That’s what happened. On that night when the team was resting, Ariel said this to him.

But compared to Ariel’s words, what Mu En remembered more deeply was…

“The stars were beautiful that night, and Liya liked them too.” Mu En smiled.

The scene of watching the stars with the beautiful girl seemed to be still in front of him. It was those nights when the poor little sheep didn’t know that he had fallen into the trap of the big bad wolf and was sold out by a few hundred thousand Emiles.


Hearing the word "Liya", Ariel's joyful expression froze, and when she saw Mu En's happy smile, her anger suddenly ignited, and she said angrily:

"Okay, so you were planning to steal my girl at that time, right!"

"No, no, no... I didn't have it at that time..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Take this opportunity to settle the old and new grudges between us!"

Ariel drew out the sword with a bang and stabbed it into the ground fiercely, as if it was Mu En's chest.

"Mu En Campbell! This time, I will let Leah, Cecilia, and more people see clearly... who is the better one and more worthy of their nostalgia!" Ariel declared loudly.


Love is not something that can be snatched by fighting.

Although there are countless complaints in his heart that he wants to vent, Mu En just smiled indifferently.

It has come to this point. Saying anything more will only add a little stain to this battle that is of great significance to both him and Ariel.

If you want to fight, then fight.

"Looks like everything is ready."

The referee watched the two people's huge exchange of information indifferently, and then slowly raised his hand:

"Then, the game begins, and the simulation of everything is carried out..."

"Wait a minute."

Mu En suddenly called the referee:

"Excuse me, can I specify the terrain?"

"Specify the terrain?"

The referee frowned slightly: "For the sake of fairness, the terrain is randomly selected."

"What if both parties agree?"

"Both parties..."


Ariel crossed her chest and said with a crooked mouth: "No matter what terrain you specify, I am free, anyway, it will not affect the final result."

"Well, since both parties have no objection..."

The referee looked at Mu En with a strange expression: "Tell me, what terrain do you want to specify."

"I want to specify..."

Mu En smiled and said: "Plain!"


Instantly, Ariel's expression became serious, her eyebrows raised slightly, and she looked at Mu En in surprise.

The referee was also stunned: "Are you sure?"

The purpose of using the Vientiane simulation to transform the terrain is to test the adaptability of the opponents through various special terrains, making the game closer to actual combat. However, different terrains will have a certain impact on different players. For example, people who are good at fire magic are randomly in lakes and oceans, people who are good at water magic are randomly in deserts, and people who are good at speed are randomly in dense forests...

But there is only one kind of terrain that will not have any impact on the opponents. It is like the ring that the two people are standing on at the moment. It is a panoramic view, reducing all external factors to the minimum, and the only thing to fight is the so-called hard power.

That is an ordinary plain without any obstacles or obstructions.

"Yes, I'm sure."

Mu En nodded slowly:


"...Okay, since both of you agree." After confirming that both parties have no objections, the referee clapped his hands.

The earth roared, and the ring, which was originally only a hundred meters in diameter, instantly extended to the surroundings under the transformation of the Vientiane simulation.

The lively audience disappeared, and the green grass spread all the way to the end of the world. The breeze blew slowly, bringing the real smell of grass... There was nothing else.

The referee also disappeared, leaving only Mu En and Ariel standing in this vast wilderness.

"I thought you would choose some complex terrain to compete."

"No need, this game is to prove something. The simpler and more direct, the clearer what I want to see."

"Really?" Ariel drew her sword.

"Yes." Mu En held Elizabeth's hilt tightly.

"Then let's start, you first?" Ariel grinned, "Since you are so arrogant, then I will test your depth first?"

"In that case, it is better to obey than to be respectful."

Mu En nodded: "I'll go first."

Before he finished speaking, the sound of the wind suddenly became chaotic.

The weeds on the ground suddenly crawled to the ground, struggling hard, like an invisible boulder pressing on it, forcing the red and yellow land to be exposed.

There was a thunderous roar, as if it was a dry thunder that broke through the cloudless sky.

The remnant of the voice suddenly dissipated, and suddenly everything was quiet, the sky suddenly darkened, and even Mu En disappeared without knowing when.

It was as if everything in the world disappeared at this moment.

Only... a dazzling sword light remained!


The earth was torn apart in an instant, and the huge scars seemed to be eaten by a ferocious monster. Countless grass leaves, sand, and stones flew, and the wind suddenly stopped, because under the sword light, the air was directly torn apart!

"So fast!"

Ariel's eyes condensed, and she only had time to hold the big sword across her body.


It was obviously a slashing attack, but it made a loud noise like a falling meteorite. Ariel's feet plowed a hundred meters deep mark on the ground, and then she was able to stabilize her body. And the huge crack made by the sword light, He also chased her for a full hundred meters.

If the competition venue was an arena, then it would have been split into two under this knife.

Ariel wiped her cheek, and warm blood was flowing. Even though she had opened her fighting spirit body in an instant, the sword light seemed to ignore her defense and still hurt her.

Although it was only an insignificant wound, but... this was just a knife.

From the time she embarked on the path of cultivation, she has always fought against high-level people at lower levels, and fought against enemies across different levels. But this was the first time that she was hurt by someone of the same level, or even one with a level slightly lower than hers, in a face-to-face encounter.


From Mu En standing in front of her, to asking for plain terrain, to this knife... the last touch of contempt in Ariel's eyes finally completely dissipated, and Mu En's appearance at this moment was completely reflected in her pupils.

His hands were lowered, holding the knife, his clothes were neat, and his hair was not messed up. He still looked like the blond noble man who only wanted to please women.

But what is outlined in the corner of the mouth is a ferocious smile that can only bloom after countless blood and hardships.

The huge shadow finally appeared behind him. It was the terrifying darkness that had wandered back from the edge of death countless times, and was about to encroach on him like a ferocious beast!

"Awesome, you are better than I thought, Moon Campbell!"

Ariel was not afraid of this, but her blood began to boil. She also raised the corners of her mouth, clapped her sword, and shouted excitedly:

"Come on! Keep going!"


"Well, you actually chose the plains? What is that Moon Campbell doing?"

Watching Mu En's "coquettish operation" of choosing plain terrain from the perspective of an audience, Cortex suddenly felt deeply puzzled.

In his opinion, in order for Moon Campbell to have a better performance on the surface, a more complex terrain will definitely be more beneficial to him. It is said that he is good at speed, so he will definitely rely on complex terrain to deal with Ariel, so as not to For example, Barlow was usually seriously injured in less than three minutes, which is not good-looking at all. It can be said that the cover-up behavior of avoiding the battle is completely meaningless.

But he actually chose this terrain...

"I can only say that he is extremely stupid..."

The last word of Cortex has not yet been uttered.

Then he saw Mu En's knife that seemed to announce the real start of the battle.

With just one strike, the entire audience fell silent.

Because that knife is very strong.

From the audience's point of view, the knife was actually more shocking, because they could more intuitively see how the knife came from nothing in an instant, tearing the earth apart and deafening.

" strong!"

Cortex was stunned.

He couldn't believe that the knife was struck by Moon Campbell, whom he had always despised and who only promoted through cheating.

But this is a fact. You can cheat in drawing lots, but who made that knife? With so many spectators watching, there is no way to argue.

Moon Campbell, is he so strong?

"It was such a fast knife, I didn't even see how he moved at all, and the knife was so fast, why was it so powerful? It looked like dozens of sword lights fused together.

What do you think, Your Highness? You should be able to do this kind of move. "

As if encountering something unbelievable and subconsciously asking for support, Cordes looked at Prince Milne expectantly.


Cordes trembled.

Because Milne didn't seem to hear him at all, this long-hidden genius in the kingdom was holding on to the railing of the lounge balcony with one hand at the moment. The other hand had already crushed the red wine glass, letting the bright red wine flow. The liquid flowed and dyed his gold-inlaid cuffs red.

And the face he was staring at was filled with a huge shock and a hint of panic that even he himself hadn't noticed.


He murmured in a low voice:

"Such a thing... is absolutely impossible..."

36. Collision

"Your Highness? Are you okay?"

Cortex's slightly worried voice finally brought Milne back to his senses. His hand paused for a moment, and he took out a handkerchief to wipe the dripping red wine while regaining his composure:

"I'm fine."

"You just..."

"I was just... slightly shocked by Moon Campbell."

Milne's eyes fell on the plain where everything was simulated.

The vast plain was still a green field, but at this moment there was a clear scar on the green field, as if a sharp blade ruthlessly separated the flesh and blood and swept across the fragile body. It was so thrilling.

That "scar" penetrated a hundred meters. Even from their high position, they could see it very clearly. It was almost equivalent to the diameter of the original ring. It was really hard to imagine that this was a person who was rumored to have "outstanding speed". What a warrior at the early stage of the fourth level can slash.

Therefore, anyone who sees the power of Moon Campbell's sword for the first time, especially those in the kingdom who have already regarded him as a clown who only uses despicable means, will subconsciously ask in their hearts... Can I do it?

"Indeed, I'm afraid no one would have imagined that Moon Campbell's sword is so powerful."

Cordes was still in shock. He also used a knife as a weapon, so he could feel the power of that knife.

"Very strong... I guess so. It seems that we were really deceived by him."

Milne pulled the corner of his mouth stiffly, threw the handkerchief casually, and said coldly: "He deliberately gave two byes to save his strength, spread rumors, and pretended to like women. Finally, he made a big splash in this competition... The contrast he created was so great that it was enough to shock everyone. Look at the little girls cheering for him in the audience... Haha, I didn't expect that we planned so much, but we were not as good as him in this aspect. Muen Campbell's mind is indeed deeper than we thought!"

"No... That's right, he is too despicable!"

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