After another flash of lightning and thunderstorm, the three finally compromised with each other, stood up at the same time, and continued to walk out in a triangle formation.

There was no winner today, but it did not mean that they would give up.

Or rather, this was just the first round of confrontation.

In the end, only Mu En, who still did not know what happened, was left. He looked at the three people blankly as they left, then fumbled with his hands in disbelief for a few times, and then murmured dully:

"I am...surviving?"

17. Pure Love

"I actually...really...survived."

Mu En walked out of the trial, raised his hand to cover it, and felt the warmth of the sun, and felt as if he was in the world.

It was too difficult.

It was really too difficult.

He was just a little bit away from being crushed into meat paste by the perfect triangle, or directly divided into three equal parts.

The most terrifying thing in the world is the Shura Field, and it is a Shura Field where each side is stronger than oneself, the emperor of the empire, the master of the machinery, the saint of the church... I am just a son of a duke, and I have no power to resist at all.

Just like a chicken stripped of feathers on a chopping board, I can only silently wait for my fate.

And when I thought that this was not even the complete state of the Shura Field that I was about to face, Mu En was once again desperate about his future and burst into tears.

Alas, but what can I do?

Since it is the road I have chosen, no matter how rugged and difficult it is, I can only continue to walk on it.

But! One day, I believe I will find a perfect solution for this!

Mu En clenched his fist, because of this difficult future, he regained some ambition again.


For the time being, if you want to turn over and become a superior person, you can only think about it in bed...

"Speaking of which..."

Mu En scratched his head and wondered: "What happened to interrupt Cecilia's spell?"

It should be something very important...

Mu En turned his eyes and suddenly showed a strange smile at the corner of his mouth:

"Just right, find someone to ask."



"Wow, I didn't expect you to survive."

In a high-end restaurant, Pink Bear leaned back in a chair, enjoying the top-quality ingredients ordered by Mu En without hesitation, and muttered vaguely:

"I was planning to buy a coffin to collect your body, but fortunately it was just a thought, saving a lot of money. You are really lucky!"

"This is all thanks to the hard work of the emperor's uncle."

Mu En crossed his fingers and smiled:

"If it weren't for you being so hard If you don't defend me, I might be in danger."

"Haha, that's right. We will be a family in the future. We will help each other if we can."

The pink bear laughed twice, then suddenly came over, lowered his voice, and asked in a mean way:

"So, what about the things you promised?"

"No hurry..."

Mu En pushed the greasy bear face away and said:

"You know what situation I am in now. If I reveal this kind of thing casually, if they know that I said it, then I will be finished."

"Ha, you kid, you are too timid!"

The pink bear unscrewed a bottle of wine, gulped down a few big mouthfuls, and laughed:

"Can't you learn from me? The so-called courage and wisdom are the hard standards for measuring a man's charm. When have you ever done things as cowardly as you? Aren't I still alive and well now?"


The so-called courage and wisdom means being the first to run away when you find something wrong?

Mu En's eyes twitched, but he still smiled:



"Has anything big happened in Belland recently?"

"Oh, that."

The pink bear scratched his butt, turned his head, and looked at the noisy streets outside:

"Actually, there's nothing big... Look outside, what's different?"


Mu En turned his head and looked over there, observing for a while, and asked tentatively: "It seems... to be more lively?"

After all, that incident happened not long ago, and Belland is in the stage of slowly licking his wounds and recovering, but now, Mu En found that there are a lot more pedestrians on the street, and they are obviously a little excited.

"This is..."

"I'm here to watch the fun."

Pink Bear said, "Today, foreign envoys will lead a team into the city to celebrate the accession of the new emperor of the empire. It is said that the team is not small, and there are many good things sent, including rare and exotic animals that are not available in the empire. Naturally, everyone wants to see it."

"Which country?"

"The kingdom, the Kingdom of San Pedro, is the first country to send congratulations."

Pink Bear shrugged, but it seems that he did not have any good feelings towards the first country to send congratulations.

"San Pedro..."

Moon's eyes also flashed, and whispered:

"I remember...that night, they also sent people to interfere."

One of the three crowned strongmen who joined forces with the Li Council to come to Belland to cause trouble was Herman from the Kingdom of San Pedro.

Later, he died tragically at the hands of King Indra.

But I didn't expect that they would be the first to send people to send gifts and congratulations after their premeditated failure.

"There was indeed a shadow of the kingdom behind that night, and there were even constant movements at the border. But that old guy is dead, and now there is no evidence of his death, and they don't admit it. What can you do? As for the border... they don't always like it at the border. Are you doing some sneaky tricks? Over the past hundred years, our border has been pushed toward them for hundreds of miles. "

Pink Bear said with disdain.

"With such enthusiasm, what's the conspiracy?" Mu En asked.

"Who knows? Over the past few hundred years, have the narrow-minded guys in the kingdom come up with too few sneaky tricks? But between countries, how can there be so many conspiracies and tricks that can be used? They are obsessed with that kind of thing , If you lose your atmosphere, you will always be beaten by us.”

"Is that really here to celebrate?"

"Who knows, but..."

Pink Bear touched his chin, rolled his dark eyes, seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly smiled strangely at Mu En:

"I'm not sure if the celebration is real, but in a certain way, their coming this time may be really different."

"What's the meaning?"

"It is said that this team is led by a certain unborn genius in the kingdom."

"Oh? Genius, what are you here for? Are you looking for a place to fight?"

Mu En was spinning the red wine glass boredly, showing no interest in those so-called geniuses.

Think about the people around you. A certain protagonist who is destined to upgrade like a rocket. A certain emperor who is the youngest in history to wear a crown. As an evil god container, he can accommodate some of the authority sword holders... even a certain person. The soft-spoken and cute lady, not to mention her affinity for the Holy Light, is also a ruthless person who can scatter formations like pebbles just by reading books.


Is there anyone more talented than those above?

Even if you come here to find a place, it’s not...

"Looking for a place, hehe, in a sense."

Pink Bear laughed twice:

"According to my hearsay, the most important task of that to propose marriage to Celcia."


Mu En spat out a mouthful of red wine and looked at the pink bear in shock: "Proposing marriage? Want to marry Celcia?"

"It's marriage!"

Pink Bear wiped the red wine on his body dissatisfied and corrected:

"Celicia is the emperor of the empire now. Who is qualified to marry her? Of course she wants to marry down. She wants to become the emperor's husband and prince. From then on, the two countries have good relations and communicate with each other. It is gratifying and congratulatory."

"...What a cliché plot, the other party is also a prince?" Mu En rolled his eyes, but he didn't expect that he would suddenly have a competitor.

Is this some old-fashioned romance novel?

"It is said that he is the seventeenth prince of the kingdom."

"Have not heard."

"That old guy in the kingdom has many children, so it's normal that he has never heard of it. However, this seventeenth prince is particularly mysterious. If it weren't for this mission, the empire's intelligence agencies would not have noticed him. It seems to be true. What is extraordinary about him has been hidden by the kingdom since he was a child."


"Huh? You kid, you don't look worried at all."

Pink Bear raised his eyebrows and said: "There is someone here who wants to be a minotaur, put a hat on you, and take your position. Wouldn't you be so angry as to be a beauty? Hurry up and slam the table! If I were you, I would do it now Rush over and blow up that bastard’s carriage axle!”

"Come on, I'm not really here to pick up the bride, why are you so excited so early? If I go to blow up someone's axle now, it will cause trouble for Celicia. And, then again, why should I worry? "

Mu En spread her hands and shrugged at the pink bear quite easily:

"Do you think, with Celcia's temperament, there is a one in 10,000 chance that she will agree?"


Pink Bear thought seriously for a while: "No."

"That's it."

Mu En sneered and said: "No matter what genius or tauren he is, in the face of true pure love, he is just a clown worth mentioning! If he really dares to cause trouble, I will use the power of my pure love to blow him up! "

"You kid..."

Pink Bear stared at Mu En speechlessly: "Are you worthy of saying pure love?"

"Believe me, I have pure love for each of them!" Mu En clenched her fists and declared seriously.


"Okay, no more chatting, I have to leave beforehand."

Mu En patted Pink Bear on the shoulder:

"By the way, dear imperial uncle, before I leave, I have a gift for you."


Pink Bear's eyes lit up: "You kid, are you so kind?"

"Well, isn't this a thank you for your help just now? I can't give you what you want for the time being, so I can only repay your kindness in other ways." Mu En looked sincere.

"What is what?"

Pink Bear couldn't wait to ask: "Red wine? Cigar? Or..."

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