But compared to the audience who could only see the seventeenth prince entering the scene and the seventeenth prince being stunned, Mu En, who was close at hand, could feel that something was wrong with the situation.

Although his sword did not retain any force, it was far from the peak.

Not everyone comes up like Ariel and uses her ultimate move as a flat A.

I'm afraid Milne's defeated Senior Sister Fanny can catch his sword... Then there is no reason why Milne can't catch it.

In other words... there is something weird!

Mu En's face changed slightly, and she reached out and grabbed Milne's arm.

In the pupils of his eyes, black flames flowed.

The dark flames silently injected into Milne's body and spread with his mental power. In an instant, Mu En could clearly feel what was inside Milne's body that was constantly eating away at his life.


Mu En's eyes condensed, and the black flames in the depths of his pupils jumped, trying to burn away the poison.

But the poison was more terrifying than Mu En imagined. It had already penetrated into Milne's internal organs...or it could be said that it had been lurking in Milne's body for a long time, but now it suddenly exploded. Therefore, if he wanted to use black flames to kill those If the poison swallows him, then Milne's internal organs must also be swallowed up.

Unless Milne is another monster blessed by an unknown evil god, it is absolutely impossible to survive like this.

But clearly, he is not.


Milne coughed up blood. The blood was bright red and bright, so Mu En suddenly discovered another terrifying aspect of the poison.

It actually had no outward manifestation in Milne.

Therefore, Milne's embarrassed appearance at this moment seemed... as if it was just because of Mu En's knife.

"Damn it."

Mu En reacted immediately and waved to the outside of the Wanxiang simulation: "Referee!"

There was a ripple in the wilderness space, and the referee quickly approached. After noticing Milne's rapid loss of life force, he frowned and said: "So fast? You went too far... It's strange, why is the protection device of Vientiane Simulation not activated?"

In order to protect both warring parties, and to allow both parties to fight without any scruples, Vientiane Simulation not only creates a combat environment, but also has an automatic protection skill. Once it senses that the fighting between the two parties will endanger lives, it will immediately To activate, separate the fighting sides.

Although the conditions are harsh and even yesterday's battle between Mu En and Ariel failed to activate it, but with this kind of vitality obviously passing quickly, it should have been activated long ago...

"Something weird!"

The referee's expression also changed drastically. He had been supervising the game, but was unable to detect such a subtle abnormality.

So he didn't understand the seriousness of the matter until now.

Pure physical trauma, even if it is so severe that the life force is lost, can be restored, but... what if it is due to other reasons?

The referee grabbed Milne's other hand, and a much more powerful breath penetrated along his body.

But he hasn't been able to take any action yet...


A fountain of bright red blood spurted out of Milne's mouth almost for free.

He staggered a few steps, unable to even stand up. His eyes gradually wandered around in a circle, but after failing to find the figure he wanted to find, he landed on Mu En.

"Mu... Mu En Campbell."

"What? What do you want to say? Who harmed you?"


Milne's face became paler, paler than paper. He had been bleeding continuously since just now. It was obvious that the wound could not shed so much blood for ordinary people.

The referee's face became even more ugly. Even if he used healing magic and transferred more vitality into it, how could he fill the gaps in the blood flow?

Fast, too fast.

It was as if there was an alchemical pump pumping out all the blood in Milne's body, leaving no chance for anyone to be rescued.

"I...heh, that's really ridiculous."

Milne's last words, like murmurs blown in the wind, set out an extremely sad tone for his life, which had been hidden in the snow for more than ten years and withered in a hurry before it could bloom.

He fell to the ground and died an ordinary and comical death, in a way he had never imagined.

The clown on the stage finally meets his end.

Mu En stood there, staring blankly at the dead Milne, then lowered his head and looked at his hands covered with blood.

It is not yet clear who was behind this accident and their purpose, but just like the current scene, in the eyes of others... and in the eyes of the entire audience, it was as if he had killed Milne.

Killing the seventeenth prince of this noble neighbor would inevitably cause a dispute between the two countries... at least, that's what it seemed.

"Moon Campbell!!"

The old and angry roar was the first to break the silence after this strange situation.

Hertz jumped out at the right moment with a look of grief and anger, pointing at Mu En with a trembling hand:

"You...you dare to kill His Highness, you are so arrogant! Do you know the consequences of this?!"

"not me!"

Mu En took a deep breath and retorted coldly: "The cause of Milne's death was poisoning. This kind of thing can be found out after a little investigation."

"Poisoned? Haha, who would believe it? Well... So you actually planned it in advance. This is your home court. You can say whatever you want, right? His Highness died in your hands, and everyone saw it. I didn't expect you to be so despicable..."

Hertz suddenly slapped Mu En with a ferocious look:

"Then as His Highness's teacher, I will avenge him first!"

The situation became uncontrollable again. No one expected that Hertz would dare to attack Mu En in the academy in full view of everyone.

It seemed that he was really furious because of the death of his student. He had completely lost his mind and just wanted to kill the murderer who killed his student with his own hands.

"How dare you!"

Suddenly, a terrifying pressure fell from the sky, and the air on the entire ring seemed to be completely condensed into a solid state. Everyone was trapped in this icy air and couldn't move.

A silver-white figure descended from the sky, glancing coldly at Hertz:

"Where do you think this place is, allowing you to do whatever you want?"

"I'm just avenging my student!"

Hertz was still roaring:

"Your Majesty, are you going to protect this murderer? Do you know the consequences of doing so? Or... is this what your empire meant? You are afraid of your highness's talent and want to strangle him before..."

"Shut up!"

The chill was biting, and the snow-white frost instantly condensed on the ring. Cecilia's hair was flying. Although she was not wearing gorgeous clothes, it was enough to make everyone kneel down.

"I will find out the truth, and the empire will give you an explanation, but before that, you have no right to mess around!"


Hertz's old face froze, and under Cecilia's power, his body suddenly hunched down, and he kept muttering something in his mouth, just like an old man who was extremely heartbroken because of the death of his student.

This made many people unconsciously think that he was the real, oppressed, powerless and helpless poor man.

Cecilia didn't care how pitiful Hertz was now. She turned her head to look at Mu En, and her expression softened a little:

"What happened?"

"I don't know the details. When we fought in the first round, Milne lost all his fighting power and hit my knife directly, so he was injured, but this level of injury is definitely not fatal for a genius who is both magic and martial arts."

Mu En paused: "According to my observation, he was poisoned before fighting me."


"Yes, poison."

The black flames in Mu En's eyes surged again. In the spiritual perspective given by the dark flames, he could still see the black spots wandering in Milne's body.

"The poison took effect very quickly. When I noticed it, it was already too late. The referee can actually testify to this. On the contrary, Mr. Hertz jumped so fast, as if he knew something..."

Mu En looked up and looked at Hertz.


Then he was stunned.

Because in Hei Yan's perspective, the Hertz in front of him at this moment... was not Hertz.

"No... Cecilia!" Mu En shouted quickly.

And Cecilia also reacted quickly and tacitly. At the moment Mu En shouted, the sacred stream of light, wrapped in a dazzling crown, fell from the sky.

The emperor's authority was once again condensed here. Cecilia stretched out her jade hand, pointed it at Milne, and suddenly shook it.



There was no sense of flesh and blood. Instead, at the moment Cecilia shook it, fine lines like broken porcelain appeared on Hertz's body.

This is...

"Alchemical puppet!"

Dean Hathaway, who came with Cecilia, pushed his glasses and said in a deep voice:

"Hertz has not made a breakthrough in the realm for 20 years. I thought he had completely given up and turned to studying the road of power. I didn't expect... He has been studying puppets in secret, and he has already reached this level!"

Being able to pass off the fake as the real in public, this accomplishment is already very terrifying.

The most terrifying thing is that he had never shown it before.

"This level can't be hidden from the real crowned person. After all, he still got a loophole!"

Cecilia crushed the puppet completely, her face gloomy:

"With this puppet, he can't kill Muen Campbell. That is to say, he is just pretending to lure us here through this means...Then the question is, the puppet is here, so where is the real Hertz?"



"Everyone, it's time to test us."

On a certain inconspicuous street in Belland, Hertz said to the messenger who followed him. The members of the group preached loudly:

"The Empire acted so despicably that it killed our most outstanding genius in order to prevent the growth of the Kingdom. How infuriating it is!"

"Old... teacher."

Sever looked at Hertz with a pale face and asked in a trembling voice: "Cousin... is he really dead?"

"I know you are sad, Sever... but this is the fact. I think the news has spread. I'm sorry, I vaguely sensed the Empire's improper movements, but I still failed to protect Milne." Hertz looked sad.

"I..." Sever staggered, not knowing what to say, and even not knowing whether he should believe it.

And Hertz no longer had time to care about his other disciple, but faced the already excited crowd and said loudly:

"Everyone, the kingdom has been oppressed by the empire for a long time. We have endured it, but in return, the empire has become more and more vicious... They have done this, which means they have completely ignored us and the kingdom!"

For a long time, there have been continuous conflicts between the empire and the kingdom around some border areas.

Especially since the kingdom has always been at a disadvantage, many people in the kingdom have been holding a grudge in their hearts.

Therefore, Hertz's words quickly aroused everyone's anger.


When Hertz saw that the fire was burning vigorously enough, he suddenly pointed to an ordinary building behind him:

"According to the report from the empire's internal affairs, the empire's highest intelligence agency is hidden under here! Everyone, it's time to serve the kingdom! As long as we can break through here, we can completely grasp the weaknesses of the entire empire!"

"For the kingdom!" Everyone shouted excitedly.


Hertz's skinny face flushed red, and he raised his fist to everyone like a fighting cock and said:

"Everything for the kingdom!"

48. Leader

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