"So, be happy, Master."

"Prove to me that love can bring good things."

76. Whisper of Cupid (End)

The afterglow of the setting sun stretches the shadows very long.

In the small fishing village that was almost in ruins, Mu En held An Ning's shovel, found a spot with the best sunshine, and dug fresh soil with shovel after shovel.

A pit was quickly formed, only about half a meter deep, and Mu En stopped.

Because it's enough.

He stepped aside and An stepped forward, holding Eluka's head in his hands.

Eluka's eyes were closed tightly, as if she was sleeping deeply.

At the corners of her mouth, there was a slight arc.

She seemed to have received a satisfactory answer, so she left without much regret.

An gently put her head into the pit, and then covered it with soil one handful at a time with her hands.

Mu En did not help this time, but leaned on the shovel and looked at the sunset in the distance while listening to An's whispers.

"I'm sorry, I can't find anyone to be buried with you."

An lowered her eyelids, looking a little sad.

When the Evil God came in person, all flesh and blood turned into food in His mouth, not even a single residue was left.

In the end, An could only take Eluka back to this deserted small fishing village for burial.

It’s kind of like going home.

The beautiful head is gradually covered with soil.

An covered the small tomb with the last handful of earth, and then with a thought, a metal tombstone stood on top of the tomb.

An stretched out her hand and wanted to write something on it, but after hesitating for a long time, she couldn't even write a word.

Writing about Eluka's Tomb? It felt so lonely.

Write the name of this small fishing village? But under the grave, there was nothing but the girl's head.

"forget it."

Mu En looked at the sunset and said softly:

"Tragedy doesn't need to be remembered."


An looked a little confused and took back his hand.

"Then just listen to the young master."

The quiet fishing village now has no smell of fireworks.

An stared at the blank tombstone for a long, long time, as if thinking seriously about something.

It wasn't until she was convinced that she couldn't get the answer to the question at all that she asked cautiously with a hint of apprehension:



"am I wrong?"

"Wrong? What do you mean?"

"Referring to my love."

Love is possession.

Love is everything you get from the person you love.

Love is being with the one you love forever.

Love justifies the means.

Not long ago, I understood this.

This is love

What a beautiful love!

However, when he saw Eluka's monster look during the day, desperate to devour the one she loved, An felt as if she was looking into a mirror.

My reflection in the mirror, like that monster, whispers love, so ugly.

One can't help but wonder, is that disgusting thing really love?

"Master, is my love wrong?"


Mu En nodded, then shook his head.

"Or maybe you just mistook possessiveness for love."


“The desire that arises from a crazy desire to own something.”

Mu En said:

"Possessiveness is mostly derived from love and is very similar to love. Although there are essential differences between the two, they are easily confused."

"Young master, you mean that I confused possessiveness with love...?"

"I don't know either."

Mu En said softly:

"Everyone has different thoughts in their heart. Only you can know whether what is hidden in your heart is love or possessiveness."

"But it happens to be myself, the hardest one to distinguish."

An smiled self-deprecatingly.

An turned to look at Mu En's profile. That handsome face, silhouetted against the sunset, outlined lines that made people blush and make their hearts beat. People couldn't help but want to hug that face into their arms.

At this moment, is it love or possessiveness that is in your heart?

"Love, what is it?"

This was originally the simplest problem for An, but suddenly overnight, it became the biggest problem in the world.

But maybe if I change my perspective, I can understand it.

Thinking of this, An couldn't help but feel a little shy.

"Master, I remember what you said before."

"Well, what did you say?"

"I said..."

An Wei blushed and said softly:

"You can date me as a normal couple."

"I think I've said that before."

Mu En suddenly remembered that those were the words he said in order to stabilize An when he was in prison.

But why did An suddenly mention this?

Mu En frowned slightly, realizing that things were not simple.

"Since the young master said that, can we start over?"

"Starting over means..."

"Just like ordinary people, becoming an ordinary couple."



Even giving birth to children.

Use this to explore what true love is.

"I see, I probably understand what you mean."

Mu En nodded, as if his eyes were dazzled by the setting sun, and he took a few steps back without leaving a trace.

"But just in case, I still have to ask -

Are you going to take me back to the Duke's Palace next? "

"Of course."

An nodded vigorously and said shyly:

"I also grew up in the Duke's Mansion since I was a child. It is also my only home... Of course, I am not trying to become the mistress of the Duke's Mansion. I will still serve the young master as a close-fitting maid, but while serving the young master, can I..."

The girl turned back shyly, her slightly red face full of beautiful expectations for the future.

Running a love nest for two people in the Duke's Mansion with the young master, doing this and that kind of embarrassing things, maybe even having a dozen or twenty children, just thinking about it makes people...


An heard the whistling wind.

The moment he turned back, An saw the young master's cold face, and——

The shovel.

There was no time to make other reactions. With a muffled sound, An only showed a trace of surprise, and then his eyes went black and he fell to the ground.

"Hmph, bad woman."

Looking at An who had fainted on the ground, Mu En's mouth twisted and he smiled evilly:

"You actually wanted to trick me into going back to the Duke's Mansion to play imprisonment play, am I so easy to fool?"

"How could a Saint Seiya fall twice in the same place!"

"The Duke's Mansion? Not even a dog would go back!"

The darkening sky reflected the man's arrogant laughter.

A pair of loving water birds hid in the grass by the lake and cast a glance at the man standing alone in the cold wind.

With pity.



"Here is..."

An woke up from his coma and saw the familiar ceiling.

"Maid, you're awake."

The girl waiting by the bed leaned down in surprise:

"How do you feel? Is there anything wrong with your body?"


Looking at the girl in front of him who was also wearing a maid outfit, An's eyes showed a trace of confusion.

"Why are you here? And...by the way, where is the young master?"

An sat up suddenly and looked around, "Where is the young master?"

"This is the Duke's Mansion, of course I am here."

Noel blinked and said hesitantly:

"As for the young master...after he brought you, the head maid, back, he changed his clothes and left in a hurry."

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