The black book flipped quickly, and past records emerged one by one, and finally stopped at a record that Mu En had almost forgotten a long time ago.

And that record recorded the name of the existence in front of him.

The God of Melting the World.

The Lord of the Red Sun.

The King of Withering.

In short,

another evil god.

He had briefly appeared in the assassin's prayer, exchanging power with him with a hundred parts of the heart blood of a child, and the red flame he bestowed could even suppress the wind and snow of Celia!

And now, he was standing in front of this evil god!

Mu En was shocked by this fucking reality, and his eyes went black. He grabbed the black book and shook it like crazy, grinning:

"I asked you to tell me how to save An, not to ask you to find me another evil god!

What, you still want to drive the tiger to devour the wolf and then we will reap the benefits. Do you believe that before the tiger is attracted, I will have a cardiac arrest and scare you to death!"

The black book naturally would not answer.

But it seemed that he was startled by Mu En's movement. The great King of Withering finally discovered Mu En, the uninvited guest. So, his pupils turned, and his ferocious pupils stared at this insignificant ant.

The moment he was stared at, countless crazy thoughts, like a school of fish attracted by food, kept pouring into Mu En's mind.

It's so hot...

It's so hot...

I want to burn something...

I want to let the world fall into a sea of ​​fire...

I want to go crazy...

"Hua La La..."

The sound of pages turning sounded, like a cool breeze, blowing away the heat.

Mu En regained his sanity.

But before he could be happy, Mu En looked at the black book in even more horror.

You look up.

I can't stand it when I look at you, how can you let me play?

It seems that Mu En can still maintain his sanity, and a hint of surprise appears in his ferocious pupils.

But it is also very insignificant.

It's just like finding a bigger ant at home.


On this eternally boring red earth,

Even if it is just a tiny ant, it seems to be enough to arouse the interest of the King of Withering?


It was like countless huge bells were ringing at the same time, and the majestic but strange sound echoed.

Those sounds kept flowing, interweaving, and changing on the red earth, and finally turned into a familiar language in Mu En's ears.

Human language.


The King of Withering said majestically.

[Do you want power?]


Mu En was surprised.

He opened his mouth subconsciously, almost enough to fit a goose egg.

He didn't hear it wrong.

The high and mighty evil god actually took the initiative to talk to him?

For a moment, Mu En actually felt flattered by his idol's gentle talk.

He is so gentle and I love him so much.

Ah, no, the evil god took the initiative to ask you if you want power, no matter how you look at it, it must be the development of some bad plot!

I am naked all over, but I have nothing to pay the price, I can't be so cruel ass!

Eluka's experience is still there!

"Is this your way of saving?"

Mu En looked at the black book, and always felt that it was unreliable.

"Is it okay, sir? Although I know that only magic can defeat magic, what's the point of driving away an evil god, only to have another evil god take over?"

Won't An be eaten?

The black book trembled slightly, as if answering.

Unfortunately, Mu En didn't understand it at all.

So it suddenly floated up.

The pages turned, and one page actually broke away and floated towards the hideous pupil.

Finally, it floated in front of the throne of the Withered King.

The Withered King seemed to be curious about what chips a human could come up with, and cast his eyes towards the page.

Then the next moment, that curiosity turned into... disgust.

That's right, it was disgust, just like an honest man who was often fleeced, and saw that damn old debtor coming over with an IOU that he would never cash.

Good brother, lend me some.

Oh, it's not like I won't pay it back.

Why are you so stingy?

I will pay it back when I have it.

Definitely, I will use the IOU as proof.

In Mu En's guess, the King of Withering probably saw this level of deadbeat, and his disgusted eyes were so real and humane.

Mu En had a feeling that the King of Withering would wave his countless swinging little hands and throw a big bag at him in the next moment.

Fortunately, he didn't throw a big bag at him, nor did he get angry and throw the black book directly, and by the way, crushed the little ant that ran to his home to play in the wild.

Instead, it seemed like he was thinking about something.

The King of Withering was thinking.

But it didn't take long, just a moment later.

A skinny hand suddenly stretched out from the void and grabbed the page of the book.

The majestic voice sounded again.

[Exchange Completed]

The King of Withering looked at Mu En.

[I can lend you power for free]


A hint of teasing suddenly appeared above the ferocious pupils.

The King of Withering penetrated Mu En's body, as if he saw through everything about Mu En.

Including his soul, there was no secret at all.

[Do you really want to accept it?]

[Accept the power of me, the evil god in the mouth of humans]


Mu En fell silent.

The power to change everything was right in front of him, but he hesitated.

He had to hesitate.

He wanted to live, and he wanted to be happy.

This was the small goal he set for himself after crossing over.


The evil gods were the source of the greatest misfortune in the world.

It was hard to have a good ending if you were to get involved with them.

He would gain the power of the evil gods, even if he didn't have to pay a price for the time being because of the black book.

But the cause and effect between him and the evil gods would be completely unbreakable.

The mark of the evil gods would be left on his body.

It was something that was like fate and difficult to get rid of easily.

He might miss the word "happiness" completely.

Even "living" would be more difficult than he imagined.


"But do I have any choice?"

Mu En said with a chuckle.

74. The Whisper of the God of Love (Part 14)

"But do I have any choice?"

Mu En suddenly smiled freely.

"There is a maid outside with big breasts, long legs and a good figure. She likes to wear black stockings. She is crying and waiting for me to save her."

"The last woman who cried and begged me was my mother who forced me to go out and find a girlfriend in my previous life."

"So, come on, King of Withering."

Mu En opened his arms:

"At this time, I am not afraid of a mere evil god."


The King of Withering sneered disdainfully.

It was as if he was mocking the ants' overestimation of their own abilities.

However, even if it is just an ant, if it can bring a wonderful performance, it is worth my stopping to watch, right?


As you wish.

The endless red soil suddenly shook.

A huge skinny palm slowly stretched out from in front of Mu En.

The palm was charred, as if it had been burned by flames.

And under the charcoal-like black skin, Mu En felt the scorching heat that seemed to burn the world to ashes!

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