But why do I feel the pillow on my knees? At this time, whether it is Cecilia, senior, or Liya, it is impossible...

Mu En's eyes widened.

Could it be that this old loli finally couldn't hold back her spring heart and was moved by my handsomeness, so...

"You kid seems to have some strange ideas again."

Before Mu En could say anything, Meila suddenly raised her eyebrows and said with a sly smile:

"But I still advise you to get up quickly, otherwise..."


"Otherwise your chastity will be really in danger."

Meira moved her head away.

In an instant, when her deliberate cover-up disappeared, a huge shadow instantly blocked all the light and enveloped Mu En's sight.

And in the middle of that shadow... was a face full of flesh and fangs, saliva flowing along the corners of the mouth, and small eyes staring at me, full of animality and desire.

"What is this...?" Mu En asked Meila dully.

"This is an extinct monster from thousands of years ago, named Tucker."


"Yes, this monster has a characteristic. Since there are very few males in the population, and the female Tuckers have strong desires, they often capture males of other races. The more handsome they are, the more they are loved by them."

"Then I..."

"Ah, this, as my most lovely disciple, how can I bear to see you lying on the ground? So I just happened to meet one and temporarily put you on his thigh."

Mela spread her hands, looking like a good teacher who cares about her students.

Moon's mouth twitched, and he slowly turned his head and looked into the lustful eyes of the monster Tucker...

"Ugly monster, die for me!!"

Suddenly, the knife light was bright, and the roar and noise, accompanied by roars, broke the tranquility of the four fields.

“Huh…this monster…how come this monster is so powerful?”

Half an hour later, Mu En supported his knees and panted with a look of being beaten:

“Damn, I almost didn’t beat it. It looked like an ordinary monster…”

“A monster that can easily capture males of other species and survive is not an ordinary monster.”

Mela shrugged: “Well, but this thing is extinct now.”


Mu En stood up: “So, what is going on? Why did I meet an extinct monster, and here…”

Mu En looked around.

The red sand and dust drifted with the cold wind from nowhere, making visibility extremely low.

The soles of his feet were full of cracked sand and black hard rocks. Not to mention green vegetation, even the life container called soil could not be seen.

Looking around, there was no vitality, full of dead silence.

"Remember the Holy Tree from not long ago? This is something I created based on the Eternal Clock, inspired by Him."

"Is it a phantom of the past?"

"I guess so, but it's more real because of the interference of the power of time."

Mira grabbed a piece of rock, crushed it, and let the fine dust flow through her fingers.

"So... is this another thousand years ago? The period of the First King?"

"It was a thousand years ago, but a thousand years earlier than the First King."

Mira walked forward and pointed:

"Look there."

Mu En's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked up in the direction of Meira's finger.

As the dust dissipated slightly, what appeared in front of Mu En was... a cliff that was almost vertically downward and bottomless.

The black and red rocks were exposed, smooth and steep as if they were cut by a knife. The stones were kicked down lightly, but there was no echo for a long time. What shocked Mu En even more was the length that cut off the entire ground within the field of vision, and...

No matter how hard he tried to look up, no matter how he wanted to let his eyes penetrate the vast dust, he could not see the other side of the cliff... It represented the width.

"This is..."

"The abyss."

Mela replied softly.

"The abyss now is also the abyss a thousand years ago."

"Is this... the legendary abyss?"

Mu En opened his mouth in shock, and suddenly squatted down, stroking the smooth cross-section of the cliff.

"Father, is it in this place that we fight against the demons? I originally thought that the so-called abyss was a more abstract concept, but I didn't expect it to be just like the literal meaning... a big incredible rift?"

"Perhaps you are right. The abyss itself does have some abstract concepts."

Mela pointed again:


As the knife-like wind whistled, the diffuse dust dispersed a little more, and Mu En finally saw the twisted holes that appeared and disappeared above the abyss, like some kind of cracks, but were constantly closing.

"Some terrible power almost tore the space above the abyss, making it isolated from this continent in a sense. Of course, this kind of space tearing cannot isolate every place, so the abyss has several exits, and the one guarded by your father should be one of them."


Mu En did not dwell on this issue for too long. He was silent for a while, and then asked:

"How did the abyss come from?"

"Never heard of it?"

"No, but I have a little guess."

"It's good to have a guess. After all, such a thing cannot exist in history."

Mera stared into the abyss, with a complex glimmer in her red eyes:

"The so-called abyss is actually just a trace left by the crusade against the first evil god. In layman's terms, this is a scar on the world."

"The first evil god... the devil?"


"Since the abyss is caused by the devil... then the so-called demons..."

"Of course, it is impossible to call the beasts with magic power in their bodies as demons. The demons... are actually the people who believed in the The group of believers who look up to the demon god. "

Mela's eyelids drooped slightly, and her five fingers grasped in the air, as if she was trying to grab something in the abyss, her expression became more and more complicated:

"After the demon god died, the pollution on these believers disappeared, and their spirits were no longer affected by the demon god, but the distortion on their bodies remained, and the power that the demon god had given them remained, so they left the category of humans and became... the demons that people now call. "

20. Demon God

"Distorted believers?"

Mu En thought of the evil believers he had met before, and also of the demon grand duke Ghost Blood Princess who had sneaked into the empire and colluded with the inner parliament not long ago.

The evil believers looked like a human, but the Ghost Blood Princess...

It can't be said that they are exactly the same as humans, but it can only be said that they are completely unrelated, and they are far from the legendary succubus with big breasts and long legs, revealing clothes, and a small tail dangling around.

"Due to the influence of distortion, the appearance of the demons is almost different, and they are divided into several large tribes, with disputes between them, but there are also some that look similar to humans."

Meira said, and glanced at Mu En with a smile: "The one you want is also available."

"That's really... No, the demons are the mortal enemy of the empire, how could I have any improper thoughts?"

Mu En frowned and criticized this improper thought righteously.



"Are you sure?"

"Are you sure!"


"Ahem, are there any... ones with a heart on the belly?" Mu En lowered his voice.

"Who knows? Go catch one?"

"Too much trouble."

"Why don't you come over here and carve a heart on your belly? I can help you now..."

"You've already said this ten thousand years ago!"



After talking, Mu En's attention fell on the abyss in front of him again:

"By the way, the demon god who caused the chaos that swept across the continent a thousand years ago, and who, according to what you said, caused an entire era to completely wither... is he really dead?"

This is what Mu En cares about.

He vaguely remembers that the original book's plot only progressed to the middle and late stages, and the big boss Ariel faced was the existence called the Demon King.

But the so-called Demon King, in this world where evil gods are causing trouble all over the world and creating a world-destroying crisis at any time, is not as cool as the final boss.

So, according to the calculation...

"Dead, of course dead."

Meira replied: "I participated in that battle personally, I can assure you that the demon god is dead and can't die again, but..."


"This doesn't mean that he can't be resurrected again." Meila said lightly.


Mu En was silent for a while, and couldn't help complaining: "The final villain who may be resurrected at any time feels like a tacky routine."

"What can I do? Only gods can kill gods, so no matter how hard we ants on the ground try, how hard we fight, how we sacrifice..."

There was a dim light in Meila's eyes, vaguely outlining a desperate picture of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and sighed:

"We can only dismember and dismember it, and suppress the remains separately."

"What about other gods? This kind of disaster that endangers the world, won't they take action?"

"Hehe, if other gods Participate in it..."

Mera laughed sarcastically for no apparent reason: "That is complete and irreversible despair."

"Is that so...wait, suppress them separately?"

Just as he was about to sigh, Mu En's face suddenly froze, and he looked at Mela with wide eyes:

"Could it be that the thing suppressed under the mercury sea in the academy is..."

"Yes, that's right, it's one of the remains of the demon god."

Mera nodded: "At the beginning, the god of love and the moon of silence wanted to break into the academy like crazy, just for that thing."

"...So, my usual bathing in the mercury sea is equivalent to..." Mu En's face became even paler.

"Well, it's just like taking a bath in formalin used to soak corpses. "

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