"I didn't expect it to be stained with blood. I was really careless."

32. Secret means

"Thank you for your hard work, Kodes."

"No, it's not hard work. This is what I should do."

In the VIP room of the Kingdom's delegation, Milne patted Kodes's shoulder with approval, showing his magnanimity and compassion as a superior.

Sure enough, Kodes looked grateful:

"It took so long to defeat the opponent. It's really a shame for Your Highness."

"You have done very well, and if you want to say shameful words..."

Milne glanced behind him, and a chill flashed in his eyes.

There, Hertz was personally treating Barlow, who was lying on a simple bed and had been tangled like a dumpling.

Crack. Crack.

The sound of bones rubbing against each other kept echoing in the room, accompanied by the miserable wailing of this two-meter-tall strong man, which seemed extremely creepy.

——This is Hertz putting Barlow's dozens of broken bones back into place one by one. If the bones are not put back into place, they cannot be treated at all, not to mention that some of these bones even pierced his internal organs directly.

"You are too cruel, that woman named Ariel."

Cordes frowned. He and Barlow had a good relationship on weekdays. They were good friends who could go out and have fun together, but it was also because of this that he not only knew what kind of woman Barlow liked, but also knew his true strength.

If the terrain was flat and there was no obstruction or cover, then it would be difficult for him to be Barlow's opponent. His strong body was always difficult to deal with in a head-on confrontation. If it was not for the detour and maneuvering of the terrain, few people could face that kind of human-shaped beast head-on.

But... someone happened to face him head-on, and he smashed him into this state in three minutes with just a pair of fists without any fancy moves. This kind of terrible thing, the more people know Barlow, the more they will be afraid of the flat-chested woman named Ariel.


After the first stage of treatment, Hertz sighed and said with a serious expression:

"I didn't expect that there are such monsters among the younger generation of the empire, and I haven't heard of them before."

No matter how confident the Kingdom's envoys were this time, they couldn't just come to challenge with their eyes closed, so they had already collected a lot of information about the contestants.

But that's why they didn't expect that a second-year student at St. Mary's College, a woman who had no reputation before, and an illegitimate daughter who was said to be from a declining noble family, would make them turn over in the first round.

"This is expected."

Milne said: "After all, it's the empire. If it's so easy to bully, we don't have to work so hard to get that position."

"That's right. There are one or two extraordinary young people in the empire. This is normal."

Hertz stroked his beard and was about to change the subject and praise his most proud disciple, but the door suddenly opened and another figure walked in, interrupting him.

It was Seville. After Cordes, she was the one who went on the field to fight the Empire.

"How was it?"

"A narrow victory."

Seville leaned against the wall, slowly pulled out the bloody sword, and wiped it carefully with a handkerchief.

"It wasn't a narrow victory."

Milne smiled and glanced at the wall clock:

"You have only been on stage for more than ten minutes, and a narrow victory took more than this time."

"It's just that the other party was careless."

Seville shook her head humbly: "St. Mary's College is not just a name. I seem to be relaxed, but in fact I have almost done my best."

"You have become humble."

"I just became cautious."

"But no matter what, after Barro, we all won."

Hertz said with relief:

"This shows that the Empire only needs to pay attention to Ariel. The strength of others is still within our expected range, so there is no need to worry."

"What about Muen Campbell? Maybe he is also very powerful!"

Cordes blinked and asked curiously as if joking.

Hertz ignored him, looked at Milne, and asked with a smile:

"What do you think?"

"We will definitely win."

Milne watched the whole game where Ariel completely defeated Barlow in three minutes, but he was still very confident.

Because in his opinion, he could also defeat Barlow within three minutes.

No, even faster.

"Whether it is Muen Campbell or the so-called Ariel, they will be trampled under my feet!"

Milne's cold eyes flashed, exuding a creepy aura.

They are obviously people of the same age, but he seems to have an invisible chasm between him and the surrounding Cordes, Sewell, and Barlow.

That is the chasm called strength, which is also the source of his confidence.

"Your Highness, what you said is wrong."

Knowing that he had said something wrong, Cordes quickly shrank his neck and smiled:

"From the rumors I heard recently, that Muen Campbell may have a continuous opponent..."

Cordes' words have not yet finished.

With a bang, the door of the VIP room was suddenly knocked open.

A disheveled figure staggered and almost crawled into the room. The strong smell of blood almost overwhelmed Barlow who had just been seriously injured.


After seeing the weak figure with a face full of blood, Hertz was the first to react. He ducked in front of him, his magic power surged, and he instantly injected several healing magic into his body.

But the blood stains on his body seemed to come alive, and they were actually squirming and eroding his body. The more he felt the magic power of the treatment, the crazier he became. Hertz spent a lot of effort to stabilize himself. After recovering from Art's injuries, he began to clean up these strange blood stains.

"This kind of ghost thing... what's going on, Art, who beat you like this!"

Herz was shocked and angry. Art was the one who was going to deal with Moon Campbell on their side later. If he could directly defeat Moon Campbell without even having to take action from Milne, then it would undoubtedly be a huge blow to their plan. help.

But before the game even started, he was beaten like this?

Whoever is so bold simply does not take their kingdom into consideration!

"It's...a funny pink weird bear."

Art gasped and said in a weak tone:

"I bumped into him outside and saw that bastard selling tidbits and pamphlets that slandered Senior Sewell. I was so angry that I wanted to stop him, but...he ended up beating him like this."


Sewell frowned, knowing that it was definitely not as simple as "stopping" Art from being beaten like this, but her focus was on the other side: "What tidbits?"

"He actually slandered Senior Sewell that you had an affair with that Moon Campbell!"

When he mentioned this, Art, who originally looked like he was about to die, almost jumped up from the ground and said angrily:

"He also slandered Senior Sewell as a traitor! How is this possible! How can you, a pure Sewell, like a playboy like Moon Campbell? Impossible! Absolutely impossible! That guy is nothing but handsome. Senior, you are The kind of person who only looks at faces? "

Sewell: "..."


Milne glanced at Sewell, comforted Art, and asked:

"Are you sure that the other party only attacked you for this reason? Wasn't it because of other factors that deliberately led you?"


Art was stunned for a moment and said with a wry smile: "I was so angry that I didn't think much about it...I'm sorry, Your Highness, I have caused trouble to you."

"Humph, you still know how to cause trouble!"

Hertz's mood, which had just calmed down, became irritable again. Before his goal was achieved, two people were seriously injured on his side. This kind of accident had reached a level that made him feel uneasy.

"You guy, you are usually so calm, why would you fall for this kind of trick?"


Art also glanced at Sewell secretly, showing a little shyness.

Although he didn't say anything, everyone knew what he meant, and everyone pretended not to see it.

"Okay, that's it. It's useless to say more."

Milne signaled Art to rest, and then looked at each other:

"What does the teacher think?"

"It looks like a complete accident, but the pink bear in Art's mouth... probably refers to the great-uncle of the current Queen of the Empire. He is quite senior in the Imperial royal family, and his strength is not weak, and It is said that he has a leather case addiction and likes to wander around in that funny leather case, which fits Art’s description quite well.”

"But...why would the Queen's uncle do such gossip and even come to sell it?"

"It is rumored that the pink bear is extremely unreliable. Even the late Emperor of the Empire was unable to do anything about him and did many outrageous things."

“But outrageousness and stupidity are not the same thing.”

Milne thought: "Besides, the great uncle of the Queen is not short of money, and no matter how outrageous, he would not come here to sell such things. Isn't he afraid of losing the face of the royal family?"

"you mean……"

Herz's eyes narrowed slightly, a cold light flashed, and his expression suddenly became solemn: "Did he do it on purpose?"

"I heard he has a good relationship with Moon Campbell?"

"It's possible that Moon Campbell was involved in colluding with the evil god before. It is said that he came to defend him, and the matter was dismissed. It seems that he also played a lot of role in it, and the Saintess Trial half a year ago , also escorted by him..."

Hertz followed Milne's logical thinking, then suddenly paused and said:

"You mean...he did this just to help Moon Campbell?"

"I can only say... that it is possible."

Milne sneered: "The connection is so natural, it is the most possible possibility!"


Sewell suddenly interrupted: "Moon Campbell has no reason to do this!"

In Sewell's view, with Mu En's strength, he is not afraid of Art, who cannot even defeat himself, so there is no need to be so roundabout...

"Hey, cousin Sewell, I know that you have a good impression of Moon Campbell because of the trial in the Holy City."

Milne turned around and advised in the tone of an elder brother: "But how long have you been with Moon Campbell? What do you know about him?"

"..." Sevier fell into silence.

Yes, even she had to admit that she actually didn't understand Moon Campbell.

Even her affection for Moon Campbell was mostly just because she was attracted by his handsomeness and handsomeness when she was saved by him.

She was in no position to refute.

"What should we do next?"

As a teacher, Hertz asked his students specifically: "Such a despicable method, why not expose it..."

"No, there is no evidence, just like the previous incident of Muen Campbell having an affair with other women. If this kind of thing is casually told, it will only make the Queen think that we are trying to sow discord among the royal family, which will be counterproductive."

"Humph, they probably rely on this point to be so fearless, which is really hateful!"


"What's next? Your Highness, how do you plan to return this shame?"

"According to the rules."

"Your Highness means..."

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