"I won't doze off in class..."

Professor Plan's eyes widened, as if he saw a giant shrimp, pulling its eggs past him.


How dare you say that.

You were dozing off in every class of mine last semester!

"Okay, professor, I'll leave first, bye."

Feeling that nothing good would come of staying, Mu En found the right opportunity to run away.

While Professor Plan didn't react, he stepped on the broken leaves, trotting all the way, and soon disappeared in the morning light.

"Can a person really change so much in a short period of time?"

Looking at Mu En's disappearing back, even Professor Plan, who has educated countless people, could hardly suppress his inner shock.

Yesterday, the feeling was not so strong when he watched from a distance, but now that he was in such close contact, he realized that...what Mu En did...seemed to be somewhat real.

Thinking about it, Professor Plan unconsciously took a piece of bark from the sycamore tree next to him and stuffed it into his mouth.

Hmm, so bitter!

If it were my desk...

Ah, no, no.

How could I be so easily shaken?

Don't be fooled, Plan Roniner!

Go and expose Moon Campbell's mask!

For the sake of work...for the dignity of teaching and educating people for decades!


Professor Plan bit off a piece of bark fiercely and sneered:

"Moon Campbell, you wait, next, I will keep watching you!"



Moon suddenly felt a chill while jogging. He shivered and looked around vigilantly.

"Why do I suddenly have the illusion that I am being stared at by a yandere again."

"Strange, this is St. Mary's College, An should not be able to get in."


The morning light is faint.

The rare tranquility in front of the building was broken by the crisp sound of heels stomping. The drowsy bun-haired girl waiting in front of the door was suddenly awakened. She hurriedly looked at the beautiful silver-white girl in front of her, raised her head and said loudly:

"Your Highness!"

"I told you not to call me Your Highness in the academy."

Cecilia glanced at Wei'er's hastily wiped but still slightly moist mouth corners, and said:

"Also, don't stay up late at night to read the novel "Badao Xieshen fell in love with me", it will affect your work."

"Yes, President." Wei'er's cheeks were slightly red.

"Let's go."

Seeing Wei'er agreed, Cecilia didn't say much nonsense and walked into the empty building.

Going up along the familiar corridor and stairs, she finally came to a room with the words [Student Union Room] written on the doorplate.

"I'm back."

Cecilia whispered to herself, then pushed open the door.

Opposite the door was a simple desk and a chair that looked very simple.

There are bookshelves filled with books and sofas for meeting guests on the side of the room.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

It is plain and simple, and everything is normal.

But two months of no one paying attention to it has caused a layer of fine dust to spread all over the room.

So a cold wind blew and quickly cleaned the whole room spotlessly.

"Wow, no matter how you look at it, I think the president's ability is so convenient."

Wei'er sighed slightly behind her.

"If you are willing to clean up during the holidays, it will be more convenient than any ability."

Cecilia glanced at Wei'er, who was the secretary of the student union and had no idea where to go for fun during the entire holiday, walked into the room, and brushed off the thin frost on the table with her hand.


Wei'er stuck out her tongue and pretended to be stupid, but then she was almost frozen silly by the coldness in the room.

"It's... so cold, President."


Cecilia sighed softly.

She walked to the window, stretched out her hand, and pushed the window open.

Although it was already chilly in early autumn, the outdoor air flowed in, which was much warmer than the room that had just been blown by the cold wind.

A breeze blew, and the shadow of the sycamore tree swayed gently.

In the rustling sound of the wind, Cecilia heard the very light, but easily distinguishable sound of leaves being crushed.

This was a trivial matter that was not worth noticing, but for some reason, Cecilia looked in the direction where the sound came from.

Then she saw.

The blond boy, with the scattered morning sun on his head, was wearing a neat sports short jacket and running in the quiet path of the sycamore forest.

Is it him?

Cecilia's eyes flashed slightly, and suddenly asked Wei'er behind her:

"What time is it now?"

"Eh, now? Now... let me see, six o'clock and six o'clock."

"When does the opening ceremony start?"

"Eight o'clock."

"At least two hours earlier?"

Cecilia's fine silver eyelashes fluttered, and I don't know what she was thinking.

"President, what are you looking at?"

Weier also came over with a curious look on her face.

Then she also saw the blond boy running below.

"Ah, Moon Campbell."

Weier exclaimed softly, then suddenly tilted her head and spat fiercely.

"Tui! Scumbag!"

"...What did he do again?"

Cecilia turned her head and asked.

"President, you don't know?"

Weier looked shocked, as if she was saying, "President, you don't even know about such a big thing, are you a Martian?" Then she suddenly took out a few crumpled newspapers from behind her buttocks.


Cecilia took the newspaper and read it.

"Shocked! The domineering nobleman Muen Campbell apologized to Ariel, and there was such a hidden story!"

The newspaper began with a few big red words.

"Bow to apologize?"

Cecilia raised her eyebrows slightly.

Below the big red words was a magical photo, which was the picture of Muen bowing to Ariel to apologize.

Cecilia was a little surprised, but her eyes were caught by the words below.

"Ex-girlfriend? Things that Muen Campbell and Ariel Bugard had to say before entering the academy!"

"Worse than beasts! They actually have a child!"

"She is cheating on thirteen people, and the dreadnought-class battleship is her?"


Exaggerated rhetoric.

Bluffing words.

Not credible at all.

If it were the old Cecilia, she would at most glance at it a few times and then look away, and would not waste her precious time on it.

But for some reason, this time, she was patient enough to read the contents of the newspaper word by word.

After the hateful scumbag Moon Campbell played with poor Ariel Bugar's feelings three times, and made her have five abortions, commit suicide seven times, and was almost killed nine times by a passing carriage due to an incurable disease...

Cecilia found a line of very small words at the end of the newspaper, which could not be found if you didn't look carefully.

——"The above is only the subjective speculation of the news agency, which is for your amusement and does not represent the real situation."

So, the first ray of morning sun passed over the treetops and just fell on Cecilia's cold face, making her eyebrows and eyes slightly relaxed.

But immediately, her eyes were slightly cold.

"What do you think? That Moon Campbell is a complete scumbag."

Weier came over and said indignantly.


Cecilia retracted her gaze and sighed.

She rolled up the newspaper and gently hit Wei'er on the head.

"Read less of these in the future, you will become stupid."

ps: The group number is pinned in the comment area, and those who are interested can come and play.

7. Pink Bear and the First Class (10,000-word chapter, including extra chapters)

After the morning run, Mu En returned to the dormitory.

At this time, the whole dormitory area seemed to wake up, and noisy voices continued to sound.

Mu En returned to the room and took a cold shower.

The cold water stimulated the skin, washed away the sweat stains, and also invigorated the spirit.

After taking a shower, Mu En looked at himself in the mirror with a refreshed face, touched his chin and exclaimed.

"Well, perfect."

"Still as handsome and hipster."

Although it is difficult to change appearance in a short period of time, Mu En feels that the difference in mental outlook can still make others have a slight difference in his perception of him.

He must change his image in the eyes of others as soon as possible, otherwise everyone who sees him will be shocked as if this person is possessed by an evil god, which is really enough.

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