"Speaking of discussions and exchanges..."

Mu En touched her chin and murmured: "Did I forget something long ago but very important?"

"Communicating and discussing with people in the kingdom?"

In the college cafeteria, Ariel, who was munching on brown bread, looked at Professor Plan with wide eyes:

"Is there any bonus?"


Professor Plan was silent for a while, and after being stunned for a while, he really couldn't bear to see the miserable situation of the students in his college, so he personally hired the cafeteria chef to cook a few dishes that were acceptable to Ariel, and added some... A few chicken legs, which she liked.

"The prizes will naturally be huge, and His Majesty and some important figures may come to watch in person. I will never be stingy in this regard."


Ariel, who was crazily stuffing chicken legs, puffed up her chest instantly: "She will come too? That's great, this is my chance to show off!"

"Of course, when it comes to performance opportunities, what could be simpler and more direct than on the stage?"

Compared to Mu En, Ariel was Professor Plan's favored student from the beginning, but he still couldn't help but give a few words of advice:

"Don't underestimate the enemy. The Seventeenth Prince will definitely end up personally. At present, we have almost zero information about him, so we have to be very careful."

"Don't worry, I have never underestimated my enemy."

Ariel waved her hands indifferently and was about to concentrate on cooking, but suddenly she seemed to remember something, raised her head and asked with a solemn expression:

"By the way, Professor Plan, is this exchange and discussion taking place between members of the academy?"

"If the rules allow it, of course."

Professor Plann asked in confusion: "Why do you ask this?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered something."

Ariel grabbed the chicken legs, her eyes shining brightly:

"The ring, the crowd, Celcia, and some nasty guy! This is really a God-given opportunity!"

23. Warning

royal palace.

After going through various tedious and complicated etiquette handovers, the members of the Kingdom's mission finally met the belated new Queen of the Empire in the splendid banquet hall of the palace.

Celcia Leopold.

She walked out from the spotlight, her waist straight and her jade head slightly raised.

She did not like to wear a luxurious red robe with a long hem when meeting foreign guests, as the previous emperors did when meeting foreign guests. Instead, she only wore a specially tailored white palace gauze skirt that could well outline her slender waist.

But this did not affect her majesty. On the contrary, the pure and flawless gauze hanging down further highlighted her nobility and solemnity. And on top of the silver-white hair, the crown as light as a hair ornament still shines brightly, overwhelming the bright magic stones in the room, making people dare not look directly at it.


While bending down to salute, Hertz asked Milne in a low voice beside him.

"Excellent elegance."

Milne's eyes became even hotter and he whispered:

"Compared to the rumored Ice Witch and the Third Princess, both in temperament and appearance, she is even better."

"After all, she is the emperor now."

Hertz Fusu smiled and said, "Are you sure?"

"Do your best."

Milne took a deep breath, and when the ceremony was over, he seized the opportunity and spoke first:

"Dear Her Majesty the Queen, I am..."

"Are you the leader of this mission?"

Celcia's cold beautiful eyes swept across, suddenly interrupted Milne, and asked leisurely.

Milne froze and paused slightly embarrassed.

"Dear Your Majesty, I am Herz Usman, the chief envoy of this mission. Please atone for your late condolences."

Seeing this, Hertz quickly stood up and came to the rescue: "As for this, he is the seventeenth prince of my kingdom, His Highness Milne. He admires His Majesty, so he spoke a little irritably."

"So that's it, so I asked why it's a little different from what I know."

Celecia looked at Milne and showed a polite smile:

"I'm slightly offended, but please don't take it to heart, Your Highness. I saw that the leader of the kingdom who spoke first did not match the intelligence. I was afraid that there was a rude person who broke the rules. I didn't expect that it was the prince."

"No... I made a mistake. Please forgive me, Your Majesty." Milne forced a smile, secretly thinking that it was just a misunderstanding and it was not the Queen's intention to target her.

"What's wrong with the prince? Today I'm just trying to clean up the dust for all of you. I won't talk about such disappointing things."

Celecia clapped her hands gently to signal the banquet to begin, and she took the lead in sitting on the main seat.

Everyone who came to participate in this state banquet was seated. Those who were eligible to sit at the same table as Celcia, except for important figures in the kingdom's mission, were all high-level officials of the empire.

Hertz quickly took this opportunity to look around and found that after a round of political shuffling, there were indeed many important figures in the empire whom he had never known about.

For example, a beautiful young woman with a charming temperament. Judging from the position where she sits, she has a higher status than the Marquis of Angus. However, her intelligence does not mention a woman with such conspicuous features at all. I don’t know. What is the identity.

On the other side, the holy light filled the air... Did even the church send people to attend this banquet?

Hertz was slightly shocked and secretly lamented that now that the empire has gradually declined, the status of the kingdom is indeed extraordinary.

Celecia also noticed the two uninvited guests, so she narrowed her beautiful eyes and said displeasedly:

"You two...I remember I didn't invite you to the banquet, right?"

"What does it matter? With my status and identity, am I not qualified to participate?"

Anna held her chin and smiled sweetly:

"After all, we have to supervise His Majesty not to do anything excessive."

"That's right!" The holy light shook, and the voice echoed.

"That's such a pity. Now you can't supervise anything. It's just a waste of time."

Celecia snorted softly, not wanting to get entangled with the two sneaky cats on this occasion, and her attention returned to the banquet itself.

But Hertz, who watched all this keenly, had a bright light in his eyes.

Just as he had speculated before, the Queen of the Empire and the mysterious woman in a high position had a tit-for-tat verbal exchange. Now, there are indeed differences among the senior officials within the Empire!

And looking at it like this, this queen actually has no dealings with the church!

And when Herz's attention returned to Celcia, he suddenly discovered that the seat next to her was empty.

Hertz immediately looked at Milne who also noticed this.

"His Majesty."

Herz coughed twice and asked tentatively:

"I heard that you have a fiancé. Why is there no trace of him in this important scene where the two countries meet?"


Hearing this, Celcia suddenly looked slightly cold:

"Why should I let him attend? He's just a playboy who doesn't know where to go to pick up women in the blink of an eye! Even if he dies outside, it has nothing to do with me!"

Herz was delighted when he heard this and took a peek around again. He found that when the queen was saying such derogatory words about her fiancé, the surroundings were quiet. Even Marquis Angus, who was the grandfather of Moon Campbell, lowered his head and remained silent. Obviously he didn't dare to say anything more, so he couldn't help but feel even more ecstatic!

There were internal divisions and no respect for the church. His Majesty also obviously didn't like her fiancée. It was just like speculation. He had to force her to accept her just to bridge the domestic conflicts and stabilize the situation.

After just a banquet and a little exploration, so many problems were discovered... Today's empire is simply full of flaws!

Herz and Milne looked at each other again, and both saw the surprise in the other's eyes.

The weakness of the empire is undoubtedly extremely beneficial to the kingdom and to them who have selfish motives!


Herz found the opportunity and continued:

"Regarding the proposals submitted by our mission along with the credentials, Your Majesty..."

"Oh? Is it the communication thing Mr. Herz mentioned?"

Celecia nodded lightly: "This is a good thing. The two countries, especially the young generation who are the pillars of the country, need to communicate with each other in order to encourage each other to grow. Naturally, I have no reason to refuse."

"This...your Majesty's words are true."

Herz frowned slightly. What he wanted Celcia to mention was about the marriage proposal. Naturally, such a big event couldn't really be like the story in the novel, where he knelt down to propose in front of everyone. , really pissed off the Queen, not to mention asking for marriage, their entire mission was in danger.

So he submitted the request along with his credentials early to give her time to think.

But now looking at her deliberately avoiding attitude...

"Oh, are you still waiting for the price?"

Milne, who also saw all this clearly, couldn't help but curl his lips slightly, chuckled and analyzed: "It's just as we expected. The one who can sit in that position always puts interests first. She submitted the matter of abortion just to see us clearly." He is deliberately snubbing me now, probably just to seize the initiative. It’s an old negotiation trick.”

"Then the rest is up to you."

Herz leaned close to him and whispered.

"If it's a matter of communication, I can't help you."

"Don't worry, Mr. Hertz, I will never let you and the kingdom down."

Milne raised his chest confidently and glanced at Celecia, who was in charge, and said: "As I said before, I will give those idiots in the empire, including Moon Campbell, a little genius shock!"

"Very good, I have always believed in you."

Hertz nodded happily.

In fact, his ability to lead such a large envoy to the empire as the chief envoy largely relies on his identity as the teacher of the Seventeenth Prince. As long as he completes this mission well, he will Able to take another step forward in the kingdom's political situation.

Therefore, his interests with His Highness Milne are completely bound together. He hopes that he can succeed more than anyone else, and he also believes that he can succeed.

After all, His Highness Milne is special. As his teacher, he also knows the terrifying aspects of his talent better than anyone else!

Comparable to...

From the corner of his eye, Hertz glanced at the girl next to him, who was obviously at such an important banquet, but still lowered her head and said nothing, and frowned slightly.

Another of his disciples, Sewell, has been overshadowed recently.

She was originally considered one of the leaders of the younger generation in the kingdom, otherwise she would not have represented the kingdom in the trial in the Holy City.

But... ever since she returned from the Holy City trial, she has often been alone in a daze. She is no longer as diligent in cultivation as before, and she won't tell anyone when asked. The church also covered up the trial so much that she didn't know what happened. What.

But forget it, now is not the time to teach this disciple a lesson.

Hertz shook his head and prepared to continue to praise Her Highness in front of the Empress of the Empire in order to leave a better impression before the communication.

"I heard that Lord Hertz is good at teaching people and has many outstanding students?"

But before Hertz could speak, he did not expect that the Queen would take the initiative to turn the topic to this matter.

Hertz had felt fortunate and happy for many times today, thinking that the goddess was favoring him. He immediately restrained the smile on his lips and said neither humbly nor arrogantly:

"Your Majesty has said that only a few of my students are now of great use."

"Lord Hertz, there is no need to be modest. Even I, who have been staying in Belrand, have heard of your students. For example..."

Cecilia gently shook the red wine glass filled with grape juice, with a slight curl of her lips, and sipped a soft smile.

Milne raised his head and chest, and his waist became straighter.

"For example, Miss Sever, your student, is said to be very outstanding."


For a moment, not only Hertz and Milne were stunned, but even Sever, who had been distracted, raised his head in confusion, looked around blankly, and after confirming that there was no other person named Sever here, he pointed at himself:

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