Liya rubbed Mu En's chest, paused, but did not finish her words, and hummed: "But it's good for her, it's a good thing that she doesn't know."


Mu En's mouth twitched.

Is this really what a good girlfriend should say?

Liya, you have also learned bad things.

Mu En immediately patted Liya's small hips: "Bad woman."

"Humph, I'm not bad, I'm here to treat you kindly!" Liya hummed cutely again.

"Treatment, ah..."

Because he was too happy to see Liya, Mu En just reacted...

Now this cute and cute girl in his arms is a genuine contemporary saint of the Church of Life!

With the blessing of the church, when it comes to the art of treatment, I'm afraid that there are not even a handful of people in the world who can surpass her.

Who else in the world is more suitable than her to soothe her injuries in this lonely night?

"Then... Your Highness the Saint, how are you going to treat me?" Mu En blinked and asked innocently.

"Hehe, of course, the most terrible method is used. The Saint must punish bad people."

Liya showed an "evil" but innocent smile.

Then, she suddenly stood up and took advantage of Mu En's inattention to make a sudden attack that Mu En was good at, and kissed him directly.

[This has been modified]

[This has been modified]

The four lips touched, in addition to the wonderful touch like an electric shock, Mu En could clearly feel a warm current, flowing into his body skillfully, quickly healing his injuries. [This has been modified]

[This has been modified]

[This has been modified]

This is the holy light. When Liya was in the Lost Land, she also treated Mu En in this way. Therefore, everything seemed so skillful at this moment, and there was no need to deliberately guide it. The rich holy light was poured into Mu En's limbs.

And Liya kept pressing forward, hugging Mu En's neck more and more tightly [modified here] [modified here].

Liya was extremely active and affectionate, and the love that had accumulated for several months bloomed here, as warm as the lava that had just erupted from a volcano.

Finally, the kiss paused, [modified here]

Liya's cute face was already flushed at this moment, making people even more intoxicated.

But during this temporary intermission, she suddenly [modified here], leaned close to Mu En's ear, and said seductively:

"Guess what I'm wearing tonight?"

"No guess."

Mu En [modified here] smiled and said:

"Compared to unrealistic guesses, I prefer on-the-spot exploration."


Liya didn't stop him, her waist softened, her little face became even more flushed, making people want to bite her, and then took advantage of the situation to half-climb on Mu En.

The two of them got closer and closer, and the charming atmosphere filled the entire ward. Their hearts were already tightly together, so the next action should be natural and unstoppable, like thunder and fire.


But unfortunately, there are things in this world that can freeze thunder and fire.

For example...

"Oh? It's really an interesting picture."

A voice that was so cold that the temperature of the whole room dropped to below zero in an instant suddenly sounded in the room, and it was like pressing the pause button, directly stopping the thunder and fire that had not yet blended.

Cecilia, who had returned at some point, looked at the scene on the bed and sneered:

"I came back on a whim, but I really caught a little wild cat wearing white lace and seducing someone's fiancé in the middle of the night, hehe..."

41. The oriole is behind

The temperature in the ward suddenly turned cold.

Originally, when Mu En and Li Ya got closer and closer, and even went deeper, it was like thunder and lightning, the soul and the body were fused, and the pink and charming atmosphere released would make the whole room hot.

But this thunder and lightning, this fusion, and even this heat were all interrupted.

It was like an iceberg that fell from the sky and was forcibly stuffed into the crater of a volcano that was about to erupt. The emotions and desires that were surging and erupting now turned into the restless and half-cooled heart in Mu En's chest.

It was warm in his arms, but it was so cold that he almost trembled.

"Ce... Celicia?"

Mu En raised his head from Li Ya's turbulent waves with a stiff movement, and looked at the silver-white figure that appeared in the room at some point in time. His body trembled, and even his hands that had just been deeply sunk into the soft buttocks were suddenly loosened, and he was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to put them.

"You... why did you come back?"

"Why did you come back? If I don't come back, will you let this little wild cat eat you up?" Cecilia sneered.

She didn't look angry at the moment, but Mu En could clearly see that a layer of frost was silently condensing on the floor of the ward.

It's over, she's angry.

Mu En immediately kept silent, not daring to let this anger grow.

But there are still people in this room who dare to resist the authority of the queen.

"Who... who are you saying is the little wild cat!"

Liya, who was already unhappy after her spell was interrupted, stood up from the bed and glared at Cecilia angrily.

At this moment, her clothes were messy and half-unbuttoned, and the skirt of her slim-fitting nun's uniform was lifted high up to her waist. It was stuck into the belt to facilitate the penetration of her hands, so a bit of white lace was faintly exposed. The front of the clothes was completely spread out due to Mu En's chaos just now, and the majestic half-white rabbit was ready to come out, glaring fiercely at Celecia in front of her.

The blush on her pretty face has not dissipated. This posture is not a look that can meet outsiders at all, let alone elegance. However, Liya does not want to lose her momentum, and straightens her chest more and more, letting the white rabbit's chest dominate. The more prosperous.

"I'm not a little wild cat!"

"Oh, so it turns out that the church saint is secretly a slut who only uses her breasts to seduce men?"

Seeing this, Celcia couldn't help but sneered and snorted: "The saint of the church who is respected by hundreds of millions of people is doing this kind of thing now. Are you worthy of the believers who worship you?"

"It has nothing to do with you. I will guide you as a believer!"

Not to be outdone, Liya retorted: "Also, I am not a lewd... lewd woman! And you actually peeked at others doing such a thing, you have no shame, you are the lewd woman!"

"He is my fiancé. I can look at him however I want, but you, Your Highness Liya..."

Celecia curled her lips, deliberately looked up and down at Liya's appearance at the moment, and said in a loud voice: "What is your identity and why do you come here to do such a thing?"


On the side, Mu En quickly closed her eyes and curled up on the hospital bed, pretending to be dead.

It's not that he's a coward, or that he's irresponsible, but he knows that any statement he makes in favor of someone at this time will definitely escalate the fight.

Therefore, judging from his rich experience in dealing with Shura fields, at this time, not listening, not telling, and not knowing is the best way.

Yes, he does all this for the sake of peace, harmony, and living in harmony.

Everything is for the betterment of the world...

Not because of cowardice.


Fortunately, Liya did not run over to ask her lover about her identity at this time like other ordinary women who like to be jealous. Instead, after thinking about it seriously, she stared into Celcia's eyes without flinching. replied:

"I...I can only get along with Mu En secretly because of my identity. But after I abdicate, I will have the opportunity to stand by Mu En openly! That's right, after I abdicate, it will be like Like the saint teacher!"

"Oh? Abdication? Beside?"

After hearing this, Celcia suddenly showed a terrifying smile:

"It seems like you are just like the other little wild cat, you are very ambitious!"

"This is not an ambition, it is a matter of course. Having said that, what qualifications do you have to monopolize Mu En? Just based on that pale piece of marriage contract?"

Liya, who rarely had the upper hand in disputes with others, hummed proudly: "But I heard Ariel say, didn't you hate this engagement at first? Then why not just tear it up and keep it until Now?"

"Really? Has Ariel ever told you such a thing?"

Celcia’s smile became even more terrifying:

"But so what, whether I break the contract or not, that's my business. You can think that I have gone back on my word, but... as long as the broken contract is still there, Moon Campbell, no matter from the legal or legal perspective, it will be My irrefutable fiancé and my unchangeable future husband!”

"Well...but, but..."

"Nothing but!"

Celecia's whole body was filled with chills as she approached step by step and raised her hand:

"It seems that I need to teach you, this little wild cat, a lesson."

The terrifying majesty suddenly descended, and the air in the entire room seemed to solidify, making people breathless.

Liya gritted her teeth, and her whole body also bloomed with the most holy and pure brilliance:

"I, I'm not afraid of you, look who's teaching whom!"


At this critical moment, Mu En finally chose to stand up and shouted angrily like a real man:

"Don't fight anymore. If you keep fighting like this, you will..."

"Shut up!!"


Under the two scoldings that were also filled with the majesty of a high-ranking person, Mu En once again wisely turned into an ostrich.

He had just almost defeated Ariel, the heroine of Destiny, but even if the heroine of Destiny came, she was no match for the empress of the empire and the saint of the church in front of her at this moment.

He is not a coward.

He is for world peace.

Therefore, no one could stop the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two. The coldness and the holy light collided with each other. Mu En could almost imagine the college's infirmary being razed to the ground.



With an exclamation, Liya suddenly fell off the bed. The surging holy light dissipated at an extremely fast speed, and then a deep light flashed through, turning into a strong shackles, tightly trapping Liya. stand up.

The outcome was decided in the blink of an eye.

"Oh, the saint of the church."

There was a terrifying seal of authority flowing in Celecia's palms, and she sneered:

"Even though you have the blessing of the goddess Emile, don't forget where you are here? If you were in the church, I might still be wary of you, but this is the empire, why do you fight me?"

"Ugh...Have you actually controlled the emperor's authority to this extent?"

Liya looked regretful: "I was careless."

"A thieving cat is a thieving cat. You can't do anything big even if you are given a chance."

Cecilia looked down at the embarrassed Liya leisurely, stroking her chin and thinking:

"I agreed to punish you and teach you a lesson... What should I punish you for?"

"You... what do you want to do?"

Liya moved back and said fiercely: "I, I am the saint of the church, you can't do anything to me!"

"That's right... the saint of the church is indeed a troublesome identity. If it weren't for the fact that the identities of the women flirted with by a certain playboy were so tricky, I would have chopped you up and fed you to the dogs long ago."

Liya smiled coldly, her eyes swept over Mu En beside her, and suddenly raised her eyebrows:

"By the way, I suddenly have a good idea."

"What... what?"

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