Herz paced with his hands behind his hands, thought for a while and then said: "Actually, if you put interests first, this kind of life style is just a small problem, otherwise the rumors about Moon Campbell would not continue to this day, but if you think about it carefully , no matter how coquettish he is, the rumors will not spread to all countries. It seems like... someone is deliberately promoting it like this. "


Milne was also confused for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Deliberately promoting this kind of thing? What are the benefits of doing this? By the way, speaking of this, I actually saw someone selling this secretly outside the door just now."

Milne took out a pamphlet, but Hertz lost interest after just taking a glance at it. It described in extremely colorful words how Moon Campbell seduced women from good families, used many boats, and even described the story of the noble son x evil god. It's a heavy taste. An ordinary student might be enthusiastic and like it, but he has already passed that age.

Herz raised his hand and burned this erotic and inferior literary policy directly, so as not to lead his disciples to bad.

"Who knows? Maybe he also disliked Moon Campbell, so he deliberately slandered him? Or maybe he was directly dissatisfied with the queen, using this method as a metaphor? It can't be someone selling tidbits about him just to make money. "

Hertz felt more and more that the empire had become corrupt due to the recent turmoil, but he still looked at Milne and asked seriously: "But these are not important. Whether he is a scumbag or not has nothing to do with us. What is important is that Milne How strong is Campbell?”

After all, it has to be settled on this, so even Hertz will never relax.

"Strength... It's just our first meeting, so of course there is no real strength. He is just a playboy who is addicted to women and had sex with women last night. His steps are frivolous... Teacher, what do you think?" Milne asked.

"In my opinion..."

Hertz pondered for a moment and said: "Indeed, he was still in a woman's bed last night. He must be a guy who doesn't know how to control himself. How can he compare with His Highness who has outstanding talent and has been practicing hard since he was a child? You must know that Your Highness has been practicing hard until now. But he has never even touched a woman. Unless that kid has several kidneys and is indestructible, there will be nothing to worry about today. "

"Ha, that's what the teacher said."

Hertz is a very strict person and rarely jokes, so as soon as these rather lighthearted words came out, the two of them immediately looked at each other and smiled, thinking that the caution they had shown before was perhaps unnecessary.

"Is everyone here?"

Celcia came to the VIP room specially prepared for her and looked around the entire place.

Now, in addition to the teachers and students of Santa Maria College, there are also observers from several colleges in the royal capital, as well as guests from other forces. Celecia even saw the seats with the nameplates of the Church of Life and the Silent Institution. The entire scale The grand martial arts arena was completely packed and it was very lively.

"They're almost all here, but..." Hathaway, who was in charge of related matters, counted the list in his hand, and then said with some hesitation: "There's still a little to go..."


Celcia glanced at her and understood immediately:

"He hasn't arrived yet?"


Hathaway smiled bitterly: "We need to wait..."

"What are you waiting for? Are you waiting just for him? They both didn't sleep for long, but they arrived later than me. It's really useless."

Celecia said in a cold voice without mercy: "How are the rules made?"

"There are seven people from the Kingdom, so naturally we will have seven people from our side. Time is tight and public selection is naturally impossible. Therefore, these seven people are recommended by the teachers and professors of the college."

Hathaway made a light stroke, and as the light and shadow emerged, pieces of information about the contestants appeared in front of Celcia in great detail.

Celecia quickly scanned it and sighed: "It's indeed a bit difficult to do."

After the previous incident, the college's outstanding students indeed seemed inferior to those in the Kingdom.

At least that's the case on the surface.

"Yes, time is tight, and the Kingdom has designated Santa Maria College, so we can't hire any more foreign aid. Besides, Santa Maria is the top university in the empire, so there is no need to ask for help."

Hathaway said: "The previous incident affected the entire Belland. The current situation is the same in every college, or even more ugly."

"If the tumor grows too big, there will naturally be pain after removal."

Celcia's eyelids drooped:

"Are you sure?"

"Fortunately, the Kingdom agreed to the proposal that the two sides draw lots for a one-on-one match, and then the winner advances, and finally the only winner is determined. Therefore, this game is different from those international exchange events in previous years. What is important is not which side wins more. , but..."

"Who is the final winner?"

Celecia sneered and said: "So, they would rather erase some of their own advantages to pave the way for their seventeenth prince. It seems that they are really confident in that person, and they are also confident about their next little one." Very confident."

"In their view, today's empire is indeed the easiest to bully. This is understandable." Hathaway pushed up her glasses:

"But now it seems that, as His Majesty said, the whole so-called 'exchange' was just to highlight the brilliance of the seventeenth prince. For their purpose, the seventeenth prince overwhelmed everyone, especially when It is necessary to overwhelm Classmate Mu En in front of you."

"It's ridiculous. Why should the brilliance of a dazzling person be deliberately highlighted? Am I just blind? As for that guy... If he is really suppressed, I can only say that he deserves it. I won't feel bad if he is beaten to death. "

Celecia moved her fingers slightly and suddenly dragged Mu En's name on the screen to the end of the duel table, then waved her hand:

"Go ahead and draw lots. Remember to be fair and don't let the kingdom get the blame."


Seeing the words of Moon Campbell, who had already been confirmed to appear last before the lottery was drawn, Hathaway was full of words but hesitated, but in the end she didn't say anything. She took the form obediently and responded:

"Yes, I will go and let them... draw lots fairly."

"Well, by the way, can you see it from outside?"

"His majesty's noble body naturally cannot be seen by outsiders at will, so this VIP room is covered with special magic and can only be seen from one side."

"Very good, I'll take a nap and keep quiet." Celcia waved her hand, signaling Hathaway not to be disturbed by others.


Hathaway hesitated again, wanting to ask if that person came, should he be let in.

But she looked at the list in her hand and felt that there was no need to ask this stupid question.

"The first draw... If we win, we can severely suppress the opponent in terms of momentum. Unfortunately, we are neither you, nor Moon Campbell, but someone named... Ariel, I heard She is well-known within the academy, but I haven’t actually heard of her doing anything remarkable, and it’s not even like that Fanny who participated in the Saintess Trial, which is considered a good draw.”

Herz glanced at the lottery list and saw that His Highness Milne did not meet that Moon Campbell in the first round, which was a bit of a pity.

If the first match was between His Royal Highness Milne and Moon Campbell and they easily won, he couldn't even imagine the excitement that scene would bring.

"Teacher, don't worry. It's not a big deal if we don't meet him in the first round. If he can't even survive to fight me, wouldn't it highlight his incompetence even more?"

Milne, who had seen through Hertz's thoughts, smiled without hesitation. When he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something, and his smile grew wider:

"Whoever says he's coming is coming. Teacher, look, he's here."


Although he had seen intelligence from all sides, it was the first time for Herz to see the legendary Moon Campbell in person, so he couldn't help but crane his neck to take a look.

At the entrance, a handsome man sneaked in. After confirming to the teacher who was maintaining order outside that he was not the one who was about to appear, the blond man breathed a sigh of relief and revealed something that would make countless ignorant girls' hearts flutter. Handsome smile.

Hertz didn't care about this, because after chatting with Milne just now, his attention subconsciously fell on certain aspects of Mu En...


Hertz laughed and said, "Sure enough, his steps are frivolous and his face looks like he is overly effeminate!"

"The results of the draw have come out."

In the private waiting room on the other side, Ariel looked at the ticket number in her hand with a solemn expression:

"I didn't expect that I would be the first to play."

"I can't understand Wang Guofang's method. It's not a good sign." Teacher Ariel sighed: "Although the people who appear are different, they are mostly taught by the same people, so as long as they appear on the stage, I can tell something. , but luck is not so good this time.”

"No, this is a good sign!"

Ariel clenched her fists and said with a gleam in her eyes: "If it's to win easily, it's naturally not a good sign, but think about it, teacher, my other important purpose this time is to conquer Celcia! But! How can we impress Celcia? Of course, it’s either the first appearance or the finale! But judging from the competition system, even being the last one in the first round is of little use, because there is still a second round! , so the first one to appear is the best.”

"It seems... there is some truth to that."

"Of course! Look, teacher, it's morning now, Celcia has just woken up and is in high spirits, and then I brought her the jackpot with an outstanding win. How can she not be impressed by this? ?”

Ariel was full of momentum and jumped onto the ring first, laughing excitedly and saying:

"How can this be a bad sign? God is helping me!"

30. The first showdown

"Great, I thought I was late."

Mu En sneaked into the competition venue, took a look at the duel order list from the teacher who maintained order, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really good luck to be the last one to play."

"You better be lucky."

A voice that was three-quarters of sadness and anger, seven-cents of resentment, and ninety-ninety percent mean and mean-spirited suddenly echoed around her, almost frightening Mu En.

After reacting, his cheeks twitched, and he turned to look at the ghost-like bloated figure next to him who didn't know when he appeared, and complained:

"You're not dead yet, Pink Bear."

"Thanks to someone, I was only beaten half to death. Fortunately, I am rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and I only recovered after a short sleep."

The black line on his forehead kept beating, and the blue veins under the pink fur followed the bulging bear-like creature as he kept retreating because of a guilty conscience. But in the end, Mu En, who had no way out, said with a ferocious face:

"A certain boy, it looks like he had a great time last night...ah? Is the Queen of the Empire's skin tender? Does her feet smell good?"

"Is there...is there any?"

Mu En's eyes wandered: "How do you know what I did last night? Don't accuse others of their innocence out of thin air! I have always been very clean and self-sufficient..."

"The look on your face makes everyone realize what you did last night."

Pink Bear smacked his tongue: "I really admire you, kid. You are still having so much fun at this moment. Are you really not afraid of being quartered one day?"

"Ahem, as the saying goes, no pain, no gain, the greater the crisis, the greater the reward."

Mu En puffed up his chest: "As a man, how can you be timid just because of a hatchet?"

"Courage!" Pink Bear gave a thumbs up.

"Ahem, so, strictly speaking, I almost died last night..."

Mu En said tentatively: "Why don't you, Emperor's uncle, just ignore the faults of villains and let me go?"

"……All right."

Pink Bear moved away: "Let you go for now."


Seeing that the pink bear was so happy, Mu En was stunned, and then stared at the pink bear in surprise:

"You...couldn't you have done something bad to trick me again?"

"You kid, you're a coward for troubling you, and you feel uncomfortable if you don't bother you. Did you really develop some strange attributes after being trained by Celicia?"

Pink Bear had a look of disdain on his face, showing disdain for hanging out with a coward like Mu En who easily succumbed to the hands of women.

"Then why did you..."

"Do you think I am really so idle every day and only want to trick you? Of course I still have my own things to do."

Pink Bear stuffed a stack of pamphlets into the leather case without leaving a trace, and patted Mu En on the shoulder very generously: "I just think you are of some use... No, for the sake of being a family member with me, I can’t bear to do anything to you, so don’t misinterpret my kindness.”

"It's getting more and more suspicious..."

"Oh, it's useless to talk about it now. You didn't come here just to argue with me, right?"

"Of course not, I'm here to compete."

Knowing that nothing could be learned by staring at this mean bear, Mu En's attention quickly returned to business.

"But there's still a while before I appear, so I'll take the opportunity to take a look at the others... Huh?"

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't expect Ariel to be the first to appear."

Mu En looked at the names on the list, "And her opponent is someone named Barlow..."

"Barlow Kentoff is a very famous young genius in the kingdom. It is said that he is born with supernatural powers and is unrivaled in his bravery."


Mu En looked at the pink bear in surprise: "You actually know this kind of thing?"

"Hey, who are you looking down on! After all, I am also the dignified Duke of Oranriel. Isn't it natural to know this kind of thing?"

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