The empire in the middle, the kingdom in the north, the many small countries and holy cities in the south, and the west... the wound that seemed to cut the earth.

This map does not fully show the entire continent, but it has already outlined in great detail the parties that may be caught in turmoil this time.

Among them, the northern part of the empire, the border with the kingdom, and the abyss area in the west are all marked with dense arrows. The bright red paint is like blood, piercing people's nerves.

"There are only seven Grand Dukes of the Demon Tribe, and the entire Demon Tribe is not a monolithic entity. Even on the western border of the Kingdom, there are places bordering the Abyss. They also stationed troops in that area to attack the Kingdom. It's just that due to the terrain, the Kingdom is not under as much pressure as the Empire."

Cecilia stretched out her finger and slowly crossed the entire Abyss from north to south:

"Before I received the news, from all angles, I didn't think that the Demon Tribe would directly dispatch five Grand Dukes and more troops to attack Yu Yun on our side... But this happened. Judging from the news from the west, the Demon Tribe's recent offensive is extremely fierce, and our army has suffered heavy losses as a result."

"So, the Demon Tribe and the Kingdom have joined forces?"

Following Cecilia's thoughts, Mu En's mind was left with this terrifying thought that made people's backs cold.

"I don't know. There's no way to figure this out. The kingdom will definitely not admit it."

Cecilia's hand that swept across the map slowly clenched, and her cold eyes burst into an unconcealable anger:

"But the only thing we can know is that the worst possibility for the empire... has already happened. What we have to face next is the two-front war that we are most reluctant to face."

"Is that so..."

Mu En remembered Sewell's words: "Is this the confidence of the kingdom?"

"Confidence? Yes, making the entire demon race an important force to contain the empire can indeed be called confidence." Cecilia sneered sarcastically: "They are only worthy of playing this kind of trick."

"Isn't the kingdom afraid of playing with fire and getting burned?"

Mu En asked in confusion: "The demon race is not only targeting the empire. If there is a chance, they will definitely take a bite of the kingdom."

The demon race in this world, in a sense, is very similar to the nomadic peoples in the ancient times of Mu En's previous life.

In terms of comprehensive strength, it is definitely not as good as the empire, a behemoth with a population of hundreds of millions. Even due to land limitations, the production capacity is far inferior.

However, those monsters who had to live in the abyss because of the influence of the demon god grew up in the harsh environment of white mountains and black waters from birth, and survived hard in the fight between each other. They have the most instinctive desire for fertile land and delicious blood food, and this desire can even make them forget the so-called death.

Therefore, once the abyss defense line of the empire is torn open, what greets them is the fertile land of the empire and countless ordinary civilians who are powerless and at the mercy of others.

They will use this as nourishment to grow rapidly, greedily devouring everything they can eat... At that time, it will really become extremely difficult to drive them back.

"Who knows? Maybe for those idiots in the kingdom, as long as they can defeat the empire and share with the demons, it is not unacceptable." Cecilia said expressionlessly.

"That's true."

Mu En shrugged self-deprecatingly, thinking that he asked a stupid question.

Before the end of the world, humans may fall into internal strife. How can a kingdom that has long been blinded by hatred for the empire see the more distant future?

In their eyes, the empire is the mortal enemy that must be defeated immediately.

"It seems that I must go there."

Mu En sighed.

Now my father is seriously injured, the demons are attacking fiercely, and the more serious problem is that my father was seriously injured in front of hundreds of thousands of troops.

Therefore, the urgent issue now is to stabilize the morale of the army.

No one is more suitable to do this than himself, the son of the Lion King and the future successor of Duke Campbell.

He must go both emotionally and rationally.

"Your trip is very dangerous, and the most important thing is that I may not be able to support you with too many things."

Cecilia looked into Mu En's eyes and rarely showed a trace of apology: "At least the current empire has no spare energy to withdraw troops to help the abyss defense line."

"Because of the kingdom?"

"Not only because of the kingdom, but more importantly, we are already weak."

Cecilia lowered her eyes and said: "Although the termites have been cleared, it is not only the lack of officials that has led to a serious shortage of middle-level officers in the army. After all, many of those positions were previously held by the sons and grandsons of those termites."

"Middle and low-level officers are the cornerstone of the army. Although capable people are being promoted vigorously now, it will take time after all. If the army lacking grassroots officers is rashly transferred over long distances, it will not only have no combat effectiveness, but will also increase chaos, which will put the empire into a greater crisis."

"It just so happens that the kingdom has grasped this opportunity." Mu En followed with a long sigh.

From this point of view, the mission of the seventeenth prince seemed to be acting according to a certain script from the beginning.

The people behind the scenes may not have thought that he would succeed at all, but just used him as bait, a reason, a thread to detonate the gunpowder barrel...

Whatever it is, it's certainly not a good son.

"Several leaders in the west will do their best to mobilize the people, transport all useful materials, and ensure the logistics of the abyss defense line, but the rest... you can only rely on yourselves for the time being."

Celecia suddenly turned around and hugged Mu En, her warm breath blew on his shoulders, and she whispered: "I'm sorry."

"You are the emperor of the empire, how can you apologize so many times?"

Mu En smiled and stroked Celecia's head: "Don't worry, I've been through so much. Although I always complain about being unlucky, now it seems that at least my life is pretty tough."

"One year."

Celecia said suddenly.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Hold on for one year, and I will personally sit at the border of the empire during this year."

Celecia raised her head, and her eyes that had shown tenderness just now turned into terrifying ice in an instant.

"I will completely crush those bastards in the kingdom within a year."


As expected of Celcia, she is still so domineering.

Mu En smiled, but the hand on Celecia's head gently stroked her again.

Celcia didn't refuse.


She continued: "When you come back, we will officially get married."


Mu En's hand suddenly stiffened, and the melancholy of parting that had just been brewing disappeared in an instant.

" fast?"

"Why, you don't want to?"

Celecia narrowed her eyes, and the terrifying chill made Mu En tremble immediately: "Or, which sneaky cat are you thinking about now?"

"No, no, no, I mean, when you talk about this now, does it feel like setting up a flag?"

If you go home and get married after this battle, 99% of the time you won't be able to come back. Mu En complained secretly.

"You actually still believe in this kind of thing?" Celcia smiled coldly, fully demonstrating her disdain for fate.

"rest assured."

She hugged Mu En tighter as if to comfort her: "After we get married, our first child will become the next emperor."


"Now that the royal family is weak, don't you think that having only one child is enough?" Celcia said coldly again.

"No, no, you are wrong again."

Mu En hugged Celecia's waist with her backhand and said softly:

"Aren't you worried that you are too tired like this..."

After leaving the palace, Mu En thought for a while and did not return to his residence.

Instead, he took advantage of the dawn and took a cheap carriage all the way to a remote area on the outskirts of the city.

Deep in the alley, which is somewhat dilapidated but has all the weeds cleared away, a wooden signboard hangs on the door.

"Chenxi Welfare Home."

After the previous crisis in Belland, many children were homeless again, so Mu En spent her own money to build several welfare homes in the name of the Queen.

This is one of them.

In the early morning, there was still a little mist floating in the air, but the laughter of children could be vaguely heard in the yard.

Mu En knocked on the door.


The old wooden door was pushed open, and the skinny old man clasped his hands together and waited in silence.

"Get ready and follow me."

"where to."



Without even asking for the reason, King Indra nodded directly:

"Give me some time, I still have things to deal with."

Mu En looked behind King Indra. He saw a silly, but very cute little girl sitting on a wooden chair, swinging a half-worn shoe on one foot, humming a vague tune that sounded like a lullaby.

"Not urgent."

Mu En smiled: "There is still time to say goodbye."

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