"No problem?"

"No problem."

Mole sighed: "Telfer Lokant, the son of a poor merchant family, came to Belrand to work 20 years ago. Because he saved the youngest son of a noble family who accidentally drowned, he was recommended to become an official of medium size in the lower city. He worked in that position for nearly 20 years. During this period, he married the second daughter of the Romia family, which was rapidly declining due to the failure of the political struggle, and gave birth to a daughter. I have seen the photo of his daughter, she is very cute."

"Don't look like a spy."

"There is no sign of being a spy. His life trajectory in the past 20 years is clear and simple, just like a smooth and straight water pipe, you can easily see the end."

"That is to say, at least in the past 20 years in Belrand, he was just a diligent grassroots official with a happy family."

"Yes, these 20 years."

A full 20 years.

For an ordinary person, how many 20 years are there?

Even if he is really a spy from the kingdom, will the happy family life of twenty years, his wife and daughter, make his possibly cold heart warm and soft again?

Now it seems that no.

"What about his responsibilities?"


The mole pointed to the map on the table.

But he was not referring to the map itself, but to the arrows of different sizes on it.

"In fact, even if the Fifth Department is short of manpower, it is impossible to let a newcomer who has just entered the department not long ago be responsible for such a core work, so Telfer's workplace is still in Belrand, not here."

"Tell me in detail."

"It's very simple, transcribing. He is responsible for transcribing some military mobilization information from the north and then delivering it here. Of course, he is only responsible for part of it. We can't let a single transcriber grasp the whole picture, and even his work is mixed with others."

The mole seemed to have anticipated the Queen's personal arrival, so the red arrows on this map were distinguished, and Telfer's name was marked on all the information he was responsible for.

Those arrows with the name of Telfer were arranged in a disorderly manner without any rules.

At a glance, you can tell that this is an extremely tedious job that will not allow people to grasp any actual intelligence.

Because during this period, many armies in the empire showed signs of being mobilized under the order of Cecilia.

Cecilia stroked her smooth chin and moved her eyes from those arrows to the entire map.

Yes, for an ordinary person who has been struggling in the lower city for twenty years, these complex and messy information are of no use at all.

But what if the perspective is raised.

From the perspective of a person who once held a high position in the kingdom and had mastered some important intelligence from various channels?

... These tedious and messy things can be like filling in the blanks, forming a clear and complete context and picture.

Cecilia's fingertips followed the tails of those arrows and went up to the northern border of the empire.

It was an extremely complex border, because in just one hundred years, that border had changed several times.

And to the north of this border... is the kingdom.

Yes, this picture depicts...

--the border defense map of the empire.

"Is... that so?"

Cecilia closed her eyes and whispered:

"Once the seventeenth prince died, no matter what the cause of his death was, he died in the empire, died on the academy's stage, then the kingdom has the so-called strong claim. In addition... they are not playing tricks this time, but are serious?"

"But... what is the basis? The empire has not yet reached the point where it will fall down at the touch of a finger. Isn't it too whimsical to think that this thing can defeat the empire?"

All thoughts kept conceiving in Cecilia's mind... Because she was in it, it was difficult to see the whole picture, but she felt that she was about to catch the thread.

And at this moment... the quiet thinking atmosphere was suddenly interrupted.

"Your Majesty!"

Weier rushed in and said nervously:

"Something bad is going to happen!"



In a gorgeous manor full of flowers, an old man in a white robe was sitting by a mirror-like lake, fishing.

The fishing rod he used was not a delicate item, just a bamboo pole with a fishing line hanging on the hook, which formed a sharp contrast with the obviously valuable white robe inlaid with gold.

But he was very immersed in it, waiting patiently for the fish to take the bait.

"Your Majesty."

Suddenly, a voice that was suppressed as much as possible broke the tranquility of the lake.

"What's the matter?"

"The owl is back."


The old man raised his eyebrows, "That stubborn guy actually succeeded?"

"Fortunately, Lord Hertz covered him."

"Did Hertz also escape successfully?"

"Yes, but one of his hands was broken, and he was seriously injured by the Crowned One from an unknown distance. He looked a little miserable."

"Crowned One? Who?"

"It's not clear yet." The attendant said ashamedly: "We are still investigating, but from Lord Hertz's description, it should be the head of the extremely mysterious Imperial Intelligence Agency."

"Hehe... At this critical moment, a Crowned One who has never been heard of can appear. It's worthy of the Empire."

The old man chuckled.

"Your Majesty is not worried about this?" the guard asked in surprise.

"Worry, why should I worry? It is the enemies hiding in the dark that are terrifying. Now that they have been revealed, what is there to be afraid of? And isn't that the purpose of sending Hertz and the others there? You Do you think that Xiao Qi can really become the husband of the Queen of the Empire? "

The old man threw all the bait beside him into the lake.

Suddenly, the calm lake became lively, and countless fish surfaced, competing for those sweet baits.

"Let's see."

The old man pointed to the lake and said with a smile:

"As long as the bait is tempting enough, why worry about those big fish not showing up?"

50. The confidence lies

"Bait? Your Majesty means..."

"Moon Campbell, Ariel Boogard, and this mysterious crowned one... Look, when you scatter the bait, don't you think that many things that were originally hidden deep in the bottom of the lake will be revealed?"

The old man looked at the densely packed fish jumping around on the lake, and his smile seemed a little unpredictable.

"I see, your Majesty is wise."

The attendant sighed.

"But speaking of it, judging from the information sent back by Belland, the talents of Campbell's son and the previously unknown Ariel Boogard are really terrifying. I thought His Highness Seventeenth's talents were already amazing enough. But I didn’t expect that there are people beyond His Highness... and the most important thing is that they are so young. "

Youth means possibility.

The emperor of the kingdom in front of him was already very old. He had succeeded to the throne when the empire was still the last emperor of the previous emperor, and he had sat at the highest position in the kingdom for nearly sixty years.

And below him, there are more than a dozen sons who have long been salivating for this position, eyeing it with eager eyes, and even waiting for their gray hair to appear.

Of course, the attendant would not say such words, because this wise emperor of the kingdom, even though he is so old, still knows how to deal with all this.

After all, he is an outstanding king who can really fight against the iron-fisted Aldrich III, but now he is facing only the daughter of Aldrich III.

"Yes, young." A flash of disgust flashed in the old man's eyes. He didn't know whether it was for the young people of the empire or the two words themselves: "From the intelligence collected so far, the young queen's skills are also extraordinary. The empire My luck is really good, I have just experienced that kind of change, but there are still extraordinary people emerging, and my sons... are all useless. "

"Your Majesty, calm down."

"I'm not angry." The old man waved his hand and said calmly: "It's okay that they are trash, lest they cause more trouble after fighting."


The attendant hesitated...

"Whatever you want to say, just say it."


The attendant responded respectfully: "What I mean is, if this is the case, do we still want to act so radically? As your Majesty said, although the empire is now in a weak state, it is far from a point of collapse. We are so rash..."

"If we don't do it now, do we have to wait until Little Campbell grows up to become Big Campbell, and Little Leopold turns into Big Leopold before we do it?"

The old man sneered: "The empire looks weak, but in fact the weakness is caused by bone scraping to treat poison, and the weakness that has just recovered from a serious illness. Foolish people think that the empire is on the verge of collapse, but those with real foresight Everyone knows that once the empire gets through this, and a complete and effective order is reestablished within them... then the empire will only be stronger than it is now!"

Speaking of this, the old man couldn't help but sigh: "To be honest, I am a little envious of the internal state of the empire now. All resistance has been cleared away. The young queen can use her fists and kicks at will. However, what do I want to do? , there will always be some short-sighted people who will jump out and annoy me.”

"I see."

The attendant was even more impressed: "Your Majesty, although the empire is terrible, the kingdom will surely win with you leading it."

"There is no need to say more flattering words. You and I also know that the kingdom alone is not enough. Therefore..."

The old man suddenly stood up. His body under his white ceremonial robe was actually very tall. It was impossible to tell that he was an old man who was nearly a hundred years old. His eyes were like lightning, and he looked at the attendant majestically:

"Have our friends from afar arrived already?"

"Of course, Your Majesty."

The attendant put one hand on his chest: "I am here to report this matter to you. At the same time, I also brought you great news."

"Oh? Good news?"

The old man put his hands on his hands and laughed: "I hope that good news is exactly what I guessed!"

Kingdom, royal capital.

The man, covered in a wide black robe, walked on this lively street.

Although it is slightly inferior to Belland, as the political and economic center of the kingdom, it is still very prosperous.

Pedestrians hurriedly walked through the streets.

The carriage was speeding, and it was unknown which noble person it was carrying.

The vendors on both sides were shouting loudly, and the large number of products was almost overwhelming.

Countless buildings stretch for who knows how many miles. Looking up, you can see a neat picture of small squares stacked together.

The man stood there, seemingly shocked by this sight.

A woman holding a bag of apples passed by him, but accidentally touched him and knocked over several apples.

"Where did this country bumpkin come from!"

The woman cursed, but after looking at the man's taller figure, she swallowed her saliva and gave up the idea of ​​extorting money. She didn't pick up the broken apples and left cursing.


At this time, the man seemed to notice what happened.

He stared blankly at the woman's back as she left with her waist twisted, and then slowly lowered his head to look at the apple that rolled all the way to his feet.

The apple was rosy, like a girl's face, but it was a pity that it was broken now, and the white flesh mixed with juice was stained on his dirty boots.

The apple was completely broken, mixed with mud and dirty water on the ground. In a place like the capital, I'm afraid even the beggars on the street would disdain such things.

But the man suddenly picked up the apple, and didn't even treat it, just... bit it.

Suddenly, the man was stunned again. He seemed to be shocked by the crisp sound of his teeth hitting the flesh and the sweetness of the juice. His facial muscles began to jump almost uncontrollably.

Throbbing with excitement.

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