38. Past and present

The wind is howling.

The light is as cold as snow.

The earth is torn apart.

Sand and gravel are crushed.

On this battlefield, which is a simulation of everything, it has long been a horrific scene like the end of the world.

But that was not due to the magnificent magic wave, nor was it due to the gorgeous martial arts duel.

They were just two humanoid beasts that had completely forgotten about themselves. They used all their strength, speed, reflexes, experience, and decisiveness, and everything they had engraved in their flesh, bones, and souls so far, to engage in a brutal fight. That’s all.

This is no longer the level of two fourth-level warriors fighting each other. There are no fixed martial arts bonuses, and there are no mysterious moves. These things have long lost their meaning. Every move and every move they make is a way for the two of them to escape from the edge of life and death. It is the most instinctive attack that has been honed continuously, but this attack alone is enough to shock everyone present.

The skin and flesh were cut open, and then collided again after recovering in the blink of an eye. The blood was flowing, so just let it flow and splash.

The pain does not force the other party to retreat, but makes the roar of the heartbeat heavier and more exciting.

The two of them seemed to only have each other in their eyes at this moment, and there was only the most direct collision and confrontation between the swords! Even the collision and confrontation of blood and bone, soul and spirit!

But the fighting finally stopped.

After another fierce collision, the two of them stopped in unison.

The howling wind also subsided and turned into a breeze, carrying only a light dust.

It ended so suddenly, but it failed to make the onlookers' hanging hearts relax at all. There was still silence in the audience, and everyone held their breath even more, staring at the scene without letting go for a moment. middle.

The two people on the field were less than ten meters apart. They once again raised their calm eyes stained red with blood and looked at each other.

"Can we still fight?" This time, it was Mu En who asked the question first.

"What do you think?"

"Then do it."

"You move first."

"No, I am a gentleman and I have to be humble to the ladies."

"I'm not a lady, I don't need to be humble."



"Steel plate! If it's a woman, come and chop me down!"

"What did you say, you damn Huangmao!"

"What about you, you weakling!"

"Ah ah ah, come here, I will chop you to death!"

It was obviously so cruel and exciting just now that children under the age of 18 need to be accompanied by their mothers to watch it, but now the two people are here, like two huskies and chihuahuas separated by a fence, quarreling in the air, full of inexplicable humor.

But everyone knows that this is not a funny ending in some bad novel, but since it is a duel, there will be a moment when the result will be determined.

Mu En lowered his head and stroked the wound on his chest again, but this time the tragic wound could no longer be healed in an instant.

Because it was really completely drained this time, not a trace of magic power or fighting spirit was left, and there was no nourishment, so naturally it could no longer activate the black flame to repair the body.

Ariel on the other side didn't look much better than him. Although she didn't have any injuries that were as deep as his, the knife marks, large and small, covered almost every part of her body. Blood was still oozing out at this moment, and it didn't seem like she had any injuries. The remaining energy left to care about these wounds caused the blood to almost completely stain her slightly tattered college uniform.

Both of them looked embarrassed and weak, as if they would be blown down by another strong gust of wind.

But after all, it was Mu En who spoke first.

"It's still a little bit worse."

Mu En suddenly chuckled, raised his head, and in the dizzy feeling that gradually drained his energy and the whole world began to spin dimly, he sighed sadly and regretfully:

"It's still too much to push me to such a small level to fight like you. Besides... three external waists are too much of a burden for me now..."

"Huh? Who are you calling a bastard? His body is obviously tattooed with something that looks very expensive at first glance. You guys want to save face..."

Ariel was about to retort subconsciously, but with a pop, Mu En in front of her fell directly to the ground and completely lost consciousness.

It was so sudden, but Ariel was not surprised at all.

"Have you finally fallen?"

Looking at the fallen Mu En, Ariel took a deep breath, wiped her face, and then began to laugh wantonly with arms akimbo as a winner.

"Haha... I won! Moon Campbell, you are still a little too young. The victory in this battle belongs to me after all! I am the winner, I am the more outstanding one. Did you see that, I It’s completely easy to take—Gah!”

Unfortunately, the arrogant laughter did not last long and ended abruptly.

"Ah, I forgot."

Ariel's expression froze, and she suddenly murmured with a grimace: "Those skills of mine also have side effects... Damn it, you made me so embarrassed, damn Moon Campbell."

As she said that, she kicked her legs and raised her head, and she fainted straight away.

Just as sudden.

The two of them were facing each other head to head, as if they would continue to fight even if they fainted.


There was silence.

As the two opponents fainted one after another, the entire competition venue once again fell into a strange atmosphere. Many people looked at each other, not knowing whether they should applaud or cheer.

Fortunately, the referee of the academy was quite professional. He quickly came up to check the two people. After confirming that there was no danger to life, the referee pulled up Ariel's weak hand and announced the final outcome loudly:

"The winner is Ariel Bugard!!"



"Damn it."

In the lounge, Hertz, who had always been very well-mannered, could not control himself at this time. He subconsciously crushed the stone railing with his palm.

The fragments of stone flowed through his fingers. At this moment, the shouts celebrating the winner and praising the loser finally came like a tide, but they sounded so harsh in his ears.

He didn't even have time to comfort his most outstanding disciple beside him, telling him that there was still a chance to win and he should continue to work hard tomorrow... Instead, he stared at Mu En and Ariel on the field, with a fierce light in his eyes.

The Vientiane simulation had disappeared, and the two were now on the ring.

But even that ring was in ruins at this moment.

That was because the precision magic mechanism Universal Simulation, which was specially set up for the exchange match, could not completely isolate the aftermath of the fight between the two.

Although the threshold of the Universal Simulation design was definitely not as good as the famous Great Secret Instrument of the Academy because it was a student battle, it was already extremely terrifying to be able to penetrate it and penetrate the power.

At least, before this situation really happened, he thought it was impossible.

But this impossible thing happened, just like the fight that shocked even him.

It can be seen that the talents and upper limits of these two people are completely beyond everyone's imagination. If they grow up, they will definitely be a big problem for the kingdom.

Thinking of this, Hertz's heart flashed with jealousy, and the fierce light in his eyes gradually brewed into murderous intent.

Now everyone is immersed in this atmosphere of cheering and applause. If you take advantage of their unpreparedness and suddenly attack, you should have a 60% chance of being able to...

"Sir Hertz."

But at this moment, a cold voice made Hertz's old body tremble subconsciously, and he immediately came back to his senses.

The killing intent disappeared instantly. Hertz turned around and saluted respectfully to the silver-white figure:

"Your Majesty, why... why are you here?"

"I came to see you. As the distinguished guests of my empire, I can't leave you here all day long."

Cecilia appeared in this lounge at some point. At this moment, the corners of her lips slightly raised, and she nodded to Hertz quite peacefully:

"How is it? Are you still adapting to the arrangements of the empire?"

"It is an honor for us to be remembered by Her Majesty."

Hertz lowered his head: "Your Majesty, of course I adapt."

"Very good, then you watched today's game, what do you think of the young talents of my empire?" Cecilia asked again.

"... so outstanding that it is shocking."

After a moment of silence, Hertz still said truthfully: "It is a blessing for the empire to have such people. I think they will become the solid foundation of the empire in the future."

"Well, Lord Hertz said too much. It is too early to say the word foundation. The students of your kingdom are also very good. Don't forget that those two people fought to the death, but they were just competing for a place in the finals, and you have already entered the finals long ago." Cecilia's mouth was full of sarcasm.

"...Your Majesty, you are too kind."

Hertz still didn't dare to look up, because he was afraid that if he looked up, he would really not be able to hide the murderous intent.

"It's not a false compliment, but a sincere compliment."

Cecilia smiled and said:

"In that case, I won't stay with you for long. I hope you can prepare more. I am still looking forward to the finals later. I hope you can give me a match as exciting as this one."

After saying that, Cecilia had already floated out of the lounge and rushed directly to the ring. She asked others to rescue Ariel quickly, and she personally picked up Muen Campbell and left.

Didn't she give others any chance?

Hertz's old palm suddenly clenched, and the black tendons like venomous snakes jumped on the back of his hand.

But in the end, he let go dejectedly.

What else can I do? This is the Empire.

Instead of fantasizing about assassinations in the center of the Empire, it is better to think pragmatically about how to comfort and encourage your students next.

Yes, His Highness Milne is no worse than anyone else. His talent is still top-notch in the entire continent, but those two people... are too perverted.

The most important thing now is to stabilize his mind. He just hasn't experienced hardships, but his talent is still there. As long as his mind is not broken, he can still look forward to the future.

But... Hertz hadn't had time to speak, and Cordes, who had just recovered from the previous shock, suddenly asked tremblingly, as if to summarize and confirm all the words Milne had said before:

"Your Highness... Your Highness, can you really... beat this monster?"


Milne's hand trembled and he didn't answer.

Instead, he finally raised his noble head that had been hanging down since the climax of the battle.

However, his sight did not fall on the center of the cheering audience, nor did he look at the two people who would become his terrible enemies, but on the silver-white back that was gradually moving away.

He could no longer think about whether he could beat it or not.

Because it was difficult for him to put himself into the previous battle.

He just looked at Celcia's back and suddenly thought...

The queen seemed to have never looked at him from beginning to end.

This huge and highly anticipated marriage proposal seems to have been just him, the clown, performing ridiculously and comically alone on the stage from the very beginning.

Mu En opened her eyes and saw a pure white ceiling.

Those ordinary wooden ceilings with no decorations could not highlight any dignity, but they were so familiar to Mu En.

"woke up?"

He turned his head.

The same white curtains were fluttered by the breeze, and the dim sunset squeezed in through the gaps, mischievously applying bright colors to that cold face. Unfortunately, that face was so cold that it even turned the sunset away. Condensed, it becomes the perfect embellishment of that beautiful mountain flower.

"It feels so familiar."


"When I woke up, I was in the ward of the college, and the distinguished President Celcia was peeling an apple for me."

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