In the afternoon, we returned to the dormitory again.

Mu En took a shower and lay on the bed earlier than anyone else.

He closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes.

The familiar black space comes into view.

He looked not far in front of him.

The naked man stood there, exuding an invisible aura, like a hungry beast.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Mu En clenched the dagger, and a ferocious look appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"For the one hundred and ninety-seventh time, I must make you hand over that strange move that can make thunder."

The man grinned.

Like laughing silently.

"Hey, Ariel, I heard that Moon Campbell apologized to you, is it true?"

In Ariel's dormitory, Liya lay on her bedside and asked curiously.

She had just come back from outside, and it could be seen that she was in a hurry, and there was a thin layer of fragrant sweat on her forehead.

But she didn't care about this, she just stared at Ariel, trying to get an answer quickly.

"Yeah, yeah."

Ariel looked intently at an ancient book in her hand, and nodded perfunctorily, "Moon Campbell apologized to me."

"Is it true?"

Liya exclaimed and couldn't help but slap her forehead, but it also caused waves in her chest.

"I thought it was another rumor spread by someone."

"So many people have seen it today, how can there be any rumors?"

Ariel rolled her eyes.

"Really? So isn't it a rumor that Moon Campbell lied to you about having an abortion?"

"Of course not...wait? What did you say?"

Ariel sat up from the bed quickly and looked at Liya in shock:

"Why do I seem to hear outrageous remarks like abortion?"

"Yes, isn't it said that Zhenghuan is popular outside?"

Liya gestured with her fingers one by one and said:

"The reason why Moon Campbell hates you is because you are his ex-girlfriend and you have been obsessed with him all the way to school, so he has been trying to kick you out.

There was a child between you, but Moon Campbell forced you to have an abortion for the sake of the reputation of the Campbell family. The reason why he apologized to you was because this incident made him guilty of conscience.

Moreover, when Moon Campbell was dating you, he was actually on thirteen ships, and you were the one with the strongest combat power among them, which he secretly called..."

"Stop, stop, stop! Stop! Stop!"

Ariel quickly signaled Liya to stop and said in shock:

"Where did you hear these outrageous things?"


"Where outside?"

"It's just between classmates, well, it's mostly between girls."

"How dare they spread such nonsense?"

Ariel slapped the table in anger.

"Don't you believe I'll tear their mouths apart?"

ps: I have been really busy recently, so the update is a bit late, but I will add more updates in the next two days when I have some free time. The updates I owe this month will definitely be paid off before the end of the month.

pps: It has just been put on the shelves, and the results in the first week are very important, so at least don’t start breeding it during this period, please. I will try my best to make it more enjoyable for you to read.

6. The Girl and the Dawn (6,000-word chapter, including additional updates)

"Forget it, I can probably guess who is behind these rumors."

Ariel held her forehead as she had a headache.

Except for the News Club, a bastard club that enjoys making news because it doesn't usually collect any big news, there is probably no one else in the academy who is so boring.

"It seems like we have to find an opportunity to go to the news agency. No matter what, we can't let these rumors continue to ferment."

"Huh? But the president of the news club is the famous senior Mingote from the sixth grade. Will he listen to you?" Liya blinked and asked worriedly.

Although Ariel is now somewhat famous among some students, compared to the seniors in the sixth grade, I am afraid that this fame does not mean anything.

Not to mention asking news agencies to change their past ways of having fun.

"But I can't help but go."

Ariel gritted her teeth and said:

"I don't want to become that Moon Campbell's ex-girlfriend out of nowhere."

The thought of being criticized like this in the future was even more uncomfortable than killing her.

"Not just an ex-girlfriend, but an ex-girlfriend who had an abortion." Liya added seriously.

"...Okay, you little loser, we haven't seen each other for so long, so you just came to hurt me when we met, right?"

Ariel slapped the ancient book under the pillow, and Danfeng glared with a hint of awe, and then rushed towards Liya with a weird smile.

"Come and let me check your body. Is Kangkang getting fat again?"

"No, no, it's so itchy...hehe..."

"Okay, I didn't say what I said, but it was only during a vacation that I secretly changed my underwear to a larger size. Liya Angel, you are too baby!" Ariel was furious when she discovered an unacceptable reality.

"I must give you heavenly punishment today!"

"Well... don't come here, go away... it's so itchy, hee hee..."

While avoiding Ariel's clutches, Liya said with a sweet smile: "I can't help her if she grows longer. In fact, I also envy you. At least your shoulders won't be sore when you walk, and your chest won't be uncomfortable when you sleep... "

"Damn it, damn it, you still said it, you still said it!"

A certain super tablet felt that his character had been insulted and immediately launched an even more violent attack.

During the fight, the dormitory was suddenly filled with a beautiful girlish atmosphere.

The moonlight is cool.

After the fight was over, Ariel had no intention of continuing to read. She leaned against the window and admired the bright moon in the sky, combing her long messy hair.

At this time, Liya, whose cheeks were still slightly red, cautiously came over and asked:

"so what?"

"What so?"

"That's Moon Campbell's apology."

Liya held her cheek and looked at Ariel and asked:

"What do you think, do you want to forgive him?"

"What a joke."

Ariel immediately rolled her eyes:

"He did something so extreme to me, and he can get over it with just an apology? I don't have such a good temper."

"That's true. But..."

Liya thought for a while and said:

"After all, it's Moon Campbell, the son of the Duke, who was so arrogant and domineering before, but suddenly apologized to you in front of so many people. I think he must have made a lot of determination. It hurts. Change the past or something.”

"Come on, I think there's a higher chance of some kind of conspiracy."

After thinking about what Moon Campbell did today, and then comparing it with the Moon Campbell in her memory, Ariel still found it hard to believe that just one holiday could make the same person change so much.

Are you really possessed by an evil god?

Should I trick him into going to the Church of Life to perform a purification ceremony someday?

"And the extent of his sincerity is open to question."

Ariel said sadly:

"Do you know what the apology gift he gave me today was? It was a kebab! Or was it a few bites? Do you call this sincerity?"

"Um... maybe it happened suddenly?"

"Well, he did say that he would make up for the gift, but I think with his past vulgarity, there is a high probability that it will just be some precious gems and jewelry."

"Well, gemstone jewelry is very vulgar, but don't you want it?"

Leah stared at Ariel, with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

"We have become the heir to the count, but we are still poor, Miss Ariel, don't you want her?"

"Ah ah ah, I want it, those things who asked me to do are too expensive...

Miss Liya, please be merciful and lend me a little more. "Ariel hugged Leah's thigh.

"I have lent you all my money a long time ago."

Liya puffed up her cheeks and said, "I don't even know what you are doing secretly. You spend so much money and you still don't tell me the purpose."

"Hehe, I'm actually researching the secret recipe for Pachichi Cake, which is unique in the world!"

Ariel looked serious.

"Okay, okay, then you can study it slowly."

Liya obviously didn't believe it, but she had no interest in prying into other people's secrets.

He waved his hands and said goodbye:

"It's getting late, I'm going back to the dormitory first."

"Okay, be careful all the way!"


Liya, who was about to walk out, turned back and warned seriously:

"You can't be late for the opening ceremony tomorrow."

"How can it be."

Ariel patted her chest hard: "Am I the kind of person who would be late for important occasions?"

"What do you think?"

Liya said speechlessly:

"A certain Ariel classmate who had the most credits deducted last semester was late?"


"Forget it, I will call you tomorrow. Good night..."

"Good night, Ria-chan."

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