
He said goodbye softly:

"My beloved."

The double-story building that the man spent ten years of savings on bought was turned into ruins in the flames in the blink of an eye. People and patrolmen who were awakened hurriedly came to help put out the fire, and some even shouted the man's name anxiously.

They were deeply impressed by this man. He was kind, honest, doting on his wife, and doting on his daughter. Not long after he moved here, he was already close to many people, so many people were really worried about him.

And in the night, the man who had become "Owl" again at this moment also took all the results of his twenty years of lurking and galloped away from Belland.

44. Afterwards

Mu En opened her eyes and saw the familiar white ceiling of the ward.

"Is it dawn? Hey... why is it so heavy?"

He just subconsciously wanted to move, but found that his whole body was extremely heavy, as if he had just been run over by several large trucks... But then, the full body of fleshy nephrite began to stimulate his nerves.

"Um... Mu En, don't touch me anymore, I can't stand it..."

Liya, who was wrapped around Mu En's arm like an octopus, felt Mu En's movements and muttered in a daze, while on the other side, two extremely fragrant white bodies also began to slowly move their delicate bodies, The friction between the closely touching skin caused the blood in Mu En's body to start flowing faster almost instantly.

Ah, no good.

Mu En suddenly woke up, and while forcibly calming down the heat, she secretly screamed that something was wrong.

Wake up early!

Judging from the touch on their bodies, after last night's craziness, the three women were all so tired that they fell asleep.

It doesn't matter if you fell asleep, the key is that you slept together, sleeping with him under a big quilt?

Now they wake up at the same time, is that okay?

Without any further hesitation, Mu En quickly closed her eyes again and pretended to sleep!

The best way to face the Shura Field is to pretend that the Shura Field does not exist!

That's right, he is just a little yellow guy who is harmless to humans and animals and was ravaged last night. The Shura field has nothing to do with him at all...


After Mu En "went to sleep", the three bodies showed different postures, but they were all naked and perfect bodies lying on his body. As expected, they all woke up almost at the same time, and then stood up lazily.

Three lines of sight, six eyes facing each other.

First came the drowsy eyes that had just fallen asleep, then the confusion of not yet waking up, then the surprise of remembering everything, and finally... a deathly calm, as if nothing had happened.

The three of them looked at each other silently, and they could all see that the traces of last night's madness still remained on each other's suet-like skin, and through each other's eyes, they could also know that they must be the same at this moment.

At this moment, the three of them tacitly said nothing.

Celecia was the first to make a move and turned to dress.

Her expression had returned to coldness since she woke up. Even the exchange of looks just now did not show much obvious change in expression. It was as if she had returned to the aloof, cold and noble Her Majesty the Queen. Last night was just a ridiculous erotic dream. That’s all.

...Even if she was in the most embarrassing situation last night under the attack of two people and someone's deliberate chaos.

Unlike Celcia's indifference, Anna's brows and eyes still retained the charming spring spirit that had not faded away. By the end of the melee, everyone was completely addicted to it, so no one knew whether she had achieved her goal. Let Celecia successfully call her sister.

...But she always seemed satisfied at this moment. Seeing Her Majesty the Queen's cute look that was different from her usual aloofness, how could she be dissatisfied.

As for Liya...she looked around, and finally glanced at Mu En reluctantly, puffed her cheeks, and turned around to look for the clothes she had thrown away by a bad guy.

...I don’t know what to do next, but I’ll get dressed first.

For a moment, there was only the rustle of clothes in the room, and it was as calm as the seaside with the gentle breeze. Even the beautiful girl's clothes were so refreshing.

But at this moment, Mu En was not as interested in appreciating this wonderful and moving time as usual. She still closed her eyes tightly and pretended to be dead.

His intuition told him that this was just the calm between the storms.

The big one is coming!




Finally, when everything was taken care of, the three of them also restored the nobility and holiness of the Empress of the Empire, the Sword Holder of the Silence Agency, and the Saint of the Church of Life. Any outsider here, in front of the temperament flowing out of the three people's movements , will bow their heads and kneel uncontrollably.

At this moment, the three of them looked at each other again...

"Well... I feel dizzy."

In the bright morning sun, Diyaka finally woke up.

She slept for too long and was too dead, making her head feel a little dizzy at the moment. She patted her head hard and relied on the concentration she had honed over a long period of time to wake herself up quickly.

"I am..."

She looked around and found that she was still outside the ward, still wearing the standard armor of the Royal Knights, but her movements were a little inelegant, and she was sleeping a little unrestrainedly.

That is to say...

"I actually fell asleep on duty!"

Diyaka quickly stood up and then punched the wall with a heavy fist, a look of pain on her face.

As the daughter of a knight family, after so many years of hard work, she finally got her wish to become the Queen's personal guard and serve the royal family... But just a few days later, she actually fell asleep in the middle of a mission and failed to do her job!

If her father knew, he would definitely be disappointed in her.


Diyaka scratched her head painfully. In her memory, she should have encountered something last night, but her head was still very dizzy, so she couldn't think of the details of that time for the time being.


While thinking, Diyaka's hand scratching her head paused.

"Why do you feel wet? Morning dew?"

Rubbing her fingers, feeling the slight wetness, this unusual environment made her instinctively alert...

"No, now is not the time to think about this!"

Diyaka knocked hard on her head, secretly annoyed that she was still thinking about such an insignificant thing at this time.

What's important now is the mission! Mission! Mission!

I was ordered to come to guard Master Muen Campbell. If he made any mistakes, how could I have the face to report to Her Majesty the Queen? At that time, there is only one way to maintain the honor of the knight!

Diyaka gathered his mind and looked around quickly...

Well, it's okay.

Diyaka breathed a sigh of relief temporarily.

Judging from the situation, everything was calm around, and there was no sign of damage in the ward.

It should not have been attacked by criminals. Of course, if it was attacked by criminals, she would not have slept so soundly until now. .

Then the next step is to confirm the safety of Master Campbell...

It was really inconvenient to disturb him in the early morning, so Diyaka leaned forward slightly, put her head close to the window on the door, and looked inside...

However, before she could see anything clearly, accompanied by a huge roar, the entire ward door, including half of the wall, was directly blown open!

Caught off guard, Diyaka had no time to react at all. After a muffled groan, she was blown several meters away. Fortunately, the terrible power that burst out was not directed at her, so she did not suffer any actual damage.

But before she could make any move, two figures almost simultaneously emerged from the gap created by the explosion, one shrouded in deep darkness, the other covered in holy light. The darkness and the light made the entire sky seem to be affected and lose its color.

The two figures flew into the air, without even a pause, and fled in different directions in a very tacit manner. When the darkness swept away, Diyaka could vaguely hear a naughty and charming laugh.


Diyaka was stunned. The power of the two auras was beyond her imagination. She didn't understand why there would be such a terrifying strong man flying out of Master Muen Campbell's room together.

Could it be... Master Campbell had met with an accident?

Diyaka was terrified, but before she could confirm it again, another more terrifying aura suddenly rose up.

This time it was really terrifying.

The entire medical building of the college was crumbling under the pressure of the breath, like an enraged prehistoric beast awakening from ancient times, ready to tear apart the villains who dared to offend her. As the Queen's personal guard, Diyaka had received extremely strict training since childhood. Even when facing the most ferocious monsters, she would not retreat a step... But at this moment, she couldn't help but tremble.

And this breath gave her a very familiar feeling, as if... Her Majesty the Queen?

But why was Her Majesty so angry, and why did she come out of Master Campbell's ward like the two mysterious strong men? Didn't she leave last night?

Diyaka's mind was a mess, with many questions, but she was suppressed by the terrible breath, lowered her head, knelt on the ground, and didn't dare to look up at the other person's true face to determine whether the other person was Her Majesty the Queen.


The majestic voice suddenly snorted coldly, and the entire ward finally collapsed completely. Diyaka's body was also shaken, unable to bear the pressure, and fainted directly.

The figure flew up into the sky, paused for a moment, and finally chose to chase the deep darkness that was like a little devil laughing.

"Bitch, die——", the figure left, but the murderous words squeezed out from the teeth were so cold that they seemed to freeze the soul of the person completely...



Diyaka woke up again.

This time, what he saw was not the ceiling of the corridor, but the blue sky, and... a handsome face that was more dazzling than the sun.

"You... Master Campbell!"

Diyaka stood up reflexively, but his body was still a little stiff, and he had not recovered from the shock just now, so his movements were a little out of place.

"Don't be nervous, I don't have any extraordinary identity now, you don't have to salute me."

Mu En smiled and waved his hand, saying in a calm tone:

"But you, are you okay?"

"I... I'm fine."

Diyaka waved his limbs slightly and found that although he fainted, he was not actually hurt.

The terrifying pressure just now was obviously targeted, and she was just accidentally affected by the aftermath.


Diyaka suddenly reacted and looked at Mu En nervously:

"Master Campbell is, are you okay... I'm very sorry, Her Majesty the Queen gave me the responsibility of protecting you, but I didn't even do my job well."

Thinking of this, Diyaka could not help but feel regretful. What on earth did he, a pure love warrior, protect? Didn't he protect nothing?

"I'm fine... except that my waist is a little weak now, but I'm in great spirits now."

Mu En patted Diyaka's shoulder and comforted him:

"Don't worry, Cecilia won't blame you this time, and compared to you, in some aspects, I may be blamed more."

"Huh?" Diyaka blinked and asked confusedly: "What do you mean?"


Mu En smiled with a complicated expression and pointed to the ruins behind him:

"I was just thinking about how I should explain to Dean Hathaway... I just stayed in the hospital for one day, and the college infirmary was directly demolished in half."


45. I still have you

"It's okay, just pay for it."

Regarding the destruction of the infirmary of her own college, Hathaway seemed very open-minded, and even vaguely revealed an expression that I knew it would be like this, and was not surprised at all by this result.

"...Dean Hathaway is very open-minded."

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