"Haha, why don't you think about it carefully, teacher? Apart from maliciously provoking our emotions, does their method really have any practical use?"


Hertz fell into thinking again: "If His Highness can win, no."

"Yes, not at all."

Milne smiled contemptuously: "So what if Moon Campbell can survive this round with this little trick? As long as the game continues, he will eventually fall into the hands of me...or one of us, it's okay. "

"Even if this kind of mechanism is exhausted, it will end in vain, which will make him look even more ridiculous."

The bell rang in the ring, which meant it was time for Milne to make his entrance.

His eyes swept across the entire venue, and finally landed on the Queen's exclusive room that was transparent to one side, and said to himself with a hint of sarcasm:

"Oh, Moon Campbell, and Her Majesty the Queen, please open your eyes wide and take a good look... who is the most valuable person here!"

Queen's VIP Room.

"Ah, gotta get up."

"Uh... no."

"It seems that the Seventeenth Prince is about to take the stage, don't you want to see it?"

"No interest, continue sleeping."

"All right……"

Mu En hugged the soft-scented nephrite in her arms and changed into a comfortable position: "Then continue to sleep..."

33. Born with two minds

"It's my turn."

As the bell rang, Fannie also got up from the lounge and prepared to go to the ring.

"Come on!"

The three little ones who were still chirping and discussing the production of support props now approached Fanny one after another and said some words of encouragement to her.

"I believe you can do it!"

"Blow him up, Senior Sister Fanny!"

"Press that seventeenth prince to the ground and beat him up!"


Looking at the three chattering in front of her, Fanny couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.

Although these three little ones are very nymphomaniacs, unreliable, and always use their membership fees to do strange things such as Moon Campbell and other body pillows to trick people into joining the religion, at this time, they will still stand firm. On my own...

"As long as you blow him up, Mr. Moon doesn't have to take action himself." Emma looked angry.

"That's right. How high is he to compete on the same stage as Mr. Mu En?" Amy agreed.

"That's right. She's just a little bit handsome. She's not as good as Mr. Moon's leg hair. Senior Sister Fanny, hurry up and knock her down!" Alma waved her little fist, as if she was about to take the stage. The one who defeated the seventeenth prince was himself.

Fanny: "..."


After a period of silence, the iron fist of justice finally hit the three little ones on the head again.

"I knew nothing good would come out of your mouth!"

After walking out of the lounge and looking at the spacious arena, Fanny couldn't help but sigh.

It's not because she is really angry with the three little ones who only have the handsome junior Mu En in their minds, but because...

"Seventeenth Prince... I hope the horror is not beyond my imagination."

She adjusted the long sword on her side. Although she was nervous, she didn't have much fear and walked onto the ring calmly.

"Kingdom of San Pedro, Milne Rodster."

"Leopold's Empire, Santa Maria College, Fanny Durang."

After a formal greeting, another loud noise like the roar of heaven and earth rose from the ground, and the simulation of all phenomena began to transform the surrounding environment.

The flat arena disappeared and was replaced by a hazy sky. Half of the huge sunset was embedded in the horizon, but the other half was still spreading terrifying heat.

The two of them almost tilted their bodies, and then quickly returned to balance, glancing at the soles of their feet from the corner of their eyes.


The fine gravel accumulates into a sea of ​​yellow sand, and the solidified waves form sand dunes with great natural beauty. If you don't pay attention, you will fall into it, but other than that, there is nothing else here.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Fanny's heart sank. This relatively simple environment might not be good news for her who was already at a disadvantage.

But the terrain was randomly generated, so she had no reason to object.

Compared to Fanny, Milne seemed much more calm and didn't care about it at all, because for him, the mere terrain had no possibility of affecting his pace of victory. Therefore, he only took a brief glance and confirmed the surrounding environment before paying attention. Then he returned to his opponent again.

"Fanny Durand."

The corner of Milne's mouth was sketched. When facing this opponent, who he expected to be the most serious opponent before Ariel appeared, he was still confident: "I have heard of you. You were the opponent half a year ago. One of the representatives of Santa Maria College, who went to participate in the Holy City Trial, is considered one of the most famous students of Santa Maria College."

"It's such an honor to be remembered by His Majesty the Royal Highness of the Kingdom."

Fanny took a deep breath and silently placed her palm on the hilt of the sword.

"It's a pity, I would rather you didn't remember me, Your Highness."

"Haha, I'm not the kind of idiot with eyes in the sky. Even if the opponent's information seems ordinary, we will collect it carefully. After all, we don't think that the dignified Saint Mary's College will really let us know. A bunch of idiots come to the exchange meeting. Isn’t that Ariel from before the best explanation?”

"Moreover, I also have my purpose, and for that purpose, there will be no room for any mistakes."

Milne raised his head and looked in a certain direction. Unfortunately, just like Ariel, he couldn't see the auditorium after the simulation unfolded. But it didn't matter. He knew that all the eyes of the audience should be on him now.

No matter it is the queen of this country or the ridiculous Moon Campbell, there should be no exception.

"While this behavior is ungentlemanly, I will not hold back."

He opened his hand and chuckled at Fanny:

"Therefore... please try your best to struggle."


Fanny smiled and said:

"You said you would be prepared, but letting others struggle... is not what a humble person would say."

"Oh, is it so?"

Milne was surprised: "I think my wording was friendly enough."

"It may be that arrogance has seeped into your bones, so you didn't even notice it..."


Fanny suddenly drew her sword without any warning.

The sword intent that had been accumulated for a long time suddenly burst out, and the sharp sword light separated the sand dunes under her feet almost instantly.

The terrifying slashes spread toward Milne like a storm, leaving him almost no room to escape.

"Nice shot."

However, Milne didn't dodge, or rather... there was no need to dodge. He didn't even draw his sword. He just imitated the way Ariel faced off against Barlow before, clenching his fists, and a faint red light condensed on his fists, aiming at the torn sword. The sword intent that shattered everything suddenly struck.

The sharp sound of metal collision stung people's ears, just like a piece of rusty iron being dented by a stone hammer. The light of Fanny's sword was deflected and dissipated in an instant, even the hem of Milne's clothes was damaged. Not touched.


Fanny's expression became more solemn, her eyes fell on Milne's fist, and her eyes focused.

With her knowledge, she naturally quickly realized that the layer of red light was not a powerful martial skill, but just a pure condensation of fighting energy. However, just a ball of condensation of fighting energy could withstand her and was ready to attack. A sword... This shows that the fighting spirit in the seventeenth prince has been condensed by him to an extremely terrifying level, which he cannot match.

"As expected of the mysterious seventeenth prince in the rumors, it seems that your noble status has not affected your progress."

Even as an opponent, Fanny had to admire him.

Just from this attack, she already understood that this seventeenth prince was not on the same level as the enemies she had encountered before.

"Good taste."

Milne showed approval, and then suggested with great grace:

"Do you need to surrender? I have always been very tolerant of ladies."


"what a pity."

"No...even if I know you are stronger than me, challenging the strong is the meaning of fighting, isn't it?"

Fanny took a deep breath, her hair flying like a screaming demon in the gradually surging fighting spirit.

Unlike Barlow, who was crushed by Ariel before, Fanny knew that the more disadvantaged she was, the more she had to control the rhythm of the attack in her own hands. Otherwise, if she was blindly suppressed by the opponent, she would definitely end up with only It's just the second Barlow.

Therefore, this attack will not hold anything back.

Fanny slowly stroked the long sword in her hand. Although she was not born into a noble family, this long sword was an opportunity she got by chance during a mission of the Adventurers Association. It was made from the teeth of a terrifying monster. , the quality is quite good.

In addition... the last trial in the Holy City was not without success. The Holy City later gave compensation to everyone who participated in the trial, and the compensation she received...

It is a book of sword skills.

The air flow rose and began to roll up the surrounding quicksand. Fanny's long sword danced lightly in the long yellow sand. She also danced with the most graceful movements. Every movement carried a mysterious and magical meaning, making people unable to take their eyes away. .

Suddenly, the breeze stopped.

The yellow sand floating with the light dance also stagnated at the same time, and then fell like a sand rain.

Therefore, under the sunset, there was only a sword light left.

"The lamentation of the merciful!"

As if, a sigh.

The sword light failed to stir up any ripples in the sea of ​​sand, and without any sound, it came straight towards Milne's vital point.

Everything returned to deathly silence, but in this deathly silence, there was an astonishing murderous intention.


Milne once again showed his approval:

"Your strength has exceeded my expectations, and you are qualified to make me... take it a little seriously."


Different from the silence when Fanny swung her sword, when the sword on Milne's waist was unsheathed, the entire sunset sea seemed to tremble.

Countless gravel jumped and flowed back toward the sky in fear. Suddenly, the surrounding area was completely dimmed in the sea of ​​sand.

Milne obviously made his move later than Fanny, but his move was already fully formed with the flip of his wrist. The dazzling brilliance almost replaced the setting sun, imprinting on Fanny's gradually widening beautiful eyes. middle.

The sigh was drowned.

The flood came overwhelmingly.

But Fanny was not only frightened by this sword.

After all, with Milne's realm, no matter how outstanding his martial arts were, it was impossible for him to be so earth-shattering.

Dou Qi was not such a gorgeous thing.


This move was not only a martial arts condensed by Dou Qi, but also... magic!

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