellious son over to Your Majesty for disposal. Now the person to be tried is Muen Campbell. You are accusing me without any evidence..."

"Evidence, isn't this evidence?"

Anna threw the eyeball of the eye demon with a wicked smile. As the faint light spread, pictures appeared in the entire trial hall.




Pictures of tragic scenes appeared in the pictures. Those horrible scenes made the well-informed Truswell tremble and find it difficult to sit still.

Finally, the picture froze, and a robin stood in the middle of the picture, lifelike.

"Since the Eye Demon can record the battle scenes, then it can also record the normal scenes, right?"

"No... This is impossible..."

Count Bugard almost blurted out: "I have clearly deleted these scenes, already..."

He covered his mouth for a moment, but it was difficult to hide the horror in his eyes.

"Indeed, it has been deleted."

On the other side, Leah in the holy light spoke:

"But the goddess's authority is life, and the eye demon is also life. I can naturally use the goddess' power to restore it."


He didn't expect that the drama he carefully planned to exonerate the Burgard family would eventually become his own execution place?


There must be something wrong!

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty, this is wrong, this is wrong."

Count Burgard knelt down at Cecilia's feet, grabbed her shoes, and begged with tears:

"You said...this kind of picture, this kind of picture that can be completely forged as long as Master Tropol personally takes action, cannot be used as evidence, you just said!"

"Yes, I said..."

Cecilia lowered her head, and a hint of sarcasm flashed in her cold eyes:

"But, Master Tropol...died a week ago, idiot."


"At that time you must have been spending You are so busy thinking about how to get rid of your sins that you don't even have time to pay attention to such a big thing. "

Celica kicked Count Bugard away and sneered:

"But do you really think you can escape? Why do you think I stood in front of Albert? The cancer of the empire must be cut out, and it must be cut out cleanly. I will not allow you to make a comeback. "


"Go to meet your judgment, sinner, the Bugard family is finished!"


Count Bugard fell to the ground dejectedly, as if all his bones were taken out.

All struggles were useless. He understood that with the Queen's light words, Belrand, who had just calmed down, would set off a bloody storm again.

And this time, it will be the blood of the old nobles...Bugard.

On one side, the solemn trial has begun again, still presided by Chief Justice Traswell, but the identity of the person being tried has changed. Count Bugard is in despair, waiting for his due fate.

And the special departments of the empire have also been dispatched at this moment, weaving a big net to ensure that no fish in the entire Bugard family will slip through the net.

Just as Count Bugard expected, new blood has begun to flow on the soil of the empire that seems to be a newborn. It will become a new nutrient to nourish the growth of the giant tree of the empire.

But on the other side…

“Okay, there will be no interference from others this time, give your answer.”

Mu En stared with dead fish eyes, feeling the warmth and fragrance close to him, but he didn’t feel a trace of happiness.

Because the three of them almost surrounded Mu En, as if they would not stop until they got an accurate answer.

Mu En couldn’t help but shed hot tears, secretly thinking, wouldn’t it be good for you to be united and friendly like just now, and have a tacit understanding?

Everyone can be my wings, live in peace together, and move towards a happy future together, isn't it good?

Why do we have to be so tit-for-tat and so incompatible?

"What's the answer?"

Seeing the three people getting closer and closer, Mu En seemed to hear the countdown of his own death. Even if his mind was thinking rapidly at the speed of time delay, he couldn't think of any way to break the deadlock at this moment.

It's over. Thinking about my Mu En Campbell's reputation, is it going to be today...

"Your Majesty."

Suddenly, it seemed that God heard Mu En's plea and finally chose to leave a little life for this person who was abandoned by fate.

Wei'er suddenly came over and said something in Cecilia's ear.


"Yes, the team is outside the city and has started to submit the credentials."

"Faster than I thought... Tsk, those bastards, they didn't come earlier or later, it's really troublesome."

Cecilia thought for a while, raised her beautiful eyes to look at the two people on the other side, and ordered unceremoniously:

"Let's go together."

"Oh? Your Majesty has something to do, then go and do it first, we won't disturb you." Anna smiled with her hands covering her mouth.

"I said, let's go together."

Cecilia said with a fake smile:

"Do you think I will let you two sneaky cats stay alone with him?"

"Hehe, who is the sneaky cat, it's still uncertain."

"That's it!"




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