As he said that, the pink bear approached Mu En with a mysterious look on his face. After carefully looking around like a thief, he took out a booklet from his arms and said in a low voice:

"So... I have a detailed list of the participants from the Kingdom. From the various abilities they have shown to the gossips that have been circulated secretly, all are collected. For example, this Barro is said to have a hobby of big breasts and likes to tease married women. He has been in prison for this. He is a complete pervert. It is recommended that he be severely punished in the ring!"

"For the sake of our relationship, I will only charge you two thousand Emiles. It is a conscience price and I will not cheat anyone!"

" ..."

Looking at the pink bear who casually said two thousand Emiles and asked him to buy a garbage booklet that could get relevant information in one sentence, Mu En was speechless again.

This dead bear is at least a royal relative, two generations older than the current emperor. Logically, he should be one of the most important figures in the empire... But why is he always so greedy and always so short of money?

In this regard, he and Ariel seem to have a lot in common.

"This is the poor man whose financial power is controlled by a woman..." Mu En thought about it and sighed.

"Shut up, do you want to buy it?"


"Tsk, the son of a duke is so stingy."

The pink bear put away the booklet with an indignant look on his face, but turned around and took out two gambling chips and came over with a mean look.

"Then how about betting on who will win? There has to be something extra when watching the game."

"...Do you want to make money so much?"

"I'm tight on money recently, don't talk nonsense, considering that I haven't settled the account with you before."

"...Okay, but is there any suspense? Ariel will definitely win."

"Are you so confident in that flat-chested girl?"

Pink Bear widened his eyes, looking at Mu En seriously as if for the first time, and said in shock: "You don't have any ideas about that flat-chested girl, although she looks good and has long legs, tut tut tut...but I didn't expect you really don't care about meat and vegetables! Hurry up and give me five thousand, or I'll tell Cecilia about this!"

"If I still want to save my life, I won't have such a whimsical idea."

Mu En rolled his eyes: "I'm just very confident in Ariel's strength."

After all, she is the protagonist of Feng Aotian.

Let alone the invincible Barro, she is facing now. Even if she is facing a hundred-year-old monster in seclusion, or an evil god possessing a dead demon, Mu En will definitely win over Ariel.

If we talk about who has the most confidence in Ariel in the world, it must be Mu En.

"Indeed, the chances of winning for that tablet seem to be higher."

Although Pink Bear doesn't know who is the protagonist or not, he has a sharp eye and can still tell the strengths and weaknesses at a glance.

"Then let's bet on how many minutes it will end." Pink Bear said again: "I bet ten minutes, five thousand."


Mu En touched his chin and thought for a while: "Then I bet three minutes."

"Three minutes?"

Pink Bear was surprised again: "The other party is also 'invincible', you are so bold, could it be that you actually know him very well and think he is a fool?"

"No, I don't know anything about that Barro, but I know Ariel very well."

Mu En glanced at the special VIP room with one-way light transmission where Cecilia was.

It would be strange if Ariel didn't show off her skills for the first time.


"You just said it."

"What did you say?"

"Barro likes big breasts."




"Ariel Bugard, Saint Mary's College."

"Barro Kentoff, the national magic college of the kingdom."

On the stage, both sides exchanged names and saluted.

After confirming that both sides were ready, the referee gave an order and the environment of the entire stage suddenly changed.

The smooth ground turned into rugged rocks, and the lush green covered the surroundings. The stage, which was only a hundred meters long, became invisible at a glance.

In an instant, it turned from a stage into a dense forest.

Mysterious mechanism·Vientiane simulation.

In fact, the young geniuses who participated in this exchange were already at a high level. Of course, the ordinary stage could not meet the requirements of the two sides' full-strength confrontation. Therefore, Saint Mary's College directly took out this huge mechanism made by a generation of alchemy machinery masters, so that both sides could fight to their heart's content.

Ariel looked at the realistic surroundings and felt her blood boiling again.

That's right, this kind of scene can arouse her desire even more!

Well, although she couldn't see the audience, it didn't matter. She believed that Cecilia must be watching her closely at this moment!

"Oh? Are you the opponent this time?"

Just as she was happily imagining, the other party, Barro, suddenly took the initiative to talk to her.

Ariel looked up and saw that the Barro Kentoff she was fighting this time was a giant strong man over two meters tall, with a naked upper body and a body as strong as a dragon.

Barro was born with a strong physique. It is said that he could knock down several adults at the age of ten. After he started practicing, his physical body advanced even faster, and he could even fight monsters with his bare hands across levels. Therefore, he was very famous in the kingdom and was called "human-shaped beast" and "brave and invincible".

Compared with him, Ariel, who was thin, was as thin as a piece of paper.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is already an unfair battle, because compared to a genius like Barlow who became famous at a young age and has extraordinary talents, he has risen rapidly, but he has not had time to get out of the academy, and even failed to succeed during this period. Ariel, who participated in the previous Holy City Trial... really didn't have any impressive results.

She's not even one-tenth as famous as Moon Campbell's gossip.

"Is the weapon a sword? It's even wrapped in a bandage. It looks like a good thing."

Barlow was also quite relaxed about this duel. He felt that the bean sprouts of the academy were completely a symbol of the withering of talents. Therefore, before the war started, he habitually chatted:

"But it's a pity."

"What a pity? What a pity?" Ariel asked doubtfully.

"You're not really to my liking."

Barlow's eyes swept across Ariel's chest. Barlow, who had always been admitted by his own people to be very perverted, now had pure eyes like a baby, without worldly desires.

"If you were older, I would have been gentler on you, but you are so flat that I can't even find a reason to hold on to you. It's such a pity, hahahaha..."


After hearing what Barlow said, some people in the audience snickered.

Amid Barlow's wanton laughter, Ariel silently pushed back the Skyfire Sword she had just pulled out.

"Huh? Are you scared?" Barlow blinked and smiled: "It's not too late to surrender now."

"No, I have no intention of surrendering."

"Oh, then take your weapon back..."

"I just feel..."

Ariel clenched her fists expressionlessly, raised the corners of her mouth little by little, outlined a ferocious arc, and said word by word:

"Using a sword is still too kind for you."

"I'm willing to admit defeat, I won."

Mu En hummed and sang, and snatched the 5,000 Emiles he had bet from Pink Bear.

The corner of Pink Bear's mouth twitched, and he looked at the stage. He was stunned for a while, then clicked his tongue and said:

"Tsk, tsk, it's too cruel. It's really cruel. How can you be so cruel? That little girl is not sensible at all. Can't she save some face with our friends from neighboring countries?"

"Haha, isn't it called a tablet anymore?"

"...Forget it, save your life."

Pink Bear scratched his head and sighed: "Today's young people are really more scary than the last."

On the stage, the realistic environment created by the simulation of everything was in a mess. The entire dense forest seemed to have been swept by a storm, and most of the trees were either turned into debris or falling outward in a radial pattern.

And Barlow, who had been uttering wild words just now, was lying unconscious in a huge crater that looked like a meteorite.

This big hole was not caused by magic or any very powerful moves, but was punched out by the furious Ariel.

Yes, with fists.

She didn't even pull out her usual Skyfire Sword, but only used the simplest fist, which was so simple that it made people feel terrified.

But Barlow, the "brave and invincible" in everyone's opinion, could no longer bear the punch at the 251st punch and completely lost consciousness. Now he is beyond recognition, almost swollen, and the bones in his body are even worse. I don't know how many roots were broken, and they lay limp on the ground like mud.

"It's terrible, it's really terrible."

Mu En put away the money. Although he had expected it, he couldn't help but shake his shoulders when he saw this scene again:

"As expected of Ariel, she is also extremely terrifying physically."

That's right, how can there be a protagonist who doesn't cultivate his physical body? Especially a woman like Ariel who aspires to open a Crystal Palace.

But speaking of it...

Mu En suddenly thought.

Why do I feel that according to the timeline, Ariel is more energetic now than in the original book?

What is different about her now from the original book?


Ancient ruins?

Because of the scene where he bumped into Liya, did his grief and anger turn into motivation?

Or does it mean that women are excluded as a factor that can affect the speed of her drawing the sword?


Mu En thought carefully for a while and then came to a conclusion.

"Maybe it's because of that."

Mu En clapped her hands and said firmly:

“Brown bread is amazing!”

Pink Bear: "..."

Pink Bear was silent for a long time, staring at Mu En, and for some reason suddenly had a premonition.

——Sooner or later, this kid will be like that Barlow in the field, beaten into a pig head by Ariel.

His premonitions were always accurate.

"Okay, just kidding."

Mu En counted the money in his hand to prevent Pink Bear from cheating others. Although the money was not much, he earned it with his own hands, and it was earned from Pink Bear, so it was extremely precious.

"I won't play with you anymore. While there is still time, I'm going to find Celcia."

Before leaving, Mu En glanced at the pink bear one last time and suddenly asked:

"By the way, I didn't ask you just now, what is that on you?"

"On me?"

"That's blood, right? Who did you fight with?"

"Ah, well, just now, when I was selling... to give some friendly help to foreign friends, I was provoked by a blind boy, so I taught him a lesson."

Pink Bear patted the leather case nonchalantly:

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