"You should also know that on the night when the Li Council rebelled, in order to kill the remnants of the evil gods they created, I used the power of the empire to forcefully enter the realm of the Crowned One." Celicia explained seriously:

"This is just the aftereffects of that time."

"The realm of the one who wears the crown..."

Ariel touched her chin: "I have heard that you are now called the youngest crown-wearer in ancient times. But I didn't expect that there are still such serious sequelae, and it has not been eliminated after so long?"

"How can it be so easy for a person wearing a crown to get in? Some of the side effects are normal, but if it's serious, you won't be able to hold on. Hmm~"

Celecia raised her neck slightly again, as if she was once again hit by the surging blood and energy in her body, and she bit her silver teeth lightly and said:

"As you can see, it's just some excitement of blood."


"Do you think I'm lying to you?"

"No...I'm just worried about you...Your Majesty."

"Don't worry, I'm not that fragile yet."

After the lingering stimulation from her skin passed, Celcia glanced under the table again out of the corner of her eye.

Although she was separated by her dress, she seemed to be able to see Mu En's pride at this moment. He was teasing some sensitive places more and more boldly while she was unable to resist.



She also heard the sound of the thin fabric being torn bit by bit. The black silk she wore was not specially worn for him today. A warm breeze also blew in the mysterious garden.

That guy... actually really dares...

A flash of anger flashed in Celcia's eyes, but she did not let Mu En do whatever she wanted. She changed her posture slightly, straightened her long legs, and her jade feet wrapped in black stockings emerged from the high heels, exploring a certain part of Mu En's body. go.

If you like playing this kind of game, then it depends on who of us gives up first.


The next moment, a very low, suppressed inhalation sound penetrated into Celcia's ears.

Mu En, who was concentrating on the expedition, suddenly felt that his army was being attacked. He was immediately panicked and found it difficult to control himself.

——Obviously she was drunk last time, but Celcia's actions at this moment were obviously blessed by a lot of experience. Every tiny movement accurately hit Mu En's weaknesses and vital points.

"As expected of Celcia, you can't underestimate her."

Mu En tried hard to maintain her reaction to a point where Ariel would never discover it, although this kind of forbearance would only make the interest more interesting and the flames burning hotter.

But now that things have come to a point, he will definitely not give in easily and can only move on.

When the five-fingered vanguard used to attack the enemy finally removed all the opponent's defenses, and nothing could stop him behind him, Mu En took a deep breath, thrust his head forward, and briefly admired the fruits of victory that he was about to pick. , immediately sent out a small group of his most elite soldiers to attack Huanglong!

"Your Majesty, are you really okay?"

"Yeah...it's okay."

Celecia stiffened and gripped the edge of the desk tightly with her palms. Only then did she stop the trembling of her delicate body and prevent herself from losing her composure in front of Ariel.

"It's hard to suppress the injury of Qi and blood, which makes you laugh, but it's not really a big problem. You have this knowledge and you should know that you only need to focus on taking care of yourself next."


Ariel nodded truly. If Celcia was really just agitated, then what she needed most now was indeed recuperation.

"Then there's nothing more to say. Thank you Ariel for your concern."

Celcia wiped the sweat from her forehead and flipped her hair again... But this time, Ariel was suddenly stunned.

Because I don’t know if it was her misunderstanding, but at that moment, an astonishing charm suddenly flowed out of Celcia’s body, as if the chill all over her body had been dispelled by the warmth of late spring, and all the ice had melted away. .

Breathtakingly beautiful.

But it was only for a moment, and she didn't see it clearly, and then Celcia returned to normal again.

"What's wrong?"


Ariel hurriedly said: "Since there is nothing serious about your majesty, I will leave first!"

"Go ahead."

Celcia breathed a sigh of relief.

For the first time, she felt that meeting and communicating with people was so difficult.

Of course, she would never admit that if she continued like this, there was a real possibility of losing.

"Celcia's appearance always feels weird."

After walking out of the student union room, Ariel couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Although Celecia's reasons were flawless, she felt something was wrong.

At the same time, there were certain thoughts that seemed absolutely impossible to her, but they emerged bit by bit and she couldn't get rid of them.

"Teacher, did you find anything wrong?"

Ariel asked.


The figure of Teacher Ariel suddenly appeared:

"The emperor's authority has always been shrouded around that little girl. I don't feel anything unusual."


Ariel's eyes flashed and she asked: "Is there a third person in the room besides me and Celcia?"

"Huh? Why do you ask this question?"

Teacher Ariel wondered: "Who dares to hide in a place where the emperor of an empire lives? Do you want to kill the king? And where else can you hide in that room? Under the queen's skirt?"


Ariel thought about it and thought it was impossible.

It seemed like I was really overthinking it. How could the same outrageous thing happen again?

So his mood improved again, he put his hands on his hips and said:

"That's it. It seems like there are really serious side effects. I have to work harder to make Celcia feel more energetic!"

In the student union room, after Ariel left completely, Celcia froze the door and windows, then suddenly lowered her head and lifted up her skirt.

Mu En was still lying there, concentrating on launching an offensive against her, and even worked harder because the intruder left.

Just like a hard-working little bee, working hard to collect sweet nectar.

But for Mu En's hard work, Celcia was a little annoyed, but before this anger had time to show up,...

[This has been corrected]

[This has been corrected]

[This has been corrected]

Although Mu En was sending only surprise troops at the moment, her agility was not comparable to that of the main force. In addition, it was the first time she had experienced this kind of thing. In a short period of time, Celicia actually lost her armor and was unable to maintain herself. .

She looked at Mu En below her, a flash of irritation flashed in her charming spring eyes, and she raised her hands high...

But in the end, he gently lowered his fingers, inserted his fingers into Mu En's golden hair, raised his swan-like white neck, and indulged in it together...

28. Daily life

Under the sycamore forest, there was silence.

The skylight spilled from the gaps in the tree crown, like a dividing line between light and shadow, separating the two people.

Milne slightly turned his face away from the direct sunlight, and squinted his eyes to carefully look at the man sitting on the bench in the shadow.


This was his first reaction.

This man who seemed to have just returned from being severely ravaged, with a weak face, sloppy steps, and unable to stand upright, was he really the Duke's son Moon Campbell that Sewell had always told him to be careful about?

But soon this doubt was answered, because the source of all the tidbits, the famous handsome face, the iconic blond hair, and the aristocratic temperament that was still inadvertently revealed in every gesture were all there. Tell him - that's Moon Campbell.

His biggest enemy during this trip was the current fiancé of the Queen of the Empire, Moon Campbell.

And this biggest enemy, the Queen's fiancé, when the Queen is about to attend this exchange meeting in person, looks like this... He actually just got up from a woman's bed? At such a momentous moment, he actually stayed up all night having fun with a woman last night?

How stupid! How ridiculous!

Without any vigilance, sense of crisis, or perspective on the overall situation, he is just a fool who thinks that his fiancé's position is unshakable and does whatever he wants based on his status! Did he really think that the majestic queen would turn a blind eye to such a thing?

According to Milne's understanding of the so-called "emperor", the more someone occupies the supreme position, the harder it is to tolerate being offended!

Moreover, what is the difference between Moon Campbell's behavior and the rumored playboy who has no idea how much money he has, indulges in women's sex, and achieves nothing?

Therefore, after doubts, Milne felt another emotion that made him unhappy.

"You have let me down too much."

Milne stood up from the tree he was leaning on, still holding his arms across his chest, and said coldly to Mu En:

"Sewell values ​​you so much. I thought you would be an opponent that I could fight with all my strength, but I didn't expect... that you would be so unbearable."


Mu En, who was scolded for nothing, blinked and looked confused.

"It seems that I really thought too much. You may not even be qualified to be my stepping stone!"

Milne snorted coldly, then turned around and left: "I hope you can struggle a little harder and don't let this game end so easily, otherwise I won't be able to feel the joy of victory at all."


Seeing Milne leaving after saying the cruel words, Mu En scratched her head in confusion.

Let’s not talk about what he means by those birdy words...

"After all...who the hell are you?"

I don’t know anyone, but they suddenly came over and said some incomprehensible words while pretending to be cool.

And then he ran away without even saying anything?

Is this a mentally retarded person who escaped from some mental hospital?

Do you know that you deserve a beating like this?

Mu En shook her head. Although she was a little confused, she still chose not to argue with the retarded person and prepared to get up and go back to the dormitory.

But just after taking two steps, another shout rang out.

"Senior Brother Mu En."

But this time the voice was very familiar, and the person who came was not mentally retarded.

"Senior Fanny?"

Mu En looked at the pretty senior sister coming from the other side in surprise, was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"It's been so long, why are you here?"

Senior sister Fanny, who had communicated with Mu En many times and even participated in the Saintess Trial, greeted Mu En familiarly:

"Long time no see. As for why you are here...actually it was just a chance encounter. I was passing by here."

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