There are only four people left.

Therefore, for him, a good draw means playing against the slightly weaker Seville, and then he will advance to the finals more easily.

A bad draw means playing directly against Milne, whose strength is unknown but obviously very strong...

From past experience, Mu En draws lots based on his luck, and basically has a great probability of running into Milne...

But this time...

"I have been lucky for two rounds, and it is normal to be lucky again!" Mu En smiled confidently.

Come on, my European hand!


One minute later.

Mu En stared at the draw result in his hand in a daze.

The first game of the semi-finals, Milne vs. Seville.

The second game of the semi-finals, Mu En Campbell, vs.... Ariel Bugard!

"No... that's not right, a civil war in the semi-finals..." Mu En's mouth twitched.

"Isn't this normal? After all, it's a random draw."

The teacher who draws lots still has no expression on his face: "There has never been a civil war before."

No, this is different, the seventeenth prince hasn't been dealt with yet, and I'm fighting Ariel first. This is not expected!

"Civil war?"

Milne sneered: "Moon Campbell, is this what you call good luck? I saved your life again."


Good luck...

What good luck?

This is obviously the worst result drawn out of the three choices!

I would rather fight with you, the brainless prince!

After all, will I still be backfired by fate? Sure enough, the European emperor is just an unattainable dream of mine...

And it was such a sudden battle with Ariel...

Moon shuddered, felt something, and slowly turned back.

Behind him, Ariel, who was still staring at the result of the draw in her hand, seemed to finally understand the meaning of this lot, and the corner of her mouth slowly outlined a signature unruly arc.

Ariel's eyes became sharper!

35. Opening knife

"I didn't expect that I would have to fight Ariel so suddenly. I'm not prepared at all."

On the way out of the lottery room, Mu En couldn't help looking up at the sky with melancholy, and lamented his miserable luck again.

He thought that he would have to wait until tomorrow's finals to face Ariel.

But it happened to be this round.

Sure enough, the so-called good luck in the past was just a prelude to this dramatic turn.

After all, whether it is the final or not, it has a great impact on this exchange competition, especially now that the seventeenth prince has basically entered the finals by default.

Ariel must have been ready to fight. The incident between her and Liya that she encountered before will not be so easy to pass. The long-accumulated resentment will naturally be vented and burst out all at once.

A violent and blackened Feng Aotian... It's scary to think about it.


"Do you want to admit defeat?" Mu En couldn't help but think silently.

Let Ariel beat the seventeenth prince directly, and this will still not lose the dignity of the empire.

It sounds like an easy decision. All the current crises can be resolved with one click, and he can easily find his lovely and arrogant fiancée to kiss and hug.


"Mr. Mu En, come on!"

In the audience, the distant cheering sound blew like a gentle breeze, and in the dazzling place of the setting sun, in the one-way VIP room, it seemed that there was a cold gaze falling on him.

Maybe it's just an illusion. Everyone has illusions, such as the seventeenth prince who is extremely confident and believes in victory, such as Ariel who is struggling for the strategy at this moment.


Mu En lowered his head and looked at his hands.

Spread out ten fingers, then clenched fists.

The majestic power wandered in the flesh and blood.

Every experience in the black book, every time he faced a strong enemy, every time he looked directly at the evil god, every time he jumped back and forth on the edge of death... These things have completely turned into his nutrients, allowing him to reach this point in just one year.

These things are definitely not illusions.

He shouldn't be afraid of anyone anymore, nor should he be struggling between life and death over whether to escape or not.

"It seems..."

Mu En suddenly smiled with relief: "I no longer have any reason to escape."



"There is definitely something wrong with this draw!"

Back in the lounge, Codes was still indignant.

"He advanced automatically without playing in the first two rounds, and the third round was still a civil war! Is he, Mu En Campbell, really so lucky?"

"Be patient."

Milne didn't seem to have any objection to the result of the draw, and continued to leisurely taste the red wine he had just obtained:

"It's nothing more than making Mu En Campbell look better. It's better to lose to his own people than to lose to me."

"Bah, coward!" Codes was full of disdain, and didn't understand why St. Mary's College would push out such a shameful guy. Is it just because he is the fiancé of the Empress of the Empire?

Everyone from top to bottom was so despicable, helping him conceal the truth. If this continues, the empire will be doomed sooner or later!

Severus watched this scene, his lips moved, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"There's no need to be so angry. From his point of view, this is indeed the smartest thing to do. It can make his results look a little better and preserve the reputation of the Campbell family and the Queen's fiancé. It's just that the method is a little disgraceful. Milne shook the red wine glass and sneered:

"In a sense, this is indeed the best solution."

"Then...our purpose..."

"It doesn't matter. Have you forgotten, the purpose of our organization of this exchange meeting is to let the queen see my value clearly, so I only need to be able to successfully become the final winner. In the process, a little The only one who can stop me is Ariel."

Milne looked at Sewell: "Cousin Sewell."


Sewell nodded slightly: "I will take the initiative to admit defeat."

"Very good, in this way, I can be in the best condition to face that Ariel on the final stage, and I will definitely win!" Milne became more and more confident, because at this point, he was so far away from the final victory. It's only one step away.

His fiery gaze once again looked at the VIP room where the Queen of the Empire was located. That position was high up, overlooking the whole place... and his goal was to be qualified to stand there too!

"Then let me enjoy the ending of this farce."

Milne came to the stands, stared at the field with a sneer, and waited silently for the game to start.

Although it was just a farce, it still had some qualifications for him to kill time for the time being.

Slightly lower than the Queen's special VIP room, there is also another VIP room with mysterious guests stationed in it.

And there's more than one.

"Oh yeah."

Anna, still wearing the uniform of the Silent Agency, pretended to be surprised and teased the girl in front of her.

"Holy Lady of the Holy Life Church, how come you still have time to watch this boring competition between students?"

" are the one."

In order to hide her identity, she didn't even use the Holy Light. Liya, who was just hiding in her long robe, puffed up her cheeks unwillingly:

"The Silence Agency is not a very relaxing place, is it? Is it really okay for you, a sword holder, to run around?"

"In general, after the evil gods caused chaos several times in succession, the empire is now more peaceful, and I am rarely able to take a break."

Anna sat elegantly on the left side of the sofa, her slender thighs slightly raised, revealing her smooth and smooth black silk stockings.

Liya was sitting on the far right side of the sofa, raising her chest and raising her head with all her strength. The loose robe could not hide her majestic curves.

"Me... me too, the saint's usual work is not too busy, so it's okay to take a break from the busy schedule."

"That's seems like I'm overly worried."

Anna smiled and said: "But I didn't expect that the academy would arrange our positions together and say that the positions are in short supply. It seems that some unscrupulous guy wants to watch the show."

"Don't worry, I've already complained to the teacher. That stinky bear will die tonight." Liya waved her fist.

"That's good."

Anna's left and right breasts changed positions, her eyes looked towards the field, and she said with her chin in her hand: "What do you think, Your Highness the Saint?"

"What do you think?"

"On one side is your childhood sweetheart, and on the other side is Mu En. Who do you think will win?"

"...What about you?" Liya asked instead without answering.

"Me? Of course I think Mu En won. That flat Ariel is not my friend." Anna said meaningfully.

"Then...then choose Ariel. After all, she is my best friend."

Liya nodded vigorously, showing her full support for her friend.

But taking advantage of the moment Anna turned her head, she secretly clenched her fists and lowered her voice:

"Come on Mu En..."

"Since Sewell voluntarily abstained from the first round, the second round will begin directly."

"By Moon Campbell versus Ariel Boogard!"

As the referee read out, Mu En, who had been waiting for a long time, and Ariel, who was eager to try, stepped onto the ring one after another.

There was a burst of cheers from the audience, but it was unclear who they were cheering for.

After taking the stage, Mu En and Ariel did not use their first names according to the normal procedure, because the two were so familiar that they did not need to introduce themselves.

Just looking at each other silently.

"I didn't expect that I was still asked to wait for this opportunity!" Ariel said suddenly.

"Opportunity, what opportunity?" Mu En was stunned.

"you forgot?"

Ariel snorted coldly: "When I went to the Holy City before, I said that when I have the opportunity, I will challenge you personally! But I didn't expect that so many things happened later, and the challenge was delayed, but in the end it was In this form, it comes true! ”

"Challenge...ah, I remembered it."

Mu En was stunned.

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