"Haha, how can I express my gratitude to you with something like that? Look there!"

Mu En reached out and pointed, and the pink bear, full of expectations, turned his head and looked over.


He saw the former saint who was slowly putting on her finger tiger, clasping her five fingers, and walking towards this side.

"Oh, Oranriel."

The previous saint seemed to have not lost the gentleness and peace she had when she was in power. She smiled and said:

"I heard that you displayed something extraordinary in a place like the Tribunal. Can you explain it?"

"No...that kind of thing...misunderstanding...misunderstanding..."

Feeling that the premonition of death was getting closer, the pink bear turned around and roared angrily:

"Asshole, how dare you betray me!"

"Didn't you sell me out too?" Mu En smiled: "Good friends have to face difficulties together, right?"

"Who is a good friend with you? Please pay attention to your seniority, bastard boy. I...ah! Misunderstanding! It's really just a misunderstanding! Listen to my explanation!!"

Seeing the pink bear screaming and begging for mercy, with its claws plowing deep marks on the ground, it still couldn't save itself from being dragged away.

After everything calmed down, Mu En swayed the red wine glass and looked out at the beautiful spring scenery.

"Now I'm balanced and comfortable~"



"Ah, Your Highness... Your Highness."

In the carriage, Sewell put away a small newspaper in a panic and looked at the young man who suddenly walked in.

The young man was wearing a luxurious dress, with a handsome face and an elegant temperament. He was full of confidence in his movements. When he opened the curtain of the carriage and walked in from the outside, his whole body seemed to be glowing and noble. Unspeakable.

"Just call me Milne, or call me brother. There is no need to worry so much between cousins."

Milne smiled and waved, then casually sat down opposite Sver, with the tulip coat of arms symbolizing the Saint Pedro royal family looking so dazzling on his chest.

"Brother Milne."

Sewell pursed his lips and smiled, looking a little playful. Then he curiously opened the curtains of the carriage and asked:

"You're actually free to come over now. Are you about to arrive?"

"Yes, we are here. The leading team is about to meet the envoys from the empire. We have made some preparations and are going to meet them."

"That's it."

Sewell looked up and saw that the long team was connected to the majestic city in the distance. The team sent by the kingdom this time was too large. There were hundreds of carriages filled with all kinds of rare treasures, brocade silk and satin. The empire Fang did not dare to neglect, and sent a large number of messengers to greet them. Therefore, when the two huge teams were about to come into contact, it was like two giant beasts each carefully extending their tentacles. The most prosperous city in the mainland, Beleriand The originally continuous flow of traffic through the city gate also came to a rare standstill.

But Sewell didn't pay attention to the next moment that might affect the direction of the two great countries. He was just thinking... that person must be in this city now.

"It looks like it will take a while." Sevier glanced at his hand from the corner of his eye and whispered.

"Then you should prepare early!"

The wind swept into the carriage, and the curtain was opened again, and the old man with gray hair but high spirits got into the carriage.


"Teacher Hertz."

The two stood up and saluted together.

"Well, sit down."

The old man named Hertz nodded slightly, and his sharp eyes swept across the carriage. He frowned slightly when he saw Sewell who looked slack, but said nothing, but his eyes immediately fell on Milne, and he softened in an instant. .

"How do you feel, Your Highness?"

"What is the teacher talking about?"

"Of course it depends on the situation. The next step is of great importance and there is no room for any deviation."

"Of course don't worry."

Milne smiled confidently: "In the teacher's opinion, have I ever made any mistakes?"

"Haha, so you are my most proud student."

Herz laughed loudly: "It seems I have nothing to worry about. With your help, things will go smoothly."


Just as the two were chatting happily, an inappropriate voice cautiously inserted into the conversation.

Sewell raised his hand, shrank his neck and said, "Is that kind of thing really so easy to achieve?"


Herz looked at his student who was pouring cold water on him rather displeasedly.

"It's just to propose marriage to Celecia... no, to propose marriage to the current empress of the empire. Will it really go so smoothly? That empress... I remember she has a fiancé."

"What about my fiancé? In the face of the interests of the great powers, the so-called engagement contract is not worth mentioning at all."

Herz snorted coldly and said matter-of-factly: "Although the queen is quite capable, she is still just a little girl. It is said that as soon as she came to power, she went on a killing spree in the empire and executed many influential nobles. , so now that the situation in the empire is bound to be unstable, she will definitely seek external help and make His Highness her husband and gain the support of the kingdom. This is bound to be the best choice. "


"I do know what Sewell means."

Milne seemed to be defending, and deliberately answered: "You think that Moon Campbell has a special status, and the Queen of the Empire will not cancel the engagement in order to get the full support of Duke Campbell, right?"

"That's it." Sewell unconsciously pinched the newspaper in his hand.

"Celysia's fame is known throughout the continent, and her engagement with Muen Campbell is also known throughout the continent. When it was first spread, I don't know how many people who admired her wanted to eat Muen Campbell alive... and now that she has become the emperor, she still has no intention of canceling the engagement. I think it is not so easy to cancel."

"Haha, yes, this is indeed a reasonable explanation, but in the final analysis, everything is for profit."

Milne stretched out his hands, then slowly clenched his ten fingers, as if to compare the size of the two fists, and a proud arc appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Muen Campbell is valuable to her, so she chose Muen Campbell. En Campbell, therefore, as long as I can show greater value than that Moon Campbell, Queen Celicia will naturally choose me. Otherwise, why didn't she cancel the engagement for so long? Could it be because of the so-called feelings? That Moon Campbell has a bad reputation. "

"Brother Milne, don't be fooled by those rumors!"

Sewell stood up and said solemnly: "I participated in the trial in the Holy City with Moon Campbell. He is not the dandy look in the rumors. On the contrary, he is very powerful, otherwise he would not be favored by the church. "

"So what?"

Milne chuckled and said: "On the mainland There are so many excellent people, but how many of them can really catch my eye? In fact, if I hadn't been at a critical moment last time, I should have represented the kingdom to participate in the trial. Otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten nothing in the end, and I wouldn't have been deceived by the church in everything. Until now, I still don't know what the so-called Lost Land is. "

"... Sorry."

"Servel doesn't need to apologize, you have tried your best."

Milne touched Servel's head and said in a gentle tone: "You don't have to be too hard on yourself. There are many geniuses in this world, and it's normal that you are not as good as them. After all... only your cousin is special."

"No Wrong, Your Highness is special. "

Hertz stroked his beard and nodded, saying: "No one can match that talent. To be honest, I didn't agree with this plan at first. I thought that Your Highness, if you went to the Empire, it would be a great loss to the Kingdom. But those short-sighted people, alas!"

"Teacher, don't worry. I will always be a person of the Kingdom. How can there be any loss? On the contrary, I can gain more benefits for the Kingdom in the Empire, and even..."

A burning flashed in Milne's eyes. For him, compared with the so-called princes who have more than a dozen brothers on their heads and can never wait for the end of the Kingdom, there seems to be more room for planning on the other side.

After all, the decline of the Imperial Family is now known to the world.

The Queen's two brothers have died. I am afraid that there will be more people who are qualified to inherit the throne in the future.

And ambition and desire are like wildfires. Once a spark appears, it is difficult to extinguish.

Milne did not control the spreading wildfire in his heart... because he was very confident in himself.

Moon Campbell? It's just a stone on his way forward, just kick it away.

"Speaking of which, the queen is a famous genius and beauty on the continent. I can't say that I have lost anything, and I have even made a lot of money."

"Haha, that's true, but your highness should not be too arrogant. Don't forget that we have another mission this time."

"Don't worry, if even taking down the queen is not a problem, the other mission is just a piece of cake."

"Indeed, but we still can't relax."

Hertz sighed: "The kingdom has been suppressed by the empire for too long. It's time to regain some ground, otherwise he really thinks that our kingdom has no one."


Milne looked out the window: "That's also a great opportunity for me to show my value."


Soon, the chat ended, and Hertz left first.

"Brother Milne."

Sever suddenly called Milne, who was also about to leave, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly clenched his fist and said:

"Come on! I believe you can definitely kick Moon Campbell out of that position!"


Milne looked back, puzzled for a moment, and then smiled:

"I wonder why you suddenly said those words, are you worried about me?"

"This... I guess so."

Sever's face showed a hint of shyness.

"Thank you."

Milne patted Sever's shoulder, "But don't worry, I've said it just now, this time, I will definitely catch it easily!"

This is not arrogance, but Milne's judgment based on his own strength.

Since he awakened that talent, any setbacks and hardships are just steps for him to move up, and cannot stop him at all.

"So, where should we start?"

Milne adjusted his tie, walked out of the carriage, and murmured:

"Why not start with a private meeting? The first impression can always give a good bonus to the favorability, and it will also facilitate my further..."




"Huh? What?"

"Your Majesty is busy now, and I really can't agree to Your Majesty Milne's request for a private meeting. Please forgive me."

After the delegation contacted, Foreign Minister Angus Marquis rejected Milne's request in a businesslike manner. His answer was smooth and firm as if he had been instructed in advance:

"However, Your Majesty Milne does not need to worry. At the state banquet tonight, His Majesty will definitely respond with the highest etiquette standards and meet the kingdom's people."

"State banquet? But..."

The state banquet is formal and noisy, with all parties scheming and fighting. No matter how good your image is, you may be spoiled by the surrounding environment.

Milne quickly motioned to the teacher beside him to help him speak.


"Before that, please wait patiently. If your Highness is leisurely and feels like there is nothing to do, I will send someone to be your guide to visit the famous attractions in Belland."

Marquis Angus waved his hand and gave Milne no chance to request again. Magnificent ritual music sounded and the envoy began to move slowly into the city.

As the imperial people on both sides watched curiously, Milne frowned:

"I didn't see it...hehe..."

He did not lose his fighting spirit because of this. Instead, the corner of his mouth once again outlined a confident arc, and the flames in his eyes burned even more vigorously:

"It's interesting...it seems I'm going to get serious."

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