The palm grabbed Mu En, and then the five fingers... gradually tightened!


Mu En felt his skin touching the palm, and the burning fingerprints were gradually imprinted on his flesh and blood, like some strange totem.

Intense pain and crazy muttering filled his mind, and then burst out the terrifying desire to destroy the world.


It hurts too much.

It hurts so much that it is unbearable.

But this time, even the black book can't help Mu En, he can only rely on himself.


"What the hell is this?"

An looked at the head of Eluka approaching in front of her, and a trace of despair appeared in her eyes.

She had never been so powerless. The gift of the gods made her naturally enter the ranks of the strong from the moment her ability awakened.

However, facing this unspeakable existence in front of her, the ability she had always relied on lost its previous invincible effect for the first time.

She couldn't move, and could only watch herself... go to death.

The holy wings spread out, and a misty hymn sounded.

The sight in the dark eyes revealed a trace of greed, and Eluka's head opened its mouth again.

This time, a terrifying suction burst out, gradually peeling something off An's body.

Her soul was also taken with it.

"Is this where I can go?"

"What a pity, there are some things I haven't said to the young master yet."

"Sure enough, I'm an incompetent maid."

Tried every struggle.

An knew that she had no other way, so she could only close her eyes.

Waiting for death to come.

"Hey, An."

But at this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

It was like an illusion, hazy and dim.

But when she heard that voice, no matter when, no matter where, even if there was a terrifying evil god blocking her in front of her, An would open her eyes and look over regardless of everything.

Because that was the young master's voice.

"Didn't I tell you to stand up straight?"

At some point, Mu En had gotten rid of the invisible shackles and came behind Eluka's head controlled by the evil god.

He said to An seriously:

"My personal maid will not give up just because of this."

An stared at Mu En blankly.

Suddenly, her nose felt sore again.

But this time she held it back.

She would not cry again.

Because the young master did not like her embarrassed look.

Then she must be elegant and strong at all times!

Even when facing death!

"That's right."

Looking at the strong An, Mu En smiled.

Then he suddenly turned his head, like a cute girl hugged from behind, tilting his head and looking at his lover intimately.

Mu En looked at Eluka, no, it should be looking at the terrifying will hidden in Eluka's dark eyes.

His expression suddenly became ferocious!

"Hey, you bastard evil god, it looks like you're going to do something bad to my maid."

Mu En leaned close to Eluka's ear and whispered:

"If you want to play games, why don't I play with you? I have something to give you."

Mu En grabbed his hand on the holy wings.

There were strange burning marks flowing on his arm skin.

Like fingerprints.

It was extremely hot.

The next moment, Mu En clenched the wings and tore them hard.

The wings that even steel couldn't hurt were torn off by him!

It was as easy as tearing off two pieces of paper.


Eluka roared angrily, and the will in her dark eyes stared at Mu En coldly, and the terrible malice surged like a wave.

How dare a mere human blaspheme the gods!

"Hey, you seem very unconvinced?"

After tearing off the wings, Mu En suddenly stretched out his hand and tightly held Eluka's cheek.

Looking at Him.

The will in the dark eyes was stunned for a moment, and then sneered.

A mere human dares to look directly at me?

Look at me...



Something is wrong!

In Mu En's eyes, there was also fire burning, and through the red flames, there was also a terrifying existence, casting a majestic gaze above the infinite red sky.

The gazes collided with each other.

In a trance, Mu En heard a disdainful sneer.

[The impure god who pretends to be pretentious]

There was actually a light in Eluka's dark eyes.

It was like someone lit a spark in the dark night.

And this spark can burn the entire darkness.


Eluka screamed, and indistinguishable syllables kept leaking out of her mouth, like the roar of a beast at the end of its rope.

She kept struggling, trying to get rid of Mu En's gaze.

But Mu En's hands were like iron clamps, firmly fixing Eluka's head.

"Why, don't you like love very much?"

Mu En roared:

"Come and feel my love, this is the gift I give you, this is my love, you bastard evil god!"

"Accept my love!"

Red flames kept burning on Mu En's skin, and then like lava, they flowed into the deep darkness along Eluka's mouth and nose.

The darkness was burned by the flames, as if it encountered a natural enemy, and it kept shrinking.

And the will hidden in the darkness finally revealed a trace of fear.

And retreat.

Can the evil god also be afraid?

Don't be a coward, bastard.

Come and fight me head-on!

Mu En grinned.

Whoever is a coward is a grandson!

At this moment, Mu En felt that the dark eyes moved.

The will in the darkness forcibly cut off the eye contact with the King of Withering, and turned its gaze to Mu En.

Eluka's lips moved, and she actually made a human voice.

"It turns out... it's just... the withering that restrains me..."

"But, He can't always keep his eyes on a mere human."

The words were intermittent, like a babbling baby.

But not long after, the sentence became fluent.

It seems that for that existence, learning human language is just a matter of a few words.


In the moment before the darkness dissipated, the will stared at Mu En and said in a cold tone:

"I remember you."

"Mu En, Campbell."


Mu En was stunned.

Then his expression suddenly became terrified.

"Wait, Lord God, what did you say?"

"Remember me? I'm just a human being, how can you remember me?"

"I was just joking just now, please treat me as a fart and let me go?"

"Actually, my name is **Li'er, not Mu En, you recognized the wrong person!"

"I'm scared, please let me go!"

"Qiu Ni Gao, don't look at me!"

Mu En's plea echoed, but no god listened.

75. The Whisper of the God of Love (Part 15)

"Ah, it's over."

Mu En held the head of Eluka, who had lost all her magical powers, lowered his head, and murmured with lifeless eyes.

Like a salted fish, he seemed to have lost all hope of life.

After gaining power from a seemingly powerful evil god, he is now targeted by another old evil god.

He even remembered his name, including his full name!

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