How can there be such hard feathers!

In this case...


If I can't cut it myself, I'll call for foreign help!

Steel screams!

The metal thorn forest bypassed Mu En and stabbed at Eluka's head from other directions.





But the next moment, there were just more collisions.

Steel makes it difficult to get close to Eluka.

Because a pair of pure white wings suddenly stretched out from behind Eluka's head and bounced off all the metal blades.

The wings are holy and free from dust.

It was like an angel descending to the mortal world, and the golden light flashed so hard that people could hardly open their eyes.


This pair of awesome-looking wings grows on the back of one head, so it’s so fucking evil, okay?

What about the body? Why don't you get your body back?

You look like this, although you look very powerful, but you cannot be admired at all!

Please return my little monster to me, it will still be cuter after a while!

"What the hell is this..."

As Mu En complained, she tried to recall the description in the original book in her mind. She must at least know what the enemy is, right?


No, those angels in the Church of Life don’t look so weird.


However, due to the characteristic of the evil god becoming a shark when he goes crazy, he has no followers other than some crazy cultists.

Moreover, it is necessary to use Eluka's head to show that the other party has no entity.

Just when he was wondering, the river of blood drained away, and Mu En suddenly felt a line of sight.

The sight from those dark eyes.

Suddenly, there was a sudden chill.

His body felt like it was frozen by ice, and Mu En felt it was difficult to breathe.

It was as if the ants crawling on the ground were being watched by a great being from above.

I can't help but tremble at my own insignificance.

"No way……"

The most terrifying idea gradually emerged from Mu En's mind.

"Are you kidding..."

"Didn't I just call you a bastard? Why are you so angry?"

"Actually... came in person?"

Although it may only be one thousandth, one ten thousandth of the will penetration.

But that line of sight undoubtedly comes from a higher level of life, and it is definitely not something that can be solved by oneself.

So Mu En showed his long-hidden ultimate move without hesitation.

——"Black Book save me!"

I don’t know if it’s useful, but anyway, just shout like this first!


At this moment, the river of blood dried up, and Eluka's head... no, it should be said that the evil god opened his mouth slightly, and ancient syllables leaked out.

It is an incomprehensible language, but when it comes to the world, it is like giving an order to the entire world!

For a moment, everything stopped.

Not only Mu En, but the metals that collided with him, and even An in the distance, were still in mid-air, unable to move.

Consciousness is still clear.

It's like being turned into a doll.

Mu En could only show a look of horror.

Then, he saw the evil god's malicious, almost suffocating gaze, passing over him as if sweeping away insignificant dust, and transferred to An.


Then greedy,

Such human emotions were revealed from those dark eyes.

"Could it be that…"

"The evil god's goal..."

"Is it Ann?"

In an instant, Mu En understood the reason why the evil god would personally come down with a will at great cost.

God's favored one.

Have the blessing of the gods.

And those blessings are, in a sense, a partial manifestation of the divine authority.

To the evil god, the authority of other gods is the most delicious feast in the world!

"Why did you forget it?"

"In the original book, the protagonist has too many blessings from the gods, so he attracts the attention of evil gods every day. Basically, he always attracts the attention of evil gods wherever he goes."

"In this case, An Ye, who is also the favored one of the gods..."

"That's why Eluka is so obsessed with her."

"Damn it, I knew I shouldn't let An Lai get involved in this matter!"

Mu En stared with tears in his eyes, watching the evil god gradually float towards An.

An's expression also showed a hint of panic, but she could do nothing.

Under the personal suppression of the evil god's will, she seemed to have turned into a little white rabbit waiting to be slaughtered, unable to even use her abilities.

So powerless.

She will be eaten by the evil god!


Gotta find a way.

Move quickly.

To stop that damn bastard evil god.

How could he let him touch his maid! !


Like a sudden breeze blowing.

A faint sigh sounded in Mu En's ears.

Mu En's eyes darkened.

But he was not unconscious.

"This is... the black book space?"

Mu En looked around. This pure black environment was undoubtedly the black book space he was familiar with.

But this time he didn't take the initiative to enter here.

"That brought me in?"

Mu En looked at the black book floating in front of him and asked directly without having time to think about anything else:

"Do you have a way to save An?"

The black book shook slightly, then turned the pages.

The pages of the book turn, like a fleeting glimpse of light.

Finally, it stays on a blank page.

However, before Mu En had time to ask, a flame suddenly ignited on the blank page.

Red flame.

It looked familiar.

Before he could think of anything else, the red flame suddenly formed a strange pattern.

A... burning hideous pupil.

"This is..."

Mu En frowned slightly. The light of the flame was not very dazzling, but looking at the hideous pupil, he felt his eyes stinging.

It always felt that it was not a good thing.


There was no other way.

"This method can save An, right?"

Mu En reached out and grabbed the strange pattern.

"Then there is nothing to hesitate about."

73. The Whisper of the God of Love (Part 13)

"This is..."

As if his soul was pulled to do the thrill of a roller coaster ten times, Mu En found that he had come to a strange space.

He looked up and looked around.

Endless red soil spread to the distance that could not be seen.

The dried plants that were dried out of water were scattered like the top of a middle-aged programmer's head.

Other than that, there was no life.

The hot wind brought a disgusting bloody smell, and it stung the skin like a knife.

And in the sky, in the endless burning red flames, a huge and ferocious pupil floated quietly.

Around the pupil, there was a halo-like outline, spreading like a kaleidoscope, but when Mu En looked at it intently, the dazzling corona turned out to be a bunch of dry palms swaying in unison.

"Fuck, what is this?"

Shocked by this extremely SAN-losing scene again, Mu En subconsciously looked at the black book, the culprit.

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