
The atmosphere in the arena is still warm.

Although two hours of rest time have passed, the enthusiasm of the audience has not diminished at all.

After all, in this kind of top elite duel, it is extremely rare to see a "peerless genius" who can defeat the opponent in less than three minutes in previous international exchange competitions, and today there are two at once.

This makes everyone look forward to the next duel even more.

Especially the duel between the strong.

"It seems... I missed something incredible."

Mu En also discovered the unreasonable excitement of the audience, but it is normal to think about it. A seventeenth prince who has been hidden by the kingdom for more than ten years, and a protagonist Feng Aotian who is blessed by destiny. The morning game will not be boring no matter how you look at it.

And the next game will definitely be more intense.

Thinking of this, Mu En became a little excited for the first time in a long time.

"Mu En Campbell."

Suddenly, on the way to the draw, a relatively familiar voice called Mu En.

The reason why it is relatively familiar is that he has heard this voice not long ago.

"Prince Milne?"

Moon stopped and looked at the approaching prince of the kingdom.

He was still dignified, and every move was full of confidence. He would nod to the shouts of the girls in the audience from time to time, as if the glory of the whole world should naturally gather on him.

"How is it?" he asked.

"...What do you mean?" Muen was a little confused.

"I mean, the game in the morning."

Milne frowned slightly, as if he was dissatisfied with Muen's inability to understand such simple words:

"How was my performance in that game?"

"...Oh, that...that game!"

Muen squeezed out a stiff smile like an aristocrat.

What competition? He didn't watch it at all. After all, he was sleeping with Her Majesty the Queen at that time. However, he couldn't say that he didn't watch it at all, which was extremely rude to the prince, so he could only perfunctorily say: "Great, so great! His Highness Milne's performance is really outstanding!" "Really?" Milne saw the hypocrisy in Mu En's words at a glance, and said unhappily: "Is this your true words?" "Of course! More real than diamonds!" "Huh, you were lucky before, and you can advance to the next round without even playing a game, but I hope you can still be so stubborn next time after you can't use those despicable means." Milne snorted coldly. "Huh?" When did I become stubborn? Didn't I praise you all the time? And what does despicable means mean? He slept with Her Majesty the Queen, so is it despicable? Mu En was once again puzzled by the shocking speech of the idiot seventeenth prince, but before he could continue to ask anything, Milne, who seemed to be disdainful of communicating with Mu En and even had a hint of contempt, just passed him and walked towards the lottery venue first.

"... It's really inexplicable."

After a long pause, Mu En shook his head and followed him in.



The lottery was held in a special room. In order to show fairness, it was closed and no outsiders would be able to peek before the results came out.

As soon as he entered, Mu En began to look around.

It seemed that he was the last one to arrive.

Before him, those who advanced to the second round were... Milne, Sever, Cordes, and Floris from the Kingdom. Ariel and Marshall from the Imperial Saint Mary Academy.

Including himself, there were exactly seven.

Mu En took the information he got from Cecilia and compared them with the unfamiliar faces in the Kingdom one by one. He sighed that the Academy was indeed at a disadvantage this time.

"Even Senior Sister Fanny lost?"

This was really within Mu En's expectations. In his opinion, with Senior Sister Fanny's strength, she would definitely advance to the second round.

Until he saw Senior Sister Fanny's opponent, Milne Rodster.

"I see."

Mu En murmured: "That guy can be so arrogant, is he really not to be underestimated?"

...Although his brain doesn't seem to be very good.


"Due to time constraints, the rules of this exchange competition are kept simple."

The teacher in charge of drawing lots explained to everyone directly:

"There are a total of seven people in the second round, randomly drawn, two-on-two duels, but because of the number of people, there will be a special lot in this round of drawing lots..."


"Yes, byes."

The teacher who drew lots glanced at Mu En: "Those who draw the byes will automatically advance to the semi-finals, and the others will compete as usual."

Everyone looked calm and didn't say much about it. Because there were a total of fourteen people in the game, and the two-on-two duel system was carried out, there would inevitably be a bye.

But Mu En subconsciously touched his chin.

He remembered his previous good luck... Although the possibility was very low, it couldn't be...

"Byers, Mu En Campbell!"

As the teacher who drew the lots announced, everyone was stunned, including Mu En.


Mu En looked at his hands... He had good luck twice in a row. Could it be that he had really gotten rid of his bad luck and was going to be on the road to becoming a European emperor from now on?

Thinking of how he had used up all his luck just because of five consecutive yellows and was hit by a dump truck and was thrown into another world, Mu En couldn't help but burst into tears... He actually had a day to turn things around.

"Nonsense! Who the hell believes this is luck?"

But at this time, Kodes from the Kingdom suddenly jumped out and said angrily:

"You didn't even participate in the competition twice, but you advanced directly. Is this luck? Isn't this a shady deal in front of us..."


The teacher who drew lots interrupted Kodes and said coldly:

"The whole process of drawing lots is in accordance with the rules. It depends on your luck. It is reasonable for Mu En and Campbell to draw a bye. You can't say anything without evidence."


"Okay, Kodes."

Milne grabbed Kodes and shook his head, saying, "Stop making trouble."

"I'm just angry..."

"It doesn't matter."

Milne smiled coldly, and his arrogant eyes swept over Mu En, as if looking at A poor creature:

"The more he uses this method, the more he highlights his anxiety. So what if he advances to the next round directly? At that time, he may run into my hands directly, which will also be in my hands. At that time, I will make him regret his cleverness!"

"Your Highness... Your Highness is mighty!"

Cordes was excited: "Please teach him a lesson and make him lose face in front of everyone, and also to avenge Art!"

"Don't worry, I will!"

Milne straightened his collar: "That's why I came here."


The people of the kingdom, who once again showed their disdain to breathe the air in the same room with the despicable villain, left without looking back. Only Sewell nodded to Mu En with a slight apology, and then left.

Mu En was left confused, and he couldn't figure out what the guys in their kingdom were crazy about.

What is a method? What is anxiety? What is cleverness?

Also, didn't the guy named Art fight with him? Why did he put the blame on himself again?

It was really confusing.

"Do you know?"

Mu En asked Ariel.

"Who knows? Maybe you did something that angered the heavens and the people."

Ariel crossed her arms and shrugged her shoulders.


Mu En fell into deep thought.

When did hugging his fiancée to sleep also anger the heavens and the people?

If he hugged a few more in the future... wouldn't he be struck to death by lightning?



Mu En learned his lesson this time and didn't go back to hug his fiancée. Instead, he found a seat off the court and prepared to watch the game.

But to his disappointment... this second round was too boring.

Compared to the good lottery that he directly drew, the lottery of the other people was not so good, at least from the perspective of the audience.

In the first match, Ariel fought against Cordes, and Cordes was crushed. Since he was still frightened by Barlow's miserable condition, Cordes was afraid from the beginning, so he was chased and beaten by Ariel. He was beaten beyond recognition without even putting up a good resistance.

In the second match, Milne fought against Floris, but as a member of the kingdom, the little girl named Floris obviously received instructions and was unwilling to consume Milne's physical strength in such a meaningless internal fight, so she chose to surrender directly.

In the third match, Sewell fought against Marshall, which was the most exciting match among the three matches. Unfortunately, Marshall was not as strong as him after all, and he persisted for more than ten minutes but still lost.

The list of the top four was decided so smoothly. They were Milne and Ariel, who were highly expected by all parties due to their outstanding performance, Sewell, who was also not to be underestimated, and Moon Campbell, who entered the semi-finals without playing a single game...

I don't know why, even though she didn't play a single game, Moon Campbell's voice was higher.

In addition to the factors of national opposition, Moon glanced and seemed to see the figures of the three little ones in the audience...



It was the draw room again.

This time without the noisy Cordes, the atmosphere seemed extremely depressing.

Ariel crossed her arms and looked at Sewell's big chest with a bad look, and from the moment she entered the door, Milne's undisguised aggressive gaze was fixed on Moon.

"This time, you have nowhere to escape, Moon Campbell."

"...When did I escape."

Moon was speechless for a while, but he didn't pay much attention to Milne, but secretly glanced at Sewell.

It's strange. Why did Seville, who was so enthusiastic in the Holy City Trial before, seem so reserved this time?

Is it because there are other people here?

But forget it. I don't have much friendship with her. Considering that the triangular disaster on me has not been resolved, it's better for her to stay away from me.

Mu En shook his head, got rid of those messy thoughts, and focused on the drawing in front of him.

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