"Huh? Professor Plan?"

Discovering that there was suddenly no movement around him, Professor Grant turned his head subconsciously.

However, he found Professor Pu Lang staring directly at Mu En's position, looking petrified.

After being stunned for a long time, he finally said in a dry voice:

“Not only the students, but I have not saluted the statue of the first dean.”



Silence is Cambridge tonight.

Moon Campbell's behavior today was so weird that it was difficult for the two professors, who claimed to be well-informed, to come to their senses.

It wasn't until Mu En walked into the dormitory area and disappeared from the sight of the two professors that Professor Grant broke the silence, looked at Professor Pu Lang and said quietly:

"So, are you going to eat the whole desk, or tear it into pieces and eat it bit by bit?"


Professor Plann's cheeks twitched, and he looked at his precious antique mahogany desk, and then at Professor Grant, who had a happy smile on his face. After being silent for a long time, he squeezed out a sentence through his teeth:

"It's only been one day, which doesn't mean anything at all. I will keep my eyes on Moon Campbell, and I will prove to you that I am right."

After saying that, he left without looking back.


Looking at Professor Plan's disappearing back, Professor Grant whistled and said to himself:

"Still as stubborn as ever.


Professor Grant turned to look at the dormitory area, and the smile on his lips became more and more excited:

"I feel like school will be very interesting this year."

"I remember I accidentally kicked the head off this statue once."

Mu En looked at the statue of the white-bearded grandfather in front of him, tilted his head, and immediately saw the clear traces of adhesion on the neck of the statue.

"Hasn't anyone discovered it yet?"

The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched.

I really don’t know who carved this statue. Is it so unpopular in the academy? No one will come to pay homage?

As for the name on the base of the statue...it has long been covered by vines and cannot be seen clearly.

"No matter what, it's better to apologize first."

Mu En bowed respectfully to the statue in front of him.

"Just think of it as saying goodbye to the old Moon Campbell."

From then on,



Practice and become stronger.

Be a good student.

Completely escape the fate of the yellow-haired villain.

After making such a wish by the way, Mu En walked towards the dormitory area with light steps.

"52 Campbell."

Mu En first went to the dormitory aunt to get the dormitory key.

"Moon Campbell?"

The dormitory aunt looked at Mu En with a shocked look on her face:

"You came so early? And, you're the only one?"

She still remembered that when Mu En came to the academy for the first time, he rode down from the sky in a carriage pulled by a gryphon, with dozens of maids following behind him to help him tidy up the room.

That scene, tsk tsk, I can’t forget it even now.

"Everything is ready, so of course I am coming alone."

Mu En smiled, "I'm not a child."

"oh oh."

The dormitory aunt was stunned by Mu En's handsome smile and quickly handed the key to Mu En.

"The key is here for you."


Mu En nodded and thanked him, then turned and went upstairs.

After Mu En left, the dormitory aunt caressed her chest, her plump cheeks were slightly red:

"Oh my god, how come it feels like I haven't seen you for a holiday, and this Moon Campbell has suddenly become so attractive?"

"Unexpectedly, I still came to the academy."

Opening the door to the single dormitory and looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar room, Mu En couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, I didn't plan to come to the academy. After all, the academy not only had the protagonist Ariel, who was in conflict with me, and Celcia, who I didn't know how to face, but it was also the stage for some dangerous events in the future.

For a yellow-haired villain like him, it is really too dangerous.


Fate plays tricks on people, especially on him, a yellow-haired villain.

He had to come.

Mu En closed the dormitory door, walked to a mirror, and took off her shirt.

He now has clearer muscle lines, and is obviously stronger than when he first crossed over.

But on his somewhat fair skin, vague and strange lines can still be seen.

Like fingerprints.

Those were the marks left by the Evil God King of Blight on his body.

"Is it really impossible to dissipate naturally?"

Mu En stretched out his hand, and a cluster of red flames ignited in his palm.

But compared to the terrifying power he had when he faced off against another evil god before, the flame in his hand now seemed much weaker.

It's probably similar to the flames that the previous assassins obtained through sacrifice.

“It’s almost like a first-run experience benefit for some unscrupulous games.”

Come, come, come, just make the first charge of six yuan, let you feel the different power.

What, is this kind of power that holds the world in the palm of your hand powerful? Is it cool?

What? Still want it?

Need more money!

No money?

That’s okay, you can also pay for something else.

For example...soul or something.

——No need to think about it, Mu En knew that the reason why the King of Blight did not completely take back this power was because of this thought.

"How can I do what you want?"

Mu En dissipated the flames and murmured softly.

This is also the reason why he came to Santa Maria College.

Being targeted by two evil gods, he must become stronger even more urgently.

And maybe in the academy, we can find a way to completely cut off the connection with the evil god.

"But Moon Campbell, you are too useless!"

As soon as she made up her mind, Mu En couldn't help holding her head and wailing.

Of course, this waste is not scolding himself, but the original owner.

Because just by looking back at his empty brain, Mu En could feel how unruly the original owner had been in the first grade.

As for the warrior, there is no need to worry. With the foundation laid by the Duke's father and the black book, Mu En is confident that he will catch up soon even if he has been idle for a year.

But the problem is magic. Until now, he, Moon Campbell, only knows a poor lighting technique!

Illumination What kind of magic is that?

The ultimate simplified version of Holy Light, there is no magic at all except turning into a humanoid light bulb.

The principle of its use is probably to gather the magic power of light elements into the palm of your hand and then release it.

An easy batch.

But Moon Campbell only knows this magic this year! The theoretical knowledge about magic in my head is basically zero! It is conceivable that this guy is probably either sleeping or distracted during every magic class.

It's a miracle that he hasn't been beaten to death by his magic teacher!

However, the black book cannot help Mu En learn magic, because magic cannot be learned by actual combat or imitating other people's actions.

But he had to learn magic.

If you want to sever the connection with the evil god, I'm afraid the only way is magic.

As for taking the path of faith... With the hatred of those fanatical believers towards evil gods, I'm afraid that before I even walk through the door of the Church of Life, I will be arrested as a cultist, tied to a cross and burned to death.

"In other words, the current situation is..."

Mu En looked at the magic textbooks on the table that were no different from the new ones. He flipped through them and found that they were indeed the same as the Holy Book. He couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"I, a reckless man with an intelligence of only nine, want to start from scratch and learn magic?"

It's a bit difficult.


It's quite interesting, isn't it?

Now that you’ve decided not to mess around anymore, let’s use your resilience as a worker.

You're not afraid of 996, so why are you afraid of your mere magic?

Aoli, rush!

After determining the direction of his efforts, Mu En no longer wasted time.

It took a little effort to rearrange the room.

Then I went to the cafeteria and had something to eat.

On the way, I happened to bump into the freshmen who came to report. The freshmen didn't know his name, Moon Campbell. There were actually many little girls who saw him, with excited faces and starry eyes. If their parents hadn't been there, They would probably all rush up to strike up a conversation.

"It seems that my charm is more powerful than imagined."

The premise is that there are no rumors that stink in the sewers.

Mu En touched her chin and felt that it was really imperative to improve her image in the eyes of outsiders.

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