Mu En supported himself and sat up:

"It seems familiar, isn't it?"

"Well, it seems that the same scene has happened before."

The apple peel, which was evenly thin and transparent, fell from the fingers that were peeling onions. Cecilia responded perfunctorily, concentrating on peeling the last bit of the peel, and then with a light tap of the fruit knife, the apple was evenly divided into small pieces.

The application of swordsmanship was also so outstanding.


She handed the apple to Mu En and gave the order coldly.

But Mu En did not take it, and suddenly smiled meaningfully:

"But it seems that there are some differences."

"Oh? For example, the one who personally peeled the apple for you is no longer a mere student union president, but the empress of the empire?"

"This does sound interesting, but what I want to say is..."

Mu En pointed at the apple, then pointed at himself, and finally spread his hands.

"Look, I'm injured, so as my dear fiancé, should I do something?"

Feed me.

Mu En blinked.


Cecilia thought for a moment, then nodded solemnly.

"Indeed, I should do something."

After saying that, she stood up suddenly and suddenly rushed towards Mu En with great momentum.

That cold pretty face, coupled with the tightly grasped fruit knife in her hand, seemed to really and thoroughly execute the scumbag on the spot...

"Wait, wait, I was wrong..."

Mu En's face changed, and he quickly admitted his defeat...


However, what he received was not the cold punishment of the knife tip, but...

It was really just an apple.

"How is it?"

Cecilia picked up a piece of apple with a fruit knife, raised her hand lightly, and personally fed it into Mu En's mouth:

"Is the apple fed to you by the empress of the empire delicious?"

"Woo woo woo... so good!"

The apple was very sweet, and with the gentle offensive of the arrogant and iceberg queen, it directly became the sweetest in the world.

"Hehe, this is just because you are a wounded soldier now, don't get carried away." Cecilia did not forget to knock Mu En.

"Hehe... Your Majesty is still the best."

Mu En smiled foolishly, and was about to take this opportunity to hug the lovely queen, but just as he was about to move, he felt a sharp pain.

"Hiss - it hurts."

The sharp pain from the inside of his body immediately reminded Mu En why he was here.

"Ha... I really lost after all."

Mu En leaned against the wall, took a long breath with a complicated expression, then looked at Cecilia and suddenly said:


"I don't remember that there is anything I need you to apologize for recently. Have you done something to let me down again?"

"No, I mean... I'm sorry, as your fiancé, I lost the game and embarrassed you." Mu En smiled bitterly and scratched his head.

"Is that so..."

Cecilia nodded lightly in understanding, but then Mu En felt another pain.

But this time it was not because of the injury, but Cecilia pressed the back of the fruit knife against Mu En's arm and said coldly:

"When did I, the emperor of the empire, need a man to give me face?"

"Ah, that's not what I meant..."

"Are you looking down on me?"

"No, no, no, Cecilia, Xia, Your Majesty, listen to my explanation..."

"You have really become more and more arrogant recently."

The back of the knife went up all the way to the extremely dangerous vital point, and it seemed that it was really going deep in... But at this time, Cecilia suddenly hooked her arm and hugged Mu En's neck:

"But, the thought is worth rewarding."


Mu En, who was still worried about his life just now, was immediately annoyed in this switch between hell and heaven.

He hugged the queen's small waist and bit her lips hard to retaliate.

It's a pity that the queen's means were more fierce than he imagined. Only a few counterattacks made him quite embarrassed.

A few minutes later, the defeated Mu En took the initiative to separate his lips.

Cecilia twisted his waist and asked, "What do you feel after this battle?"


Mu En panted: "It can be regarded as a good news and a bad news."


"The bad news is that I still lost."

"That's nonsense."

Cecilia glared at him with her beautiful eyes: "What's the good news?"

"The good news is that I didn't lose too much."

Mu En turned his head and looked at the setting sun.

Once, he was like this increasingly dim setting sun, never knowing how far Ariel, the child of destiny like the rising sun, would go. That was a place that he had just struggled to find a chance to live from the end of the road abandoned by fate, and he could never reach it in his life.

But now, on this road that keeps climbing to higher peaks, he can no longer even see Ariel's back.

He is only one step behind her, or even half a step.

And later it may be... side by side.

Even in the previous battle, Mu En could indeed feel that Ariel might have hidden some trump cards that she had not used, but he himself... might also have some trump cards that he could not easily use.

This was something that he would not dare to think of a year ago when he was lying on the hospital bed in the academy.

But he still did it.

It was difficult, but he still did it.

"Of course, the most important thing is..."

Mu En hugged Celecia again and took advantage of her to give her a heavy kiss on her soft lips.

Yes, more importantly -

He no longer has to worry that he can be easily beaten to death by Ariel. After all, the strength gap between the two has narrowed to the point where the winner cannot be easily determined.

...But this is the biggest good news for the yellow-haired villain who has unknowingly owed too much debt to Feng Aotian's protagonist Ariel, isn't it?

39. Late night visit

"I fucking won!"

College, medical office.

As if the pause had been terminated, Ariel was lying on the bed when she suddenly rolled over, jumped up, put her hands on her hips, and let out the cheers that she had not been able to shout out in one breath again.

Unfortunately, there was no audience this time, and no one could cheer for her. Only a few sturdy nurses passed by. When they saw Ariel jumping up and down, without saying a word, they angrily pushed the restless patient back to her feet. Press back onto the hospital bed.

"Your injuries are serious and you need to rest!"

"Oh..." Facing these nurses whose arms were thicker than her waist, even Ariel couldn't help but feel a little frightened and nodded obediently.

"Oh, young people today just don't take care of their bodies. They are so injured that they are still jumping on the bed and shouting some strange words." Nurse A was very angry.

"I know, I know, this is the legendary Chuunibyou..." Nurse B is very knowledgeable.

"It's pitiful. Not only is she injured, she's also sick. No wonder the doctor told us to take good care of her." The nurse shook her head, feeling very pity for the little girl on the hospital bed.


Ariel was speechless, but she waited until the nurses and ladies left, then secretly stretched out a hand, made a fist, and lowered her voice:

"Yeah, I won."

The afterimage of the setting sun shone on her face, and her eyes were glowing, making her look like a female general returning from victory.

"It seems that you are really happy to defeat Moon Campbell."

The magic stone in the ward suddenly flickered.

An ethereal figure floated out from the ring on Ariel's finger, leaned against the wall, stretched out again, and vaguely outlined a beautiful arc.

"I haven't seen you settle down even after a long sleep."

"Of course I'm happy to win, why not?" Ariel curled her lips.

"But I've never seen you so happy after defeating other people."

"This could be caused by……"

Ariel lowered her head and looked at her hands, holding her fingers open, as if she was still recalling the feeling of fighting at that time.

Every collision, every intersection, every blood flow. Although she has experienced many extremely exciting duels, and even life-and-death battles that could lead to catastrophe if she is not careful, there are very few such situations, which makes her unable to help but A trembling feeling of excitement.

"This battle is really a bit out of my imagination."

"which aspect?"

Teacher Ariel asked curiously: "Is it because we met for the first time at the same level, but he almost caught up with your strength, or is it because that person is Moon Campbell who you never expected?"

"Go, go, go, what's the difference? Why do you have to ask separately?"

Ariel pushed away the teacher's gossipy face with an unhappy look on her face.

"I'm just talking about the battle itself."

"Just curious."

Teacher Ariel straightened up, raised her illusory hand like blue smoke, and supported her chin:

"However, even I didn't expect that Moon Campbell would be so strong. You must know that a year ago, he was still a weakling in the academy who only knew lighting."

"He only knows lighting now. Do you think he has used other magic?"

Ariel said angrily.

But... after belittling Moon Campbell, after a moment of hesitation, Ariel nodded seriously and said:

"However, he is indeed quite powerful now. He is almost catching up with me. I have to admit this."

"Huh? It's not easy to hear such recognition from your mouth."

"That's because those losers before had nothing worthy of my approval." Ariel said disdainfully: "Either because of their age or their realm, or because they beat the younger ones to the older ones, and they were still beaten by me later. It's a tough lesson, but Moon Campbell... is of the same age, same level, and a fair fight, so I can't criticize him."

Ariel let out a breath.

She knew that Moon Campbell had been working hard to grow.

It's like he has really changed his mind, putting away the embarrassing past, sorting out everything he owns, and working hard to move forward.

That's why she said the words to challenge Moon Campbell on that night when the carriage stopped.

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