"...you...I...will never..."

"Aren't you going to admit defeat? So what about this?"

Anna became more and more excited while playing, and her movements became faster and faster, and even afterimages almost appeared.

Celecia's waist also started to curl up again, then straightened little by little. Finally, the white insteps suddenly tightened, and her beautiful eyes were raised, as if she wanted to look at the distant world above the clouds.


A beautiful sound that far surpassed anything before, and finally flowed out uncontrollably from those pink lips.


Anna blinked and stopped.


Mu En secretly spread her fingers.


Liya turned around, only to find that the restraints on her body had been automatically lifted at this moment due to Celcia's flawless distraction.

"Oh yeah oh yeah."

Anna nodded her lips, looking at this unexpected surprise, she couldn't help but smile coquettishly:

"His Majesty's reaction... is really cute~"


The air fell into an eerie silence, and Mu En silently closed her eyes again.

And a touch of rich red clouds began to spread on Celecia's cold and pretty face, and even her earlobes turned red.


Celecia turned around suddenly in shame and anger, even ignoring that she was still connected to Mu En and had no time to use her authority, and pounced directly on Anna.

But she, who had just lost her strength, was no match for Anna, who was in a state of complete victory. Instead, she was held back. She could only use some moves derived from swordsmanship to vent her anger and tear the opponent's clothes.

The two women were twisted into a ball, cloth and silk were flying, and the spring light was bright, making them even more fragrant.

And Liya, who had just broken free from the restraints, also had a shy but excited face, and quickly came over.

"And me, I'm here to take revenge!"

Liya, who had been forcibly silent for a long time, finally joined the battle.

However, she did not directly intervene in the war between women. Instead, she came to the end of the bed first, and under Mu En's confused eyes, she actually sat directly on his face.

"I...I can't bear it anymore, Mu En can help me first." Liya twisted and said shyly.


At this moment, feeling the suffocation gradually approaching, the anger accumulated in Mu En's heart finally became uncontrollable.

Do whatever you want, do whatever you want. Who do you think I am, Moon Campbell, a tool to vent your sexual desires?

What is intolerable is intolerable. Faced with this kind of arbitrary bullying, you must resist!

That's right, resist fiercely and teach these guys who don't take themselves seriously a lesson!

A few minutes later……

"Well, that's right, it's right there... Mu En is so amazing..."

"What? Her Majesty the Queen is not here?"

It was night, outside the rest room specially set up for the queen in the academy, Ariel frowned and looked at the royal female knight in front of her.

"But it's so late, where can your Majesty go?"

Looking up at the sky, the bright moon hangs in the sky, like the eyes of a lover.

However, just this single moon hanging in the sky seems so lonely.

Just like myself alone in this moment.

"have no idea."

The female knight replied sternly:

"His Majesty has not returned here since the end of the game in the afternoon. I am just guarding as usual and don't know where His Majesty is."

"Oh, that's it. Thank you."

Ariel was a little disappointed, but still reluctantly left.

In order to be able to share the joy of victory as soon as possible, and also to poach people to increase her favorability, Ariel waited for the nurses to leave and then immediately came to look for Celcia.

But...he couldn't find it.

"Where can I go at this time?"

Ariel rubbed her chin in thought.

"She said she didn't come back after the game in the afternoon...she shouldn't have gone to visit Moon Campbell!!" Ariel's eyes narrowed, and this unrealistic idea came to her mind for no reason.

"No, no, no, no..."

She immediately rejected the idea.

"Let's not talk about the possibility. Even if Celcia really goes, how could she not come back at this time? It is impossible for her to spend the night in Moon Campbell's ward!"

"It seems that she is really just busy with something, so it's better not to disturb her."

After all, she is the empress of the empire and may be busy with political affairs at any time.

After thinking about such a helpless answer, Ariel could only temporarily give up her plan to get involved in the relationship in the dead of night, and walked towards her ward dejectedly.

But just as she was passing by the corridor of the ward...

"Oops... who?"

Because she was in a bad mood, she didn't notice her surroundings. She tripped over something, stumbled and almost fell. Ariel turned around suddenly and looked warily into the darkness.

Or rather, the leg stretched out in the darkness.

"Huh? This is it?"

Ariel frowned, squinted her eyes slightly, and followed the leg up. Then she saw clearly that in the shadow of the corridor... there was a female knight lying down?

"Strange, why is there a knight lying in a place like this? And this outfit..."

Ariel's mind condensed, and she suddenly realized that the female knight was wearing...Celicia's royal bodyguard!

Why were Celcia's royal guards in a place like this, and why did they faint?

Ariel leaned down and quickly checked, and found that the royal female knight did not fall asleep because of laziness. She clearly had a magical aura.

She was attacked by someone and was hit by a sleeping magic!

Ariel's bad premonition suddenly became stronger. Cecilia's personal guard actually fell in such a place at night. Could it be that... she was also in danger?

Ariel quickly looked around and did not find anything unusual for the time being. Finally, her attention finally... fell on the door of the ward in front of her.

This is almost the same ward as the one she stayed in before. There is a visiting window on the door for doctors to check, but you need to get close to see inside clearly.

This door looks very ordinary.

However, after having that bad premonition, Ariel's perception really unfolded. Before she got close, she felt that there seemed to be several extremely terrible forces behind this door, entangled with each other!

It was so fierce, but it was almost imperceptible from the outside. It was hard to imagine that there was a terrible level of power fighting inside!

"No way... Cecilia..."

Ariel's heart was in her throat. She approached slowly and cautiously, then stood on tiptoe and looked inside through the viewing window.

Then... she saw the fierce "melee."


In the ward.

The melee had already reached a new stage.

The yellow-haired man who had endured humiliation for a long time finally stood up strongly after several parties were exhausted, and took the initiative in one fell swoop, and no longer allowed others to "bully".

Therefore, the scene at this time was no longer a war between the queen, the sword holder and the saint, but...

Mu En stroked Cecilia, who was almost completely limp, with one hand, while kissing Anna passionately, while Ariel's best friend Leah was lying there, ups and downs...

"What... what?"

Ariel's eyes widened, and the pupils reflected this extremely fragrant picture, and she subconsciously murmured in disbelief.

It seemed familiar.

It seemed so familiar.

She had seen Leah and the senior named Anna in the room when she was watching last time.

But this time...

"Why did Cecilia also..."

Ariel couldn't understand.

Cecilia was so proud and cold, like a snow lotus that could only be admired from a distance and not played with. But why would she... commit herself to a mere yellow-haired man, and even participate in such a ridiculous game?

In an instant, it seemed as if there was a sound of the crystal palace breaking, and the beautiful dream was gone, and the intense pain attacked Ariel's chest.

Not only was she shocked by seeing this picture, but she also felt the grief and indignation that she had worked so hard for so long, but found that everything was in vain.

It turned out that Cecilia had already thrown herself into the arms of Moon Campbell!

She won the game, but in the end, the real winner was still the yellow-haired man.

"Damn it..."

Ariel's teeth were almost broken with anger, and her fingers scratched on the door panel. She wanted to rush in and beat the guy to death...

But, she didn't do that in the end.

Because she knew that even if she beat the yellow-haired guy to death, she couldn't win back the hearts of the girls who had already left.


The people in the ward were still forgetting themselves and being ridiculous. Since Cecilia had the habit of leaving a seal to isolate the sound and breath after Ariel suddenly broke in last time, she didn't notice Ariel outside.

Ariel wanted to leave directly, but for some reason, she stayed for a while. While imprinting every picture in her mind, her hand unconsciously reached under the hem of her skirt...

"Damn Muen Campbell..."

43. Owl

Berland, Upper Town, Duvischar Street

As a famous aristocratic residential area, the streets here are spacious and clean, and the various mansions are luxurious and simple, which makes people dazzled. Looking up from the flat stone road, the exquisite reliefs on the walls on both sides are lifelike, as if they can come alive at any time, adding a touch of moving vitality to the night.

Unfortunately, it is dead silent here at this time, because most of the mansions on both sides have not moved in with new owners.

After the great purge that shocked the entire empire, there is always a trace of bloody smell in the air here, which makes people sick, and the blood that failed to flow down the sewer dried up on the blue stone slabs, forming a series of arrogant and wild, like a terrifying picture of crazy demons screaming and wailing.

"It's so scary in the middle of summer."

In the darkness, the twinkling lights flickered, and the wisps of white smoke mixed with the mist at night. It was clearly early summer, but the man wrapped in heavy cotton clothes cursed and threw the cigarette butt that was about to burn his hand to the ground.

The cigarette butt was stepped on by him and returned to the darkness together, but the darkness did not last long. When the dark clouds dispersed, there was a faint cold light, sprinkled on his face that seemed to be obviously pale due to overwork.

"There is such a beautiful moon in the night of the empire."

He looked up and looked at the bright moon. I don't know what kind of scene was outlined in his dim eyes, but he sighed very melancholy.

"Although the moon in the empire is beautiful, how can it compare to the one in my hometown?"

Another figure walked out of the darkness silently.



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