Mu En raised his head and looked at the red sky.

"However, I didn't say anything about her qualifications. After all... I also hid a little bit."

About that demon.

In fact, when the demon god from a thousand years ago was about to cast his gaze, what Mu En felt was not just fear and trembling.

Amidst the despair that was about to drown him like a sea, he also vaguely felt something else.

That was that misty seemed familiar.

This is an extremely absurd feeling, because Mu En would never have the opportunity or qualification to contact that demon god, whether in his previous life or in this life.

Perhaps as Meira said, he is too sensitive.


Mu En closed her eyes.

"The Black Book."

Deep in the consciousness space, as the light trembled, the black book floated out again.

22. Communication

consciousness space.

As Mu En's spirit recovered, the place returned to its original state again. It didn't have the dilapidated feeling after being squeezed several times before, and it even looked more spacious.

The pitch-black blazing sun surrounded by the holy corona was quietly suspended at the highest point, overlooking everything ruthlessly. During the rotation, it was still crushing Mu En's spirit.

Mu En had long been accustomed to this kind of mental consumption, so he didn't care. He lowered his head and continued to carefully touch the mysterious book in his hand, which had a pure black appearance and no decorative patterns at all. He stared at it for a long time.

Whether it was just now or now, the black book has not changed at all.

It behaved extremely quietly, as if it was not aware of anything happening in the outside world.

But you should know that it would react when it first faced Teacher Meira.

"Black Book, do you know the devil?" Mu En asked after pondering for a while.


The pages of the book were opened, and extremely standard fonts appeared on the blank pages.

【Know. 】

"What kind of existence is that?"

【Can’t say. 】

"Can't say it, or shouldn't it be said?"

【Can’t say. 】

"How was the Demon God born? He probably wasn't the so-called Demon God at the beginning. I think he was also a corrupted god, right? Just like the holy tree." Mu En continued to ask.

[The Demon God was born thousands of years ago, \u0026%*for the sake of*\u0026¥#\u0026\u0026¥#¥so%¥%...\u0026. 】

Mu En frowned, because the text displayed next in the black book was just a mess no matter how he distinguished it.

But being able to display the font this time means that this part of the content can be said to not be part of the so-called "taboo". It is just due to the influence of some force that he cannot know it for the time being.

It's like the history that was wiped out out of thin air thousands of years ago.

"never mind."

Mu En did not continue to struggle with this.

Because as Meira said, right now not yet qualified to pursue these things.

If you dig too deep into places where you shouldn't pry, looking forward and backward will actually affect your progress.

Besides, he also knew that the current questioning was meaningless.

Mu En smiled and then closed the black book.

"Now, let's focus on something closer."

Mu En opened her eyes again.

The college is still quiet, with only the rustling of green forest leaves.

But what I saw this time was not Meira's shabby face, but... an old face full of wrinkles, but still looking majestic and old-fashioned.

"P...Professor Prang?"

Mu En was startled by the face in front of him, and leaned back almost subconsciously. Fortunately, there was no thigh touch behind his head this time, otherwise his heart would have really jumped out of his chest. .

"Why are you here?"

"It's just a daily patrol of the campus."

Professor Pu Lang raised his brows, a little confused as to why he had such a big reaction, but he didn't care about it. He held the silver staff in his hand and sat down next to Mu En.

"The college will start soon, and as a professor, I have to make preparations early."


Mu En was stunned: "Has it reached this point?"

Mu En scratched his head with a complicated expression. He had experienced so much during this period that he almost forgot that he was still a student in the college.

"But then again, this spring break is too long."

Mu En couldn't help but complain.

I had forgotten about the academy before, but now I realized that several months had passed since I left the academy and headed to the Holy City.

Logically speaking, the academy should have started a long time ago.

"Before, because of what happened in Belland, for the sake of the safety of the students, the start of school was postponed. As for later..."

Professor Plann shrugged: "You should understand that many students can no longer come to the college, so the college plans to expand enrollment, which has delayed some time."

"That's it..."

Mu En immediately understood that the "many students" mentioned by Professor Plan were actually referring to those noble children with the blood of glory, as well as a large number of nobles who had recently been forcefully purged by Celicia.

For a college that was once funded and supervised by a council composed of nobles, although Santa Maria has been vigorously recruiting civilian students in recent years, these students account for a large proportion, so after their positions are vacated, subsequent Replenishing the source of students is another troublesome matter.

Fortunately, with the reputation of St. Mary's College and the help of Cecilia, the "student union president" who has not yet resigned in name, these things are not a big problem at all.

"It looks like the professors will be very busy."

"Yes, very busy."

Professor Plan sighed, then turned his head and stared at Mu En with a serious face:

"Many old guys who are about to step into the coffin have been pulled out to continue working, but they are still very busy. But at this time, some ignorant guys still come to make trouble. It's really annoying, don't you think so."


Mu En tilted his head back again. Professor Plan's familiar expression at this moment, as if he was going to make you fail the course at any time, aroused some bad memories in Mu En's mind, which was too oppressive.

"Don't you think so." Professor Plan emphasized again.


Mu En quietly moved half his butt back, thinking that this old-fashioned professor was not very good at speaking, and smiled bitterly:

"Professor Plan, if you have anything to say, just say it. I didn't have time to repay you for helping me before. As long as it is something I can do, I will definitely not refuse."

"It's nothing."

Professor Plan stood up again and stroked his beard with satisfaction: "With the help of His Majesty, there is actually nothing missing in the academy now, but... the face of the academy is about to face a big challenge."


Mu En was stunned, and then He immediately reacted and frowned, "What Professor Plan said... is it the envoys from the kingdom?"

"That's right."

"But didn't they come to ask Cecilia for a marriage?"

"That's just one of the purposes. If it was just for a marriage, why would they bring so many people? Not to mention that in addition to the 17th prince who suddenly appeared, there are also many young students with a good reputation, all of whom are top in the kingdom."

"So, they want to take this opportunity to suppress or humiliate the younger generation of the empire? They want to come to the academy?"

Mu En suddenly realized.

He looked around. Although the academy had not yet started, it was already a bit bleak. The turmoil in the empire this time affected not only that position and the political situation in Belrand, but also many noble children who were actually quite outstanding also returned to the West, so there was indeed a big gap in this regard.

After all, no matter how corrupt those nobles were, they could still produce many young and powerful people through a large amount of resources.

However, cultivating talents is not something that can be done overnight. Even if Cecilia attaches great importance to this and arranges for the major colleges in Belland to recruit talented students from the civilian population at the first time, it will take time after all, so it cannot cope with this challenge.

"It will probably be in the name of exchange. It is probably difficult to refuse such a thing."

"What a good time."

"The integrity of young people is also an important criterion for measuring the strength of a country. This time they failed to take advantage of the crisis of the empire to gain substantial benefits. If they run into a wall with His Majesty again, they can only play this kind of trick."

Professor Plan laughed unabashedly:

"If we compare normally, when can those garbage colleges in the kingdom beat us? The educational achievements demonstrated by Hertz, who led the team this time, at several international education exchange conferences are only worthy of carrying my shoes."

"So Professor Plan came to me?"

Mu En blinked: "Why?"

"Although the college has suffered some losses, aren't those outstanding students that we are most proud of still there?"

Plan The professor smoothed out his wrinkles and smiled, which was rare: "Not only you, I will personally communicate with other outstanding students. This time, we will definitely let those weaklings in the kingdom who think we are easy to bully see the power of our college again!"

"Of course, as a student of the college, I will naturally contribute, but... I am proud of it..."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just..."

Moon En held the back of his head with both hands, recalled some scenes, and couldn't help but said with a complicated expression: "I didn't expect that I would hear such words from Professor Plan. It makes me feel a little... incredible."

After all, in the eyes of the former Moon En Campbell, the biggest enemy was not the evil god who destroyed the world, nor was it Feng Aotian who was destined to be the emperor, but only... the stern old man in front of him who could not tolerate any sand in his eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

Professor Plan also sighed slightly, and then patted Mu En on the shoulder: "In the professor's eyes, you have always been the best."

"Professor Plan..." Mu En looked over with emotion...

"Even if you can only use one lighting technique now, I will not despise you anymore."

Professor Plan hesitated for a moment and said: "After all, my cat can't use as many tricks as you."




After leaving some words to encourage other students, Professor Plan left.

Although he is indeed old-fashioned and strict, as long as he is a student of St. Mary's College, he has to admit that he is indeed the most responsible professor.

At least he is the only one who will take time out at this time to come and say some "encouraging" words.

It's just that those "encouraging" words are very hurtful.


Mu En raised his hand and used his palm to block the gradually dimming sunset.

"Come to think of it, I have never had a good fight with young people of my generation."

In the past, I fought against some weird things like evil believers and evil god projections. Even in the trial of the Holy City, I never had a serious fight. The only person I taught Prague a lesson turned out to be an evil believer.

It's like he has an evil god magnet. Those who fight him are either evil believers or disguised evil believers. It's really fucked up.

"It seems like I'm looking forward to it." Mu En smiled self-deprecatingly.

It's just...

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