All the horrible visions that almost tore this place apart gradually disappeared under the isolation of the Eternal Clock, and this already fragile phantom began to turn into a residual light in the real world.

He no longer tried to impact the other side of time, but just looked at it calmly.

"Go back."

Mera said again.

The shadow squirmed.

Finally, while Mera was on guard, He suddenly glanced at Mu En behind Mera, and then disappeared along with the phantom of the past.

21. The Second in Ancient Times

"Hiss... My head hurts."

Mu En opened his eyes, and the first thing that caught his eye was still Mera's immature and flawless pretty face.

Looking from the corner of his eye, the terrifying skylight and scars had already dissipated, leaving only the fragrant tulip petals floating in the wind. The residual shadow of the past disappeared, and he had returned to the real sea of ​​flowers again.


Mira lowered her head and looked at Mu En, her white hair falling down and brushing against his face, making him feel itchy.

"Can I ask a question?"


"Now... there shouldn't be any monsters named Tucker appearing again." Mu En slowly twisted his neck, fully feeling the wonderful touch of the back of his head rubbing against the loli's thighs, and the pain from his spirit was relieved a lot.


Meira raised her eyebrows, but did not move Mu En's head away for the time being. She suddenly laughed and said:

"You boy, you are suddenly bold."

"Not too big, just consider it as compensation for almost screwing me over?"

"Is this the reason why you molested the teacher?"

"What do you mean by molesting? This is because I really want your care, teacher."


Meira got closer to Mu En, and an unspeakable light flashed in the depths of her red eyes: "Since you almost got into trouble just now, I will take good care of you."

She smoothed her drooping hair and pressed her slender fingers on Mu En's temple.

Before he could savor the soft and delicate touch, Mu En felt a hot air flow along Meila's fingertips and into his brain.

For a moment, the sequelae left by looking directly at someone who should not be looked at directly dissipated rapidly in this heat flow. In a trance, Mu En actually felt like he was in a warm embrace and was carefully cared for.

"Can I ask another question?" Mu En asked after letting out a long breath.


"That demon god... He also holds the authority of time?"


Mela tilted her head and said with a smile:

"Ask this kind of question, are you afraid that the demon god will directly cross the thousand years of time to kill you?"

"I am a little afraid... that kind of thing."

Mu En stretched out his hand, chased the petals, and grasped them in his palm.

So far, he has faced many evil gods, and even faced his body like the King of Withering, but...

He has never been so scared as this time.

The horror of the demon god far exceeded his imagination, and even this was just a distant glimpse across a thousand years and endless distance, which almost crushed his soul directly with endless fear and trembling.

No ability to resist, even weaker than an ant.

The First Evil God...

For the first time, Mu En understood what the First Evil God was. He could finally imagine what kind of existence the terrifying evil god who had broken an era and had not recovered to this day was.

He was the so-called doomsday itself.

"Don't worry, the demon god has no authority over time."

Meira continued to help Mu En press his temples, and answered in an old-fashioned tone like coaxing a child:

"I should have said before that there are only two powers, time and space. Without the control of gods, He naturally cannot control time. Besides, if He really has the authority over time, who can seal Him? With the body of the evil god to promote something like time that cannot be restricted, this world would have been destroyed long ago. Can you still enjoy my lap now?"

"Then why can He..."

"It's simple, He is too strong."

Meira said softly: "The demon god is so strong that he can shake the foundation of the world, so He can forcibly break through the constraints of the law to a certain extent and cast his gaze from thousands of years ago... But it's just a gaze, even He can't do anything extra."

"Is that so..."

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief.

Then his eyes could not help but fall on the side of Mela's chubby face. He thought that although the old loli looked like a scumbag at the moment, she was also one of the people who faced the devil and completely dismembered and sealed him a thousand years ago.

"You are worthy of being the strongest great magician in history."

"Are you praising me?"

"Is there a third person here?"

"Well... when you are not a mean guy, you are still quite cute."

Mela touched her chin and accepted the compliment frankly, but then changed her tone and pulled out an inexplicably deep arc at the corner of her mouth:

"But... although I am indeed the strongest great magician today, unfortunately, you are wrong. I am not the strongest in history."

"What?" Mu En was stunned.

"Throughout the ages, to use a slightly more modest statement, I should be ranked second."

"No, the statement of second throughout the ages is completely unrelated to the word modesty."

Mu En's mouth twitched, and he complained speechlessly.

"Really? But this is the fact."

Meira shook her head: "As humble as I am, I have to admit this fact."

"That's only for now. When you completely master the man-made authority of the Eternal Clock, you can do it anyway..."

After all, it is something of the level of man-made divine authority...



"Even if you count the creation of the Eternal Clock, I can only be called... second."

Meira suddenly raised her head and looked up at the man-made sky with a very complicated look.

Mu En followed her gaze and soon realized that her gaze was not above the sea of ​​flowers, but higher.

But, above that high sky, besides the endless void, what else is there?

"The Eternal Clock can only be ranked second, so what is the first one..."

"You will know about that thing later."

Meira drilled Mu En's temple hard, causing him to interrupt the next words in pain: "It's not good to know so much now."

"It sounds like some huge secret involving the destruction of the world and the survival of mankind. As long as you know it, you will be targeted by some terrible existence."

"I guess so."

"Can I ask another question?"

"You talk a lot today. Is this a stress response like a kitten being frightened? How embarrassing." Meira curled her lips in disdain.

"I hope you can call it cute."

"Please don't use the word cute, which makes people want to vomit. Mr. Mu En is 1.8 meters tall and has chest muscles that are almost better than those of a gorilla."

Meira slapped Mu En's forehead again, signaling him to behave himself instead of pretending to be stupid and rubbing his thighs.

"Hurry up."

"You suddenly let me see that person with my own eyes, is it really just for the so-called training of mental strength?"

Mu En stared at Meira's eyes.

"I admit that this method is indeed very effective, but there should be a better way for you. There is no need for me to take the risk of looking directly at that thing."

It is indeed very effective to exercise your face by being slapped, but as long as you are a normal person, I am afraid no one will use this method.

Not to mention, the danger of this kind of thing is not just a few slaps.

Your forehead will be blown off if you are not careful.

"You are so sharp. Men who are too suspicious are not liked by girls." Meila's eyelids drooped slightly.

"That's perfect. I think I have enough peach blossom disasters."


Meira sighed again:

"It's not as complicated as you think. I asked you to look directly at that person...just for the future, to rehearse in advance."


Mu En raised his eyebrows and said in a daze: "You really don't trust the so-called seal of the remains of the demon god. Do you think I will really face the demon god one day?"

"Who knows?"

Meira is still ambiguous.

"But it's better to be prepared. In fact, besides us, there are many people in this world who are preparing for that moment that may come. Including what I told you about the demons, it is also to prepare for your next action."

"No one wants to sit there and wait for death... Wait, what do you mean next?"

When Mu En found Huadian, he was shocked:

"What do you mean, will I have any intersection with the demons next?"

"Who knows?"

"Explain it to me clearly, you bastard old loli! Are you going to..."

"Alas, it's not that I won't tell you, it's just that there's nothing to say about this kind of thing. You will know it naturally when the time comes."

Mela smiled evilly, and then flicked her fingers lightly.

Before Mu En finished speaking, he had already turned into a super hot wheel and rolled all the way out of the sea of ​​flowers.

"Okay, okay, you've almost recovered, go away, take this opportunity to enjoy your hard-earned college life, don't think about those troubles for now, because they will eventually come."

Mera waved her hand and said goodbye gently: "As for your teacher, I will be busy with very important things next, bye."

"Asshole! You... coo coo coo..."

Mu En was so angry that he cursed, but he still couldn't help himself. He could only bite this grief and anger into pieces and swallow it into his stomach, and at the same time make another note in the little notebook in his heart.

You damn loli, wait for me, one day I will take revenge and beat your damn loli ass...

"coo coo coo..."


"Hiss... my old waist."

After coming out of the sea of ​​flowers, Mu En supported his waist and stumbled all the way.

It was sunset, and it was very quiet all around. Mu En found a bench nearby. After sitting down, he couldn't help but think of what happened just now.

"That bastard old loli, I don't know how many things she has hidden."

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