Senior Sister Fanny tilted her head and gestured behind her. The direction at the end of the path happened to lead to the college's dormitory area, so it was not strange to meet here. In fact, if it hadn't been a special day, most students would have gone there early. Join in the fun, otherwise Mu En would have met many students from the college along the way.

"Are you also going to the exchange meeting?" Mu En asked. Senior Sister Fanny is also among the top few in the academy, so being selected to participate in this exchange meeting does not surprise Mu En.


Fanny nodded and responded with a smile: "But I didn't expect that I would be able to meet the two most eye-catching people in this exchange between the two countries here at the same time."

"The two most eye-catching people?"

Mu En paused for a moment, then suddenly realized:

"Ah, so the retarded man just now is the seventeenth prince of the kingdom? No, since he is the seventeenth prince, then his behavior just now is not difficult to understand, and it is barely considered retarded."

Mu En touched her chin.

Are you here to spy on the enemy? doesn't seem like it came at the right time.

Could it be that he really thinks that all I have in mind is black, thighs, black silk thighs and so on.

"Junior Mu En doesn't know who he is?"

Senior Sister Fanny looked at Mu En's expression that she really didn't know who the other party was, and couldn't help but have a weird expression. She couldn't help laughing and said: "At least he is his 'love rival'. It is said that he came here specifically to compete with you, the Queen's fiancé, or... It’s better to have some snacks.”

"Haha, I've been a little busy lately and I really don't have time to find out what the so-called Milne looks like."

Mu En laughed and said, "But love rivals and so on... Celcia will lose if I look at him even more, so that guy shouldn't be considered a loser."

"I actually called His Majesty by his first name..."

Senior Sister Fanny raised her eyebrows, and her expression suddenly became meaningful:

"I remember that you were like this to the former sister Liya and the current Saintess..."

"Cough, cough!"

Mu En, who knew that it would be dangerous to talk about this topic, quickly interrupted Senior Fanny with a few dry coughs, and changed the subject:

"By the way, is Senior Fanny a person?"

Mu En looked around her: "I remember that in the academy, your butt would usually be followed..."

"No, of course it's not just me, but also..."

"And we have something to say!"

The bush next to Senior Sister Fanny shook, and then three cute little heads filled with leaves suddenly emerged from it.

"Good morning, Mr. Moon!"

Mu En was startled, because even with his sharp senses, he didn't realize that there was actually three people hiding in the bushes not far away.

This ability to hide is so terrifying, and who would have thought that these three cute little heads are only in the first grade.

"You are……"

However, after being slightly surprised for a moment, Mu En's memory quickly turned over, and she soon remembered the names of the three little girls in front of her.

"As expected, it's you. The three little ones who used to cheer me up seem to be named...Emma, ​​Amy, and Alva, right!"

"I didn't expect that Mr. Mu En, whom I recommended, actually remembered our names. Ah, we have no regrets in this life!"

The three little ones held their crimson cheeks and looked so excited that they almost fainted.

Senior Sister Fanny smiled apologetically at Mu En, then walked over, each with a ruthless hammer.

"How many times have I told you, can you change this habit of digging into bushes and grass?"

"It hurts! Fanny, what are you talking about? This is the stealth skill we have practiced so hard. As paparazzi... No, as a loyal fan, how can we not master the stealth skill?" Emma held her head and groaned angrily. He shouted: "And I am the president!"

"That's right!" Amy agreed: "This is a necessary skill, not a habit!"

"That's right! Fanny actually hit the president, that's too much!" Alva shouted.

"You, the president, don't seem to care about anything! What else do you guys do besides messing around?"

Senior Sister Fanny's veins popped up on her forehead, and then she was hit again.

It can be seen that her attitude towards these three little ones has obviously become much more irritable even though they have not seen each other for a few months.

It seems that I am often "tortured" on a daily basis.

"The relationship is really good."

Looking at this picture of "living together in harmony", Mu En also subconsciously smiled like an "aunt".

The smile was bright and handsome, and the sunshine embellished the smile. For a moment, the three little ones were stunned again.

"I...can we take another photo?" Emma asked.

"Don't do weird things with it."

"Don't worry, I just make a few hundred copies, and then...ah, it hurts! Damn Fanny, why did you hit me again? If you dare to hit me again, I will punish you in the name of the president. Ahhh!”

"Don't listen to their nonsense, they have taken enough photos secretly."

Fanny retracted her fist, then grabbed the three agitated little ones to stop them from messing around, and then bowed apologetically to Mu En:

"Sorry, these three little girls haven't seen you for a long time, and they are a little too excited now."


Mu En waved her hands carelessly: "I was just a little scared. They were so shy when we last met, but now..."

Mu En glanced at the three lively little ones and recalled how shy they looked when they saw him. It was like they were directly upgraded from a social fear to a social cow. Their cheerfulness was completely different. Mu En was really scared. A jump.

"Humph, now I have to preach to so many believers every day, of course... wuwuwuwu."

"Believer? Doctrine?"

Mu En looked doubtfully at Emma, ​​whose mouth was covered by Fanny: "What do you mean?"

"Haha, it's nothing, it's just that this little girl has recently started to believe in the goddess, so she always accidentally talks about some religious content." Senior Sister Fanny tried her best to keep a smile and explained:

"Junior Mu En, don't worry too much."


Mu En felt that something was wrong, but it was hard to say anything further, so he could only respond:

"The goddess is indeed a good object of faith, and the holy light is also very useful."

"Right... Then let's say goodbye first. Junior Mu En, you also need..."

Fanny glanced at Mu En with an even weirder expression: "You should make some preparations in advance. After all, we have to fight with others today."

"Haha, that's right..."

Mu En scratched her head in embarrassment. Even Senior Sister Fanny could see her current state... It seemed that she was really dealt with by Her Majesty the Queen last night.

"Goodbye then, Junior Mu En."

"See you soon, you guys too."


"Okay, don't be embarrassed and leave quickly."


The sound fades away.

On the path where the leaves were rustling and the sunlight was scattered, Fanny dragged the three little ones away quickly, leaving only a vague feeling of sadness and anger remaining in place.

Mu En looked at their disappearing figures and suddenly had an indescribable feeling.

"This is the so-called daily life, so leisurely and peaceful. It's like suddenly becoming an old man, everything slows down."

He whistled softly, with joy from the bottom of his heart, hoping that this moment would last longer:

"It's really good."

"This is what is called war."

In the place where the duel had been prepared, Herz looked up at the lively audience around him, thinking about the great things he and his students were about to accomplish, and a burning fighting spirit suddenly burned in his chest, and even his rickety back suddenly straightened up. Quite a few.

"It makes people's blood boil so much, it feels like they are decades's really good!"

29. Why is it said to be a good sign?

Academy, center stage, guest room.

It was not long before the exchange was expected to start. Celicia finally arrived at the prepared competition venue without anyone following her.

Although there was no one accompanying her, and as the queen, she only wore a simple white gauze dress, her temperament was still cold and noble, cool and inviolable.

At this moment, many participants had almost arrived and even waited for a while. However, due to Celecia's status, no one could say anything to her. Instead, they thought this was a very normal thing and they all greeted her respectfully.

"Your Majesty the Queen looks good. Did you encounter something good?"

After Hertz saluted, he was keenly aware that Celcia's face looked a little rosy at this moment, and asked tentatively.


Celcia glanced at Hertz, as if she didn't notice his little thoughts, and said calmly:

"I feel much better now that I have dealt with a certain guy who acted disrespectfully and acted daringly."

"Someone in this academy dares to offend His Majesty? What a surprise."

Herz stroked his beard and suggested sincerely: "If they are such villains, they should be dealt with properly. Your Majesty, please don't be merciful."

Haha... Sure enough, my guess about the discord within the empire became more and more credible. Not only the high-ranking ministers, but also people in this academy were dissatisfied with the young empress. ?

Thinking of this, Herz became more and more confident in the success of his actions, and even began to think about whether this was his only chance in this life.

"Don't worry, Mr. Herz. I will naturally take care of my private affairs." Celcia's tone was slightly cold.

"I was the one who offended."

Herz pretended to be scared and apologized, but he was in a very good mood. When he turned around, he happened to see Milne coming back.


He excused himself to retreat and quickly summoned Milne:

"Have you seen that Moon Campbell?"


Milne glanced at Sewell not far away, and after confirming that she was not paying attention, he lowered his voice and said:

"To be honest, I'm very disappointed."

"Disappointed?" Hertz was stunned. He also knew that his other disciple Sewell had been talking about how powerful Moon Campbell actually was and asked them not to be careless. Milne also went to confirm it out of caution, but he didn't. Did you expect to get such a result?

"There are many rumors about him, and there are also many rumors about those rumors that are just rumors. It is difficult to distinguish the true from the false. Now that I have seen it in person, I can see that some of the rumors are indeed true."

"speak English."

Herz, who was dizzy from all the "rumors", frowned and said:

"What rumors are true?"

"Lewd, dandy, playboy, obsessed with women...even having multiple girlfriends is credible. When I found him just now, he looked like he had just climbed out of a woman's bed."

"Just climbed out of a woman's bed?"

Hertz was surprised: "At this time? Doesn't he have any sense of urgency? If we humiliate him in front of him, let alone embarrassment, even his position as the Queen's fiancé is likely to be lost. Doesn't he know our purpose?"

"Maybe he knows, but he doesn't care at all."

Milne sneered: "He thinks his position is stable, but he didn't expect that as long as we tell this matter to the Queen, it will inevitably shake his position. The Queen is also a woman, and she will definitely not turn a blind eye to this kind of thing."


Hertz raised his hand and said: "Although this will give rise to conflicts, it will also cause the Queen of the Empire to be unhappy with us. After all, it is her private matter. We can't be the bad guy and pretend not to see it."

"I know, I'm not that stupid."


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