"Where's the mark?"



"The Lakes of Deauville."

"It's really you...it's been so long."

God Herz, who appeared here at the appointed time, looked at the old man with a hooked nose not far away in a complex manner. He was obviously someone he had known very well before, but he almost didn't recognize him. He even had to rely on his mark and code. Identify the other person’s identity.

"I haven't seen you for twenty years. I thought you were dead long ago."

"Yes, during the long twenty years, sometimes I thought that I was dead, and that what I lived in this world was just a body of my own actions. Unfortunately, such words were just the delusion of a wandering poet. As a As long as people live, they have to suffer with their souls.”

The man groped for a long time in his cotton-padded coat, and finally found a cigarette case. He took out a low-quality cigarette from the cigarette case, and was about to hand it to Herz...but maybe it was the valuable cigarette Herz was wearing. The luxurious clothes reminded him of something. The man smiled bitterly and suddenly threw the low-quality cigarette to the ground.

"Look at me, I'm used to it, how can I ask you to smoke this kind of garbage?"

As he spoke, the man opened the interlayer of the cigarette case, revealing those high-quality cigars with deep color and unique aroma produced in the Dugar region of the Kingdom.

"Come on, try this. I'll have the money to buy a few recently, but I can't buy too many, or people will be suspicious of me."

"I remember you didn't smoke this before."

"I smoked too much junk tobacco. Now I smoke Croatian junk and think it is a treasure."

There were only three cigars in total. The man handed one to Hertz, took out one himself, and cut it open slightly.

White smoke filled the air again.

Herz was not in a hurry to taste this cigar that was indeed precious, but because of his status, he had already disdained smoking it. Instead, his eyes fell on a photo on the top of the cigarette box, which flickered slightly.

"Are those your wife and daughter?"


The man picked up the photo and handed it to Herz in a ostentatious manner, with a soft smile on his face:

"Yes, this is my wife, whom I met in a bar in downtown twelve years ago."

"very beautiful."

"Haha, right. At that time, she was a declining lady from a declining noble family. When she first married me, she had a bad temper. She always thought that I was a waste. I couldn't make any money and couldn't get promoted. As a result, she couldn't use her previous skills. High-end cosmetics, high-end clothing, she was even disliked by her former sisters... But later, she also became a housekeeper. Two days ago, I took advantage of my promotion and sold her gifts to celebrate. She even blamed me for a long time. On the contrary, I know how to waste. Haha... I tell you, once that woman starts nagging, she won't stop nagging. I'm afraid no one in the world can stand her except me, but she just met me. , It’s really unlucky.”

The man shook his head: "It's really unlucky and pitiful."


Herz looked at the middle-aged woman on the left side of the photo. In fact, she was not very beautiful at all. Time had left too many traces on her body. The wrinkles and middle-aged fatness were simply the beauty of women. The enemy made her look much older than other ladies of the same age.

But as long as she looks at the lovely girl next to her, she can get a glimpse of the former glory of this declining lady.

"Your daughter is also very cute." Hertz said sincerely this time.

"Yes, yes!"

Speaking of his daughter, the man's dim eyes also shone with light:

"People say that my daughter is like her mother, but I think she is like me. Look at her big eyes. She is just as beautiful as when I was young. Let me tell you, my daughter is not only cute, but also smart. , her grades have always been among the best in school, and her magic talent was detected not long ago. She has been admitted in advance to a good magic academy, and will be able to go to school this fall. She is also like me, and luckily she has not inherited her mother's brain. , otherwise tut tut…”

On the topic of his wife and daughter, the man seemed to have endless things to say, and Hertz also listened patiently, because this guy who was once a classmate and friend of the same college as him, ended up taking a completely different path. Worth his half hour of respect.

"Ha, let's stop talking here."

But the man glanced at his watch and took the initiative to stop his eloquent story.

"It's time to get down to business."

At this moment, it was like another personality emerged in the man, and the decadent temperament was swept away. The shoulders in the wide cotton coat seemed to stand up, making the whole person look much taller. He rubbed his face, and his expression suddenly changed. Become solemn and majestic.

This is the "owl" that Herz is familiar with.

"This is the instruction given to you from above."

Without any more nonsense, the man directly handed Herz an extremely ordinary-looking tourist coin that could be purchased in a store in the lower city for five minutes.

"They actually used you to deliver the news?" Herz was surprised.

"You are now the leader of the mission, and you are being watched by so many people. Naturally, it is difficult to use your channels."

The man took a deep breath, the cigar smoke swirled along his nose, and said:

"And who told you that what I delivered was just news?"


Herz was stunned.

After a few more seconds of surprise, he finally realized that this meeting was not as simple as he had imagined. He quickly took the commemorative coin and immersed himself in it.

With his senses penetrating into it, he noticed the faint, familiar magic number in the commemorative coin.

That's the Kingdom's secret code.

Hertz's mind became more and more heavy, and he infused the magic power of a special frequency according to the established procedure... Half a minute later, the blockade was opened, and Hertz was finally able to read the message above.

"This is……"

Herz's pupils shrank. The information transmitted by the owl was completely beyond his expectation. This made him a little unexpected and even horrified: "This... who gave this order? How could this kind of thing... be so easy? of……"

"There must be only one person in the entire kingdom who can issue such an order."

The man said calmly: "With your level of intelligence, can you not think of it?"


Of course Hertz wanted to get it, even with his knees, but he just couldn't believe it.

Not to mention how ruthless he must be to issue such an order so casually.

...This instruction is tantamount to completely throwing all his plans during this period into vain.

Even more...

"Why?" Hertz took a deep breath, but still couldn't suppress the uneasiness in his heart.

"Why do you do this? This is simply equivalent to thorough..."

"You should ask yourselves this kind of question, right?"


Hertz opened his mouth, but when the words of rebuttal came to his lips, it was difficult to say them out.

Because the game during the day had indeed shattered most of his careful planning for this mission.

And the instructions from the one from the kingdom only provided the final blow.

Perhaps for that person, this is just one of several options. If it doesn't work, naturally he can only take another one.

It’s understandable and reasonable.

"But...but he..."

Hertz's lips wriggled and his face was miserable: "He is my most proud student after all."

"It depends on your choice."

The man threw away the half-smoked cigar, stamped it out, and said coldly: "People always have to make choices, don't they?"

Hertz finally left.

The man stood still and took out his cigarette case.

He hesitated, and finally gave up the last cigar, picked up a low-quality cigarette that he had smoked for twenty years, lit it, and inhaled deeply.

The smoke spread, and his serious face relaxed again. He leaned against the wall, looked up at the moon, and suddenly smiled as he thought of something.

"Damn it."

He said:

"I forgot, today is my daughter's birthday."

The man took a hard sip, turned around and left in a hurry without caring about picking up the cigarette butts all over the floor.

Along the way, the police patrolling the streets and the knights passing by seemed not to see him, allowing him to pass through the blockade of this area and arrive at the edge of the upper city.

This is his new home just after he moved here.

In the past twenty years, he had stumbled and struggled in the imperial political arena, but he had never made any achievements. He was only an insignificant official. It was not until the recent great purge that many positions in the empire were vacated, and he had the opportunity to hold an important position and buy a two-story building on the corner of the uptown area.

Maybe fate is such a wonderful thing.

He took out the key and unlocked the door.

But the key had just been inserted into the keyhole and made a sound. Before it could be turned, the door suddenly opened by itself.

A fat woman stood behind the door. When she saw the man, she began to curse unceremoniously:

"Bitch, where have you been fooling around again? Have you forgotten what day it is? Huh? Now that you have become a high official, do you dislike me? I tell you, at the beginning you were just a person who couldn't afford to eat. Poor boy, who can value a piece of shit like you except me?"

The curses were unbearable.

The man suddenly grinned.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I have an event, I can't avoid it, I'm a little late."

The man scratched his head habitually, and while skillfully sneaking into the house from the side of the woman, he explained:

"As for what day it is today, it's my daughter's birthday. How could I forget? Look, I brought a cake and a gift."

When the woman saw the cake and gift box in the man's hand, her expression became much calmer, but she still cursed:

"Just buy a cake. No matter what gift you want, the child is not too young anymore."

"I still need gifts, the kids are waiting."

"I'm warning you, if you spend money indiscriminately, I won't forgive you!"

"No, no, I've always been frugal, you know, you know..."

The man laughed along with him, grabbed his apron and tied it on, and began to help prepare.

So a small, warm birthday party was held like this. Although they said not to waste money, this time there was also the meaning of celebrating the man's promotion, so the woman was extravagant. Cooked a table full of dishes.

There is even a cream stew that she learned when she was a noble lady and has not made it for more than ten years. The skill is a bit rusty, but it is passable.

My daughter, who had never seen such a rich life before, cheered and put candles on the cake with great anticipation.

The candlelight flickered, illuminating the red faces of the woman and daughter, as well as the table full of food, which was so warm that it made people feel like they were in a dream.

The man sat at the table, dazed for a while.

Yes, in a dream.

To him, this is just a dream.

But the dream will eventually wake up.

The man closed his eyes.

His daughter's voice rang in his ears, the innocent childish voice echoed, wishing that her father could come home early every day and spend more time with her.

But the next moment, the owl opened his eyes.

The daughter blew out the candle.

The world fell into darkness.

"It's so unlucky... and pitiful."

A sigh sounded in the darkness.

Not long after, the candles lit up again with a flickering light.

Illuminating the two pale, terrified, confused, and unbelievable faces.

Blood flowed along their cut necks, dripping, dripping.

The candles on the cake still had a faint white smoke, ten of them, symbolizing ten years old.

The owl threw the lit candle in his hand casually, and the surging flames suddenly rose up, gradually engulfing everything that occupied his memory for more than ten years.

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