"You just said that."

Cecilia approached Leah and hooked her chin with her finger: "A woman who peeks at others doing that kind of thing is a slutty woman."


Liya's pitiful body shuddered: "Do you want to..."

"Hehe, it's just right, so that you, a little wild cat who only knows how to steal fish, can recognize your nature as a slut and restrain yourself, so as not to do something shameless in the future."

"Wait, you can't... wuwuwuwu!"

Liya wanted to say something, but Cecilia didn't give her the opportunity. She pulled off Leah's own white lace and stuffed it directly into her little mouth.


Poor Leah, her cultivation was blocked. At this moment, she could only twist her body and shake her little head weakly and in vain, like a helpless girl who was about to be defiled, but it was useless and added more fun to the enemy.

"Watch carefully."

Cecilia stood up, and her eyes, which were frozen just now, melted into warm spring water again, and even flashed a different kind of excitement in her eyes.

She walked towards Mu En on the bed step by step.


Mu En quietly opened his eyes, glanced at Liya who was twisting in the corner with tears in her eyes, swallowed his saliva and said:

"This...this is not good."

"Call me Her Majesty the Queen."

"Her Majesty...is this punishment too..."

"Shut up."

Her Majesty the Queen ordered directly and mercilessly:

"Just lie down obediently."


Mu En could only lie down obediently, because at this moment the emperor's authority still filled the whole room, and Mu En felt that his small body was still not enough to fight against Her Majesty the Queen.

What's more... he also had an inexplicable expectation in his heart...

Cecilia continued to walk over, her hands went around her back, and she gently lifted her dress.

She was only wearing casual clothes at the moment, far less complicated than the formal dress she usually wore, so with this gentle lift, the dress was taken off.

She stepped out of the dress, and a touch of purple that also highlighted her nobility flashed on her mutton-like skin, making Mu En unable to open his eyes.

Then, the two long legs were staggered and lifted up, and the purple underneath also fell directly.

Accompanied by the creaking of the bed under the weight, Cecilia had already pressed on Mu En.

Mu En looked up, and only a few steps away, the eyes of Her Majesty the Queen were already full of lust at this moment. I think she must have felt that this kind of behavior in front of the minotaur was really exciting.

Of course, as the minotaur in front of her, Leah could only make a low cry of grief and anger at this moment, and she was helpless.

Cecilia's fingers gently swept over Mu En. Mu En's fire had not yet subsided. At this moment, he was aroused by this, and his breath suddenly became much heavier.

Her Majesty the Queen clasped her jade hands downwards, and suddenly curled her lips and sneered:

"Hehe, that little wild cat helped me warm up well."


"Don't smile foolishly, I'll settle this account with you later."

Cecilia raised her head slightly, and the real queen looked down at her subjects again in this way. The arrogance that swayed like an iceberg snow lotus made people's blood boil.

"As for this time, I'll give it to you first."

She sat directly on Mu En, with her two slender and straight thighs bent to support her body... [This has been corrected][This has been corrected][This has been corrected].

Like a demonstration, or showing off her possessions, Cecilia stopped her movements at this step, and turned her head to glance at Her Highness the Saint in the corner with the attitude of a winner.

Liya was filled with grief and indignation, but she was helpless. She could not escape the shackles of the emperor's authority by herself, so she could only watch.

She was very depressed. Obviously, the times had changed and her identity was completely different from before, but she became a bystander again.

This scene was really very familiar.

But she couldn't take her eyes away. She stared at the actions of the two people as if she was appreciating a perfect painting, as if she was eager to calm the fire in her body a little bit.

"Heh, little slut."

Cecilia scolded in a low voice, and then she couldn't stand the hotness flowing in her body at the moment, so she took a deep breath and immediately sank her waist.


Accompanied by two comfortable hums that sounded at the same time, Her Majesty the Queen once again felt that she had risen to the clouds, and her body became light.

Was it because of being watched by that [rectified here] saint? This time... [rectified here]

A different thought flashed through her mind, but Cecilia didn't think much about it, she just immersed herself in it more attentively.

Her body rose and fell like a boat in the blue waves, but she had to maintain the majesty of the queen.

The majesty of the queen was constantly impacted, but she still forced herself to maintain this dignity.

[rectified here]

[rectified here]

[rectified here].

In this way, Cecilia drove this ark of life, flying all the way through the blue waves to the sky, and even to the clouds.

But just when she was about to reach the highest point, she was immersed in this pleasure with her whole body and mind, and her mind was exposed...

In this room shrouded by the emperor's authority, there was suddenly a touch of darkness, surging without a trace.

Authority... was pried open a crack.

"Oh, it seems I just caught up."

The devil's laughter was like a bell, covering the sweet moan of Her Majesty the Queen. Cecilia, who noticed something was wrong, immediately opened her beautiful eyes, but before she could move, a pair of slender jade arms had already wrapped around her waist.

The softness from another woman leaned against her back, and kept blowing a cold wind at her:

"What's the saying, Your Majesty? Hehe... This is what is called the mantis stalking the cicada, while the oriole is behind."

42. Melee

"Hehe, this is what is called the mantis stalking the cicada, while the oriole is behind."

The charming and crisp laughter covered the moving moan, and Her Majesty, who was galloping in the clouds, woke up instantly, and the dream was full of coldness when she opened her eyes.

But before she could move, a pair of soft and slender jade bi had already wrapped around her waist, and the playful soft hand gently lifted up, and then held her soft, upright and round body in the palm of her hand.

A charming and beautiful face gently knocked on Cecilia's shoulder, tilting her little head to appreciate the surprise of Her Majesty the Queen who was suddenly offended.

"It's better to come at the right time than to come early, don't you think, Your Majesty?"

Aside, Liya had already widened her watery eyes, staring at this erotic picture without blinking, swallowing hard, secretly thinking that she was worthy of being the senior sister who made her like that last time in bed. Facing the empress of the empire, she was not afraid at all.

Mu En, who was pressed under her, was also shocked. He didn't expect that at this time, there would still be a master, and the senior sister suddenly killed him.

Now, where will this "war" end?


Facing Anna's frivolity, the queen was instantly furious, and the terrifying emperor's authority crushed down, making everything kneel down.

But at the same time, the bright moonlight fell from the window. Under the moonlight, the darkness in the whole room seemed to come alive, like boiling water reacting violently, resisting Cecilia's suppression.

"The power of the moon?"

Cecilia snorted coldly: "You haven't fully digested it yet, and this is only part of the power. Do you think you can resist me with this thing?"

Anna obtained the power of the moon earlier than she mastered the authority of the emperor, but this is the empire after all. As an emperor, she is born to suppress her ministers.

Just now, she was just ambushed. Now that she is prepared, she will definitely make this more daring wild cat pay the price!

Cecilia stretched out her hand and grabbed it, and infinite prestige gathered in her palm. The terrible momentum spread out, and the next moment, she would completely suppress the person who dared to blaspheme the emperor!


But at this moment, Cecilia suddenly let out a sweet hum from the tip of her nose.

Her brows knitted tightly, and her waist suddenly curled up. Her body seemed to lose balance, and she couldn't hold the power in her hand at all. She subconsciously supported Mu En's chest.

Xiang Feng panted lightly, as if she was forcibly suppressing something.

"What are you doing?"

Cecilia stared at Mu En under her with shame and anger, because at that moment, Mu En suddenly made a mistake and sped up his movements, causing her to fly uncontrollably to the misty clouds again.

Did this bastard deliberately want to see her embarrassed?

"No, it's not me."

Facing the death pressure of Her Majesty the Queen, Mu En covered her face with a shy face:

"It was my waist that moved by itself!"


Cecilia gritted her teeth, her face was as cold as frost, and she was ready to mobilize her authority again to deal with this restless guy together.

But... how could another predator who was so close miss this great opportunity?

"I've caught your weakness!"

Just as the authority was shaken, the rolling darkness surged again, and Anna's hands clenched tightly, sinking deeply into the softness.

The authority was pried open again, and Cecilia didn't even bother to break free from her hands that were messing around on her chest, trying to concentrate her mind and take the initiative again.


But a guy who claimed to be moving on his own actually sped up again!

The flaws in her mind became bigger and bigger, and the pleasant senses washed over the queen who still refused to admit defeat like a tide, and at this time, Anna behind her would naturally not stop attacking.

"As expected of Her Majesty, you have a lot of money."

"Let go!"

"Oh my, you can only threaten me verbally, where is your prestige just now?"

"Don't give me a chance..."

"Hehe... compared to your mouth, your majesty's other parts are very soft."

Anna's charming face was also flushed with excitement. She blew a breath of hot air into Cecilia's ears and suddenly laughed:

"Come on, call me sister, if you call me nice, I will let you go."

"You... dream!"

"What's wrong with that? You should call me sister, right?"

"Shut up!"

"Really? It seems that I, your sister, also need to teach the younger generation a lesson."

Anna's hands moved flexibly.

Gently pluck, twist, wipe and pick.

Hook up, stroke down, and rotate left and right.

For a moment, those hands were like the top string music masters, exerting flexibility and precision to the extreme. Even Leah, who had profound musical attainments, couldn't help but stare at her watery eyes in shock again.



"How about this? I learned this from a bad guy. You should have experienced it."

"With this level... you are delusional..."

"Really? So what? Your Majesty has never experienced this before."

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