
Mu En suddenly had the idea of ​​strangling this old lolita for the thousandth time.

“Pfft… Okay, okay, it’s just a joke. The Mercury Sea is of course isolated from the remains of the Demon God, otherwise the pollution left by the Demon God would have leaked out long ago.”

Meira patted Mu En on the shoulder and comforted him with a smile: “Besides, you have had close contact with the evil god before, what are you afraid of?”

“Who knows that there is such a thing under your butt? You must be trembling.”

“Then if I tell you that one of the remains of the Demon God, the one suppressed by the Church of Life, has been stolen by the God of Love, will you be even more trembling?” Meila said with a smile.


But Mu En just casually responded: "I know."


Meira blinked in surprise: "You kid, this reaction is wrong."

"How else should I react?"

"Shouldn't you cry and hug my thighs, crying and shouting that I'm afraid of something?"

"Where did you find this coward?"

Mu En rolled his eyes: "There is already such a cliché plot that the final BOSS is sealed. If it is even more cliché, His seal will be lifted little by little. Isn't it normal?"

"...That makes sense, I can't even refute it."

Meira crossed her arms, tilted her head and muttered, and then said:

"But don't worry, it won't do anything if the god of love steals one of the pieces. The other pieces are in a very safe state at present."

"Oh, that's great." Mu En said calmly.

Of course I'm not worried. The protagonist is still a fourth-level rookie. Even if the demon is really the final BOSS, it is probably impossible for him to show up so early.

The monsters haven't all appeared to give the protagonist experience.

Mu En complained in his heart.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense and get down to business." Meila suddenly clapped her hands.

"Huh? Weren't we just talking about business?"

"What business is that? Have you forgotten the purpose of my calling you here?"


Mu En pondered for a moment and remembered that the purpose of being forced to the bed by Teacher Meila was...

"Restore my mental strength?"

"Yes, but in fact, you have slept for three days. After my special conditioning method, you have basically recovered completely."

Meila's ten fingers quickly contracted and stretched, revealing an evil smile like a big bad wolf who wanted to eat the little white rabbit.

"But, in my opinion, recovery alone is not enough."

"So what do you want?"

Mu En felt a chill on his back and stepped back a few steps vigilantly.

"So... I think you should also hone your mental power. Although your current mental power is far superior to that of ordinary people, you still have that kind of thing in your body after all. No matter how strong your mental power is, it is not enough."

"How... how to hone it?"

Mu En felt more and more uneasy. The premonition of being cheated that he had just experienced not long ago and appeared again at this moment quickly floated into his mind.

"Don't worry, I just let you watch some things that are not suitable for children and are more exciting."

Meira put on a pair of sunglasses and pointed upwards:

"And I said that the discomfort will only be a little bit, um, a little bit."


Only ghosts believe that it is only a little bit. Do you think anyone will believe the same nonsense for the second time? !

The moment Meila pointed her hand upwards, Mu En, who felt very uneasy, had already reacted and tried to control himself. He didn't want to be manipulated by this old loli who was cheating people to death.

But it was obvious that he still had no capital to resist the oppression of the evil old loli, and the old loli would not give him a chance to resist at all.

Therefore, accompanied by the sound of joint friction, his head began to rise slowly and uncontrollably, and then he saw...

At some point, the smoke and dust covering this desolate land had been blown away by the wind.

Even the sound of the wind disappeared, and the world was silent as if it was asleep.

But in this clearness, Mu En did not see the usual blue sky.

It was a huge scar that split the two ends of the sky, as if echoing the abyss on the ground.

The scar on the world!

The black edge was a space crack that was spreading continuously. On the deep outline, there were earth fire, strong wind, sky thunder, and huge mountains that were broken and hung upside down without the constraints of gravity.

The endless void expanded layer by layer, like a ferocious eye with distinct colors, or a terrifying giant mouth that was going to swallow everything.

The whole world was distorted here, and all existing laws no longer applied here. It was a field that was completely beyond human understanding. Just by looking at it, Mu En felt a terrible tear in his mind.

In the middle of the huge wound, there was a faint, ethereal shadow.

The shadow was so illusory that even its shape could not be distinguished. Mu En's eyes could even penetrate it directly and see the lightning and rocks flying by. But when Mu En saw the shadow, a horrible chill spread up along Mu En's spine until it hovered over his head, tearing at his scalp, and roared at him madly:

Run! Run! Run!

This is something more terrifying than anything you have ever seen, any projection of the evil god, anything that cannot be looked at directly!


... Of course Mu En wanted to run, but his body seemed to be nailed down and could not move at all.

That shadow was like a black hole, constantly pulling at his body, consciousness, and even soul.

Therefore, he could only be forced to look at this existence that he shouldn't be looking at in the severe pain of his spirit being torn apart inch by inch——

Demon God.

"Don't worry, kid, this thing isn't even an afterimage."

Meira was still wearing sunglasses, and she got a recliner and juice from somewhere. She lay on it with her little feet crossed and sipped the juice comfortably.

"However, this kind of thing fished out from the phantoms of the past is still very useful for tempering the spirit."

After all, gods cannot be looked directly at.

Ordinary people might go crazy just by looking at the projection of the evil god, let alone the number one evil god.

Therefore, Mu En's forced gaze is like deliberately slapping someone in order to train his face. Although it is a little painful, it is definitely effective enough. It is guaranteed that the wall will be thick and indestructible in three days.

After all, this is an illusion constructed by himself through the authority of the Eternal Bell. Everything is under his control, and there is no danger of actually looking directly at the evil god.

"Hey, you have such a good teacher like me, so you kid can just have fun. How can anyone else have the ability to find such a good training scene for you? You still think about disrespecting the teacher all day long. Huh, traitor, I need to teach you a lesson. good."

Meera shook her head and changed to a more comfortable position, wanting to appreciate her apprentice's embarrassed appearance more clearly.



The moment she made a move, the sound of something breaking suddenly sounded, so clear in the silence.

"Are you kidding me?"

Meira was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and looked at the broken juice bottle in her hand, her expression instantly gloomy.

"It's obviously just a phantom, and after a whole thousand years, actually..."

Mu En was still staring at the empty shadow.

The tearing feeling from the spirit continued, with twisted illusions and noisy whispers constantly impacting his senses. The terrifying oppression seemed to gradually penetrate deep into his soul, and then completely shatter him.

But... as the spirit gradually strengthened through the continuous tearing and healing, Mu En gradually adapted to the pressure and began to be able to breathe a little.

It was this remnant that allowed him to regain a little bit of his thinking ability, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to take a closer look... to see the shadow clearly.

Mu En didn't know why she had such outrageous thoughts.

It's like knowing that the tiger's butt can't be touched, but still frivolously patting it.

Or perhaps, some kind of influence made him instinctively have this idea in his mind.


Just as this idea came into Mu En's mind, the world seemed to shake. A layer of ripples, centered on the shadow, quickly spread outward.

Mu En was shocked to discover...

It was obviously just a phantom that wasn't even an afterimage.

Obviously, we are separated from this piece of time and space by a whole thousand years.

Obviously... he has died, and his remaining body has been sealed.

But at this moment, as if the shadow noticed Mu En's gaze, the illusory body moved, and then... slowly turned around.

The shadow was still illusory, and even its outline could not be distinguished clearly, but Mu En clearly understood the meaning of that action.

He is turning around, directing his gaze... across endless time and distance, to this place!

Mu En's body went cold for an instant, and the fear and trembling that was countless times more terrifying than before penetrated deep into his pores and reached the depths of his soul...

"Damn it!"

The terrifying death crisis stung his nerves, and Mu En's expression suddenly became ferocious. His survival instinct made him quickly use all the power in his body.


His consciousness swept over, but he felt nothing.

Fighting spirit, magic power, alchemy core, and even the dark sun... It was like all the power he possessed was easily stripped away, leaving only the purest consciousness and soul, like a lonely boat before a tsunami. Welcoming destruction.

Nothing can be done.

There is only despair.

So, am I going to... die?

"do not look!"

At the critical moment, the familiar young and old voice echoed in Mu En's ears, diluting the soul-gnawing whispers. At the same time, a warm little hand quickly touched his face, covering his face. eyes.

"Hold your breath! Concentrate! Cut off your senses!"

Meira hugged Mu En, and then shouted anxiously, her pale hair was blown by the strong wind, and the terrifying aura was unreservedly released from the petite body.

Her red eyes were slightly bright, and ancient and mysterious runes floated from her body, like a wedge cutting through a boulder, slamming into the past and present that were about to be blurred, dividing them again.

Mu En finally regained her sense of reality and felt the petite body hugging her. The strings in her head could no longer be tightened and she fainted.

Meira glanced quickly and pushed Mu En behind her, while she completely blocked in front of him.


She stamped her foot violently, and accompanied by the majestic sound of the bell, the shadow of the solemn clock appeared behind her.

The long river of time shook violently, and endless bright light fell from nothingness, flooding the sky and the earth in an instant.

Mera activated the authority of the Eternal Clock, spread her fingers, pointed her palm at the shadow that seemed to be a little solid, and whispered solemn words:

"Get back here, this is not your place!"


The shadow finally turned around, his eyes fell on Mela, shaking slightly, as if he said something, but those syllables that humans could not understand could not penetrate time after all, and were isolated thousands of years ago.

The world was in turmoil again.

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