Soon, the man moved again, and he almost devoured a whole apple without even the core.


Never tasted...delicious.

"Fertile land, clean air, sweet's so beautiful."

The man stared at this beautiful street again, at the noisy crowds, and murmured in a low voice:

"It's a pity...such a beautiful thing has been taken over by such a low-grade thing. It's such a waste."


The heavy iron door was pushed open, letting out a sharp hiss that made people's teeth hurt.

Mu En gently waved his hand to disperse the escaping dust and stench, and stepped into the cell again.

It is still the legendary black prison.

But this time, it's not the same area as last time. The place where some serial killer and urban midnight legend was imprisoned was just the uppermost and most relaxed area in the entire black prison.

This time, further down, the terrifying suppressive force almost penetrated into the person's bones. Even though he was not shackled and was not coming in as a prisoner, Mu En still felt that his body was extremely heavy.

"Are you ok?"

Mu En looked at the disheveled woman in the cell and asked softly.


Hearing his voice, the heavy chains rubbed slowly, and a pair of slender palms lifted up to separate the messy hair.

The face was dirty, very pale, and obviously badly injured, but fortunately the eyes were still bright.

"Mu...Mr. Mu En, have you come to see me?"

"They are acquaintances after all, aren't they?"

Mu En waved his hand and signaled the jailer behind him to leave temporarily. He walked into the cell and sat down opposite the woman.

"Long time no see, Miss Sewell."

Mu En smiled:

"Although we have met several times, this is the first time we have said hello seriously."

"Well... long time no see."

Sevier tidied her messy hair and dirty prison clothes with some embarrassment, but the prison environment had made it impossible for her to return to her former glory, so for a while she didn't even know where to place her hands and feet.

"I didn't expect that this exchange would be in this situation."

Mu En looked around and suddenly sighed.

But when I thought about it carefully, I realized that my first encounter with Miss Sewell was in the Twilight Land, where rotting limbs were everywhere and monsters were rampant. In fact, it was not a good place at all.

"Well, they didn't torture you."

Mu En asked.

From the depths of the prison, painful curses and humble pleas for mercy were heard constantly, and mixed among them were the horrifying sounds of flesh and blood cracking, bones screaming, and souls trembling.

These are the people of the Kingdom’s mission.

After being caught, they were all imprisoned here, but as the price for daring to attack the imperial intelligence agency, most of them were being interrogated by professionals. Even Mu En, who was used to death, could not remain indifferent after seeing those terrible methods. .

"No, no."

Sewell lowered his head, his hands hidden in his tattered sleeves trembled slightly, but she suppressed them forcefully:

"Maybe it's not my turn yet."

"You don't have to be interrogated."

Mu En suddenly said:

"Although I don't even have an official position now, and it's hard for me to interfere in the imperial government affairs, I can assure you that you don't need to be interrogated."

"The premise is that you betray your motherland?"

Sewell suddenly smiled sarcastically.

Although she has been tricked to this extent by her closest teacher and her own country, and even now she has doubts about the cause of her cousin's death... But if she suddenly gives up what she insisted on in the first half of her life, it will still be Very difficult.

"It's not about betraying the kingdom."

Mu En made her tone as gentle as possible, "I don't think Hertz will tell you anything that is too core a secret. You are also victims. What we want to know is...why the kingdom does this, and where is their confidence?" ?”

The dim candlelight on the top of the cell swayed, but it still couldn't hide the handsomeness on that face.

Xavier was stunned for a moment. When she was immersed in it, she suddenly remembered that it was precisely because of this face that she had such erotic thoughts.

How many of these are true likes?

Judging from the fact that he flinched when frightened by those high-ranking women... maybe it was true, not too much.

"I have no idea."

Sewell shook his head: "Actually, I am also very surprised by this change."

"Surprised? There is nothing strange inside the kingdom?"

If the kingdom wants to elevate this war to a higher level, then there cannot be changes within the kingdom.

The transportation of resources, the mobilization of personnel, the transmission of orders...such a huge machine cannot operate silently.

In fact, this is the strangest thing about Mu En. If the kingdom is ready for a full-scale war with the empire, it is impossible for the empire's intelligence agency not to receive even a hint.

The empire spends so much money every year to support so many people, so that they can become the first line of defense to protect the empire, instead of raising a bunch of waste.

And it turns out that the empire is not raising waste, but truly ferocious hounds, which once tore the kingdom into misery.

"I really don't know... Before I left the kingdom, everything there was normal. It didn't feel like they were going to fight to the death with the empire."

Sever pinched the corner of his clothes, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said:

"So I think, if the kingdom really has any confidence... that confidence is not inside the kingdom?"

"Not inside the kingdom, what does that mean?"

Moon frowned, and then fell into deep thought.

From Sever's way of thinking, could it be that it is not just the kingdom that wants to attack the empire this time, but also other countries?


"Master Campbell."

The thought was interrupted.

Moon looked up and looked at the jailer who suddenly walked in:

"What's the matter?"

"His Majesty is looking for you."

The jailer said:

"It's something very important."


A "reminiscence" ended hastily, and Muon, who received the order, quickly came to the palace. Along the way, or he was informed in advance, Muon was not blocked at all, and the entire palace was completely open to him.

Finally, he came to the throne room.

Majestic murals were carved on the huge beams, and the statues of the first generation of glorious knights still stood around the hall.

Although their descendants were corrupt, greedy and foolish, no one could deny the great contributions they had made to the country.

Cecilia sat high on the throne, closing her eyes and taking a nap, and the entire throne room was empty at the moment, without even a guard maid.

But Muen could clearly feel the breath of others who had not yet dissipated here.

——It seemed that a very important imperial meeting was held here, discussing serious topics related to the future of the empire, and it was not until late at night that it was finally temporarily ended.

Muen could feel the unconcealable fatigue emanating from Cecilia at this moment. It seemed that from Milne's death to now, her spirit had been in a highly tense state for the past two days.

"Are you okay?"

Muen tiptoed up and helped Cecilia massage her temples.

"You seem very tired."


There was a silence.

Then there was a long sigh.

In this empty throne room, this sigh is like a cold wind blowing from midsummer, which makes people feel genuinely uneasy.


Cecilia rubbed her cheek against Muon's palm affectionately.

She rarely made such intimate gestures, and rarely called Muon's name so gently.

"Sorry, you are going to the abyss."


Although he had all the premonitions, Muon still asked subconsciously.


Cecilia opened her eyes:

"The abyss defense line... Something happened to your father."

51. Farewell


Muon's hand suddenly paused, and you could vaguely see the blue veins rioting on it, but it soon calmed down.

"Is he okay?" Muon asked calmly.

Cecilia looked back at Muon and found that there was no anger or panic on his handsome face, but his blue eyes were as deep as the trench in the depths of the ocean, with no bottom.

"Don't worry, your life is safe for now."

Cecilia held Mu En's hand: "Although the situation over there is urgent, it has not yet reached the point of total collapse. Believe in your father. The Lion King has repelled countless attacks from the demons and will not fall easily because of such a defeat."

"Is that so..."

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief imperceptibly, and his tense body finally relaxed a lot.

"So, what happened to make the entire empire so nervous?"

"The demons used a big move this time."

Cecilia handed a piece of information to Mu En:

"Five demon dukes joined forces to forcibly break through the military formation. Three of them besieged the Lion King Duke Campbell, causing him to be seriously injured."

"Five demon dukes..."

Mu En looked at the information.

Although it was just a slightly brief description, one could still feel the cruelty of the war.

Forcibly tearing open the military formation of hundreds of thousands of troops, accurately finding the commander-in-chief, and then using the advantage of numbers to surround and kill him... This move is terrible.

And my father was only "seriously injured" in the face of this almost fatal attack. Even Mu En, who had faced several evil gods so far, had to sigh... He is worthy of the name of the Lion King.

"I remember that there are only eight grand dukes in the entire demon clan. By the way, one was killed by King Indra not long ago, so there should be only seven grand dukes left in the demon clan now." Mu En's expression was solemn.

"Yes, there are only seven grand dukes in the demon clan now."

Cecilia stood up from the throne and came to the middle of the throne room, next to a huge map that had been set up long ago.

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