The two people on the field now were originally looked down upon by them, and they thought they would rack their brains to think of how to defeat them, even using despicable means.

But now... it's completely reversed.

They become those who think about how to win through dirty means.

Of course, before the discussion of which means to achieve victory comes out, what is more important is that even now... that game does not seem to be over yet.

The plain...can no longer be called a plain.

For this area, the huge potholes are like a greedy girl digging a big scoop into the ice cream, directly and crudely changing its terrain.

All the verdant green was dried in the scorching heat just now, and even the strong roots were flying everywhere with the dust and gravel in the sky. After the collision between the sword and the sword, it was like a direct It’s like switching to a different set, and you can no longer find the same green field as before.

Everything returned to calm, leaving only some burning debris floating like snow.

Everyone forgot to cheer for this wonderful and shocking collision, and also forgot to cheer for the people they cared about. Their eyes were fixed on the devastated ground.

They are looking forward to it.

Who will win?

Moon Campbell?

Or Ariel Boogard?

Or maybe, both of them...


Just when everyone was looking forward to it, the sound of stones being crushed was so clear in this silent battle place.

The smoke cleared.

The figure revealed is... Ariel.

She covered her injured arm, dragged her golden sword, and staggered out.

Dust and blood stains were all over her pretty face, and there were a few new slash marks on her college uniform. Blood flowed from the wounds, making her look so embarrassed.

But she finally became the one standing, which was the final victory...

"Can you still stand up?"

Before the audience cheered for the winner, Ariel suddenly uttered a few words.

She does not look like a winner, and the excitement and fighting spirit in her eyes have not diminished at all, like a wild beast staring at its prey.

"Ha, this kind of question is too contemptuous."

Another laugh broke out.

In the dust curtain, a thin but still solid figure stands little by little.

It's like putting an end to this outcome that no one could have imagined.

Neither of them retreated.

Ariel gently twisted the sword, and the wind pressure blew away all the dust, revealing Mu En.

He looked even more embarrassed than Ariel, and all the clothes on his upper body had been torn to pieces, turning into a few rags flying with the dust - because a hideous wound was clearly running through his chest.

The injury was enough to make an ordinary person dying, and even the pale ribs could be vaguely seen, but Mu En was still able to stand upright like this and even smile.

"It's too much. Turn it up as soon as you start. Can you have fun?"

As he spoke, he touched the wound on his chest and sighed:

"Sure enough, brute force collision is not my strong point."

"Then you're going to confront me head-on?"

Ariel raised her eyebrows: "Judging from the speed you showed just now, it's possible to dodge."

"Hide? Of course you can, but if I hide, how can I know the differences in certain aspects? Wouldn't this battle be meaningless?"

"What do you think I am? A whetstone?" Ariel snorted coldly.

"I don't dare to use it as a whetstone. If my little body is sharpened a few times by you who are as strong as steel, the skin will fall off several layers, and it may even break directly."


Ariel's eyes widened and she said angrily: "You guy, you have been talking about Pingyuan Steel and other things since just now. Are you being sarcastic?"

"...No, no, no, you misunderstood."

Mu En's mouth twitched, secretly thinking that this guy's intuition was indeed very sharp, but he still said sincerely: "I'm just praising your strength, I have absolutely no other thoughts."

"Really... I'll believe you for now, but when it comes to this, I should praise you."

Ariel's eyelids drooped, as if she had remembered something, and her expression was a little complicated: "If I were looking at you a year ago, I would never have imagined that you would actually stand on the same stage as me. I originally thought that I I will leave you, a guy with nothing but your family background, behind."

"But I'm standing here, aren't I?"

Mu En said: "You didn't get rid of me."

"...Ha, yes, you are already standing here. Not only did I fail to get rid of you, but I actually let you close the distance. And it's only been a year, so what's the use of talking so much."

Do I need to say that much?

Of course not.

Just fight, many things can be understood more clearly as long as you communicate with blood and swords.

Ariel looked solemn, suddenly pointed her sword at Mu En, and shouted:

"Moon Campbell, can you continue?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then replied with a smile:

"Of course. After the test is over, it's natural to get serious, isn't it? This kind of injury can't even be considered an itch for you and me."

Mu En stretched out her hand and wiped the scar on her chest.

Deep in the pupils, a deep black color flashed, and when Mu En's hand wiped over the hideous wound, it was horrifying that the wound disappeared out of thin air.

It was as if it was swallowed by something.

Ariel was not surprised, but smiled more happily: "Instant recovery? Good... very good, I can do it too!"

As soon as the voice fell, the wound on Ariel's body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was not slower than the movement of Mu En's hand. It was healed in the blink of an eye. If it weren't for the bloodstains that still remained, it would be impossible to tell that she had been injured.

I was because of the devouring and transforming power of the black flame, and what was Ariel because of it?

Mu En sneered, and soon gave up thinking about which ability of Ariel's numerous abilities in the original book was used for recovery.

There was no need.

Because there was no need to distinguish which one was which, and in a full-strength duel, all the abilities that could be used would naturally be used.

Mu En waved his hands, and Elizabeth automatically flew up and fell into his palm.

He took a deep breath.

Apart from the black flames that were not suitable for use in front of so many people, what other powers could he use?

Those that he had worked hard to obtain so far.

Those that he had fought all the way to obtain.

Those that he had fought for his life on the brink of life and death several times.

Those that were proven with blood and fire... all.


A low humming sounded, but this time it was not the sound of thunder, but more like the echo of countless war drums.

Those sounds came from Mu En's body, like a hundred hearts beating together, and every muscle of his was trembling with excitement, showing the power he had gained from continuous practice.

On his naked upper body, complex golden lines began to emerge, gradually forming a precise and mysterious matrix, with surging magic power wandering in it, providing power for the alchemical core that was as hot as the sun.

At this moment, in addition to the two "suns" that were already extremely bright, the third alchemical core also began to gradually brighten in the constant roar!

Mu En's momentum was rising steadily. Although his realm was still at the beginning of the fourth level without any change, the sense of oppression he exuded from his gestures was even higher than when they collided just now.

This made many people unbelievable again. It turned out that the sword collision just now was not his full strength?

"... So that's it. It's not that he didn't try his best, but he improved before the battle."

Ariel saw through Mu En's state at a glance, because this scene was too déjà vu. She had been like this many times before when facing the enemy.

But now he changed sides, making her feel... novel and excited.

"Is that so? You don't look like you can be easily defeated now. If that's the case... I don't have to hold back!"

Ariel suddenly inserted the big sword into the ground in front of her.

[Boiling blood! ]

A touch of blood floated on Ariel's face. Unlike Mu En, who only had an increase in momentum, at this moment, Ariel's realm was actually rising step by step, until the threshold of the fifth level, and then slowly stopped.

But this is not over yet.

[No self. ]

[True transformation. ]

[Dragon scales. ]

[Beast heart. ]

[God's will. ]

Layer after layer of blessing was continuously poured into Ariel's thin body.

Her qualities in all aspects were madly raised in these few short breaths.

[Ancient magic·Void Sky Armor. ]

[Ancient magic·Realm of Chaos. ]

[Ancient magic...]

When all the BUFFs were installed, Ariel's body was already shrouded in various halos, and she looked like a krypton gold player who jumped out of some garbage online game with all kinds of light pollution.

She looked up and looked at Mu En.

Mu En's cheek twitched slightly, and he quickly pressed it back.

The two looked at each other again.

And this time, there was really no need to say more.

A stone that had just been blown away as Ariel inserted the greatsword into the ground was slowly falling.

As the two looked at each other in silence, with a snap, the stone finally fell to the ground.

Like a signal of some kind of start, the figures of the two disappeared in an instant.

The calm airflow was quickly disturbed, becoming more and more turbulent until it gathered into a raging gale.

In the shadow of this gale, the sword light and the sword shadow kept colliding! Colliding! Colliding again!

Fire splashed and thunder roared.

Ordinary people could hardly even see their figures, and could only barely keep up with these residual aftermath.

And every time they collided, a terrifying trace would be left around, and the simulation of all things would wail, somewhat overwhelmed.

However, this was no longer the simple duel between the two sides just now.

This was to gather all the experience, strength, speed, and blessing in the interaction of this move.

Blood flew everywhere, and flesh burst.

But when they occasionally stopped, they would not have the slightest fear or hesitation, but would be completely immersed in this heart-pounding battle.

No, this was no longer a battle.

These are two beasts that obey their instincts, using their fangs and sharp teeth to fight each other in oblivion!

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