"Excuse me, Moon Campbell, are you in this ward?"


Diyaka followed the gentle voice and found that not far from her, there was an imposing girl standing.

The girl is wearing a nun's uniform. She has a graceful figure and her hands are neatly folded on her lower abdomen. Her temperament makes people feel like a spring breeze. At first glance, she is a well-educated person.

Unfortunately, her true appearance was obscured by the faint holy light and could not be seen clearly.

"Are you... from the church? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Moon Campbell."

The girl stood on tiptoes and tilted her little head, trying to see clearly through the viewing window on the ward door: "He should be in there."

"What do you want from him?"

Diyaka moved her steps, covered the viewing window without leaving a trace, and said with a vigilant look:

"Master Moon Campbell is injured now, no one else can disturb him."

"Ah, how rude."

The girl seemed to realize that she had gone too far. She nodded slightly and said very politely:

"Actually, I'm from the Life Church, and I'm here specifically to provide him with treatment."


"Yes, Moon Campbell was seriously injured. Only the methods I taught can help him recover as quickly as possible, so can you please make it easier for him?"

As she spoke, the girl raised her hand and held up a ball of holy light. Just getting close to it made Diyaka feel as if her fatigue was fading away.

"Is that so?"

Diyaka still frowned and looked at the girl in front of him, but the pure holy light could not be faked. In terms of purity, it was the only one Diyaka had seen in her life. She was not a simple figure in the church.

Such a person, even if she looks like a beautiful woman with an amazing figure, even if she comes to visit at this time of night... there should be no evil purpose.

After thinking for a while, pure love warrior Diyaka still got out of the way: "Go in."


The girl jumped slightly. Although her face could not be seen clearly, she could still feel an extremely lovely joy, and then she couldn't wait to walk into the ward.

But just when her hand was about to touch the door handle, Diyaka's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Wait, something is wrong!

She seems to have overlooked something!


"Hmm? What's the problem, Miss Knight?"

"There's no question, I just almost forgot to ask."

Diyaka stretched out his hand: "You were sent by His Majesty, right? Where is His Majesty's warrant? Check it for me."

Diyaka was annoyed for a while. As His Majesty's personal guard, how could she forget such an important matter.

My father once taught me that the more you are around a supreme being like His Majesty, the more you have to follow the rules and not do whatever you want. No matter who the other party is, you can only do things according to the rules without making mistakes.

And I almost let the person go without following the procedures. It was really too derelict of duty!

But fortunately, since this little girl is a member of the church, she should have something like a warrant from His Majesty.


But after hearing this, the girl's movements froze obviously.

Diyaka saw the holy light covering the girl's face flickering a few times in a panic, and then said in an unnatural tone:

"Hand...warrant? Do you need that kind of thing?"

"Of course, Your Majesty ordered me to guard this place and not allow anyone to enter without her permission. If you want to go in, you will naturally need your Majesty's warrant!"

"But I'm here to treat Moon Campbell!"

"For treatment like this, a warrant is even more needed!"

Diyaka raised his eyebrows and suddenly said uncertainly: "No warrant? Who knows what you are going to do? You don't really want to go in and do something evil, right?"

"..." The girl fell silent.

Um? This reaction?

Diaka suddenly became more vigilant.

Just now, because of the identity of the other party's church member, she didn't think deeply about it, but now seeing her suspicious appearance, Diyaka's thoughts suddenly spread.

late at night.

A secretive girl.

In the name of medical treatment, I wanted to sneak into the ward secretly.

And in the ward, there is Young Master Campbell who is still injured, weak, pitiful and helpless...

Once she gets in, doesn't it mean that... she can do this and that to Master Campbell and do whatever she wants?

This is the sneaky little wild cat that His Majesty often talks about!

No, we can’t let her succeed. I am a pure love warrior. After all, I want to punish this illegal behavior...


Liya stretched out her finger and suddenly tapped it lightly.

Diyaka's eyes suddenly widened. She didn't expect that the seemingly weak girl in front of her would suddenly launch an attack.

She was worthy of being the queen's personal guard, and her reaction was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, the sword was already halfway out of its sheath.


With the blessing of the saint's identity, Liya is no longer the same now. The sleep magic she casts casually is ten times more effective than before.

So there was no time to punish the pure love warrior Diyaka who stole the little wild cat, so she fell to the ground and couldn't sleep.


Liya clasped her hands together and apologized to the respected pure love warrior Diyaka.

Then he quickly pushed her aside into the shadows and couldn't wait to open the door of the ward that he had been peeping at for a long time.

"Huh? Why are you back again? Did you forget something?"

Mu En asked subconsciously when she noticed that the door to the ward was opened again.

However, what responded to him was not the arrogant and cold voice of Her Majesty the Queen, but...

"Mu En~"

A warm body that was so soft that people dared not use force, even faster than the sound, suddenly threw itself into his arms.

Mu En was stunned, thinking that Ariel had secretly cast some kind of illusion on him when he was on the ring, which actually produced such a beautiful illusion.

But smelling the familiar girl's fragrance at the tip of his nose, and feeling the beautiful touch that almost swallowed his arm, he soon realized that this was not a false illusion, but reality.

That would be even better.

"Liya? Why are you here?"

"Well... Can't I come?"

Liya, who had already dispersed the holy light covering her face, arched in Mu En's arms, revealing a delicate face that was so cute that people couldn't help but rub it hard.

She raised her little head, puffed up her cute cheeks, and ran her fingers across Mu En's chest, saying angrily:

"You actually asked me why I came here. Does that mean that you only have your emperor fiancee in your eyes now?"


Mu En's breathing became a little heavier.

At this moment, facing this seemingly non-problematic question, a large amount of oxygen poured into his blood and flowed into his head, making Mu En's brain think faster than when time was delayed.

So in just a short moment, the excellent instinct honed in the Shura Field several times before allowed him to quickly find the correct answer.

"How is it possible?"

Mu En hugged Liya's small waist and gently bit her ear:

"In my heart, there has always been a place dedicated to my cute little Liya, but you appeared too suddenly, which surprised me too much and I didn't know how to react."

"Well, hate~"

Although this sounded like the words of some scumbags, the "simple" Liya still seemed very happy.

She hugged Mu En's neck, put her forehead against his, and said coquettishly:

"Do you miss me?"

"Of course, I think about it even in my dreams. I thought your appearance was a dream just now, and I almost pinched my thigh."

"You are the only one who can say that."

Liya touched Mu En lightly, and said, "Don't pinch!"

"Okay, I won't pinch."

How can Mu En be content with such a soft and fragrant jade in his arms, "Let me pinch yours?"

"Well...still so bad!" Liya twisted her body, but got closer, even a little reluctant, letting Mu En's salty hands play with her at will.

"Don't like it?"

"Liya likes it...I like it very much."

"That's good."

The soft touch of Liya's body is completely different from Cecilia's style.

The thin parts are slim and the plump parts are magnificent.

And this mutual contrast highlights the beauty of each other.

Plus, if she lowered her head, she could see the almost overflowing affection in her cute little white rabbit-like eyes.

This was different from Cecilia's restrained and then bursting melting spring water. Although Leah was usually quite shy, she would behave more passionately than anyone else in private.

Just like now.

How could anyone control this?

So Mu En's hands exerted a little force and prepared to go deeper.



As soon as he made a move, Mu En suddenly shuddered, holding his chest and gritting his teeth.

"What's wrong?" Leah asked worriedly.

"It's okay, the wound left by the previous game was affected."

Mu En smiled bitterly: "It's just a little painful, nothing serious, don't worry."

Under normal circumstances, Mu En doesn't care much about pain, after all, he has long been accustomed to that kind of thing.

But Ariel is worthy of being the protagonist of Feng Aotian. When he couldn't use the black flame to "devour the wound" directly, he realized how troublesome the injury caused by her big sword was.

As expected of the ancient relic called "Sky Fire", under the blessing of the gods, the burning flames and the pain of the wounds torn by the sword touched the soul, and even Mu En couldn't ignore it, and even had to endure it.

"Ariel is really."

Liya pouted, stroking the bandage on Mu En's chest with pity, and blamed: "It's just a sparring, why use such a fierce move!"

"It doesn't matter." In this case, Mu En comforted Liya and said good things for Ariel:

"In that case, neither of us could hold back, and it was natural for her to be injured. I also hurt her, didn't I?"

"I know... hum, I just feel a little distressed. Well... I don't know why Ariel is so resentful of you, obviously Mu En..."

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