But in fact, before this fight, she still looked down on that guy a little in her heart. She thought that his efforts were still based on the resources of "son of the Duke", which was false, fragile, and weak. Just break the effort.

That kind of hard work is completely different from that of a grassroots person like her, who although she has the guidance of a powerful teacher, in most cases, she still has to rely on herself and come up step by step.

How can the king of Juan, who lives a miserable life eating black bread every day, eats black bread, invades ruins, and does whatever it takes for resources, look down on the noble prince who spends money like water and has everything at his fingertips?

But after this battle, she understood.

Moon Campbell's efforts are not false, fragile, or easily broken.

That is also achieved through countless struggles, tempering one's body with blood and fire on the edge of countless life and death, walking on a road full of thorns, even if the skin is torn and the flesh is torn.

He is also not afraid of pain, and even enjoys pain. He is also sincerely excited about blood and battle.

When fighting against Moon Campbell, she seemed to see a shadow that was completely different from herself, but exactly the same.


"As the teacher said, I will temporarily approve of him 50%."

"Fifty percent?" Teacher Ariel looked strange, secretly admitting that there could be a percentage?

"Why only fifty percent?"

"Of course!"

Ariel jumped up again and said angrily:

"I won't forget what that bastard did just because of one fight. I haven't even settled the score with him for poaching me!!"

"I'm afraid it's not easy to settle accounts with him now..." Teacher Ariel said speechlessly: "After all, I couldn't do anything to him in the ring."

"Don't worry, the reason why I'm so happy is not just because of the hearty battle. The victory itself also makes me happy. Teacher, do you understand?"

Ariel hummed excitedly, put her hands on her hips and said:

"Although the victory was not too easy, I finally defeated Moon Campbell in front of everyone! Especially when Celcia was also watching! So thinking about it, in her eyes, I still have to be strong. By Moon Campbell!”

"But if you look at it this way, it's just the strength gap between you. It can't erase the identity gap between your fiancés." Teacher Ariel thought.

"No, no, no, identity or anything else is not important. Is Celcia the kind of person who cares about identity? What is important is... a deep impression, yes, a deep impression!"

Ariel became more and more enthusiastic: "Teacher, do you still remember what I did to help Celcia?"

"Let me think about it, clearing out the council, reporting on the Bugard family, and this game..." Teacher Ariel counted them out one by one. "There are quite a few."

"That's right, I have done so much. My favorability with Celicia is not just 80, but 60. Before adding that, Celcia promised me that she would work with me. It’s time for dinner, teacher, do you understand what this means?”

Ariel covered her blushing cheeks and said shyly: "After the continuous accumulation of good feelings, let's have another romantic candlelight dinner. In a love novel, these are the last chapters, and there must be a plot where lovers finally get married!"

"...Yes, really?"

"Of course! Humph, Moon Campbell poached me before, causing Liya to leave me. Since I can't destroy him physically, I can only attack him mentally. I will swing this hoe. I can’t wait to see that guy’s expression when Celecia throws herself into my arms!”

Ariel twisted her little waist and began to enjoy an extremely bright future: "Of course, Celcia is also very good at hitting my strike zone. If she becomes the first owner of my Crystal Palace, it will definitely be very good. In the future Get Liya back again... Hehehehe!"

"..." Teacher Ariel didn't know what to say, but she had a vague premonition of something bad.

Although he is a very reliable disciple in everything he does, but when it comes to relationships... he seems to be less reliable?

"Just do it. Go to Celicia's place to gain favor while it's hot, set a dinner time, and beat up that seventeenth prince tomorrow to win the championship and give it to Celicia as a gift... It's just... Perfect!"

"Hahahaha! My Ariel is indeed a genius in the field of relationships. With such a clever plan, why worry about not being able to seduce a girl?"

Ariel didn't pay attention to her teacher's worried look at all. While feeling proud, she quickly stood up and prepared to take action. Unfortunately, when she was about to run out, she found that the nurses were back again.

"Damn it, you know good things happen to bad people."

So she had to hide under the quilt temporarily and wait for the opportunity.

But at this moment, even if the action is suspended, the fire in Ariel's heart is already burning and cannot be stopped, and will even burn even more vigorously during this torturous time.

"I'll find you later. Just wait, Celcia!"

"The weather is so nice."

"Yeah, the weather is nice."

College, grove.

Anna and Liya walked side by side under the sycamore tree, sometimes raising their heads to look at the clear and clean night sky that gradually entered early summer.

The combination of the Silent Swordsman and the Saint of the Church of Life is too rare. In addition, the two beautiful faces have their own charms. It is reasonable to say that they will cause quite a stir in the academy where the heat is still lingering.

Unfortunately, the deep shadows on one side and the holy glimmer on the other side are invisible, separating the inside and the outside, making it impossible to peek into their true appearance.

"How was the game during the day?"

As if chatting, Anna lifted the hair on her forehead and took the initiative to bring up the topic.

"The competition? It was very exciting."

Liya replied: "They are indeed the elites of the Empire and the Kingdom, they are all very powerful, especially... the match between Mu En and Ariel."

"Really? I think you should be very happy."


"Miss Ariel, whom you support, won the final duel, didn't she?"

Anna turned her head and smiled charmingly: "Shouldn't you be very happy that your best friend won?"


Liya's beautiful eyebrows jumped, but she still showed a perfect smile: "Yes, I am very happy."

"I am so envious. Mu En, whom I support, lost and I am sad."

Anna wiped her tears with tears.


Liya grabbed the hem of her skirt tightly, and could vaguely hear the cloth making a cry of being overwhelmed.

"Yes, Miss Anna is sad and pitiful. After all, Mu En, whom you support, is injured, but you can't even visit her because the Queen has blocked the hospital."


Anna paused, glanced at the seemingly weak girl beside her with a little surprise, and a hint of coldness began to penetrate her eyes.

Koliya was not to be outdone, and she stared at her big, watery eyes like a wild rabbit with bared teeth.

The two looked at each other, and there was another silence.

Finally, Anna turned back.

"I have something to do tonight, so I have to leave first. Where is the Saint?"

"Eh? Me?"

"Does the Saint have anything else to do in the academy? I don't remember that the Saint is such a leisurely position."

"... Then, then I, I will leave too."

So the two parted ways at the end of the grove, ending this short and unpleasant time together so abruptly.


A few minutes later.

A figure appeared here again.

"She really left?"

She first confirmed that the other party had left, then a smile appeared on her lips, and she looked towards the direction of the college hospital: "Then I won't be polite."



"You should rest first."

"Well, are you leaving now?"

Mu En caressed the slender waist of Her Majesty the Queen reluctantly, but after Cecilia's elbow again, he felt the pain in his heart, and let go of her hand obediently.

"Do you think I am your leisurely playboy? I still have government affairs to deal with, and I have been delayed a lot today."

"Is that so... Thank you for your hard work, Xia."

Mu En grabbed Cecilia's hand and shook it lovingly.

Cecilia's expression softened, but she still pretended to be cold and knocked on Mu En's head:

"Behave yourself, don't make any more trouble."

"Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

Mu En was shocked, "I've always been very well behaved!"

"Oh, you are well behaved, but I'm afraid that some guys who are attracted by your delicate flower will not behave well."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Nothing, just lie down obediently."

Cecilia gave a few more instructions, then got up and left the ward.


"Guard this place."

Cecilia walked out of the ward and ordered the female knight who was guarding here.


The female knight answered loudly.

Different from Ariel's top treatment surrounded by nurses, Mu En's side seemed much more boring. Not only was there no nurse, but even the guards outside were royal female knights specially sent by Cecilia.

Serious, rigid, and not close to men.

"Well...very good."

Cecilia looked around and made sure there were no mistakes, then she turned around and left with peace of mind.

But after she left...

The female knight, who had a solemn and old-fashioned face just now, like a sculpture, suddenly held her face and blushed.

"So sweet, so sweet, is this the legendary pure love?"

Diyaka was moved.

She was born in a knight's family, and her father was the captain of the third team of the Royal Knights. Therefore, although she was a woman, she received the most rigorous knight training since she was a child.

Therefore, she has not experienced the nourishment of love until she grew up.

She originally thought that it didn't matter, but when she was fortunate enough to be selected as the Queen's personal guard and had the opportunity to see the interaction between Her Majesty the Queen and Master Campbell with her own eyes, she understood...what is so-called love.

"It's so beautiful."

The so-called stories of Master Muen Campbell stepping on more than a dozen legends and playing with women are just rumors spread by people with ulterior motives. In the past few days, she saw that Master Campbell was very loyal! There was no other woman around him! He was obviously devoted to cultivation, otherwise he would not be so strong at such a young age!

In her opinion, Her Majesty the Queen and Master Campbell, the arrogant queen with a cold exterior and a warm heart and the handsome and considerate blond nobleman, are a perfect match!

"No, I can't be obsessed with him."

Diyaka quickly patted her face to wake herself up.

Her current duty is to protect this beautiful love. As a new pure love warrior, she will never let anyone interfere with this beauty!


"Hello... hello."

But at this moment, a gentle voice suddenly sounded not far from her:

"Excuse me, is Muen Campbell in this ward?"

40. Caught on the spot

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