Cordes followed with a fierce scolding... and then glanced at Milne with some trepidation:

"Then your plan, Your Highness..."

"What are you panicking about!"

Milne shouted, looking angry at Cordes's cowardice.

But while Cordes shuddered at the sudden majesty, he suddenly realized something was wrong...

In such a quiet room, His Highness the Seventeenth Prince obviously didn't need to shout so loudly. He scolded himself so suddenly, as if he was hiding something...

Of course, this was just a guess, and Cordes didn't dare to think about that terrible idea any further.

"Don't worry."

Milne glanced at Cordes, then looked at the others, as if to give everyone confidence, and said calmly:

"If it's just this level, it won't affect the final outcome. The final winner is still me."



"Very powerful... You're more powerful than I thought, Moon Campbell!"

Ariel shouted excitedly.

The blow that seemed shocking to others was just an appetizer to her, which could whet her appetite in advance and make her blood boil from the two boring battles before.

But the instinct she had developed from fighting with many enemies made her understand one thing.

This time, she was not facing a little lamb that could be kneaded and killed at will, nor was she the playboy who had accomplished nothing that she had understood and hated...

But it was a fierce beast with sharp teeth and thirsty for countless blood!

She was not unaware of his progress, nor was she blind to everything, but the world was not a flat surface that could be seen at a glance. Everyone was striving in their own territory, and it was difficult to know what each other on the other side of the fog had experienced on their own path. Everyone could only see the appearance of the other party when they met, and the people walking with the other party.

Therefore, more things could only be revealed little by little on this truly fair arena, and only at this time could those things that she had never noticed before be "seen with her own eyes" by her.

"Very good... This is very good. You are like this. At least I feel a little more balanced, right?"

Ariel whispered softly, not knowing who she was talking to.

But at this moment, she clenched the sword in her hand again.

The bandage wrapped around the sword automatically dissipated, revealing the dazzling sword body of golden fire. The surging flames burned all over the sky, and the hot air flow made her black hair fly like a group of screaming monsters.

The terrifying pressure condensed, like a dark cloud that was about to cover the sky.

"It's coming!"

Mu En, who had been on alert, saw this scene and his mind tightened. He no longer hesitated and slashed again.

Dozens of thunders gathered into a sharp sword light, which instantly crossed the distance of 100 meters and hit Ariel's face.


At the same moment, the flames that roamed around Ariel suddenly expanded, then solidified, and turned into the head of a huge and ferocious monster, and then opened its huge mouth full of fiery fangs, and bit the knife light... in one bite!

The moon-like knife light was collided and eaten by the extremely blazing and extremely high temperature flames, and finally completely disappeared in the huge mouth of the flame monster.

"What a powerful flame, it condensed into substance in an instant."

Mu En's eyes sank slightly, watching the flame monster swallow the knife light and made a provocative expression to him.

This is not magic.

Because Ariel is not Milne, she does not have the so-called one heart and two bodies, so it is impossible to chant magic while obviously accumulating a certain move, and the rules of the competition do not allow the use of magic scrolls.

And even if it is magic, with Ariel's current magic realm, even if she is really a rare genius in a century, she cannot chant such a "lively" magic in such a short time.

Moreover, just like most of the settings of "Feng Aotian", Ariel's pure talent is definitely not the best in this world. In terms of "pure talent", she is not even as good as Milne, who has two bodies and one mind.

But the child of destiny is not so-called talent, but... opportunity!

"Sure enough, the source of this flame is..."

"God's favor!"

In the lounge, there was another person who was born with noble family and had excellent knowledge. He also guessed the source of this flame, and exclaimed in shock again.

God's favor, as the name suggests, comes from the favor of the gods. It is born with the terrifying potential to make ordinary people ascend to heaven in one step, but there are very few people in this world who can be favored by the gods. Now the number of people favored by the gods on the continent can be counted on two hands.

Naturally, someone has no.

But Ariel didn't know what means she used to cover up the "God's will" in the flame, so that only now did people realize the terribleness of this power.

However, Mu En was not surprised by this, because he knew that Ariel must have mastered the power of God's favor during this period of time.

And just like in the original book, the first thing she mastered was the favor of the God of Fire!

"I didn't expect her to show such a trump card right away. Should I be happy that she took it seriously?"

Mu En exhaled lightly:

"It seems that long-range sword attacks are no longer effective."

Under the current situation, no matter how many sword lights he swung, the sword lights would be burned up by the collision of those flames.

Although it does not have the same power to devour everything as his own black flame, it is still a blessing from the gods, commanding all active fires in the world, representing extreme high temperatures and scorching heat.

Coupled with Ariel's control over it...

"It sounds like a terrible situation, but..."

Mu En raised the corners of her mouth, every bone in her body was crackling at this moment, and every muscle was trembling with excitement at this moment.

The alchemy core behind him was already in operation, so in this short breath, Mu En's countless thoughts finally fell into one place...

The light of the sword cannot break through, but his sword can.

Created by the Great Magister Meladomir and based on the embryo of the Holy Sword, this pair of swords can cut through even the flames commanded by the gods.


Mu En's figure disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Ariel.

With the acceleration of time nearly a hundred times and the blessing of Shadow Step without any regard for side effects, his speed was so fast that most people in the audience could hardly see his movements clearly.

But...Ariel still captured him.

The giant flame beast roared and rushed towards Mu En accurately.

And at this moment... Mu En raised his hand, still looking very ordinary... wielding a knife.

There was no need for any moves to move forward, no signs of use, and countless superimposed vibrations caused the solid flames to dissipate for a moment.

He doesn't need to charge up, or rather... he can charge up at any time.

Ariel's moves take time to accumulate power, and time is just under his control!


The muscles of Mu En's arms bulged, and the terrifying power was condensed in the accelerated time dimension at this short moment. Blood mist once again spurted out from the pores of the body that was on the verge of reaching its limit. The blood spread and the elegant aristocratic posture completely disappeared. , only the ferocity of a beast is left!

Thunder roared, as if the world was about to be destroyed.

However, the sky above the plain was still clear, except for a figure that almost blocked all the light.

The two swords fell - Baidu! !

This time, there was no dazzling sword light, nor the power of tearing the earth apart at every turn, but the flames surrounding Ariel suddenly dissipated towards both sides as if they were wiped out of thin air.

Expose the gap.

Ariel is also revealed at this moment.

And when she raised her eyes, there was no fear of the knife on her face. Instead, what bloomed from those ordinary, ubiquitous black pupils was enough to make anyone dare not look at them. !

The dissipated flames suddenly shrank, changing from normal orange-red, to bluish-purple, then blue, and finally pure white.

This pure white brought pure high temperature, and the hundreds of miles of green wilderness were instantly burned to the ground. And in the center of the space distorted by the high temperature, the white flame condensed further, thus becoming the symbol of perfection in Ariel's hand. The powerful sword of judgment!

"Skyfire - Judgment!" Ariel laughed ferociously: "Take the move, Moon Campbell!"

The big sword slashed towards Mu En.

And just as Ariel named it, it will also bring destruction... equally!

From this, knives and swords collide fiercely!

37. Similar beasts

"Oh my god, this young man."

When the swords on the ring came into contact, even though the formation guarding there was activated instantly, isolating all the aftermath, the pink bear still couldn't help but shrink his neck back and muttered:

"I think it's better to trick that kid a little less, otherwise I won't be able to fight back if he cuts me in the future."

"When you are talking nonsense like this, you'd better throw away those pamphlets in your hand first. It will be more convincing."

Hathaway pushed up her glasses and complained, but when she turned her head, she also made no secret of her amazement at the collision:

"But seriously speaking, these two people are indeed a little too perverted. Does this movement really make it difficult to doubt that they are only fighting two fourth-level warriors?"

"Oh, there are always several geniuses who can surpass the enemy's levels in every era, just like those who are born with two minds."

Pink Bear shrugged, stuffed the pamphlet into his arms, then glanced in a certain direction, and said with a smile:

"But looking at this, some people won't be able to sleep tonight."

"Your Highness."


"Your Highness."


"Your Highness!"

"Ah, teacher."

Milne, who was called three times in a row, finally came to his senses: "You, you are here."

"Don't get too caught up in it."

Hertz's expression was serious: "The outcome of a battle is not determined solely by the power of moves! Experience, instinct, and decisiveness, these things can also affect the balance of victory!"

"I...not, the teacher is worrying too much, I..."

Milne took a deep breath, trying to show that reassuring smile again, but found that the lounge was quieter than he imagined.

Looking back, no one noticed his smile. Except for himself who was woken up by the teacher, everyone else was immersed in the collision of swords. The brilliant colors produced by the collision of swords were intertwined here. It forms a grand picture, and all young people who are eager to go further will watch it with all their heart.

"These two seem to be making quite a big noise, but it is enough to prove their arrogance."

Hertz pulled himself together, walked to the edge of the stands, and commented condescendingly:

"They were so easily able to use this obviously trump card move, which is obviously their arrogance. You just need to seize this opportunity and find a way to deal with it. With your talent, it is not difficult to defeat them."

"Teacher is wise, I think so too."

Milne nodded seriously:

"It seems that these two people seem to have been looking forward to this duel for a long time, and there seems to be no fear of me in their eyes. The prince of the kingdom, so he used all his strength right from the start. "

"However, it is precisely because of this that they will soon reveal their flaws!"

Milne's eyes flashed, and he continued: "Such a move will inevitably consume a lot of energy, and it will be difficult to recover to full strength tomorrow, not to mention that once the trump card is revealed, even the most terrifying beast will directly expose its most vulnerable belly, which can be said to be not far from failure."

"That's it." Hertz touched his beard with satisfaction, thinking that he was worthy of being his most outstanding disciple. Even if facing a strong enemy, he would find a way to break the situation in the shortest time.

"Then... tomorrow."

"The winner is still me!"

Milne showed a confident look again, and smiled at Hertz.

It's just that the two kept pointing out the weaknesses of the two in their words, and while discussing how to win tomorrow, they seemed to have completely forgotten...

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