"What can I do if I don't look at it, go and cause trouble for those three? I still want to stay in the position of the dean for a few more years."

Hathaway rolled her eyes.

If it were someone else, if they dared to tear down her beloved academy like this, she would definitely tear them apart piece by piece and use them as fuel for her experimental boiler.

But what can those three do? An emperor of the empire, a sword holder of the silent mechanism, and a saint of the Church of Life...If I go to cause trouble myself, I'm afraid I'll be torn down first. I can't afford to offend them...

"But fortunately, I have always recognized your character..."

Hathaway suddenly came over, wrapped her arms around her chest, showing off her majesty that was no less than that of her senior sister, and then rubbed her fingers ambiguously at Mu En:

"Then this compensation, plus my mental damages, you will have a little more, right?"


God damn mental damages.

Mu En didn't know how to complain. If it comes to mental loss, it should be his own loss. Facing the melee last night, his young mind was greatly shocked, and now his waist is still aching.

"Don't worry, I will be fully responsible for the loss." Mu En's face was stern, indicating that he would not compensate for anything other than the actual loss.


Seeing Mu En's frugal and housekeeping appearance, Hathaway snorted in dissatisfaction.

"Stingy men are not liked by people."

"But housekeeping men are quite pleasing. Then, Dean, I'll leave first. Now my waist hurts, I have to go back and lie down..." In order not to be forced to sell my father another manor, Mu En was sensible and prepared to run away.

But he was stopped by Hathaway after a few steps.


Hathaway pushed his glasses and said:

"Why run away, you still have business to do."

"Business? What business do I have?"

Mu En frowned and thought seriously for a while... There is indeed nothing that needs his participation now.

I can't really comfort those nurses who are traumatized by the destruction of the infirmary.


Hathaway uttered two words that Mu En didn't expect:

"You have to participate in the next exchange competition finals."


Mu En was stunned, "The dean must have made a mistake. I have been eliminated. The next finals should be between the seventeenth prince and Ariel..."

"I know that it was Ariel who was supposed to participate."

Hathaway sighed and helplessly held her forehead and said:

"But I don't know why, Ariel found me this morning and said she wanted to give up her qualifications."

"Huh? Give up qualifications?"

Mu En was completely confused.

Ariel is now completely cut off from the former Bugard family, and has to eat black bread every day. Will she be willing to give up the generous prize money of the winner of this exchange competition?

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

Unless one day Ariel changes from a flat face to a big breast, from a poor bastard to a rich woman, there is absolutely no such possibility.

"Did she give a reason?"

"She said she was going to practice. She thought she was not strong enough, so she had to leave the academy temporarily...to hone herself in the abyss." Hathaway said.

She was also a little speechless. After all, the academy suddenly had an extremely outstanding student, and even the favorite to win the exchange competition. It was not a good thing for her.

But she thought of Ariel's pale face and angry expression when she found her this morning... It was like watching the girl she had worked hard to flirt with for a long time being walked away by a passing yellow-haired cow. She couldn't say anything to keep her.

"Abyss? Why does she want to go to the abyss?"

Mu En was even more confused.

"Also?" Hathaway raised her eyebrows.

"Ah, it's okay, but I have an acquaintance who should be in the abyss now..."

A dignified and pretty face appeared in Mu En's mind.

It seems that An has been in the abyss for a while. I don't know how she is now.

But speaking of it, the abyss... is this place so stereotyped, does everyone have to go there to fight monsters and level up?

But if she wanted to level up by killing monsters, why did Ariel leave in such a hurry? Even if she really felt that she needed to level up, she should wait...

Huh? Wait.

This morning?

Mu En turned his head stiffly and looked at the pile of ruins in the college infirmary...

Ariel was injured in yesterday's game and should be hospitalized here.

In other words, if his guess was correct, the reason that prompted Ariel to run away suddenly... was the same as last time, this time...

She also saw it?



The wind, with a cloak hanging on it, whistled past, which was particularly annoying.

The sun was blinding, and the morning light was shining. It was obviously early summer, but people still couldn't feel a trace of warmth, and it was still so cold.

Maybe it wasn't the sun that was cold, but her own heart...

Ariel tightened the cloak's straps, smiled sadly, and walked alone on the rugged mountain path. She didn't know if this road would lead to her destination. After leaving the city early in the morning, she just found a general direction to move forward.

But it doesn't matter, just treat it as a journey, and a journey can always soothe a wounded heart a little.

"...Do we really have to go to the abyss so directly?"

A vague figure floated up from Ariel's ring, looking at Ariel at this moment with some speechlessness and pity: "Is it too sudden?"

"Oh, is there anything unexpected?"

Ariel said with an indifferent expression like a sage: "Anyway, teacher, didn't you say that the abyss is a good place for training, and I should be able to improve further there."

"But... there's no need to be in such a hurry, you can still..."

Teacher Ariel wanted to say a few words of comfort, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know how to express them.

She knew what kind of blow her disciple had suffered a few hours ago, and she also knew that this was not even the first time that she had been hit like this...

But the reality is so cruel. When it comes to feelings, if you lose, you lose. It is harder to turn defeat into victory than fighting.

"Don't worry, teacher, I don't mean to be decadent, I just feel a little sad."

Under the cloak, Ariel's fists were clenched:

"On the contrary, I still have the fighting spirit now. I haven't lost yet. Even if Liya and Celcia leave me temporarily, I will not give up, and I will never give up on my dream!"

Even though there was no need for heartache, even though the grand Crystal Palace she had conceived was already full of cracks, Ariel still had no intention of giving up, and instead was inspired to fight.

Because she is so determined, courageous, never gives up and moves forward bravely, and has a strong fighting spirit!

Therefore, she is going to the abyss to hone herself and make herself stronger and more attractive!

Sooner or later, she will return like lightning. Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river, don't bully a young girl!

"Of course, I don't have everything."

Ariel fondled the sound transmission stone in her hand and murmured:

"I still have you...don't I?"

46. ​​Accident

Santa Maria College, venue for the exchange competition.

There are still two hours before the start of the last final, but the entire venue is already full. Perhaps because of the high expectations from yesterday's game, the enthusiastic audience has already been looking forward to this time, hoping that the legendary The seventeenth prince, who has been hidden away by the kingdom for more than ten years, is extremely talented and can bring about a peak showdown that is no less exciting than yesterday.

And the seventeenth prince they were looking forward to was also in the lounge at the moment, staring blankly at this scene through the window, not knowing what he was thinking.


Milne came out of deep thought and realized that the person coming was Sewell, and immediately calmed down:

"It's cousin Sewell, is something wrong?"

"I just got the news that your opponent in the final this time is not Ariel Boogard, but Moon Campbell." Sewell said.

"Moon Campbell..."

Milne was stunned: "Why?"

"According to people from the academy, Ariel Bugard had to leave due to personal matters and was unable to participate in the competition and declared a waiver. Therefore, the qualification for the finals was postponed to Moon Campbell."

"Abstaining? In this case, shouldn't I be considered the winner?" Milne frowned.

What happened? He ran away before hitting anyone. Was that Ariel frightened by him?

"Normally, yes, but the reason given by the academy is that Ariel Bugal had already thought about abstaining from the competition before she had to participate in yesterday's game. She only continued to participate because she wanted to play against Moon Campbell. Therefore, her abstention does not mean that the college has given up her qualification for the finals, but it is just allowing Moon Campbell to come forward."

"Oh, it's just that I don't want to lose face." Milne sneered.

"It seems yes now, but this is the Empire's home court after all, and they have the final right of interpretation. As long as the logic is smooth, there is nothing we can do about it."

"...Really? Is the final opponent, in the end, still Moon Campbell?"

Milne looked dejected and fell into deep thought again.

It was obvious that not long ago, he really wanted to have a match with Moon Campbell. In the finals, he met the Duke's son and the Queen's fiancé, and then completely defeated him in front of everyone, including the Empire Queen. Declare your own value... This is the best script that you have already drawn up before setting foot in this country.

It is also the first step in his journey to the top.

But now...

It was clear that he was only one step away from completing the best script, but after watching last night's game, he suddenly felt an extremely complicated feeling, and a faint uneasiness that came from the bottom of his heart and could not be erased.

"It's...so good."

Sewell saw Milne's thoughts at this moment and couldn't help but comforted:

"Brother Huang only needs to deal with Mu En. Ariel, who is stronger, abstains from the vote. It's so lucky..."

"Are you mocking me?"

Milne raised his head suddenly, and the peace he had just moments ago disappeared instantly, and he stared at Sewell with red eyes like an enraged beast:

"You think I can't beat that Ariel Boogard?"

"No, I am not……"

"You are!"

Milne growled: "It's Ariel Boogard who runs away without a fight, not me! Even if she fights me, I'm sure of winning, I do! Not to mention a mere Moon Campbell?"


Sewell was so frightened that he took a few steps back, lowered his head and said:

"Cousin Milne is the strongest."

"Ha...yes, I am the strongest..."

Milne gasped and murmured as if to convince himself: "Yes, I am the strongest, whether it is Moon Campbell or Ariel Boogard, they are just stepping stones for me... …How could I be afraid of them?”

"Your Highness is of course the strongest."

"Ah, teacher."

Severus turned around and found that Hertz had appeared at some point and was looking at Milne kindly: "Because Your Highness is my most proud student."


"Go out for a while, Severus."

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