No chanting!

But the carefully constructed magic was intertwined in that dazzling sword light!

Milne's martial arts penetrated her lament, so the torrent of magic came to her without any hindrance!

The sunset is like blood.

The yellow sand is like blood.

Fanny covered her arm, panting lightly, looking a little embarrassed to suppress the blood that continued to flow from the wound.


Fanny lowered her eyelids and did not hide her doubts:

"Why can you use martial arts and magic at the same time?"

Dou Qi and magic power can be cultivated together. This is common sense that every three-year-old child knows.

But practicing on one side will inevitably slow down the pace of the other side, and it will also require more resources. Therefore, except for some people with outstanding talents, or people whose realm is stuck somewhere and cannot make progress, there are basically very few people like this. choose.

But even among those with extraordinary talents, Fanny had never heard of anyone who could use both martial arts and magic at the same time.

Can be used interchangeably.

Can be used continuously.

Can be used mixedly. can't be done at the same time. The reason is very simple. People only have one meridians, so how can they run two systems at the same time?

Apart from……


When everything was quiet, Fanny heard a heartbeat.

Including myself, there are three in total.

However, now, she and Milne were the only two people in this sea of ​​​​simulated sand. How could there be three heartbeats?


"Born with two minds."

Fanny's expression was solemn, and she slowly spit out this word that she accidentally read in an ancient book.

To be precise, it is some kind of extremely terrifying innate physique.

If this is the case, it is not surprising that he uses martial arts and magic at the same time.

Even... this is just the most common ability of this physique.

"Oh? You actually know that I am born with two minds? That's amazing."

Milne clapped his hands and praised:

"But unfortunately, there is no reward for guessing correctly."

Milne smiled slightly again: "Besides, because your classmate Ariel performed well before, I can't lose to her, so... three minutes are almost up, please leave."

Fanny's face gradually turned pale, and what greeted her was the yellow sand in the sky that began to tremble again.

"It turns out to be the legendary double-minded person."

Dean Hathaway adjusted his glasses, a cold light flashed on the lenses, and said solemnly:

"No wonder the kingdom would hide him as a treasure. With two hearts and two meridians, he can cultivate fighting spirit and magic power at the same time. Even using martial arts and magic at the same time is just the most common application. The truly terrifying thing about this physique , that is, if you practice at the same time, you will not be overwhelmed, and you will get twice the result with half the effort, which is extremely scary. "

"It's quite scary."

The pink bear was stuffing popcorn into his mouth and muttered vaguely: "The main reason is that he has also received generous resource support from the kingdom. This is for this kind of person who is growing very fast in his own realm but is very resource-hungry. Physical fitness is the biggest help. To be honest, I think this little brat is still wandering around the fourth level and sublimation level. I am afraid it is the result of deliberate suppression. "

"Indeed, otherwise he should have reached the next level long ago."

Hathaway frowned slightly: "This kind of physique has not appeared for a long time. It is very precious. No wonder they have such confidence. This is almost a sure-fire future strongman. If they can be roped in to be used by the empire, they will naturally It will be of great help to us. If it were a simple marriage, other monarchs would be tempted. "

"But he happened to encounter an iceberg."

The pink bear chuckled and said: "Genius? What's the use of a genius? Is it comfortable for a genius to lie down with those little yellow-haired pectoralis major muscles? Our queen wants to ride on the yellow-haired body and gallop around. What can he do?"


Hathaway rolled her eyes, not wanting to discuss such obscene and even slanderous topics with the pink bear.

Although it can't be said to be slander.

"But speaking of it, is there really no problem?"

"What do you mean?"

"In the subsequent games, no matter what, if the empire loses, it will be very ugly."

Hathaway looked at the pink bear: "So, you are older and have a sharp eye. What do you think of the outcome?"

"What's the result? You shouldn't ask me this kind of question." Pink Bear shook his head.

"Oh? Who should I ask?"

"You should ask...them."

The pink bear raised his head, pointed to the high place in the sky, and said with a sly smile:

"It is rare to be born with two minds, but you should ask those evil gods who are entrenched outside the world... Since the splendid civilization that has been almost extinct for thousands of years, such geniuses have used various means to crush insects. Same, how many were crushed to death?”

The pink bear's gaze swept somewhere:

"And those who are still alive and kicking many are left?"

34. Why is it said to be a good sign again?

"Ha... I didn't expect to actually fall asleep in a place like this, but I slept so soundly."

Mu En opened his eyes, and a slightly dazzling light flooded into his eyes, which quickly cheered him up. That was not sunlight, but the warm glow of the magic stone in the VIP room.

The soft-smelling nephrite was still in his arms, and the girl's fragrance lingered in his nose. Celecia's little head was leaning on his chest, and her smooth little hands hooked around his neck.

Mu En couldn't help pinching her soft cheeks and pecked her forehead. A woman who was usually cold and iceberg would still reveal some tenderness like a little woman when lying on a man's chest.

Therefore, Mu En secretly determined that it was not that his will was not strong enough, but that the little iceberg in his arms was too charming during the melting period.

Imagine an iceberg beauty who is usually ruthless and decisive, suddenly like a little rabbit, unconsciously leaning on your chest after falling asleep, and nuzzling it from time to time...

Who can withstand this?

Of course, this must be due to working too hard last night.

"But it's okay, after a little rest, I can face the next game more calmly... wait, the game!"

Mu En finally remembered the business, stood up suddenly, and turned to look at the clock on the wall.

At some point, the pointer symbolizing the hour has circled its highest point and started to fall downwards, which also means...

"It's already this point. Judging by the time, wouldn't I be..."

"Yes, that's right, the first round is over."

When Mu En hurriedly walked out of the room, he saw a beautiful mature woman wearing a business suit and gold-rimmed glasses, waiting silently outside. Although she did not go in, she still had a speechless expression as if she was stuffed with dog food.

"Are you...Dean Hathaway?"

"Yes, I am the dean."

Hathaway pushed up her golden glasses, revealing a strange smile that looked familiar to Moon.

"It's obviously not the first time we've met. Could it be that Mu En doesn't recognize me anymore?"

"It turns out it's you..."

Mu En didn't want to dwell on the embarrassing past, so she changed the subject and said, "Since the time for the competition has passed, why didn't the dean call me?"

"His Majesty ordered that no one should be disturbed. What can I do?"


The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched. This order was as domineering as Celcia's as always.

Sure enough, the Jiaojiaojiao who became so arrogant can only be seen in private.

"What should I do? I missed the game."

"Nothing to do, just prepare to participate in the second round. The drawing of the second round will begin soon."


Mu En was stunned.

"Me? Participating in the second round, I didn't even get the first round."

"You're lucky, kid."

Hathaway stared at Moon's handsome face and said meaningfully: "Your opponent in this round was injured for some reason and was unable to participate in the competition. You will naturally advance to the second round."

"Huh? Injured?"

Mu En: "...really?"

"Would I lie to you?"

"But this is too coincidental, am I so lucky?"

Mu En scratched his head in confusion, secretly wondering who had set up this weird conspiracy? Otherwise, with my luck as a god-forsaken son, how could I possibly encounter such a good thing?

But if you think about it carefully, apart from humiliating him, a guy who won without fighting, this so-called "conspiracy" has no other lethality.

"No matter how unlucky you are, there will always be a time when you turn around. Maybe you will have good luck next time."

Hathaway patted Moon on the shoulder: "Go quickly, you can't be late for the second round of drawing, and you don't have His Majesty to help you this time."

"Huh? Your Majesty, help me?"

Moon was confused for a while, but Hathaway had no intention of answering. He knocked on the door and after getting Celcia's response inside, he opened the door and walked in.

"Forget it...just ask Celicia later."

Mu En shook his head, no longer wasting time, and rushed towards the place where the lots were drawn.

Hathaway walked into the VIP room.

"How did the game turn out?"

Celcia yawned and was sorting out her long skirt, which was a little messy due to her posture.

"The first round has come to an end. As expected, the seventeenth prince indeed has extremely terrifying talents."

"What talent?"

"It's the legendary double-minded person."

"Born two-minded?"

Celcia frowned slightly and took the information handed over by Hathaway.

But to Hathaway's surprise, Celcia just glanced at it casually and threw the information aside.

"That's it, I understand."

"Your Majesty...don't you treat me a little more seriously? After all, he is born with two minds and is a strong man who is certain to be in the future."

"The appearance of a strong man? So what?"

Celecia sat back on the sofa, picked up the apple that had been placed aside, and said with a cold smile:

"He is just a paper tiger with only talent but no actual achievements. The kingdom protects him too well, so he really thinks that talent alone counts in this world? It's ridiculous."

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