And from the existing world view, everyone should be able to see that the subsequent stories will be very exciting.

As for when the second volume will start... For me, it has already started several chapters, hehe.

Well, let's stop chatting here. Thank you again for your strong support, and I hope you can continue to support me.

Ahem (sneak peek), if you still have votes in your hand, it would be even better, ahem (sneak peek again).

Although I am indeed a little busy these days, I promise you that your votes and rewards will definitely become actual extra chapters in the future.

For details, please see the top of the comment area.

Then, I wish all readers a happy day, and we will see you next chapter.

71. Whisper of the God of Love (Part 11)

"Good afternoon, Eluka, have you eaten?"

"The roasted whole lamb last time was delicious."

Mu En stepped on the squirming flesh and blood and looked down at Eluka in front of him.

All the killing intent was hidden, all the hostility was abandoned, Mu En smiled lightly, wiped the blood off his face, as if he was meeting an old friend, his eyebrows and eyes were gentle.

The sun was warm, he was facing the light, shrouded in the sacred halo.


Eluka looked at Mu En dully, as if the smile on Mu En's mouth soothed her anger, and her fair and charming face became peaceful.

"Mr. Mu En, are you finally going to accept my love?"

"I will not accept your love." Mu En said.

"Why? Is it... my love is not enough?"

Erica opened her eyes in confusion:

"But, I have given everything I have, my blood, my flesh, my soul, these...are they not enough?

I just want you to be with me forever, I just want you to accept my love.

But why, Master, you too, you are not willing?"

"Of course we are not willing."

Mu En lowered his eyes and said softly:

"Because yours is not love at all."

"Not love..."

Erica whispered softly, and then his expression suddenly became ferocious, as if he had been greatly insulted:

"Nonsense, nonsense! This is love, this is love!

Look, everyone accepts my love, how happy they are!"

Around Erica, the hundreds of faces roared again, and countless "I love you" merged into a sea of ​​sound waves, swallowing everything.

The limbs that were finally shattered by the man were reborn again, like a predatory anemone, covering Mu En.

"Come on, Mr. Muen, let's be together forever. My love is endless!" Eluka smiled and stared at Muen's face with such an infatuated look.

Like a girl staring at her lover.

But how could Muen be her lover?

Her lover should have been someone else.

Love cannot be endless.

Only when you love the one you love can it be called love.

"Sure enough, it is impossible to wake you up with words, such a naive idea." Muen sighed softly.

He raised his eyes and his expression became cold.

He no longer cared about the danger behind him, because he knew that An, who had freed his hands, would definitely protect his back.

So, Muen clenched the dagger and stabbed it into both sides of Eluka's head.


Eluka's face was distorted and she screamed, as if she really felt pain for the first time.

The monster's huge body struggled violently, and the flesh and blood under Muen's feet squirmed wildly, like waves rolled up by a storm!

It wanted to throw Muen down.


No need for too many words, the steel bridge suddenly penetrated the monster's flesh and blood and stopped at Mu En's feet.

With a foothold, Mu En took a deep breath and slashed with both swords!

A huge wound was cut on both sides of Eluka's head, and the red flesh and blood intertwined and reorganized, repairing the wound much faster than other places.

It's like... hiding something.

"It seems that I found the right place."

Mu En couldn't help but smile. He suddenly let go of the short knife in his hand and suddenly put his hands into the hideous wound.

The monster's blood corroded his arm, but he didn't notice it at all, and his hands kept groping in the flesh and blood.

The monster roared and became more and more crazy, but all the attacks were blocked by An with gritted teeth.

At this point, she naturally couldn't let the young master get hurt.

Finally, Mu En groped for a hard object.

"No, no, no, no, stop it! Stop it!"

The moment she touched the object, Eluka's eyes showed great fear.

She screamed for Mu En to stop, but what could she do with only a head left?

She couldn't even lift her beloved wand.

And the person who had always protected her had recently become one of those faces that only said "I love you".

Mu En's smile became brighter and his eyes became sadder.

"Finally, I caught you! Bastard evil god!"

Mu En pulled his hand out of the flesh and blood.

In his palm, he held a statue tightly.

It was a girl, hugging a heart, as if she wanted to rub it hard into her arms.

Although it was fished out of the flesh and blood, the statue was not stained with a trace of blood. Instead, it exuded a holy glimmer, which made people feel the urge to kneel down involuntarily.

That's right, this is the source of pollution!

Next, just destroy it and everything will be over.


In fact, there was no need for Mu En to yell. An Zao, who had been paying attention here, was already prepared.

The moment the statue was thrown into the air by Mu En, the steel jungle had already hit it like a dump truck having fun on the road.

A large amount of steel submerged the statue, and then it was continuously twisted and squeezed, like a huge stamping machine grinding it again and again. Finally, the sharp blade rotated, cutting the steel and the statue into pieces.

The metal solidified again under An's control, but the fragments of the statue could not be restored. They were blown away by the noisy autumn wind, leaving no trace at all.

There really isn’t even a scum left.

"it's over."

Seeing this scene, Mu En finally breathed a sigh of relief.

it is finally over.

As soon as he relaxed his mind, the fatigue accumulated in his body swept over him like a wave.

He stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the monster's body was supported in time.

"That's disgusting."

Mu En straightened up and shook his hands in disgust, trying to find a place to wipe the monster's blood and mucus on his hands, but he suddenly discovered——

He was only wearing that animal skin skirt.

"It's a shame that An can hold it tight and not complain."

An unparalleled hero wearing a tiger skin skirt or something like that... It really doesn't make me happy no matter what I think.

But no one probably cares.

After all, the only living person here... is peace.

Mu En glanced at Eluka's head with her eyes closed and the faces that were no longer shouting "I love you". She smiled bitterly, turned around, and waved to An Zhao, who was trotting over in the distance. She was about to say something——

Suddenly paused.

Wait, something's wrong.

Since the medium through which the evil god projected his power has disappeared, why is this monster's body still there?

This monster is obviously a deformed creation stitched together by the power of the evil god. Without the blessing of the evil god's power, logically speaking, shouldn't it just collapse?

Could it be that……

"do not come!"

Mu En shouted at An, and then immediately turned back.

The moment she turned around, Mu En heard the sound of water dripping.

A drop of pure black liquid came from someone unknown and landed on Eluka's forehead.

There was no time to stop it.

Eluka opened her eyes.

There were no whites or pupils in the eyes, and they were pitch black.

72. Whispers of the God of Love (Part 12)

Eluka opened her eyes. There were neither whites nor pupils in her eyes, only deep darkness like an abyss.

Her head gradually floated up, and then she opened her mouth.

The monster's huge body collapsed in an instant and turned into a river of blood mixed with bones and limbs.

The blood river flowed, gradually shrinking under the influence of some strange force, and actually turned into a small stream of water, which was sucked into it by the small cherry mouth.

Gudong, Gudong, as if swallowing a delicious drink.

As the blood river was sucked in, a terrifying aura gradually brewed on the head.

"Kill me!"

Mu En reacted without any hesitation, picked up the short knife and slashed directly.

No matter what kind of thing you are, cut it first and then talk about it!

I won't give you time to transform into a magical girl.


Along with a crisp sound of metal collision, Mu En's cheeks suddenly stiffened.


A pure white feather stood in front of him.

The light feathers are blown by the breeze and have almost no weight.

But when Mu En's short knife struck it, fierce sparks flew out.

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