
"Are you Miss Sewell?"

Celcia's eyes instantly fell on Sewell, looking at her carefully, especially scanning certain parts, and then nodded:

"As expected of Mr. Hertz's disciple, his reputation is well-deserved. He is very outstanding at first glance. Well... with this face and figure, I am afraid that most men will not be able to resist this charm."

"Thank you... thank you, Your Majesty."

Xavier saluted and thanked her in confusion. Although Her Majesty the Queen was obviously praising her, why did she always feel that this sentence sounded so strange?


Sewell looked around secretly. She didn't know why, but she felt that someone was still looking at her, but she couldn't follow the gaze...

Apart from people from the mission, there is no one I know well at this banquet. Is it an illusion?

"Mr. Hertz is very pleased to have such an outstanding disciple."

"Thank you for your compliment, Your Majesty."

Although she didn’t know why the Empress of the Empire praised Sewell so much, as her teacher, Hertz still accepted the compliment calmly and with dignity.

"But compared to Sewell, I have better students..."

"I think Miss Sewell and I are very destined."

Celecia suddenly waved her hand, interrupted Herz's words, and said with a smile:

"Why don't you ask Miss Sewell to stay temporarily after the banquet is over and have a private chat with me."


Now, several people became more and more confused.

Hertz looked at Milne for the third time, but this time it was not joy, but confusion.

Why does Her Majesty the Queen seem...more interested in Sewell than the talented and handsome man Milne?

After a welcoming banquet that seemed full of content but was actually full of nonsense, Hertz and Milne asked the people from the mission to return to the embassy temporarily while they waited outside the palace.

Of course, Sewell was not qualified to resist a queen's request. He was being left in the palace to talk alone and privately.

"How is this going?"

Milne frowned: "Why is the Queen of the Empire so interested in Sewell? Could it be that she likes..."

"probably not."

Herz waved his hand: "I haven't heard any rumors about this. She should be just interested in Sewell himself."


"Don't be too impatient. You will know when Sewell comes out."

Soon, Sewell, still looking confused, walked out of the palace with one step at a time.

The two of them hurriedly greeted him.

"What did the Queen of the Empire talk to you about?"

"It's...it's nothing."

Sewell scratched his head: "It's just some very common topics between girls, what color do I like, what type of clothes do I wear, what kind of boys do I like, etc."

Milne asked eagerly: "That's all we talked about?"

"Ah, by the way, she also gave me a few books, but my mind was a little confused at the time and I didn't remember to read them."

As he spoke, Sewell took out a few books.

Several people stretched their necks to take a look...

Book One: "Clean Yourself"

The second book: "Scumbag Prevention Manual"

Step Three: "Stubborn"

Book 4: "Self-Destruction"

The fifth book: "Detective Case Collection: The Tragedy of the Dismemberment of the Noble Prince's Mistress"

"What does it mean?"

Hertz was also confused and discussed with Milne: "Is there some political meaning that we don't know about?"

"I don't know either." Milne was also very confused.

Only Sewell, staring at these books, didn't know what he thought of, and couldn't help but shudder.

"Impossible, it shouldn't be possible. Isn't it rumored that the relationship between them is very bad?"

Just as he was thinking this, someone suddenly came forward and invited Sewell:

"Miss, someone asked you to come over and have a chat."


Several people looked up in confusion again and saw an unmarked black carriage parked not far away.

As the curtains fluttered, a beautiful face that would never be forgotten was revealed.

"She seems to be a high-ranking member of the empire. Maybe she has something important to contact me. Sewell, go check it out." Herz said solemnly.


Xavier, who had an increasingly bad premonition in his heart, walked stiffly into the carriage, and then got out quickly.

"What did she say to you?"

"No...it's nothing. Just like the Queen of the Empire, asking me what type of boy I like..."

Sewell's expression was a little numb, but he was still saying to himself in his heart, it's impossible, absolutely impossible, and they don't know that they like it...

"Miss Sewell."


"Someone wants to meet you."


Under the shocked and incomprehensible looks of Herz and Milne, Sewell was personally summoned by a certain big shot for the third time today.

But this time, after Sewell boarded the carriage, looking at the cute face that was no longer unfamiliar to him, he finally couldn't hold back and exclaimed:

"You...Liya...that's not right, Your Highness the Saint?!"

"Oh, Sevier."

In the carriage, Liya puffed out her cheeks, stared at Sevier with squinted eyes, and then sneered:

"I didn't expect you to chase Belland. You are really lingering!"

24. Interrupt spell casting

"His Majesty."

"Thank you for your hard work, Professor Plan."

Celecia stepped off the carriage and what she saw was the once very familiar Santa Maria campus.

The gate is still the same gate. The huge font carved on the rock is vigorous and powerful. It is said that it came from the handwriting of the First King thousands of years ago.

The academy is still the same, but Celecia's status has undergone earth-shaking changes during a holiday. Even if she was a princess, she was just a student of the academy here. But now, professors from the academy are required to come in person. receive.

"Are the students not enrolled yet?"

Celcia's cold gaze swept over, and among the green plants, there was silence and a little less life.

"The students have already enrolled, but the date of His Majesty's visit has been staggered to avoid confusion."

Professor Pu Lang answered respectfully, with a sigh between his eyebrows.

"...That's right. From now on, when I come to the academy, I can only visit."

Celecia waved her hand, indicating that the royal knights behind her did not need to follow, and followed Professor Plank into the campus.

"Where are those people from the Kingdom?"

"They have sent a letter and said they will come tomorrow."

"Tomorrow... I'm really impatient."

"They are so confident. It seems that the seventeenth prince is indeed not simple."

Professor Plank stroked his beard. As one of his old rivals, he knew the character of Hertz very well.

He was once so overwhelmed that he couldn't lift his head up, but this time he was so confident that it was definitely not because his forehead was suddenly flushed with blood, but because he was confident.

"What you're saying...isn't Professor Plann confident?" Celcia raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Haha, Your Majesty doesn't need to ask me about this."

Professor Pu Lang smiled and said: "That guy from your family will be one of the main players next. You should ask him."


Mentioning the person who suddenly disappeared again, Celcia snorted softly from her nose and asked:

"He went back to the academy?"

"Back to the academy."

Professor Plann coughed twice and lowered his voice:

"Your Majesty, are you going to find him? Although girls are not allowed to enter the men's dormitory, Your Majesty..."

"Why should I go to him?"

Celecia interrupted Professor Plank coldly and walked in the opposite direction without looking back:

"I came to the academy to do business, and it's just right if he doesn't disturb me."


Professor Plan was stunned for a moment, looking at Celcia's lonely back, then stroking his beard and shaking his head helplessly.

"Huh? Celcia came to the academy?"

In the dormitory, Ariel, who was practicing, got the news and immediately stood up in excitement.

"Great, here's my chance!!"

"Are you too impatient?"

The candlelight flickered, and an ethereal figure rose next to Ariel.

"It is said that the people from those kingdoms will not come back until tomorrow. Why not make preparations today?"

"Oh, teacher, you don't understand!"

Ariel put her hands on her hips and said confidently: "Can active invitation and passive appearance be the same? It is precisely because the exchange meeting will only start tomorrow that I am going to express my determination to Celcia today! This way I can leave a deeper impression on her. !”

"Is this useful?" Teacher Ariel asked doubtfully.

"Of course it works!"

Ariel tilted her lips and smiled freely:

"According to my rich emotional experience, the prerequisite for a beautiful woman to be moved is to carve your own mark on her heart. Only by carving your mark first will everything else become logical!"


Teacher Ariel's eyes were a little strange. Although her disciple often claimed to be rich in emotions, so far, the Crystal Palace she was determined to build did not even have a foundation.

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