"is teacher."

Sewell breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly walked out of the lounge as if he was being pardoned, and closed the door smoothly.

Herz glanced at it, and with a wave of his hand, a restriction was placed on the door to prevent anyone from eavesdropping.

"How do you feel, Your Highness? You have had a good night's rest. Are you in good condition?"

"I am fine."

Milne looked at his hands and suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly: "I haven't played seriously since the beginning of the game. How can I be in a bad state?"

"That's a good thing."

Herz walked to the window and looked at the enthusiastic audience with his hands behind his hands. Even though they knew that it was Moon Campbell who was playing, they still did not feel disappointed and were still shouting Campbell's name loudly:

"Your next opponent is Moon Campbell, but Moon Campbell was seriously injured in yesterday's game. I have carefully observed that the sword in Ariel Bugard's hand is not an ordinary weapon. No matter how strong Moon Campbell's recovery ability is, But it will definitely not be comfortable after taking many swords. Even if there is strong treatment from the academy, as long as the big shots from the Life Church are not invited to personally treat him, it is absolutely impossible for him to return to full condition. This is your chance. "

"The teacher also thinks I can't beat Moon Campbell?" Milne clenched his fists.

Telling him that the enemy's injury is his opportunity, doesn't that mean that he is actually not as good as that Moon Campbell?

"No, I believe in you, I believe in you more than anyone else, but for us now, victory is the most important thing. If we can have one more chance of winning, naturally one more point is better."

Herz patted Milne on the shoulder and comforted him kindly: "I have watched His Highness grow up and know what His Highness thinks. Milne has hidden his strength. It is normal for you to feel uneasy, but I still feel that the final The winner is you, Your Highness.”


Milne's eyes were slightly red. Yes, no matter what, the teacher would always believe in him. Just like for so many years, he had always stood beside the prince who ranked seventeenth in the royal family and never complained.

"However, we don't know if Moon Campbell will use any despicable means. It's better to be fully prepared." Herz suddenly changed his voice.

"well prepared?"

Milne sensed an unusual depth in Hertz's words.

"That's right, since Moon Campbell has used despicable means before, we can't be this honest person, otherwise it will be a big loss. His Highness should know that victory in this final will be very important to you, me, and the entire kingdom. How big of an impact does it have, so just in case..."

Herz glanced around again vigilantly, and after making sure no one was prying here, he took out an exquisite wooden box from his arms.

The wooden box was opened, and inside was a bright red pill.

The moment the pill was revealed, the rich aroma filled the entire lounge. With just one inhalation, Milne felt much more energetic.

"This is..." Milne looked shocked. He could feel the pills being filled with strong medicinal power.

"Master of Potions, the potion refined by Mr. Tefrol can directly increase your strength by 30% within half an hour. I think with the blessing of the potion, you will be more secure against Moon Campbell."

"Potions... can this kind of thing really increase the chance of winning?" Milne frowned, still a little repelled by the act of taking drugs before a game.

"It's not a chance of victory, it's a sure win!" Hertz said resolutely, obviously very confident in this potion.


Milne took a deep breath.

That's right. If after taking the magic potion that increases the third level of strength, Milne is no longer a match for Milne Campbell in the injured state, then Milne can really find a piece of black bread and hit him to death!

Yes, this magic potion symbolizes victory.


Milne stared at the red pills in the box with a look of struggle in his eyes.

Yesterday, he was extremely disparaging and disdainful of that Moon Campbell. In his eyes, Moon Campbell was a playboy, a dandy addicted to women, and a waste that did not deserve the name... To fight with him would be a disgrace to his own status.

But now, just one day later, he was thinking about whether to rely on the power of the cheating potion to deal with this playboy... This reversal was so ridiculous.

It was like a dancer giving his all on the stage, shining brilliantly, but at the moment when the curtain was about to end... he still accidentally revealed his clown mask.


Thinking about it carefully, just as the teacher said, Moon Campbell also used cheating methods.

Milne's mind changed.

Under Moon Campbell's deliberate instruction, he was able to have two byes in a row and face his opponents in the semifinals in the best possible way... If he had faced himself in the semifinals, the consequences of this despicable method would not be the same. Dare to imagine.

Yes, Moon Campbell is such a despicable person, so even if he uses potions, it is not his problem, he is just trying to make this duel more "fair".

You are not wrong!

Moon Campbell, you opened it first!

Milne gritted his teeth and finally took the red potion and said firmly:

"I understand, teacher, I will take the medicine. I will bring final victory to you, me, and the kingdom..."

"I trust you."

Hertz stroked his beard happily and smiled: "After all, you are my most proud student, Your Highness Milne. I am here waiting for your triumphant return."

"In the end, I still have to clean up this mess."

On the ring, Mu En looked at Milne who was walking slowly, and sighed helplessly.

After being squeezed by those three people last night, he was still weak in the waist, but he was about to fight a talented young man like Milne... Mu En was not only weak in the waist, but also a little weak in the heart.

Fortunately, the lovely Liya was more considerate of him and instilled more Holy Light into him last night. Otherwise, if he were standing here now, his legs would have started to weaken before the fight started.

Liya is better, leave the other two alone after they finish playing, you scumbag!

"Kingdom of San Pedro, Milne Rodster."

"Leopard Empire, Santa Maria College, Moon Campbell."

It was still the familiar exchange of names and greetings, but just this simple procedure had completely aroused the emotions of the surrounding audience.

"It seems that everyone is looking forward to this showdown."

Mu En raised her hand and shouted to the audience. The three familiar little ones waved, and then elegantly gave Milne a standard aristocratic salute:

"Good morning, Your Highness Milne, this is our first formal greeting."

"It's funny."


Mu En was stunned for a while, not understanding what Milne's meaningless words meant.

But Milne still stared at him with a sneer and said viciously:

"When we first met, you were laughing at my joke, right."


Mu En frowned and tilted his head, wondering what the prince was going through.

The first time... wasn't the first time just yesterday morning?

At that time, I didn’t know who this guy was, so why was he laughing?

No, having a bag on the head was something that was secretly slandered.

"I don't know what His Highness Milne is talking about, but at this time, too many words are useless except a waste of time, aren't they?"

Mu En was too lazy to communicate with this troubled prince and casually pulled out Elizabeth.

"In that case, let's do it, Your Highness."


Milne twitched the corners of his mouth, smiled a little twistedly, and looked at the referee: "I also want to designate a place, the plain!"


The referee glanced at Mu En and saw that Mu En had no objection, so he nodded:

"Okay then, all things simulated, plain!"

The roar started again, and the brilliance of all things enveloped the entire arena. In a blink of an eye, the endless plains appeared again under Mu En's feet.

Milne stared at Mu En closely, bowed slightly, and held the sword at his waist.

This time, he was not careless or slack at all.

Due to Moon Campbell's despicable behavior, he had successfully deceived him into making that ridiculous reaction, but he would never make the same mistake twice!

No one becomes a clown a second time!

The potion he had taken early had been completely absorbed by his body. The powerful potion flowed through his limbs and bones with a faint burning pain. Milne could clearly feel that his fighting spirit and magic power had greatly improved.

But he still did not swell in the slightest because of this, nor was he blinded by the power. He was still awake, and there was only Moon Campbell in his eyes.


The long sword is unsheathed.

The dazzling cold light far exceeded his performance at any time!

"come yet?"

Mu En, who sensed the threat, also looked solemn.

It has to be said that Milne is actually not a weak opponent. The talent brought to him by his natural twin hearts has made his strength far beyond all the "ordinary people" Mu En has faced so far.

Therefore, it must also be treated with caution.

Magic power surged, his heart beat like a drum, and the alchemy core behind Mu En became as hot as a furnace.

He was not afraid, facing the cold light coming from Milne, he swung his sword - cut! !


next moment.

The sound of a sharp blade penetrating flesh was so clear and terrifying.


Mu En's eyes widened in shock, watching the blood splatter, watching the flesh and blood tearing apart, watching... Milne slowly collapsed.

"So weak?"

Milne was seriously injured with one stab. Could it be that under the pressure of those three people last night, his strength became even stronger?


I don’t have the so-called dual cultivation techniques in the novels about cultivating immortals in my previous life!

Mu En noticed something was wrong and looked at Milne's face.

Milne was shocked too.

He didn't pay attention to the injury that tore his chest, but looked at his trembling hands in disbelief and even horror, unable to even hold the sword.

The scorching heat flowing in his meridians has now turned into a heart-wrenching pain.

The terrifying power of the medicine eroded his internal organs like countless hungry insects.

This is……


"Why... why?"

Milne staggered and fell, his face pale, and he muttered dully: "Teacher...why did you do this?"

47. For the Kingdom

"This is……"

The severe pain tore at Milne's nerves, making his face extremely ferocious. He no longer had the elegance and peace that he once had as the seventeenth prince.

Everyone was stunned, staring blankly at the arena, because the fierce battle they expected did not happen. After only one round, the seventeenth prince was seriously injured and lost his fighting ability.

The legendary seventeenth prince was actually a complete idiot?

The contrast was so great that the audience forgot to cheer for the winner.


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