When I heard this name, I felt so angry that I wanted to take a kitchen knife and kill from Renmin Street to Central Avenue to temporarily vent my anger.

Is there any way out? Waiting online, very urgent.


When Mu En was doubting his life, An suddenly rushed over and hugged him regardless of everything.

The soft touch covered Mu En, and he could even feel An's delicate body trembling slightly.

There was a lingering fear.

Almost, she would not be able to see the master.

Even if she was determined to always maintain the elegance of a perfect maid, but at this time...

It's okay to be weak for a while.

"Okay, okay, now is not the time to talk about these things."

Mu En patted An's shoulder, "You have more important things to do."

"More important things?"

An looked confused.

Is there anything more important than hugging the master now?

"Look at this..."

Mu En motioned An to get up and sit down, and then showed her what he was holding in his hand.

Eluka's head.

All the twists and turns on that cute face have disappeared.

It was as if she was sleeping peacefully.

But at this moment, Eluka's fine eyelashes suddenly moved.

"Could it be..." An couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Yes, Eluka is still alive."

Mu En nodded.

The will of the evil god could not descend on a dead object.

So even if there was only a head left, the power of the evil god could maintain her life by accident.

However, this unexpected gift from heaven could not last too long.


"Hurry up."

Mu En said softly.


"Ah, Master."

Eluka opened her eyes and looked at An who was approaching.

"Is everything... over?"

"Yes, it's all over."

An responded.

However, after a brief answer, looking at Eluka, An didn't know what to say.

Suddenly remembered that they had never had a good chat at all.

So, after a short silence, An asked a little stiffly:

"Well... that, Eluka, are you okay? How do you feel?"

"I feel... a little pain in my body."

Eluka seemed to be staring at nothingness, and said softly:

"Especially my chest, it hurts so much."


An looked at Eluka, who only had a head left, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Falling into silence again.

Just when Mu En couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to remind An to pay attention to the time anxiously.

Eluka suddenly said: "I'm sorry, Master, I lied to you."

"What do you mean by lying to me?"

"In fact, I was contaminated by the evil god, and it had nothing to do with Master. I lied to Master at that time just because I didn't want Master to leave me."


An breathed heavily for a while.

Then he smiled:

"It doesn't matter, I don't care, anyway, I didn't save you for this reason."


Tears slid from the corners of Eluka's eyes.

There was finally some spirit in her eyes.

"In fact, I have had a certain connection with the gods... with that evil god since a long time ago, using the flesh and blood of monsters in exchange for some insignificant help."

"After all, Ade is too good. If I don't use some means, I can't catch up with him at all."

"And during this period of time, the evil god did not show any abnormality."

"Until that day, after talking with the master, I mustered up the courage and confessed to Ade."


An said softly: "Speaking of which, I haven't asked you the result yet.


After all, it has become like this now.

"No, it succeeded."

Aluka's mouth corners outlined a sweet smile: "I succeeded, Master."

"Success? Then why?"

"Because, that night, Ade said that he liked me too."

"But...he said he couldn't be with me."


An was puzzled.

"How can two people who love each other not be together?"


Aluka said softly:

"Tia is pregnant with his child."


An's breathing stagnated.

"Ade said that he actually has always liked me, and has liked me for a long time, but he has never dared to confess.

Then, when he was drinking to drown his sorrows, he had sex with Tia who came to comfort him, and then naturally, Tia became pregnant with his child.

It's a cliché story, right, but it happened just like that.

Ade is a responsible and good man, so he will not abandon Tia.

Naturally, he will never accept my confession again."

Eluka looked sad.

Compared to not being able to get what you want, what you can easily get, but it passed away from your fingertips.

This regret can breed more darkness in your heart.

"...Don't you have any doubts?"

An couldn't help asking.

After all, the probability of getting pregnant the first time is very small, and it is hard not to imagine that it was done on purpose.

"I doubted it."

Eluka replied:

"So I made a wish to that evil god, I want to know if Tia is really pregnant."

"So, when I woke up, I was covered in blood and had cut open Tia's stomach."

"...Is that so?"

An recalled the girl whose stomach was cut open.

"The result is..."

"It's fake."

Eluka cried softly:

"The so-called pregnancy is all fake, just a trick used by Tia to monopolize Ade.

She used a little disguise magic to confuse Ade and make Ade believe it.

But no matter how powerful the disguise magic is, it can't disguise the truth.

There is no child in her belly."

"Master, the so-called love is so fragile, so fragile that a lie can easily break up two people who should be in love."

"I exposed the lie, but there is no turning back."

"Because, Ade saw it."

"He saw...I cut open Tia's belly with my own hands."

"How could Ade be with a cruel woman like me? He even thought that I was controlled by the evil god and wanted to subdue me."



"So, I made a second wish again."

"I want Ade to accept my love."

Since then, everything is irreversible.

“Master, I regret it so much.”

At the end of this conversation in which almost only one person was talking, Eluka looked into An’s eyes and smiled sadly for the first time.

“If only I could have met Master earlier.”

“If only I could have mustered up the courage to confess to Ade earlier.”

“Perhaps, this tragic ending could have been changed.”

“Unfortunately, there is no if.”

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