Speaking of this, Noel's cheeks couldn't help but blush a little, and he muttered: "Why would the young master wear such shameless clothes? Did he learn bad things outside?"

"The young master left?"

An couldn't help but widen his eyes, and then said angrily: "Then why didn't you stop him!"

"He is the young master, how can we stop him."

Noel said with a bitter face: "And the young master said he was going to school, and we have no reason to stop him."

"Is... is it?"

An lay back on the bed dejectedly.

You are right, if the young master really wants to leave, how can an ordinary maid stop him?

"Then... then I will withdraw first, head maid, you take a rest first."

Noel bowed and hurriedly left.

I always feel that the head maid is weird, so it's better to slip away first.


After Noel left.

An got up alone and walked to the window.

Looking at the scenery outside the window.

In the manor, the maids were busy trimming the green plants, trimming them into various pleasing images.

But even so, An still felt that this huge Duke's Mansion suddenly became deserted.

"You actually ran away, Master."

"And it happened to be the St. Mary's College, which is forbidden to outsiders. You are so cunning, Master."

An leaned her head against the window and looked far away.

Unfortunately, she could no longer see the person she wanted to see.

"I will not give up."

An put her fingers on the glass and grabbed it fiercely.

The sound was harsh, and her fingers left hideous marks on the glass.

"No matter where you run to, Master, I will bring you back, and then...

Stay with me forever and ever, and never separate again."

This strong obsession emerged in An's eyes, just like before.


An slowly squatted down.

In the gap where the hair fell, the dignified and delicate face became as red as a ripe apple.

That was the shyness and troubles of a girl.

There was no more darkness flowing, only the clear beauty of a spring.

"I can't seem to hurt the young master now, what should I do?"



I love you, young master.



[Jealousy process: 100%]

[Fixed process reached, fate interference has been enabled]

[Partial memory fuzzy processing has been completed]


[Please continue to struggle, Muen Campbell]



(End of this volume)

PS: This volume is finally over, congratulations, congratulations.

Maybe some smart and handsome readers asked, why is it handled like this here, let Muen and An be affectionate in the Duke's Mansion?

Of course it's good, but that will inevitably enter An's single pure love line.

And this is a harem novel.

I know that many readers like to read this, but we can't let Muen stay in the Duke's Mansion or really let him go back to the countryside to farm, we have to let him come out.

Only by coming out can the plot develop and meet more beautiful girls.

An's role will not be small, she is one of the heroines.

And I also want An to retain a proper yandere, that way it will be more adorable, right?

The next volume will still be exciting.

Thanks again.

See you later.

1. The Return of the Crooked Dragon King

"Saint Mary College, I'm back again."

In the low-key black carriage, Ariel Bugard lifted a corner of the curtain, looked over the gate guarded by the huge statue, and looked at the solemn building hidden in the depths not far away.

Saint Mary College.

One of the top universities in the empire, with extremely large faculty and teaching resources, is a holy place for countless students to study.

There is a saying about Saint Mary College: Even if a toad walks in here, it will transform into an elegant and noble white swan when it graduates.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration, but it can also highlight the strength of this college from the side.

"Has it been a whole year?"

A sigh appeared in Ariel's eyes.

A year ago, after her mother died of illness, she was taken back by her father, who was a count, and she changed from a commoner to the third daughter of Count Bugard.

However, becoming the third daughter of the count did not make her situation better. On the contrary, her identity as an illegitimate daughter made her despised and targeted by those self-proclaimed "pure-blood" nobles in the academy.

Among them, Muen Campbell was the most hateful!

He kept finding faults and tripping her up. Almost every time they met, he would mock her as a "dirty servant with lowly blood".

And the most hateful thing was that he was actually the fiancé of Princess Cecilia!

How could he be worthy!

Cecilia was so cold and noble, so charming and beautiful, and the position of the Lord of the Crystal Palace was reserved for her early on.

How could he, Muen Campbell, be worthy!

Damn it! If he hadn't been carrying the aura of a duke's son, I would have shaken his brain full of tofu dregs and kicked him into a cripple to prevent him from jumping around and polluting the environment.

Fortunately, even if I didn't kick him, Moon Campbell was still a cripple.

He was arrogant, uneducated, and arrogant.

It was said that he only learned the magic of illumination in a whole school year, which made Professor Plan of the magic department so angry that he didn't sleep well for three days.

Ariel found it funny every time she saw him desperately trying to get close to Celecia by relying on his status as fiancé.

Just do it, don't you see the disgust in Celcia's eyes?

The most annoying thing for a cold-blooded person like her is when someone sticks to her like candy.

"If you want to conquer Celicia, you have to work hard to improve yourself like me, and then slowly take advantage of it."

Ariel twisted her mouth and couldn't help showing her signature uninhibited smile.

"In this year, not only has my strength improved rapidly, from an ordinary person who has never even seen magic, to now I have the strength to rank first in the entire grade.

In just two months of vacation, I defeated my two stupid brothers and truly obtained the status of the earl's heir.

I think even Celcia can't help but care about me.

Now is the time. In the name of asking Celecia for swordsmanship, you can get close to her, make casual remarks, and then increase your favorability.

As time goes by, humph, Celcia will be mine sooner or later! "

Ariel clenched her fists and couldn't help but cheer a little for her perfect plan.

Ariel adjusted the tie of her college uniform, stepped out of the carriage, and then walked into the gate of the college with anticipation and excitement.

"Hey, isn't this the dirty servant with low blood? I said why the air in the academy smells bad. It turns out you are here."

Unfortunately, the happy mood did not last long, and was shattered by some blind idiots.

Ariel raised her eyes and looked at the noble princes blocking the road, her eyes slightly cold:

"Eamon, have you been instructed by your master to come over and bark again?"

As the son of a duke, Moon Campbell has already gained notoriety and few people are willing to have anything to do with him, but there are always wild dogs who covet power and are willing to be his followers and be driven by him.

The Eamon in front of him was the one who screamed the most happily under Moon Campbell's seat.

"Barking? I don't like that word."

Eamon walked up to Ariel, looked down at her with his height, and sneered:

"Ariel Boogard, after all, she was raised by a pariah. She really has no education at all. Is this how you talk to your senior?"

"Talking like humans to people, talking like shit to dogs, being considerate and friendly, and treating others equally have always been my life creeds."

Hearing the word "untouchable", Ariel's eyes flashed with a chill, and she said, "Senior, do you have anything else to do? If not, please get out of the way, okay? I'm not as free as you, and I have time to do such meaningless things. "

"Huh, since you said so, I won't hide it anymore."

Eamonn took off one of his gloves and threw it in front of Ariel with a snap.

"I challenge you, Ariel Boogard!"


Ariel was stunned.

Come again?

How many times have you guys challenged me?

There were probably three times last semester.

Did they really come up one by one?

"Hmph, we were careless when we sent that idiot Gru last time. We underestimated you and didn't expect you to break through in the middle of the battle.

But this time is different, this time I will meet you personally! I will definitely let you taste the humiliation of defeat and then be laughed at by the entire academy! "Eamonn said fiercely.

No, if you beat me as a fourth grader and beat me as a second grader, I won’t be laughed at even if I lose.

On the contrary, you took the initiative to challenge me. Don't you feel embarrassed?

Ariel couldn't complain.

She really felt that these people had been following Moon Campbell for a long time and were full of dregs in their heads.

"here we go again."

"Ariel is so pitiful. She is always pestered by these people."

"Oh, why hasn't anyone punished that damn Campbell yet?"

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