

The opening ceremony is about to begin.

Mu En arrived a few minutes early and followed the instructions to the second grade seat.

Almost half of the people have arrived.

Mu En found a relatively empty seat and sat down.

In the original book, because of his status and personality, Mu En Campbell had basically no good relationship with classmates in the college except for those "lackeys".

So no one greeted him now.

But Mu En could feel that many eyes stayed on him, and those curious eyes were like looking at rare giant pandas.


Mu En looked around.

Many students saw him turn his head and quickly looked away, but Mu En still felt that the many eyes sticking to him were like sticky candy, and he couldn't get rid of them.

"Although I am indeed a celebrity in the college, I shouldn't be so eye-catching."

"Could it be that... my apology yesterday worked?"

Mu En stretched out his hand and hit his palm, and suddenly realized.

It seems that his apology to Ariel has spread.

"So...they keep looking at me because they are curious whether I have really changed my ways."

"In that case, I have to show myself."

"This is a good opportunity to improve my image in the eyes of others, I can't let it go."

Mu En was secretly happy, and quickly straightened his waist, revealing a smile that he thought was perfect.

Coupled with his naturally handsome face, his charm value was directly maxed out. Many girls in the first-grade area have noticed this side and screamed like crazy.

But in other areas...

"Oh no, Mu En Campbell is looking at me, look away quickly..."

"Huh? He smiled, he smiled at me, it's over, he must be interested in me."

"Da mea, da mea, I don't want him to have thirteen boats at the same time, I will be sunk by the dreadnought-class battleship!"

Whispers like this at this moment kept circulating among the girls.

Unfortunately, it was too far away, and Mu En couldn't hear it.

And closer to those girls...

"Damn, those gossipers, who are you talking about?!"

Ariel was furious when she heard these words, and she wanted to rush over and tear the mouths of those gossiping girls to pieces.

"No, Ariel, calm down. This is the auditorium. If you fight here, it will be a big problem."

Liya hugged Ariel's slender waist and tried her best to stop her:

"And even if your chest is flatter, harder, and your fighting power is stronger, the dreadnought-class battleship may not be talking about you!"


"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Whose side are you on, you gossipy little bitch!"

"Wow, no, Ariel, stop scratching, the ceremony has begun, haha, the ceremony has begun."


The sharp noise of the magic loudspeaker interrupted the girl's playfulness.

On the large podium in the auditorium, the pink bear-shaped doll patted the magic megaphone in his hand and said tentatively:

"Hello, hello - can you hear me? Can you hear me? Very good, it seems that I can hear you."


Mu En also looked up at the funny pink bear-shaped doll on the podium that was out of tune with the atmosphere of the auditorium.

"Is it invited to open the ceremony to liven up the atmosphere?"

In an occasion like the opening ceremony, someone was specially invited to wear a doll suit to liven up the atmosphere. It seems that the top management of the college is not as old-fashioned as I imagined.

"Then... can you please go back to where you should sit and sit quietly?"

The pink bear-shaped doll made a lazy voice like an unemployed middle-aged man, but when his voice spread to the entire auditorium, it seemed that an invisible rule took effect, and all the students returned to their seats at the same time. The entire huge auditorium that could accommodate thousands of people was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"Well, it seems that the students are very well behaved."

The pink bear-shaped doll nodded with satisfaction.

"In that case, I won't waste the students' time. I'll just briefly introduce myself."

"My name is Pink Bear."

"I'm your new dean."

Oh, it's the dean.

The role played by this pink bear is quite funny. It almost made me laugh...

Wait, who did he say he was?

Mu En suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the podium in shock.


This funny pink bear said he was the dean?

That's not right!

In the original book, wasn't the dean of St. Mary's College a mature young woman with big breasts and a good figure, wearing a deep V professional suit that would reveal a little bra lace, and black suspender stockings, and patrolling the college in ten-centimeter high heels?

Since the description of the original book is extremely astringent...no, it is extremely fascinating, so Mu En still has great expectations.

After all, the original owner fell asleep at the opening ceremony last time, and didn't know what the dean looked like at all.

But how come not only is the young woman gone, but she is also replaced by a funny pink bear that makes people lose all desire to explore?

After unboxing, not only is the product wrong, but even the type is completely different!

What I want is a lifelike and realistic young lady, but what you sent is a plush toy bear?

The plush toy bear is very cute, but it can't satisfy my desire... my expectation!

The students in the audience finally reacted at this moment, and exclaimed that they almost overturned the roof of the entire lecture hall.

It seems that they are not very tolerant of a mature young woman suddenly turning into a teddy bear.


The pink bear coughed slightly.

The sound was not loud, but it instantly overwhelmed the noise of the entire auditorium.

"I know that all the students are very dissatisfied. Indeed, there is a big gap between the beautiful and frozen mature young woman and my cute pink bear.

However, I have no choice. Your Dean Hathaway was temporarily transferred by the superiors for some reason and has to complete other tasks. Therefore, I can only temporarily take over the position of dean.

I know that many students are extremely dissatisfied with this matter, but——"

The pink bear's mouth suddenly opened wide, and then from the darkness where nothing could be seen, his arms, which had always been thick and powerful, with thick hair, poked out.

He slowly straightened his arm and then pointed his middle finger at everyone.

"Both management and labor don't want to be this dean, you bastard, it's so troublesome!"

The pink bear roared in a low voice.

"If you have any problems, just go to the boss! I'm just a migrant worker who had no choice but to be picked up to take over the job! I was basking in the sun on a beach full of beautiful women and looking at my thighs, when I was suddenly pulled over to be used as a hospital. "Chief, I was sternly warned not to do anything to female students. Do you think labor and management are willing?"

"No, labor and management are unwilling. There is no point in being a dean who can't take action against lively and cute female students!"


With the roar of the pink bear, the entire auditorium fell silent again.

Even Mu En opened her mouth unconsciously, almost able to swallow a goose egg.

I take it back, this pink bear is not cute at all.

"Tch, are they really just a bunch of boring brats?"

As if he had vented his emotions enough, the pink bear retracted his hand and continued to say in a weak and lazy voice:

"Okay, that's all. I don't have anything to say, I just want to say hello to you.

So... then, let me first wish all my classmates a happy end of term.

that is it. "

After saying that, the pink bear threw away the magic loudspeaker and left with a staggering step that did not recognize her relatives.

As he walked, he still seemed very unhappy and kicked away the tea cup with wolfberry soaking beside him.

A middle-aged teacher next to him dared not speak out in anger.

"Oh, it's your turn, little Celcia~"

Behind the scenes, Pink Bear seemed to be a different person, flattering Celecia with a pinched voice.

"Are you nervous? Do you want to rest a little longer? It doesn't matter if you let those useless students wait a little longer."

"Father, they would actually send you to temporarily manage the academy."

Celecia looked at the pink bear, with a hint of confusion in her cold eyes.

"Aren't they afraid that you might actually cause some trouble?"

"Trouble? Can I cause real trouble?"

Pink Bear looked innocent and said, "I've always loved peace, okay?"

"..." Celcia's eyes gradually turned cold.

"Okay, okay, I swear I won't cause trouble. Don't worry, little Celcia!"

Pink Bear raised his hands in surrender: "Oh, don't look at me like you're looking at trash, I'll be happy...I'll be sad."

"……so what?"

Ignoring the outrageous content behind the pink bear's mouth, Celicia asked:

"What terrible thing happened that allowed Dean Hathaway to temporarily leave the college she loves so much?"

"Haha, it's nothing."

The pink bear twisted her thick "little waist" and said shyly:

"Maybe she went out to have a private meeting with her little lover."

"Pledge of silence?"

Celcia's eyes flickered.

"Then I probably have an idea of ​​what's going on."

A strong man of Pink Bear's level could only remain silent, unable to disclose the relevant content at all, and could only make an oath of silence sworn in the name of the gods.

Combined with Dean Hathaway's research direction, it is not difficult to guess what happened.

"Evil God?"

Celecia murmured softly, stopped wasting time on the pink bear, turned and walked towards the podium.

Next it was time for her, the student council president, to speak.

"Oh my, you are indeed little Celcia. It's really hard to deceive her."

Watching Celcia's leaving back, the pink bear once again stretched out a hand from its "mouth" and scratched its head helplessly.

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